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Post bangers from various JRPGs
>Bonus points for music that don't sound like video game music
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God Eater


I'm surprised nobody posted some DragonQuest IX yet



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mmo's have really diverse ost's




This Boyd guy has been going through a lot of UK and DE artists i like a lot recently. Is gud. What do others think of him?

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Post and discuss. Any genre, doesn't really matter.



coldwave is a good genre to listen to


I thought Molchat Doma was all guys though?


Diamanda is the greatest of all time
I like their sound (not original but good) but unfortunately they are anti-communists


I saw her perform live and it was incredible. It's like gothic shoegaze. Her voice totally crushes. Her music partner in her previous project died in that fire in Oakland, California a few years ago.


Post 2000s or late 90s music
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Also every DJ Mustard song


This is the best mu thread


why are songs with women dancing the best


This holds up surprisingly well.


They really are.

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pretty based mix I found.

Anyone else like Skeler?

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ITT instruments or equipment you want but will never be able to afford
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Don't even have the space for this beauty even if i had the money. Just wanna try it out


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apparently you can't post a pic and an embed link at the same time



ive been tempted to get into bass and ive been eyeing a fretless one of these but they're discontinued and none on the used market :(


diy cut then dremel and polish the frets down?


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osmose keyboard and lippens keyboard are pretty damn interesting but still in their prototype stage

hardware synths are (mostly) just fetish shit nowadays just grab your copy of VCV rack or reaktor

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Discuss Gusic and the latest gusic releases of gusic in the gusic


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tell me about gusic
why does he bop


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because the gusic is sus


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fuck this planet


wtf drain gang!

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Disregarding the idea of owning music and muh intellectual properly from a leftist

I don't understand how the fuck people who whine about these things expect millions of songs made throughout history in every part of the world won't inevitably end up sounding similar

I fucking hate this mindset. And 99% I can't even notice the similarity.

The only valid perspective about it I accept and understand is from the worker perspective where an indie artist can get their music stolen and profited off by somebody more famous and powerful since we live in capitalism and music can be capitalized on.

The ultimate purpose of music is supposed to make each other feel. I hate its commodification and the problems that has caused to it.

Also can anybody post me that apu staja picture where he's singing with headphones?
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I fully agree. Same with art.
I still dislike Madonna for screwing over smaller artists though.


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Intellectual property is a spook, but so called "violations" of it wouldn't really happen without a profit motive anyway.


>I don't understand how the fuck people who whine about these things expect millions of songs made throughout history in every part of the world won't inevitably end up sounding similar
only brainlets argue against that, let them, their opinion is beneath contempt, i think the debate is missing the main point which is that the music business is pretty much the opposite of a meritocracy at this point and you can vividly see (or hear) this as opposed to other crafts

>The ultimate purpose of music is supposed to make each other feel. I hate its commodification and the problems that has caused to it.

lmfao I was actually reading a fun essay on this by adorno (types of music listeners) - he critizised the emotional listener for projecting his own emotions onto the piece instead of trying to unravel the emotions the composer had in mind when writing it (death of the author and other yadas aside) and stated that this type of listener is keen to getting perfectly integrated into the culture industry which you can clearly see with all those moronic discussions (don't worry this one here is really harmless in comparison) they have about what music is and what not
"b-but you think music is about driving culture forwards instead of using the 3489293849th vengeance pack with shitty barely tweaked serum presets shut it and let me cope pls" even self-proclaimed musicians suffer from this shit cause music education hit a rock bottom since everyone thinks youtube is a music university, the same breed of people probably use youtube to "study" politics and what they really mean is watch molyneux and peterson kek

music has no real purpose, just like life, everything else is just ideology
"life that had a purpose wouldn't constantly question it"


I always interpret my own meaning into songs because I listen for my own pleasure, but I also do always research the lyrics meaning and artist because I can't really separate the art from the artist often and need to know if they were some sex pest or not.

I do agree thought that nothing has any purpose
everything's what you make of it.

"The ultimate purpose of music is supposed to make each other feel" was just my subjective view, I should've specified, but I hate how objective assholes have made us add a "imho" after every opinion.

I don't like objectivism in art.

thanks for the pictures anon.

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