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i'll start with
Johnny Wright - Hello Vietnam


"We must stop communism in that land
Or freedom will start slipping through our hands"
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Even when I was a teenager these lyrics made me cringe


because we metalhaeds are nihilistic

>t.egoist metalhead


thnx to ian stuart and sid vicous


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It's beautiful.

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I'm remaking this from 8/leftyb/. Post Communist/Soviet military tech art like pic related. No anime posts unless it's a high-quality drawing.
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SPG artillery


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Political and Economic simulator. Just for fun. Post your results.http://filteries.com/politics
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WTF is this idiocity?
> Inheritance tax 100-100%
> Sectors: publicly owned 100%
> ????
> Economic system: Market Socialism


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If people buy stuff from the government with money and production is based on what sells, then you are basically talking about one big monopoly conglomerate that is also the government. It's kind of right but highlights that Filteries has other problems, like not accounting for the mode of production.


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>be me
>get Egoist Anarchism

Sounds about right.


>>1327 (me) was just the tip of the iceberg.
I wanted to make a governmentless society without banks AND money… a sorta AnPrim utopia but with tech.
Also i tried to get Posadism but it seems like it's unobtainble in this game.

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 No.4867[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What if instead of landing in the burger heartland, Kal-El landed in the middle of the Soviet Union? What if instead of Ma and Pa Kent, the man of steel was raised by the other man of steel?In light of this thread >>>/leftypol/164364 I think it's time to storytime Superman Red Son. It's about 150 pages total, over 3 parts.
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do they keep that horrible ending with the soviet union collapsing and luthor creating krypton?


No, Superman pretends to die while sending Braniac's ship into orbit and detonating it, while Luthor and Lois retire, leaving Jimmy Olson to be president and Superman hiding among the population of America.


sounds like the soviet union still collapses. mad cringe, and he lives in america? quad cringe!


It’s a problem with modern, early-2000 writers like Millar. They’re big fans of the type of assholes with guns rather than supes so they’ll wank those guys to oblivion while nerfing people like Superman. Only Morrison do it right.


I don't like OP superman but yeah, him being depowered and normies with guns facing off is ridiculous, Invincible sorta proved that.

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We can watch stuff together on cytube. The nazis have their own channel, why shouldn't we?https://www.cytu.be/r/classwarRight now there are prolekult documentaries on, some Soviet kinos, random classics, basically stuff I could find on youtube. But I will be uploading movies as time goes on.>Why does it take long to upload a movie?Movies are hosted on google drive. Google has an algorithm that compares the hashes of uploaded videos to hashes of known pirated copies of movies. So public torrent releases that you find on rarbg and tpb get flagged quickly and removed. To avoid this, a downloaded movie has to be transcoded (I only have a 4c/4t ryzen 3200g). The movie is then uploaded to google drive (this is the part that takes the least amount of time) and once it is uploaded Google has to process the video so that it can be streamed/watched (this can take anywhere from an hour to a day).Feel free to suggest movies and shows you'd like to see and I will slowly add them.If you register your nick with cytube (no email required, just username and password) I'll make you a mod so that you can adjust the playlist, change movies, etc.


If you wish to upload movies and add them you can!How to:>download a movie>transcode (usually it is enough to just do a two-pass 1:1 transcode and copy the audio)>upload to google drive> "Get shareable link" from file>add to cytubeFree google accounts come with 15gb storage, you can create as many accounts as you want.


>>1205You can't make any without a simcard anymore.


Maybe we should watch AVBC together


>>1207Yeah a bummer. Even yahoo doesn’t allow it now.


>>1207That's ok, I've got loads from before.

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This Soviet TV series is probably the best TV show ever made. It is pure кино and deeply anti-fascist, anti-imperialist, and anti-USA. It's about a Soviet spy sabotaging peace talks between the OSS and Himmler (to allow the USA and Nazi Germany to team up on the USSR). It was made at the request of the head of the KGB. The tension and drama in this show is outstanding!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZhgXs_iFRs&list=PLHiAMOiVIvsD2u8g0RLwvdRScEe9yiUr5&index=2&t=0s
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Ошибка резидента, Судьба резидента, Возвращение резидента, Конец операции резидент


>The social commentary is a subtle as a brick
And still liberals tried to paint it as criticism of USSR


Because any social commntary about Russia or in Russia is automatically "Stalin bad" in their propaganda addled minds.


Yup. Still, Danelia is a great director. Did you watch Афоня movie? I personally found it to be a great piece of soc realism.


Yes I've seen it, I've seen most of his films, my all time favorites are С Легким Паром and Мимино

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Happy halloween fellas (not for me because i'm not doing anything particularly fun or exciting today). I came up with a list of movies you might wanna watch today. Suggested by other people of course.I haven't seen most of these movies in this list, but these are supposed to be good spooky movies/documentaries.Documentaries:Wild wild countryGoing ClearJesus Camp (i saw this one, it's pretty good)JonestownHoly HellKentucky Teenage Vampires https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWclRSulGFQ[Embed]The KeepersWe Need To Talk About KevinMovies:The Hostel - I saw it, it didn't scare me much. It might appeal to other people though. It's more of a "getting kidnapped and raped a brutally murdered" kind of thing.Angel HeartThe Fourth Kind - Only saw it partially, i think it maybe had some spooky scenes but it was years ago and i need to rewatch.Noroi The Curse - I actually saw the full thing. I highly recommend it, subbed of course because dubbed japanese entertainment loses the emotion in the voice.La Voyage Dans La LunThe Demonic Tapes (british horror film)Ju-on the grudge (the japanese version) - I saw this one too, but don't remember enough to tell you how good it was.ShutterAntichrist (the film)Annihilation ( was interested in it a few months ago, it had some legit unsettling shit in it, but i can't see how it'd be a full on horror thing since some of it seems too artsy)AuditionA Tale of Two SistersThe Thing (the original not the prequel)The Exorcist (maybe that's a normie movie, i don't know, i haven't seen it but it's gotten a lot of praise over the years)Aside from that list you should watch the poughkeepsie tapes. It's pretty good. Also give REC a try. Not Quarantine though, REC. Also the original blair witch project.That's all i got.
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>>837I'm proud of you.


I'm going to see The Lighthouse next week. I really liked The Witch, so I've been looking forward to it for quite a while.


wtf is the bear suit costume in the shining and why do I know Epstein has something to do with it?


>>838Be proud of her, she deedthroated with her finger in my ass and extracted a pint of semen.>>840Whelp I know what I'm doing next weekend.


The Green Room is a good movie that focuses on an anarkiddie band that decides to play a concert for neonazis in order to get some money. When trying to leave they accidentally witness a murder and they end up being forced to fight for their lives since the fashies don't want them reporting shit to the police. This is probably the one movie you want your fellow anti-gun comrades to see.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtEkUmYecnkDid you also grow up watching great shit like Asterix, /hobby/? What were the best cartoons you could watch on your country's television? Also general comics and cartoons thread.
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Yesterday thanks to some anon I in SU thread I have rediscovered a childhood classic cartoon of mine, Malo Korrigan and the Space Trackers. I just watched the first two episodes and it really does live up to the nostalgia. Also I think I really wasn't mistaken that it was based as fuck: the very first episode has an underlying anti-corporate-imperialism theme, showing corporations muscling out any local competition, treating workers like shit and doing an imperialist genocide, and if I recall correctly, it only gets more based from here. Also the main casts ship has big red star painted on the side for gods sake.
However there is a problem. This show seems to be really obscure (like only 300 people looked for the English first episode obscure). The YouTube channel with English episodes has big gaps between episodes. Then there are some episodes posted on daily motion, but again, with holes. The only full series I found was in French, and I can't understand it, nor have the time to learn. So, can anyone give any tips on how to find the full English version?


I could get motivated to translate one episode or two


I'd prefer not to exploit a comrade like that. If nothing comes up here I'll try asking the same thing over at 4/co/, though I never used 4chan apart from raiding /pol/, so I don't know if they deal in such topics as finding obscure shows.


I was that anon, you're welcome, I didn't see your reply.

Unfortunately I haven't seen the show in a while so the only current online source I can find in the past minute (in english) is Daily Motion. Russian Servers ought to have some torrents though if you check.

>exploit a comrade
It's not exploitation is helping one another. He isn't losing anything, is likely enjoying himself and sharing it.


Was thinking about Asterix the other day.

Most European representations of Romans in art (films etc) have them as the antagonists while the celts gauls etc are the uncivilised other.

Asterix seems to be one of the few representations where the Romans are the other.

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Comics and cartoons are the industried were the contradictions of capitalism are the most noticeableYou know them I know them.
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Shit, missed that amazing get.


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Andrew? Andrew Hussie? Is that you?

Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.

You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.

Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

In short, you are an enormous failure.

Andrew, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.

The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Comics, Andrew Hussie, that is your legacy.

Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.
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who is nepeata and don't we already have a leftyco thread


this is homosuck thread now

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Hi /Games/. Tired of being the same kind of talky-talk board? Want to be a Get Shit Done Board like the imageboards of yore?

Why not help in creating a leftist post-apocalyptic community for Catacylsm:DDA, a singleplayer roguelike-like survival game? It could act as propaganda, that is to say nothing obvious and not just having the communists as the good guys but that could leave players walking away thinking 'huh, maybe some of my ideas about leftism/communism were wrong/unfounded.'

You don't need any knwoledge to help, just your ideas and a willingness to learn simple markup ( JSON ) if you would like to write data.

Mostly right now I am looking for Lore, how the group came together, interesting leftist characters, backstories, mission ideas, anything.

obviously we will have to add our mascot as a character so what kind of stats and proficiencies would Alunya have? If she cannot have cat ears what would be next best thing? Wolfs?


Oh, and C:DDA is the best Survival game out there. Prove me wrong.
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also, we should consider if we want to go with the mainline DDA fork or the Bright Nights fork, or both. DDA is more near-future where bright nights is sci-fi.


I was considering the same. I'm thinking mainline for now and hopefully we can add extra content for BN. Also i'd like to see some more basic factions in vanilla and for BN to become more developed first and become more refined even if it means sticking with vanila lore.

Can you guys tell me how Alunya could be as a person? so i can choose traits and make the dialogue i write for her right now feel less wooden. Character traits, etc?


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I accidentally made her male, but here's a sketch. Maybe no cooking and some survival. And there are plenty more cat perks to add if you want, though I'm not sure how catty she is. Need a furry in here asap to offer advice.


Great. Yea, i will add more cat mutations as time goes by and if you do quests for her, get her to the larger faction base, etc!
Do you think she should start with tail and ears or just ears and they'll mutate the tail fairly early on, such as after first or second mission?
The latter was my thoughts anywas.

Can you send me over the JSON file or just post it here? I dont think this thread will get much interest but if it does we can use a free file sharing service like: https://cryptpad.fr/ Or just github to share eachothers things. :)

I'm working on dong the building she start in at hte moment and will be nice if i had base of character layed out.

I think she will be kind of cagey about her role in protests unit you get to know her more or have high speech/perception. What do you think?


Wrote her first quick quest, havn't checked yet but honestly want to just get them out and refine/bugfix later. What is her cat [KITTY] called? I think some kind of non obvous reference to her ideology or leftypol here could be quite nice.

    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Find some cat food for Alunya." },
    "goal": "MGOAL_CONDITION",
    "goal_condition": {
      "and": [ { "u_has_items": { "item": "catfood", "count": 10 } }, { "u_has_items": { "item": "catfood_dry", "count": 5 } } ]
    "item": "catfood_dry",
    "count": 10,
    "difficulty": 1,
    "value": 0,
    "end": { "effect": [ { "npc_add_var": "npc_alunya_catfood", "type": "dialogue", "context": "Alunya", "value": "yes" } ] },
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "We've been doing okay sharing what I can scavange for now but [kitty] really needs something that will last.",
      "offer": "Great, It's a simple task, I just need you to keep a look out for some cat food on your travels. We might as well stock up so Ten cans of cat food and 5 bags of dry cat food should be fine.",
      "accepted": "[WRITE]",
      "rejected": "[WRITE]",
      "advice": "Nothing to say, there's no hurry though, she'll survive for now.",
      "inquire": "How is it going?  Do you have them?",
      "success": "Thanks!  Now [KITTY] will be super well fed... I'm pretty sure they put kitty nutrience in these...  Anyway, I don't really have anything to pay you in right now, I hope you don't mind...",
      "success_lie": "Well…  where are they?",
      "failure": "…"

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