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>Ancient Roman Music (118 Minutes)

authentic-sounding instruments that ancient peoples would've played. no orchestras, electronics or other modern "twists"

no christian, celtic/irish or "european medieval" music. they're too structured to be grouped together with ancient or other traditional music and they are so numerous they belong in different thread

if you embed a youtube link plz post the song title / description or no one will click your contextless link
8 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>Pausis (παῦσις) | Pausa | Ancient Greek Lyre | Rui Fu | Bendir


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it's a lot of guesswork/improvization after you made replicas of the instruments with a very involved process of examining papyrus fragments containing melodies, knowing which newer music theory rules/conventions to absolutely rule out, knowing the spread and influence of these empires and what they integrated from conquered subjects, knowing which existing civilizations / groups of people in the regions that used to be provinces of these empires didn't change their music over the centuries as much compared to others to attempt to backtrace and so on, all to figure what it couldn't have sounded like and what it most likely sounded like




Hey nerd I need your help for something plz
Music embedded is obviously borrowing from a musical tradition related to the music in OP what the fuck is it, and how did it end up so similar given the people who made this track I'm assuming never listened or studied directly the music in OP
Or am I wrong even on that?
It's driving me nuts trying to figure it out and I don't even know where to start to figure it out myself plz help plz


>>1286 (me)
Music actually relevant to thread as offering to you music sages

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Just Kanye
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Fuck MC Serch


who’s MC serch


Some wigger who leeched off of nas, and got dissed by jay z


what is gospel at the ye ranch is just kanye playing 808s over psalms

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Post Disco bros
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You want the funk? You want the P Funk?


>2nd vid
Holy crap is that the QUEEN from Pink Flamingos?


Indeed it is the dogshit eating queen of filth, produced by Bobby Orlando the king of Hi-NRG. Edie the egg-loving mama also put out a record as Edie and the Eggs but it's not disco


tranny disco = best disco


shit wrong vid

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 No.511[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>No music thread
Step it up lads

>Boards of canda - 5.9.78


>Blackmores night - Journeyman

309 posts and 149 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


No lord in the heavens made this world,
No worldly lord the prosperity of humankind.
The cosmos is an eternal evolution of the material,
This material shaped for mankind's use by many a laborer.
The work of your hands, laborer, was mankind's yesterday.
On your hands also rests tomorrow.
When the temple of Solomon was being built by an army of laboring
Slaves, meanwhile Solomon was inside
His palace, solving the quarrels of wives.
When the nobleman in France was cursing his failed expedition to
The Russian land, thousands of wives wept for their fallen husbands.
The work of your hands, laborer,
Were the treasures of the lords,
But inside your fist now grows a different kind of tomorrow.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



In the night of Tammisaari, the twinkling of the stars are not visible, there the whips and bayonets stick from belts on each side. They want to show their masters how to beat those who have already been beaten down. So they fulfill the task that their masters gave them meticulously.

Under the whip, only few are bent, only a few without strength are exhausted from battles. We walk straight after all this, even though the herd of greyhounds beat us. Go back no step, the night is darker there.

This is not arrogance, nor is it defiance of fate. We walk the path of battles and will always remember: our class is the creator of everything, and the battle for it is enormous. It's also the protection of our battle, that's why the sky is so safe.

Don't worry our class is up, we will never let you down. The struggle in front of us is noble, this is the way we go. The vanguard of us, it inspires the struggle and the victims on the path of the struggles it teaches to give.

In the night of Tammisaari, the flame of hate still flares. Not in the hard work of a slave, our forces should not fall. With our class side by side we will give the last blow. Down with the oppressive parasites, down with their dark executors!


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damn this thread is bumping

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Hey /leftypol/

I thought I'd make a general for any amateur or professional /leftypol/ musicians if there are any here. We can discuss your experiences, ask for or give advice, create resources, or just chat.

As for me, I am a hobbyist guitarist that's only been playing for about a year and a half; not even sure if I'm intermediate level yet lol. However, I can give tips or provide resources for anybody just starting out.
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Might be worth offering use of your tracks for free or nominal charge to small developers of videogames, short films, Youtube videos etc? That is where I find a lot of music I end up liking.


I was learning for a little while years ago but ended up dropping it. Learned all the chords, knew a range of some strumming patterns but struggled with those, was absolutely terrible at plucking. Got bored of learning how to get better, wrote some truly terrible original songs, then gave up.

I dont regret trying, it was nice.


much easier to play guitar on a keyboard imo, lots of good guitar vst's out there to download


I'd be interested to know how you actually became musicians. It's the one thing I just don't really understand how people get into.
I know the tiniest amount of music theory and I'm reasonably good at playing the simplest songs (of the "songbook that comes with $30 keyboard, one note at a time" variety), but I'd expect to understand *why* I don't understand how you make your own music by this point. It's like programming by copy and pasting: I'm hitting keys, the sound is coming out of the instrument, but if you ask me to tell you why it works I draw a blank.
I'm no further ahead with trackers or DAWs or anything, but in that case I suspect it's because I'm completely lacking in confidence when it comes to listening to things. I can draw a picture and immediately assess "yes, this conveys what I wanted to show" even if my art is bad. With music in a tracker I can never tell whether the pattern of notes I've made is pleasing, or if I've simply tuned out how irritating it is. Even then it's too small to be anything but one component of a larger tune, so it feels like drawing what you think is a passable three legged chair in what you intended to be a massive picture of a party.

Yet obviously people are breaking through and know what exactly they're supposed to stick at and practice to get good at it, so there's something I'm missing. Maybe being able to identify each note by ear suddenly makes music as intuitive as visual art. Maybe it all makes more sense if you try to write songs with lyrics with a guitar rather than trying to do instrumentals with a keyboard. I don't know, that's why I'm interested in how you all started.


You're halfway there already. Just find the right chord progression, and repeat

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does anyone know any good RABM? i know panopticon is kinda lefty but i dont like them and im kinda sick of listening to mostly reactionary pieces of shit

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Name and discuss niche genres on the internet.

Utopian Virtual

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We already have a noise thread >>1


I posted in the wrong thread forgive me for I have sinned

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What kind of file formats do we have available to us here?


So MP3 is the only audio format then? WebM and MP4, but only if they contain a video stream?


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