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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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File: 1677992533041.jpg ( 215.75 KB , 535x554 , gogola1966.jpg )

 No.146463[Last 50 Posts]

Post monsters.
Das it.


Get ready for swamp ass!


File: 1677993050598.jpg ( 142.04 KB , 600x893 , bad luck buggy.jpg )

Tesla's latest invention!


File: 1677993102720.png ( 456.39 KB , 350x582 , houseontheborderland cover.png )

William Hope Hodgson presents: PIGS


Just when you thought it was safe to go back to Dinosaur Hell…


File: 1677994174264.jpg ( 563.26 KB , 1205x814 , john martin book of great ….jpg )



File: 1677994332890-1.jpg ( 32.95 KB , 400x243 , crab giant island claws.jpg )

File: 1677994332890-2.jpg ( 55.6 KB , 490x367 , crab monsters.jpg )

Have a CRABBY day!!


Beware the rape trees of the isle of Weed Men!


File: 1677994492738.jpg ( 155.04 KB , 600x856 , adventures into the unknow….jpg )

The original Batguy comic.


File: 1677994549127.jpg ( 184.84 KB , 600x894 , adventures into the unknow….jpg )

Average American


File: 1677997311822-1.jpg ( 199.35 KB , 785x758 , Kaiju Dai Gahou 2.jpg )

File: 1677997311822-2.jpg ( 235.38 KB , 1100x734 , Kaiju Dai Gahou 1.jpg )

File: 1677997311822-3.jpg ( 64.96 KB , 435x596 , daikaiju yagoso.jpg )



Do u feel scared yet?


File: 1678028305817.jpg ( 72.27 KB , 533x799 , rachel_levine_pennstatenew….jpg )



File: 1678028898697.jpg ( 141.12 KB , 688x960 , godzilla mothra italian po….jpg )



File: 1678526784320.gif ( 30.54 KB , 284x387 , ALFZILLA.gif )



File: 1678526848824.gif ( 40.28 KB , 357x489 , ROBOZLLA.gif )



File: 1678526942894.jpg ( 47.92 KB , 500x353 , HLKGDZ.jpg )



File: 1678527027065.gif ( 32.2 KB , 500x372 , GVSJAWS.gif )



File: 1678564092041.gif ( 31.59 KB , 345x456 , G20102.gif )

me irl


File: 1678624493630.jpg ( 39.74 KB , 550x315 , 3dgodz05.jpg )

My best friend.


File: 1680064618409.jpg ( 69.98 KB , 750x494 , ghidorah.jpg )

King Ghidorah eviscerates all captchas!


File: 1690750315534.gif ( 20.56 KB , 263x267 , spacy.gif )

I hope you have SPACE for a GHOUL friend!!!


File: 1690764390809.gif ( 21.43 KB , 282x510 , hook.gif )

HOOK what the BAT dragged in!


File: 1690777605497.gif ( 17.12 KB , 302x332 , awl01.gif )

Pleased 2 EAT YOU!!!!


File: 1690838873875.gif ( 14.25 KB , 270x231 , bull.gif )

Who's up for… DEVILED EGGS???!!!


I like the monster pun anon


File: 1690842140838.jpg ( 5.63 KB , 185x223 , dracla.jpg )



File: 1691063701819.gif ( 5.48 KB , 277x173 , ecblue.gif )

Anybody got any goats? I swear I won't suck 'em!!!


File: 1691132197326.jpg ( 6.49 KB , 180x224 , Frank.jpg )

FRANKLY my FEAR, I don't give a DAMNED!!!!


File: 1691290845306-0.jpg ( 286.05 KB , 1460x996 , 1487209069427.jpg )

File: 1691290845306-1.jpg ( 90.97 KB , 369x400 , 1593801705662.jpg )

File: 1691290845306-2.jpg ( 395.15 KB , 1345x1013 , 1670746005432903.jpg )

File: 1691290845306-3.jpg ( 149.48 KB , 600x677 , CYMwq1eWkAAnMUu.jpg )

Based thread


File: 1691293476368-0.jpg ( 377.92 KB , 707x1024 , mummy kaiju dodongo.jpg )

File: 1691293476368-1.jpg ( 175.11 KB , 793x751 , black scorpion japan.jpg )

File: 1691293476368-2.jpg ( 127.82 KB , 736x543 , kaiju manga.jpg )

File: 1691293476368-3.jpg ( 167.93 KB , 604x848 , snake girl and the silver ….jpg )

'90s height chart, right?
Is Ghidorah even taller now?
God damn Gigan looks like a fucking short little bitch compared to Heisei Godzilla.

Also fucking love that Japanese alien art - don't recognize most of them, but the Flatwoods monster is hard to miss.


>First pic
There's some Call of Cthulhu doujin done exactly in the style of those old Showa kaiju biology books


File: 1691360711328-0.mp4 ( 4.94 MB , 640x360 , 123456.mp4 )

File: 1691360711328-1.mp4 ( 4.03 MB , 1280x720 , 1624350202550 - Invidious.mp4 )

File: 1691360711328-2.webm ( 5.88 MB , 640x360 , 1689720775714631.webm )

File: 1691360711328-3.webm ( 5.86 MB , 960x540 , 1690737622020894.webm )




Damn, nice!
What's that first thing in the 2nd pic? An Eihort?


File: 1691382228040-0.png ( 547.95 KB , 823x588 , RRSluQAW26VcNMuCLYNqesuuSV….png )

File: 1691382228040-1.png ( 383.89 KB , 1000x1000 , socisad.png )

File: 1691382228040-3.gif ( 147.68 KB , 500x333 , 1596565754300.gif )

your moms fat pussy


File: 1691415480179.png ( 1.72 MB , 1170x860 , Louis Boulanger 1829 fanto….png )


Nah looks more like your mom's fat pussy, actually.


File: 1691478511765.jpg ( 467.92 KB , 1280x934 , The Cockcrow 1946 Leonora ….jpg )



File: 1691489083066-0.png ( 1.85 MB , 1920x1088 , ClipboardImage.png )

File: 1691489083066-1.png ( 1.78 MB , 1000x1211 , ClipboardImage.png )

Actually THIS is my mom's fat pussy


File: 1691489355890-0.png ( 1.32 MB , 1920x1080 , ClipboardImage.png )

File: 1691489355890-1.png ( 505.42 KB , 1200x630 , ClipboardImage.png )

It says アイホート so yes


File: 1691491908546-0.jpg ( 462.08 KB , 1429x2048 , b9e064353ec30c664e4a2ceb4c….jpg )

File: 1691491908546-1.png ( 235.83 KB , 480x640 , 1419983868577.png )

File: 1691491908546-2.jpg ( 869.45 KB , 2605x2029 , 1645367723798.jpg )

(Pocket) Monsters



Hell yeah, I <3 Eihorts


File: 1691713971479.png ( Spoiler Image, 652.17 KB , 964x440 , 7ge7whf.png )

no this your moms fat pussy


File: 1691741822272.jpg ( 83.78 KB , 328x425 , hauntedfear2.jpg )


I've never even seen that woman. Did you sneak into your mom's room to take that photo?


File: 1691746427309-0.mp4 ( 390.71 KB , 360x360 , whyyoualways lying .mp4 )

File: 1691746427309-1.png ( Spoiler Image, 464.18 KB , 788x435 , f93fh9.png )

why u lyin. here's more evidence to support the objective fact this IS your mother
>Did you sneak into your mom's room to take that photo?
i have 2 fathers and no mothers you faggot


File: 1691749595132.jpg ( 180.68 KB , 680x663 , dubious frend.jpg )

Ha ha, little did you know I also have 2 dads so this can't be my mother! I've led you down the garden path, my friend, you have no cards left!


File: 1691752106968-0.png ( 390.31 KB , 533x416 , 61.png )

File: 1691752106968-1.png ( Spoiler Image, 934.15 KB , 1273x616 , M02.png )

File: 1691752106968-2.png ( Spoiler Image, 413.8 KB , 971x423 , M03.png )

File: 1691752106968-3.png ( Spoiler Image, 499.41 KB , 977x426 , M04.png )

bullshit you were raised by your gay grannies who molested you and raised you to fuck your own mother who you thought was actually your sister. im still playing full deck


File: 1691754489156.png ( 1.49 MB , 658x1144 , origin of the crabs cover2.png )

Why are you giving me your autobiography?
Save it for your publisher.


Unpleasant and cringe


File: 1691766824581-0.jpg ( 312.28 KB , 1280x912 , Kazimierz Stabrowski the S….jpg )

File: 1691766824581-1.png ( 2.83 MB , 1049x1506 , Gustave Dore poe the raven.png )

You know, I've been humoring them, but honestly I don't know if I should. They're just shitting up this thread because it's one of the only active ones. Like if this was as active as /b/ used to be that would be one thing, but when there are three guys on the board and one of them is this retard, it gets kind of tiring.


File: 1691767921074.png ( 583.54 KB , 925x709 , 678.png )

come on you love us.just like you love BBW


If you ignore it it will go away


Scene from 1954's harrowing tale, "Planet of The Bitches"


File: 1691837495640.png ( 3.88 MB , 1074x1716 , rodent mutation 1961.png )

Beaver DAMNED!!!!


lol @ the fist wave


>Empties half a clip at a shuffling old man at point blank range before hitting him.
How is the burger empire still standing?!


File: 1692154142919.jpg ( 195.63 KB , 722x1200 , crabs the human sacrifice.jpg )

Through sacrificial rites to the crabs!!!


Someone wrote an entire book out of this?


File: 1692154979545.jpeg ( 37.95 KB , 600x462 , images (94).jpeg )



File: 1692163320424-0.jpg ( 163.83 KB , 417x1575 , crab writer.jpg )

File: 1692163320424-1.jpg ( 82.52 KB , 450x809 , crabs.jpg )

File: 1692163320424-2.jpg ( 78.13 KB , 567x731 , crabs series.jpg )

What did crabs do to this guy?


They crabbed his style.


File: 1692688226662.png ( 372.89 KB , 320x457 , garibaldo brazilian sesame….png )



File: 1692872989375.jpg ( 27.69 KB , 629x629 , Clipboard.jpg )



>>148796 Get right with God mocker.


People who don't believe in God are typically ugly smug midwits. Luckily, Jesus still loves them.


Does it make it easier to believe the things you believe with no real foundation to label your opposition in such a way?


File: 1692949271582.gif ( 28.94 KB , 325x417 , drack.gif )



File: 1692949490452.jpg ( 106.08 KB , 516x810 , are you there godzilla.jpg )

I asked Him, He said it was cool.


File: 1693232159633-0.jpg ( 807.04 KB , 2700x4200 , 60cc4ee02f9647a1932f878615….jpg )

File: 1693232159633-1.jpg ( 1.38 MB , 2150x3042 , GODZILLA_The_Planet_Eater_….jpg )



File: 1693329128552-0.jpg ( 1.67 MB , 2384x3054 , HP_30_MERCHANT_02_.jpg )

File: 1693329128552-1.jpg ( 1.29 MB , 2387x3054 , HP_28_BRIDE_02_.jpg )

File: 1693329128552-2.jpg ( 1.68 MB , 2392x3054 , HP_29_MADAME_02_.jpg )

File: 1693329128552-3.jpg ( 1.51 MB , 2392x3054 , HP_27_VETERAN_02_.jpg )



File: 1693656492231.jpg ( 35.35 KB , 338x423 , ya boi hp.jpg )



File: 1694024730754-0.jpg ( 186.2 KB , 1000x1437 , bulgasari (1962) poster3.jpg )

File: 1694024730754-1.jpg ( 121.57 KB , 416x615 , bulgasari (1962) poster2.jpg )

File: 1694024730754-2.jpg ( 654.52 KB , 3244x2200 , bulgasari poster (1962).jpg )

File: 1694024730754-3.jpg ( 93.44 KB , 837x540 , bulgasari (1962).jpg )

Bulgasari [1962]


This sounded familiar so I searched it up. So the South Korean film is lost but the North Korean remake is available online? Interesting how that happened.


File: 1694035893706.png ( 105.15 KB , 200x426 , Cilia 1972 cilophyte.png )



That's a sad story, fam.


File: 1694593828935.png ( 525.52 KB , 500x640 , the sinful dwarf resize.png )

You call that a sad story? Wait'll you get a load of this one!


File: 1694625027113.png ( 408.11 KB , 468x580 , Giants From Eternity Wellm….png )



File: 1694739246339.gif ( 25.85 KB , 499x231 , EDGZLLA.gif )



File: 1694844772137.png ( 31.09 KB , 167x167 , 1783000134.png )



File: 1694853546829.jpg ( 82.29 KB , 500x300 , kumonga.jpg )



File: 1695125583219.jpg ( 299.94 KB , 822x1024 , Shigeru Mizuki (1922 - 201….jpg )



File: 1695125718039-0.jpg ( 69.9 KB , 900x386 , alligator people.jpg )

File: 1695125718039-1.jpg ( 45.16 KB , 445x453 , crawling_eye_3.jpg )

File: 1695125718039-2.jpg ( 7.31 KB , 400x305 , monsterfromtheoceanfloor.jpg )

File: 1695125718039-3.jpg ( 10.46 KB , 480x360 , phantomfrom10000leagues.jpg )



File: 1695125801333.jpeg ( 174.2 KB , 2048x880 , godzilla-reaction-5a4e07d….jpeg )

>monster poster is also a gooner


File: 1695127251641.jpg ( 323.25 KB , 1162x1600 , John Kettelwell The Ghoul ….jpg )

I'm a ghouler


Frankenberry aint got nothin on me


File: 1695645501553-0.jpg ( 64.17 KB , 500x584 , nezura.jpg )

File: 1695645501553-1.jpg ( 48.88 KB , 366x328 , nezura2.jpg )



File: 1695679730880-0.jpg ( 36.33 KB , 500x358 , KingKongFaySacrifice.jpg )

File: 1695679730880-1.png ( 349.77 KB , 574x485 , mechanikong.png )

File: 1695679730880-2.jpg ( 63.14 KB , 720x540 , mighty joe young 2.jpg )

File: 1695679730880-3.jpg ( 167.04 KB , 600x814 , mighty peking man.jpg )



File: 1696297807753.mp4 ( 946.97 KB , 176x144 , purpleskies10 count chocul….mp4 )

Drac at it again with another graveyard smash


File: 1696491102878-0.jpg ( 74.64 KB , 625x468 , creaturehauntedsea1.jpg )

File: 1696491102878-1.jpg ( 64.63 KB , 503x640 , creech.jpg )

2 equally great water guys


File: 1696555170241-0.jpg ( 40.53 KB , 692x383 , itcamefrombeneaththesea.jpg )

File: 1696555170241-1.jpg ( 26.68 KB , 314x400 , viras.jpg )



File: 1696842967997.jpg ( 197.39 KB , 810x575 , nekkid.jpg )

This shocking photo shows the exact moment that Hamas attacked the rave. Very very scary!!!


File: 1697562236936-0.gif ( 104.65 KB , 800x600 , eyeball_800.gif )

File: 1697562236936-1.jpg ( 82.46 KB , 347x512 , w_eye.jpg )



File: 1697775598980-0.jpg ( 485.31 KB , 581x872 , Dr Terrors House of Horror….jpg )

File: 1697775598980-1.jpg ( 144.44 KB , 672x940 , The Creeping Terror 1964 p….jpg )

File: 1697775598980-2.jpg ( 735.13 KB , 916x900 , target earth 1954.jpg )

OG posters


File: 1698042029004-0.jpg ( 289.93 KB , 975x1412 , weird horrors 7 april 1953….jpg )

File: 1698042029004-1.jpg ( 322.6 KB , 975x1415 , weird horrors 6 february 1….jpg )

File: 1698042029004-2.png ( 6.78 MB , 1381x2000 , Weird Tales May 1951 Noteb….png )

File: 1698042029004-3.jpg ( 358.43 KB , 800x1194 , Weird Tales July 1942 Cove….jpg )

OG Weird Tales covers


File: 1698397520969.png ( 2.07 MB , 768x1120 , Captain America Comics 16 ….png )

The Shadow Over America


File: 1698808266453-0.gif ( 5.93 KB , 88x92 , jackin2.gif )

File: 1698808266453-1.jpg ( 18.25 KB , 248x351 , khandarian demon 2.jpg )

File: 1698808266453-2.jpg ( 17.76 KB , 225x276 , khandarian demon.jpg )

File: 1698808266453-3.jpg ( 23.77 KB , 212x259 , lon.jpg )

It's monsterin' time!!!!


File: 1699945969051-0.jpg ( 57.1 KB , 333x517 , greendoom_poster.jpg )

File: 1699945969051-1.jpg ( 14.11 KB , 200x150 , greendoom1.jpg )

File: 1699945969051-2.jpg ( 79.26 KB , 333x500 , mant_poster.jpg )

File: 1699945969051-3.jpg ( 23.82 KB , 167x250 , mars_chicken_poster_sm.jpg )

File: 1699945969051-4.jpg ( 78.99 KB , 336x500 , newt_poster.jpg )



File: 1703375725398.png ( 584.7 KB , 618x739 , rule of the bee manly wade….png )



File: 1703592520685.jpg ( 93.63 KB , 554x688 , the monster that challenge….jpg )

This guy can get a gf what's stopping you??


The Chad bugman vs the virgin human.


File: 1704112458958.jpeg ( 66.14 KB , 500x553 , the monster that challeng….jpeg )



From the book which popularized the concept of Haitian zombies in the US.


File: 1713880549656-0.png ( 1.83 MB , 808x1246 , vernon hill may.png )

File: 1713880549656-1.png ( 1.74 MB , 758x1291 , vernon hill april.png )

File: 1713880549656-2.png ( 1.88 MB , 820x1343 , vernon hill march.png )

File: 1713880549656-3.png ( 1.89 MB , 735x1193 , vernon hill january.png )



File: 1717061329813-0.png ( 1.47 MB , 728x1240 , vernon hill september.png )

File: 1717061329813-1.png ( 1.74 MB , 774x1244 , vernon hill august.png )

File: 1717061329813-2.png ( 1.6 MB , 721x1212 , vernon hill july.png )

File: 1717061329813-3.png ( 1.54 MB , 734x1199 , vernon hill june.png )



File: 1717495446310-0.png ( 1.9 MB , 827x1371 , vernon hill february.png )

File: 1717495446310-1.png ( 1.27 MB , 762x1218 , vernon hill december.png )

File: 1717495446310-2.png ( 1.52 MB , 762x1213 , vernon hill november.png )

File: 1717495446310-3.png ( 1.56 MB , 733x1218 , vernon hill october.png )



File: 1718326462572-0.png ( 790.39 KB , 759x1035 , vernon hill the months3.png )

File: 1718326462572-1.png ( 1.29 MB , 821x1084 , vernon hill the months2.png )

File: 1718326462572-2.png ( 1.34 MB , 855x1117 , vernon hill the months1.png )



File: 1728555439799-0.jpg ( 951.91 KB , 1280x1280 , plastiboo tree monster swa….jpg )

File: 1728555439799-1.jpg ( 165.09 KB , 590x680 , V. I. Harvest plastiboo.jpg )

It's monsterin' time


File: 1729011829967.jpg ( 45.25 KB , 800x561 , nosferatu-friedrich-wilhel….jpg )

when you try to eat but the phone rings


File: 1729028180350.jpg ( 103.33 KB , 369x523 , horror monsters nothing sh….jpg )

Fuckin hate when that happens

Unique IPs: 61

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