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 No.138676[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread was on .org when it split from bunkerchan, and it seemed to help. Lots of people just check and see nothing they want to respond to, well you have to respond to this (it says so in the subject field) so you will always make at least one post when you visit.
Consider it the random thread of /b/, the most random of all spork wielding penguins of doom
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Entertain God and your ass will follow


>the site is slow but the staff said they're aiming for higher quality posts!
>the posts:


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Save this 4 r9k uyghur faggot


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 No.154432[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>fellow blacks and browns welcomed
>NOT a wignat thread
>NOT a /pol/ thread
>pro cattle-breeding whites
>pro bleaching latin america, africa, and MENA
>pro germanification of latin america, africa, and MENA
>pro skandi-ification of latin america, africa, and MENA
>manosphere friendly
>robot friendly
>special-need friendly
>autist of any collor welcome
if everybody just fucks people with rare phenotypes like white skin or red hair then the gene pool will include more of those recessive genes in it. Sure everybody says recessive genes never show up if you have brown kids but who cares? The genes are still present and will eventually show up again, next time probably with more genetic variation in the DNA sequences to make them less recessive or sum.
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I am having oreos for breakfast tomorrow and there's literally nothing you can do about it.


glowies probably only come here for laughs.
They probably would put childblock on their WiFi services to prevent their children from becoming as pathetic as them.


That guy is wasting his genetics on an ugly ass gook instead of a High Tier Becky or Stacy. Over for his son.


>all of this race-cringed faggotry is unironically being drawn by & 4 actual shitskins with inherent inferiority fetish.
I fucking h8 uyghurs.

Yeah it's so bad 4 him bro, good 4 u 2 intervene on his part.

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because fuck doctors

post herbal medicines, potent treatments, any useful guides in self-healthcare
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I realized that men never really age. We always have energy to mess around and joke around, but when you get married and your wife, a female, ages a lot quicker and worse than you, you simply cannot be so youthful around her. When you are so full of energy around her, things are not going to work out. So most men subconsciously start acting "mature" aka boring and dull to match the wife.

A man's skin is thicker and denser in collagen. Assuming both a man and a girl is over age 25, a girl the same age as a man will look 15 years older. So imagine you are married at 35 and your wife looks 50. That is going to drain your youth cause you are going to think you are a lot older when the person you spend all your time with looks 50.


why are you referring to adult females as girls?

Also womem age faster due to pregnancy-related hormones.
Remmeber they have to carry the baby not you.


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>A E S T H E T I C S of the jab… le bad
There would literally be nothing wrong with these images, if the vaccines themselves weren't shady as fuck. With information being quarantined and the insane counternarratives that were being propped up, you can't portray everyone who went with this option as sheeple. This is the ideology that made 'murrica distribute doses to convenience stores, where they expired within days. Under communism you WILL be centrally vaccinated with sufficiently tested and low-risk vaccines.


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But you have to keep in mind I'm some antisocial chud. I don't mind being by myself, but that's most likely not your case. And if you adopt too rigid standards in circa 2024 there's a big chance that's going to happen.

My thoughts are that used goods are icky. The intimacy they shared with other men can't be shared, and they don't have anything they can give just to you to set you apart from the rest.

I'll say in the general terms, your instincts are right to see these as red flags. Dont let anyone gaslight you, how you feel is right and exists for a reason. All in all I say just bee yourself and follow your heart etc etc
nobodys perfect.

Anything else is delusion.
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Theres no need to panic - right???


My incel is probably showing but I'm not convinced a virgin woman above age 20 exists

And I'm being brutally generous with 20


incels are retarded and annoying waste of space


They do exist but you wouldnt know.

It depends on what ypu mean by incel.


Men do the same to women.
Imo, sex and romance are selfish.
Youre never appreciated as you are.
Youre only seen as scientific subject profiles.

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will never happen
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Herpa derpa nothing bad will ever happen because some countries whose problems I'm too stupid to accurately analyze haven't totally imploded yet. I base my projection of global events on the status of two states without any meaningful imperial activity rather than looking at conflicts between world powers competing for economic influence. Because World War I was started by Haiti, right?


I hope every country on this planet has a civil war.


T. watched too many apocalyptic movies


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You dont know shit shut up

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Travelling is a pastime invented by Whites. Non-whites (90% of them) have no concept of travel. We have no history of travel.So many people out there say they love traveling and will happily tell you about all the places they been to and sights they’ve seen and where they want to go to next. It’s also one of the first things people say they would do if they had more time and money.

But traveling sucks. It’s expensive and tedious. You have to pack, organise a passport, deal with airports, security and there’s just so much waiting! And that’s if everything goes to plan and to schedule. Things can easily get canceled or postponed. Then you’ve got jet lag to deal with, different currencies, language barriers, etc.

Even if you’re not going overseas/flying it’s not like road tripping is any better. Sitting in a car for hours on end just plain sucks.

And don’t think I’m only hating on the actual transport, being away from home sucks too. Whether you’re staying in a hotel or an Airbnb or camping or whatever, you’re away from home and all your things; you’re own bed, your own room, your pets, all your other bits and pieces that make your home your own.

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collectivise the means of reproduction. The traditional solution where you could marry at most one person at a time solved everything at once. it paired people off to similar smv rank. this meant while unattractive males would get unattractive females which is a slight loss, but they would get to reproduce which is 99% of the value anyway. i rather have an incel takeover where the rankings are shifted. Ultimately normies are inherently immoral and instead of pretending to have some moral value to shift power from them, might as well just be a villain from the get go and focus on ripping away all their power.
This is the only type of marxism that I support. Redistributing (virgin) women to men so that all men who desire have an equal access to a partner is a moral imperative. Until cloning is cheap, we should have state assigned girlfriends.

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As a black, at least our skin doesnt crack from the sun.
And SEAs make exceptionally good food and televisual arts.


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>at least our skin doesnt crack from the sun.


Just Thai and Vietnamese
Literal burn victim.


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They are dysgenic


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>this site is slower so we can have higher quality posts!
>the posts:


i watched her uncensored scene, her asshole looks ugly


Pics or GTFO


you havent demonstrated empirically that i need to get out if i don't post pics


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You cannot simply buy the majority of women. Which should be a relief to some of you.

So yeah maybe 1 out 3 women are gold diggers or whores, but that means 2 out of 3 aernt.

In other words nice girls outnumber whores and gold diggers 2 to 1.

And no matter how much money exists, womens sex drive is really amazing at sniffing out good genes it's very primal. Looks actually matter to women way more than men think.
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>post diameter faggo
Cock or wrist? - not like there's much difference


>So yeah maybe 1 out 3 women are gold diggers or whores, but that means 2 out of 3 aernt.


Rapemaxx is the only way.


no rape


faggot talks like a faggot.

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post serious dating advice about older women

I would rather have my sexual experiences be with someone around much older.
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It is quite disturbing. just want a serious relationship


nobody knows how to sustain one.

Society sells relationships as a consumer service for adults.

Notice how age obsessed people are in dating?
"Teen love is shallow" yet wveryone over 18 seems to desire relationships as some trophy to show off to peoppe.

Adult love seems more concerned with playing God


If you want a chance of finding your perfect someone, you need to eliminate the competition by encouraging them to go after roasties so you can keep the untainted for yourself. however you shouldn't be spreading it to anyone other than your close friends as it will pollute the pool of men looking for pure women.


>implying hos give a damn about their peers & don't always seek older fags to ride
>implying older hos dont suddenly try 2 fuck anyone, yonger fags included.
Bitch, are you still in preschool or smfn? Even 10 yo hos chase faggots from highschool what are you on about?


How to stop being attracted to moms and mombods?

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