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File: 1714039341511.png ( 762.28 KB , 1362x701 , mirage hawaii.png )


I love picrel in real life, but it flies like a chihuahua off four cups of espresso


Why is your canopy up at 6000'?


>but it flies like a chihuahua off four cups of espresso
But aren't jet fighters supposed to be slightly unstable and twitchy, so they can perform intense maneuvers ?


File: 1714040162101.png ( 414.24 KB , 1362x701 , B-1 postflight.png )

Forgot the button that closes it, that was my first flight and I only noticed once I was past Mach (kek)
I usually fly prop birds, the A-10, F-15, or the B-1B. Got the MiG-21 too, which is pretty labor-intensive to fly compared to Western jets.
Yes, but that's only if you look at the airframe by itself. There's three layers of computers between the pilot and the plane that help smooth things out. I think the Mirage's devs messed those up.


Wow looking at screenshots, they've improved it a lot since I've last looked at this project, which was like a decade ago. I'm glad they've been working on it!

I might give it a go some time but I don't have a yoke and throttle which I've realized is kind of a must have for sims.


File: 1714063404592.png ( 524.77 KB , 1362x701 , blimp.png )

Hey, anon! I fly with a mouse too, it's 100% doable! Just turn your sensitivity low. About 40% is a decent start. You can even fly the F-15 with not much trouble (though aerobatics get a little hairy, and forget the Mirage.)
Give it a try! :D
If you really want the good stuff, look in the forums. I can link the MiG-21 I'm running for you. Don't take my screencaps as representative of the sim, it's on minimum shitbox settings and then some. Rembrandt rendering gives you nice shadows and proper lighting. Check out the Hurricane.

just noticed /ga/, I should've posted there, I think :/ only just got on this site

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