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New bop just dropped
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what does this poster mean?


Rupert Murdoch owns Fox


Right, and he also owns TalkTV, which is what Piers Morgan's show airs on.


And conservatives think Piers Morgan is a progressive liberal for suggesting gun control


Rupert Murdoch is an Australian Jew who emigrated to NYC to found an official right wing news media corporation.

Ted Turner was a white Anglo Saxon Protestant from the American South who founded CNN, which became known as the default progressive news channel

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What do you think of her recent endorsement of Kamala Harris? Will it be a game changer?
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Only 49 percent of young male VOTERS, not as a whole.


>49% of males ages 18-29 turned out to vote for trump
You're telling me the men who have to actually go out and fight the hypothetical wars are on the side of the anti-war candidate? That's weird.


Trump isnt really antiwar.
Hes just a wild card

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u lost


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I lost? What did I loose?
I hope it isn't my super collectable adventure panties.


nah i doubt u lost that fam
it was the rare autocrat agitprop collector cards

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 No.11701[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


You will never have your ethnostate
You will never have that race war
You will never have a tradwife gf
You will never lose your virginity
You will never have a chin
You will never bed a woman
You will never be a man
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We the people, reserve the god given right to beat our meat, and manifesty booty. We reserve the right to bare penises in hand against the United Dicks of America dildoment. Under no law, shall we be taxed with no jacking off against our consent, with the exception of November. Under no law, shall we be denied the right to fuck a consenting partner. Under no law, shall the CEO of sex discriminate upon gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, political affairs, lifestyle, origin of heritage, or age, with the exception of individuals under the age of 18. The people also have the right to terminate and replace the dildoment at will, and the people reserve the right to vote for the fuckisdent of the United Dicks of America


Honestly? Just quit this place.

I'm serious. Just quit this place. /leftypol/ is basically a board for ideologically incoherent incels and schizos who take pride in how abrasive and alienating they are. Most of the userbase here aren't really communists, socialists or anarchists in any meaningful sense, they're just illiterate losers who wanna LARP on the internet as Tim Curry in Command and Conquer while wondering while they aren't getting sex.

So, give 'em what they want, and leave them with a dead board because nobody wants to talk to them. I went nearly a month without posting here, and when I came back, the quality of posting managed to get even worse.

Rest of you wanna know why this place is dying? Look in them mirror. Nobody wants to put up with abrasive schizoposters when they can have an actual conversation somewhere else.


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I imagine myself in Kuban, leading our Platoon. Our mission is to stop wh*Te súki from advancing. We mow down wh*Te súki but they keep coming. I shoot wh*Te súki but I run out of ammo so I draw my bayonet and begin slaughtering wh*Tes, since degenerate bourgeois wh*Tes are way more psychially inferior to proletarian me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, We kept fighting. Then shot again and again. wh*Tes were shooting me from imperialists supplied machineguns like their bljádi they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see LENIN (Marxism) smirking at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in Die sozialistische Weltrepublik, our kingdom come. Our RED brethen gave me a warm welcome to communism. We finally made it, We finally made it into communism…


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I was visiting Russia just minding my own business when I somehow accidentally stumbled upon Putin’s secret headquarters.Suprised to find no one,I tippy toed around Putin’s room,finding a bunch of MAGA and Soviet memorabilia including secret documents and conversations he had with Donald ,including a massive threesome he would have with supreme leader Kim.I was appalled,how could this be? Were the liberals right all along?!! Then I gasped,I stumbled upon this massive computer,with giant monitors all displaying u.s media outlets and election polls,and then,there it was ,a massive red button that said “VOTE TRUMP” ,I gasped,how could this be?So curiously I pressed it,then again,then again,It wasn’t until I realized I just accidentally voted for Donald trump 5 TIMES. It’s joever,Donald trump is gonna win and Putin is going to nuke Ukraine and starve them with his comically large spoon.America is going to turn fascist and girlboss Kamala won’t get to be the first black female genocider.Im sorry comrades this is mine and Putin’s fault.

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America has zero, I repeat, ZERO revolutionary potential.
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Communism would be impossible in a nonwhite country


Yeah, white people would come and fuck it up.


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Idk about USA but right above in Canada I think there is very little revolutionary potential. Every protest *must* be non-violent even after they repeatedly demonstrate that these nonviolent protests do absolutely fuck-all.

But the protestors are actually based, let me tell you an anecdote about individualism, and you will see why given enough people like that you can't have any revolutionary potential in a country. Also I just want to vent.

My buddy was longboarding down a fairly busy sidewalk. Of course his #1 priority is to not hit anyone. Some guy sticks his elbow out on purpose instead of giving him room to pass, so as he gets swiped he gave him a weak tap to the face, definitely not enough to do any damage other than to a tit-for-tat swipe.

This guy starts following my buddy yelling about he just hit him. And as he's shouting he gets his phone out and says he's going to call the cops. At that point I catch up and ask the guy if he would like some more hits to his face, because I'm just going to side with my buddy without really knowing what's going on. I was actually about to smack the dudes phone out of his hands or smack him but my buddy was already busy leaving so I we just left. I was so angry at that type of person though: they are simultaneously putting their hands on someone (being violent), lying about what happened, and they're a coward because they immediately wanted to snitch to the cops.

I kind of regret not physically causing this man harm but I would have probably gotten in trouble at that point because there would be people with their phones out.

Still what does this have to do with revolutionary potential? This type of person that I described is the hyper-individualistic liberal. They genuinely think they are morally correct even when they start shit, or also commonly when they say something rude (usually to a minority), and when they get clapped back for it they start acting all offended: see they have zero regard for other people and if that other is a minority they aren't even a person to them, so they get offended when they get the same treatment back.

There is no hope for working with someone like this. They will never listen to reason because when you talk to them about socialism they will tell lies in order to win the argument.

There are enough people in Canada that are exactly like this, that in a crisis will be absolutely useless. And they outnumber people who actPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


We have alot moreof thoe in America


Yes. See Kanye West AKA Ye who is figuring out a way beyond the two-party system. Furthermore Jill Stein and other third party candidates and the lackluster/negative reception of the two-party candidates. Pre-1917 Russia wasn't perfext either.

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I dont know why guys get mad at foreign powers interfering in marxists states when it is a stated goal of marxism to bring about a world revolution. They are just acting in their own interest.


Who said they get mad? We understand that. Right wingers are so dumb they always base everything of emotions


No, NO, YOU do. Lefties are all feels over reals and that's why they don't believe in the truth of jesus and faith


Ovious troll is obvious. SAGE


Shut up faggot go pretend to be an sjw on 4chan


the reason why is because of Edward Said's Orientalism being programmed into the minds, the scary foreign Other

also read Foucault

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If you could have three of any super powers, what would you have?




this thread post gets me a "kys", yet the certain other threads do not? why is that?

i jusr wnted to make fun post to have fun with ppl..


The superhero dream Is essentially fascism. Fascism is that dog-eat-dog strength of the individual above all. So for those who dislike the trope of the übermensch, the trope of the superhero matches it a little too well.


Matter and energy manipulation


1. big dick
2. money
3. white skin

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Would you guys rather have a harem of men/mtfs who look exactly like women except on the genitals part or a harem of AFABs who look and sound like Hulk Hogan but with killer pussies
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Hulk "Sheman" Hogan


that makes no fucking sense.

Cis is the birth setting.
Trans is the artificial


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I would rather have a harem of anime girls.


if the masculine hunk-ladies in question look like these hotties, I would definitely smash




My Borindigga just got yonger, the apocalypse ist near…





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