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 No.154243[View All]

>IOF soldiers when they see a Hamas tunnel rigged with explosives
60 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


what's your point, kkkikkke?


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kind of amazing that we just went through a decade of rape PSYOPS like "muslim rapefugees" and "rape culture," and Israel which is the most rape-obsessed, rape-prone "country" on Earth somehow never got in the crosshairs. now Israeli Jews are rioting for their right to brutally rape and murder Palestinians, and feminists don't say a word about it.

in hindsight, both PSYOPS were probably conducted in part by literal Israeli shills. including the "muslim rapefugee" spam on /pol/ since israel is the world's #1 promoter and spammer of islamophobia. and hmmm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mattress_Performance_(Carry_That_Weight)
>Sulkowicz is the child of Sandra Leong and Kerry Sulkowicz, who are both psychiatrists in Manhattan. Sulkowicz is of Chinese, Japanese, and Jewish descent
what do you want to bet this stupid bitch went on birthright trips and has no problem hanging out with raperaelis?


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Lol here comes the ziotard admitting his office was spamming this shit for a decade to try and turn people against muslims instead of the real enemy.


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Can't blame 'em. Divide and conquer has worked up to now.

Actually, the IDF most likely did the left. Haniyeh had nothing to do with planning or executing October 7th, and he certainly had nothing to do with ordering the IDF to fire missiles and tank shells at Kibbutzes and fleeing cars.


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Colonizers will never win


What's weird is you guys aren't even good at lying anymore. It just sounds like you're all smoking crack.


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sickest fucking video ive ever seen


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>when they start using the israel flag target for practice


That quote at the end is uncanny relevant:

>O ye children of Benjamin, gather yourselves to flee out of the midst of Jerusalem, and blow the trumpet in Tekoa, and set up a sign of fire in Bethhaccerem: for evil appeareth out of the north, and great destruction.


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holy fucking shit. this man was shot at by a tank, ran away to get another RPG, and came back again to shoot the tank that had just shot at him


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>trash cans in Iraq


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that was the hezbollah response?

alright nasrallah im trying real hard to trust in the plan, but this is agonizing to watch


Dunno how much damage they did to the sites they were targeting. Hezbollah says one thing, Israel says another. Would have been more interesting to watch if they'd taken out Ben-Gvir or something instead though.


>Dunno how much damage they did to the sites they were targeting. Hezbollah says one thing, Israel says another
That's true but then how does this deter the entity from committing genocide against Gaza or invading Lebanon? At least 50% of the deterrence equation is psywar to make the average settler scared of escalation. If the escalation doesn't happen in public view it is not an effective deterrent and allows the entity to save face.

I'm just saying, the amount that the Palestinians of Gaza have sacrificed has to be compensated. I do not see how anything less than total destruction of the entity is just compensation. So all of this emphasis on deterrence is itself also suspect. Either we get WWIII regardless making all of this delay in escalation nearly moot (yes there is attrition but that goes both ways), or we will get a """ceasefire""" that is actually just total victory for the zionists.


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>Hundreds of years ago, Shakespeare, in his play “Merchant of Venice”, had harsh words for the Jewish Shylock’s brutality. As if they want to demonstrate the brutality of the Jew or they have come to a conclusion that no one can judge them anymore in this world, the Israeli slaughters who besieged millions of Palestinian civilians to die of starvation with their brutal blockade policy blatantly claim it as being "just" and raise their unashamed voice within the international community.


I've got to admit… I was introduced to Shylock by quotes from the "if you cut me, do I not bleed?" speech, and for the longest time I thought of him as a tragic figure and understood the speech in that context. Lately I've gotten a much greater appreciation for why he was originally written as a satirical villain.

… But shame on the DPRK for invoking him, how anti-semitic or whatever! *Rolls over and pretends to be extremely wounded*


funnily, these jewish (probably zio) scholars argue that merchant of venice is not in fact antisemitic


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Le Colonization


All Arabs =/= All Palestinians

If I shoot up white family and then shoot up a black family, does that cancel out the families being shot? No. They are still two families that got shot.


Also doesn't address Israel's policy towards their neighbors, including the Palestinian state.


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I don't feel bad for Arab settlers.




Arabs are some of the biggest slavers and colonizers in the world, fuck them.


>I try to justify colonization by scapegoating all arabs as one identity
wew lad


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All Zionists have (aside from stolen land) is being racist and psychotic. How dare you try to take that from them!


But when I say kikes like you like to drink palestinian baby blood for moloch this cuck site bans me


>beak nosed inbred turko-slavic larping invader rat
>calling an authoctonous people of mena a settler

Your "people" deserves to be skinned alive and be eaten by bugfly maggots


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You're implying """israel""" is a country instead of a criminal outpost for larping pedos, baby killers and deranged settler colonizers, JIDF

A bullet to the head and being turned into biomass is what zionists deserve, you all can have your deranged ethnostate six feet under


Akshually many Israelis and Palestinians speak English. Israeli colonizers are so racist they refuse to learn Arabic, so English often becomes the lingua franca for communication between the two.


Cope, Israel will continue to win and Arab colonizers will die.


Moshe, the only thing you're winning is the absolute hatred and disgust of the globe, the only thing keeping your vile baby killing ethnocolony in life support are deranged evangelical boomers from America and Europe, once these kick the bucket so will your pedo/baby killer neocrusader state in the levant


It's also, notably, a non-point even without that. The Zionist project was explicitly colonial at its start, and continues to be so.

“We have forgotten that we have not come to an empty land to inherit it, but we have come to conquer a country from a people inhabiting it, that governs it by virtue of its language and savage culture…If we seek to look upon our land, the Land of Israel, as ours alone and we allow a partner into our estate—all context and meaning will be lost to our enterprise.”

- Moshe Sharett, 1914

They could speak fucking Klingon and it wouldn't matter when they are, and continue to be, an explicitly a colonial project. It's just icing on the proverbial shitcake that most of them actually do speak English or other European languages anyway, and they're propped up and armed largely by countries which also primarily speak English & other European languages.


Even if the Israelis are right, I am against them.


"Hello fellow anti-Zionists"


They are right and doing the world a favor by killing subhuman Arabs.


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Whatshisname is like the schizo Uncle Tom version of Miko Peled. The things Peled says are actually grounded in reality, but Zionists would rather listen to the fantasies of a brain-damaged comprador as long as said comprador says racist shit.

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