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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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File: 1708368914226.png ( 57.58 KB , 183x255 , ClipboardImage.png )


I got this very rare alunya card today anyone willing to trade it


why is she so perfect?


File: 1708369600534.png ( 857.47 KB , 745x1040 , Chud.png )

i also found this one


Make it BIGGER Gawd


File: 1708370719332.png ( 329.55 KB , 745x1040 , AlunyaDEITY.png )





File: 1708371065713.png ( 957.5 KB , 745x1040 , Applechud.png )

i have too much free time


File: 1708371080017.png ( 44.71 KB , 250x250 , ClipboardImage (15).png )

Hello TradeGOD


Ok fine but make more cards if you wanna do something here


MEDS there was never anything


I'm not taking my meds


i didnt knw you actually used leftychan


I don't lel I just found your thread after the raid


/trade/ is going to otherboards aswell since soyteens are speging hard right now


Whatever, just don't blow it


blow me instead


I'm straight


will do i prob even got feral(the real one) on my side


Ok or something


uh ok dude HAHA


Alyuna makes me want to coom


I wish Alunya was my gf


keek theres porn of here


It's all her with a bush though. Which, I guess makes sense, but, I still like a clean shaven vagoo.

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