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File: 1677992533041.jpg ( 215.75 KB , 535x554 , gogola1966.jpg )

 No.146463[View All]

Post monsters.
Das it.
81 posts and 121 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1695127251641.jpg ( 323.25 KB , 1162x1600 , John Kettelwell The Ghoul ….jpg )

I'm a ghouler


Frankenberry aint got nothin on me


File: 1695645501553-0.jpg ( 64.17 KB , 500x584 , nezura.jpg )

File: 1695645501553-1.jpg ( 48.88 KB , 366x328 , nezura2.jpg )



File: 1695679730880-0.jpg ( 36.33 KB , 500x358 , KingKongFaySacrifice.jpg )

File: 1695679730880-1.png ( 349.77 KB , 574x485 , mechanikong.png )

File: 1695679730880-2.jpg ( 63.14 KB , 720x540 , mighty joe young 2.jpg )

File: 1695679730880-3.jpg ( 167.04 KB , 600x814 , mighty peking man.jpg )



File: 1696297807753.mp4 ( 946.97 KB , 176x144 , purpleskies10 count chocul….mp4 )

Drac at it again with another graveyard smash


File: 1696491102878-0.jpg ( 74.64 KB , 625x468 , creaturehauntedsea1.jpg )

File: 1696491102878-1.jpg ( 64.63 KB , 503x640 , creech.jpg )

2 equally great water guys


File: 1696555170241-0.jpg ( 40.53 KB , 692x383 , itcamefrombeneaththesea.jpg )

File: 1696555170241-1.jpg ( 26.68 KB , 314x400 , viras.jpg )



File: 1696842967997.jpg ( 197.39 KB , 810x575 , nekkid.jpg )

This shocking photo shows the exact moment that Hamas attacked the rave. Very very scary!!!


File: 1697562236936-0.gif ( 104.65 KB , 800x600 , eyeball_800.gif )

File: 1697562236936-1.jpg ( 82.46 KB , 347x512 , w_eye.jpg )



File: 1697775598980-0.jpg ( 485.31 KB , 581x872 , Dr Terrors House of Horror….jpg )

File: 1697775598980-1.jpg ( 144.44 KB , 672x940 , The Creeping Terror 1964 p….jpg )

File: 1697775598980-2.jpg ( 735.13 KB , 916x900 , target earth 1954.jpg )

OG posters


File: 1698042029004-0.jpg ( 289.93 KB , 975x1412 , weird horrors 7 april 1953….jpg )

File: 1698042029004-1.jpg ( 322.6 KB , 975x1415 , weird horrors 6 february 1….jpg )

File: 1698042029004-2.png ( 6.78 MB , 1381x2000 , Weird Tales May 1951 Noteb….png )

File: 1698042029004-3.jpg ( 358.43 KB , 800x1194 , Weird Tales July 1942 Cove….jpg )

OG Weird Tales covers


File: 1698397520969.png ( 2.07 MB , 768x1120 , Captain America Comics 16 ….png )

The Shadow Over America


File: 1698808266453-0.gif ( 5.93 KB , 88x92 , jackin2.gif )

File: 1698808266453-1.jpg ( 18.25 KB , 248x351 , khandarian demon 2.jpg )

File: 1698808266453-2.jpg ( 17.76 KB , 225x276 , khandarian demon.jpg )

File: 1698808266453-3.jpg ( 23.77 KB , 212x259 , lon.jpg )

It's monsterin' time!!!!


File: 1699945969051-0.jpg ( 57.1 KB , 333x517 , greendoom_poster.jpg )

File: 1699945969051-1.jpg ( 14.11 KB , 200x150 , greendoom1.jpg )

File: 1699945969051-2.jpg ( 79.26 KB , 333x500 , mant_poster.jpg )

File: 1699945969051-3.jpg ( 23.82 KB , 167x250 , mars_chicken_poster_sm.jpg )

File: 1699945969051-4.jpg ( 78.99 KB , 336x500 , newt_poster.jpg )



File: 1703375725398.png ( 584.7 KB , 618x739 , rule of the bee manly wade….png )



File: 1703592520685.jpg ( 93.63 KB , 554x688 , the monster that challenge….jpg )

This guy can get a gf what's stopping you??


The Chad bugman vs the virgin human.


File: 1704112458958.jpeg ( 66.14 KB , 500x553 , the monster that challeng….jpeg )



From the book which popularized the concept of Haitian zombies in the US.


File: 1713880549656-0.png ( 1.83 MB , 808x1246 , vernon hill may.png )

File: 1713880549656-1.png ( 1.74 MB , 758x1291 , vernon hill april.png )

File: 1713880549656-2.png ( 1.88 MB , 820x1343 , vernon hill march.png )

File: 1713880549656-3.png ( 1.89 MB , 735x1193 , vernon hill january.png )



File: 1717061329813-0.png ( 1.47 MB , 728x1240 , vernon hill september.png )

File: 1717061329813-1.png ( 1.74 MB , 774x1244 , vernon hill august.png )

File: 1717061329813-2.png ( 1.6 MB , 721x1212 , vernon hill july.png )

File: 1717061329813-3.png ( 1.54 MB , 734x1199 , vernon hill june.png )



File: 1717495446310-0.png ( 1.9 MB , 827x1371 , vernon hill february.png )

File: 1717495446310-1.png ( 1.27 MB , 762x1218 , vernon hill december.png )

File: 1717495446310-2.png ( 1.52 MB , 762x1213 , vernon hill november.png )

File: 1717495446310-3.png ( 1.56 MB , 733x1218 , vernon hill october.png )



File: 1718326462572-0.png ( 790.39 KB , 759x1035 , vernon hill the months3.png )

File: 1718326462572-1.png ( 1.29 MB , 821x1084 , vernon hill the months2.png )

File: 1718326462572-2.png ( 1.34 MB , 855x1117 , vernon hill the months1.png )



File: 1728555439799-0.jpg ( 951.91 KB , 1280x1280 , plastiboo tree monster swa….jpg )

File: 1728555439799-1.jpg ( 165.09 KB , 590x680 , V. I. Harvest plastiboo.jpg )

It's monsterin' time


File: 1729011829967.jpg ( 45.25 KB , 800x561 , nosferatu-friedrich-wilhel….jpg )

when you try to eat but the phone rings


File: 1729028180350.jpg ( 103.33 KB , 369x523 , horror monsters nothing sh….jpg )

Fuckin hate when that happens


Just discovered this Peter Birkauser guy


File: 1733270281437-1.jpeg ( 253.14 KB , 1200x909 , unknown title Peter Birkh….jpeg )

File: 1733270281437-2.jpeg ( 188.14 KB , 1084x1200 , unknown title Peter Birkh….jpeg )

File: 1733270281437-3.jpg ( 343.89 KB , 1894x2001 , Der-Ausgestossene-Kopie Th….jpg )

More from Birkhauser


Laokoon (1970)
Animated cosmic horror short by Václav Mergl from socialist Czechoslavakia.


File: 1734197314690-2.jpg ( 363.97 KB , 2000x1764 , Der-24.-Marz-1971 24 of Ma….jpg )

File: 1734197314690-3.jpg ( 635.51 KB , 1913x1683 , Puer Peter Birkhäuser 1960.jpg )

More Peter Birkhauser


File: 1734369204197-0.jpg ( 166.15 KB , 818x1200 , unknown title Peter Birkhä….jpg )

File: 1734369204198-1.jpeg ( 118.55 KB , 1200x956 , At the Door Peter Birkhäu….jpeg )

File: 1734369204198-2.jpg ( 559.48 KB , 1936x1986 , Luchs Lynx Peter Birkhäuse….jpg )

File: 1734369204198-3.jpg ( 286.57 KB , 1629x2001 , Gottesfeuer Lighting the T….jpg )

Still more Birkhauser art! This guy's great!


File: 1734459818357.jpg ( 2.01 MB , 2213x3000 , Robert Bloch untitled pain….jpg )

crazy demon guy painted by Psycho author Robert Bloch


some doodles Robert Bloch did for Lovecraft in 1933


More Robert Bloch doodles for Lovecraft, including one of The Mad Arab Abdul Alhazred hisself.


File: 1734665130980.jpg ( 966.31 KB , 2034x2800 , Mystic Comics no 3 June co….jpg )

Thinking of starting a thread just for golden age comics/golden age comic covers… but for now, they're all monsters, so this'll go here. Wonderful, isn't it?


File: 1734726836767.jpg ( 686.25 KB , 1024x991 , HP Lovecraft The Shunned H….jpg )

Virgil Finlay illustration for Lovecraft's The Shunned House in Weird Tales, about a big giant fungus man who sleeps under a house and does reality altering weird stuff.


File: 1735538905455-0.jpg ( 610.38 KB , 2000x1433 , Fenster-zur-Ewigkeit Windo….jpg )

File: 1735538905455-1.png ( 5.34 MB , 2001x1612 , The Four-Eyed Anima Peter ….png )

File: 1735538905455-2.jpg ( 413.54 KB , 2000x1498 , Alarm Peter Birkhäuser dat….jpg )

Several more by Peter Birkhauser.


Made a thing.




A couple more Mystic covers, but not edited.


I guess women are worth losing your head over


Well at least you changed the gravestone too.


I spare no expense to mock the American president.


Weird fiction fans will appreciate this adaptation of "Rouse Him Not" whose performance stays faithful to the writing style & quality of a typical Manly Wade Wellman story. IE it's fucking stupid.


File: 1736430008104.jpg ( 142.85 KB , 367x576 , SORCERER’S FAMILIAR Michae….jpg )

Michael Bukowski also did an illustration of this particular creature as described by Wellman.


File: 1736543042370.jpg ( Spoiler Image, 78.35 KB , 367x576 , golgotha dancer Michael Bu….jpg )

Michael Bukowski's unflattering, but arguably accurate, illustration of another of Wellman's monsters, a "Golgotha Dancer." Great title, but the story is, frankly, pretty mediocre, and Bukowski's illustration honestly makes the monster look cooler than they sound in the story.


File: 1736644453810.jpg ( 103.24 KB , 367x576 , yakubian Robert E Howard p….jpg )

A Yakubian


File: 1737430727311.jpg ( 238.18 KB , 813x811 , Weird Tales May 1938 Pigeo….jpg )

An illustration for Robert E. Howard's Pigeons From Hell, about a zuvembie, an even worse kind of zombie because it has a vagina.


File: 1737556900508.jpg ( 452.42 KB , 822x954 , Sorcery from Thule illustr….jpg )

Another Manly Wade Wellman illustration


Hardcore monster aficionados will know Pete Peterson from The Giant Behemoth.

Unique IPs: 27

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