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Given everything in life revolves around physical & genetic survival, isn't it important that we actually start talking about the importance of achieving equality of outcomes that highly depend on genetic variance? The obvious ones I can think of is reproduction, because ugly physically unattractive men that can't change their appearance are literally treated like scum by society and all political factions.
>get lost incel
no. Given that reproduction is literally the only known way to Life to cheat death, being denied this is as worse as murder. I think I truly believe BIOLENINISM is the only solution to this.


>The obvious ones I can think of is reproduction, because ugly physically unattractive men that can't change their appearance are literally treated like scum by society and all political factions.
Gen X guys were ugly and they had lots of kids.


>Gen X guys were ugly and they had lots of kids.
Pics or GTFO


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Gen X guys and gals were ugly because of the godawful punk/hip-hop fashion.
Mullets, high-top fades, long-sleeve shirts with shorts with sneakers, baggy clothes, neon colored hair, etc.

This guy isnt ugly. His fashion semse is too casual.
And hes big.

But the real problem with Gen X is that they normalised mediocrity in youth. They made it common for youngsters to be awkward, nihilistic, unworldly, etc.

Millennials got their self-castrative streak from their snarkiness.

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1. The Munsters
2. House of 1,000 Corpses
3. None of the rest, these 2 are the only good ones.

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It might not even be a bot but a garden-variety loon
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org r fags


Too many troons and cookie cutter porno addicts.


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Those who do not move, do not notice their chains


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>It's a free country
Wanna go out of town this weekend?
>Nah I got work


I mean LOL!!

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>Hates children

>Thinks babies are parasites
>Hates white people even though they make up 90% of their group
>Hates humanity's progress
>Hates when fertility rates increase
>Thinks the world is overpopulated, thinks people need to die.




fake couch-fucker


the same could be said for modern rightism with the exception for hatred of whites


did Marx do those things?

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am I imagining it, or is the eyes glowing meme originally from /leftypol/s nazbol meme?

crazy to see how this shit was spammed by biden supporters, and now retarded reactionaries

heres an example from '17


It doesnt scare me
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>infant mortality


>just came out of a pussy


Oh, I was thinking, like… grown men, you know. My bad.


Paying makes it incredibly easy. You'll wonder why women spend so much time gatekeeping it when they let you do almost whatever for $200


Only people born by caesarian section or died in the womb are true virgins, never entered or exited a pussy.

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School and prison are the same. In both places you are stripped of your freedom and dignity. You are told exactly what you must do, and you are punished for failing to comply. Actually, in school you must spend more time doing exactly what you are told to do than is true in adult prisons, so in that sense school is worse than prison
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society is oriented around working and eating and shopping, 3 things americans need to do much, much less of


"Crotical thinking" is just a meme thrown around to jusyify locking up kids for a few extra years.
In fact I think alot of things should be taught earlier in life.

Computer literacy especially.


Youre also forgettng watching TV/movies


Not only is school prison I think real life has come to reflect the drab boringness of the prison construct. Every architectural design choice in modern society looks like it was hand crafted by the pixies ceos from the fairly odd parents so that's its as boring and unintrusive as possible. It's all just monotone boring colors next to Grey back drops. Just like prison.


what is an example of architecture than u like, can u link a photo?

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The failing Biden pier
it keeps failing folks
they can't keep it floating, at high tide it goes sploosh! under the waves
I tell you what folks, if the failing Biden pier was any more of a catastrophe John Cameron would go and he would have to make a movie about it
John Cameron would make a movie about it, it would be a big Hollywood blockbuster,
nobody makes big Hollywood blockbusters anymore, have you noticed that?
Nobody except John Cameron, and he would make it and it would be DELIGHTFUL unlike the failing Biden pier which isn't delightful and keeps sinking.

The failing Biden pier. They're calling it the 8kun of the sea, it's had so much downtime. It's unbelievable, folks.
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I mean, the DNC (by way of Obama iirc) did conspire to get Biden the nomination in 2020, and they did oppose any challengers in the primary this year. The system with super delegates makes any challenge to the DNC's favorite very difficult - Trump won in a much more fair contest, which is part of why there was a brief moment where DeSantis was treated as though he had a real shot… he didn't and he never would, he's an annoying little midget, but he was at least given a fair shot. The DNC is much less open, which is why the biggest tangible Biden opposition was "undecided."

Biden exists to be a foil for Trump.
That's it.
Trump was supposed to lose and do a clownish, failed coup in 2020, too. The idea was to set a precedent for suspension and disregard of the democratic process if Trump ran again in 2024, which is also why the powers-that-be have done nothing to actually stop him from doing so despite him getting caught trying to cheat the last time. People who have studied history have done their best to arrange political conditions which resemble both the 1968 election & the rise of Hitler, all condensed into a much shorter span of time, with certain steps (like privatization, AKA the removal of organs of state from democratic accountability) taking place in advance.

The same interests (particularly AIPAC and the MIC, but also landlords, a group of whom Trump is a member) are funding both the DNC & GOP, and effectively dictating a great deal of their actions. This has been a long game, and AIPAC, which represents a fascist* ethnostate which would genuinely get more out of the US as a full-on puppet dictatorship, a project which elements in the MIC are also keen on because this project is very good for selling munitions. Studies have shown that money, whose flow to politics has been practically limitless since "Citizens United," effectively dictates outcomes of elections, meaning that AIPAC and similar lobbying groups have, over the years, bought the jobs of most of congress for them, selecting right-wing candidates and pushing America's elections to yield results which are to the right of the electorate by running unadulterated propaganda and ops to suppress or increase turnout among target demogPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


> I mean, the DNC (by way of Obama iirc) did conspire to get Biden the nomination in 2020, and they did oppose any challengers in the primary this year. The system with super delegates makes any challenge to the DNC's favorite very difficult - Trump won in a much more fair contest, which is part of why there was a brief moment where DeSantis was treated as though he had a real shot… he didn't and he never would, he's an annoying little midget, but he was at least given a fair shot. The DNC is much less open, which is why the biggest tangible Biden opposition was "undecided."

After the DNC rules change diminishing superdelegate influence, blaming "muh DNC" for how shit left candidates in the Dem Party are is a major cope. Dems preferred Clinton and Biden to Sanders both times. Was generous of them to even allow Sanders to run in their party. Almost no small party with a national structure allows semi-hostile infiltrators like that.


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>Dems preferred Clinton to Sanders
Get the fuck out of here with this revisionism.


>cites a rule change from 2018 (which didn't eliminate super delegates) as proof that Clinton won fair-and-square in 2016
You see, folks?
This is called a bad faith argument.

And yeah, the DNC does, clearly, actively sabotage and undermine any candidate who attempts to run from the left - this I won't contest. See Bowman, recently - great example. Ultimately, Hillary Clinton endorsing ol' lazy eye probably did relatively little compared to the insane amount of money spent, but it was still quite clear which horse the DNC was getting behind, and it wasn't the incumbent. When you win an election and your own party is going around calling you an anti-semite, that's not great!
It's not that I particularly like any of these guys who try to make this pact with the DNC, but nobody can claim they aren't absolutely ratfucking the vast majority of 'progressive' candidates to appease their donor base. If they thought that doing this stuff did nothing, they wouldn't bother doing it. It doesn't matter even if you're a loyal Dem who's just left of Reagan, they'll treat you like a traitor.


keep whining, there was more than enough room for anyone to get enough binding delegates to take the nomination away from Biden this year. I'm sorry if there were no options on your ballot, but both Williamson and Dean were on the majority of state ballots and either could have accumulated enough binding delegates. After securing enough binding delegates, it's over and you win.

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