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This is correct though. The person puts class struggle first, and says more people should read theory. In a pile of absolutely CIApilled takes that one is the only good one.


It's all feds you fucking schizo. Who else profits by slamming uyghurs back into the ghetto th@ is an identity?


They are the actual fucking leftists you fucking closet succdam, cope some more cuck.




>are the actual fucking leftists
They're liberals. They haven't read theory. One of them said they're not even an anarkiddy anymore.

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Are images good for you?


That one's good for muh dick

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I would unironically rather be friends with a lolicon (weird) than anyone self-identifying as an incel (idpol).
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> pedophiles are trying to appropriate lolicon


>Then people who draw gore should be labelled as potential serial killers.
anyone drawing a stick figure shooting another should be pre-emptively executed for social protection


>translated language semantics = logic
you're acting real sexy right now, kiddo

my waifu was drawn by japanese artists when she was 10 and she suffers lifelong trauma as a result. now she cries like a bitch whenever I try to have sex with her :(


>what is context
uyghur please


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>BAWWWW GET has loli!
<meanwhile, this very board has a porn thread with a preteen loli OP and loli images up for 3 years with over a hundred replies, including moderators
You best start believing in loli boards, anon. You're on one.

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SEXPAT refers to the practice of traveling to foreign countries, often on a different continent, with the intention of engaging in sexual activity or relationships in exchange for money or lifestyle support. This practice predominantly operates in countries where sex work is legal.
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>bro it's hecking immoral cause they're financially unequal bro
who cares? It's not fair that I can't score in the west.


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Hood classic


>Without the makeup they're probably looks matched.


100% open relationship


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You underestimate how ugly some of these women are without make-up and filters. South Asian women are quite repulsive in general.

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Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed… why is the covid vaccine killing healthy young people? The covid vaccine causes turbo-cancer, rapid cancer growth that kills you fast, because the vaccine destroys your immune system.

Malachi Rios, 18 years old:

Hot white woman, age 33:

Hot 25 year old white girl:

30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Keep spreading the truth!
"We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination."


>9 deaths
>in the entire world
>wtf is this a trend???


Again, covid was mostly fake.

This was obvious to millions of people who saw no sign of it, had a three day cold, saw no signs of people dying and etc. Trump was dismissive of covid because it wasn't actually a real threat. Meanwhile, the media kept talking about "Waves" of covid and saying you can't see grandma without killing her, etc. So, Trump was speaking honestly and sheltered people and the illogical were responding to the media about covid, not real life.




Fuck outta here with this fake shit.

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I hate you people. look what you've done.


It's not my fault the Hitler edgelord to Stalin pipeline broke!


Marx failed to consider strasserist femboys. It's over.


The reason people look down on the person in the video is becauese society looks down on youthful males who deviate from the conventional aesthetic standard. Males aren't allowed to experiment with skirts and dresses, even though it was accpetable before the industrial revolution. Furthermore people ridicule youthful males that deviate from the two party system, experimenting with different political labels, trying to make ssense out of the political confusion that arises from American politics (COINTELPRO, MKULTRA, Harley Pasternak, etc.). Young males are seen as pets that they have to put up with, they get metaphorically and literally neutered. Meanwhile young females get adoration and worship.


>lets destroy the machines so that we can be gay
average anarkkkist analysis

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Material explanation for the rise in transgender mass shooters?
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As an autist, I can wholeheartedly agree. Alot of our radical politics nowadays are populated by autists or autist-like folks.
Ans theyre not all male


Killing autistic people is a eugenical stance and therefor not leftist


nobody suggested that.
But I dont think its wise to allow autistics to breed.


Having long hair isn't the same as being trans, dumbass.

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What have YOU been doing for the last 8 months, anon
>Nm just chillin with the boys


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Fuck this place



(he never got a reply)

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Go back m00dy troon.
.org is a cult.


it's over


>former members like Austin say they were victims of a coercive club that dictated
>where members could work,
>whom they could date,
>where they could live,
>and how they could behave,
>while meting out draconian punishments on members who disobeyed.
<g-g-goys, isn't participating in a retardical political group just a lifestylism h-haha?…

They should've been shot, all of them. Mautists are now cringe even in this regard too, wtf


>vanguardoids suddenly """found out""" they were in an ML cult
gee, who could've seen this coming lol

every couple of years somewhere out there an ex-trot/mautist/hoxaist/etc writes another "I was in a cult" blogpost


>Some former members, however, have dropped off the political map. Many are women, said the former associate who’d written for the Red Guards’ news site.

>“Basically all women that I knew from those times, regardless of which [front] group they were in, they’ve pretty much all gone no-contact,” she said.

>“They’ve shut off their email. They’re not reachable.

What is the explanation?

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1 have kuz buy it


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is Kuz a real oigha?

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