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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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Honestly? Just quit this place.

I'm serious. Just quit this place. /leftypol/ is basically a board for ideologically incoherent incels and schizos who take pride in how abrasive and alienating they are. Most of the userbase here aren't really communists, socialists or anarchists in any meaningful sense, they're just illiterate losers who wanna LARP on the internet as Tim Curry in Command and Conquer while wondering while they aren't getting sex.

So, give 'em what they want, and leave them with a dead board because nobody wants to talk to them. I went nearly a month without posting here, and when I came back, the quality of posting managed to get even worse.

Rest of you wanna know why this place is dying? Look in them mirror. Nobody wants to put up with abrasive schizoposters when they can have an actual conversation somewhere else.


Also I'm trans btw if that matters


That is elder abuse.


Our resident schizoposter has decided to become a namefag recently, so it's easier than ever to completely ignore their posts.


Don't be a bully


incels are the best thing about this place

go back to your bluepillpol


as soon as you go back to ukraine




Where are you gonna go?
>inb4 real life touch grass
I already do.


Demoralisation thread


ukraine is doing fine without me lol

but you should go to russkia, they seem to be having some problems in belgorod


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>trying to sound like I'm not seething and coping
It's gonna be okay anon.


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This isn't leftypol tho???


Deranged incels are unironically better @ grasping the actual reality & by length the history of it than any shitty commiesucc leftard who is, of course, completely content with the society as it is & for whom it is all but joking party roleplay with their social brethren, all of which doesn't have any actual intent or meaning.

post pussy.


>Nobody wants to put up with abrasive schizoposters when they can have an actual conversation somewhere else.

The entire rest of the internet aims for this coveted "actual conversation". I'm here for fun silly internet talk


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but i get banned elsewhere


OP may have been right.. it's obah…




what models did you use to make this


The IRL left doesn't even surpass 40 people most states. I'm appreciative there's at least a nominal safe haven for us to chat. That said, this board is braindead, but it's more tolerable than others.


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About quit this place, thanks OP.

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