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I liked it


This but with deep, heavy, sludgy doom metal on the background to really set the mood


What are we on then, B?


Just Planet Bee Yourself




nice aggressive vibes


also for curiousity sake what is id of this song?




Sorry, didn't see earlier. It's a full-length soundtrack based on this classic video. >>>/leftypol/276996
It's mostly just "YG - I'm A Real 1" selectively bass-boosted, and the NatTrot flag bass-boosted.


Parody heavy metal band from Spain with lyrics constantly shitting on PMCs, something all metal should do tbh. They also seem to like Marx.


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Great stuff thx for sharing

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What is this song about? They keep singing about capital


The capital raises the rents and the state raises the benefits
Then you can cheat a little with the ironclad wage laws
And even pay a lower salary than the price of food and rent
Because the state is all too happy to help when the cost of living becomes far too high

Side by side, together they help each other
The state and the capital, they sit in the same boat
But they are not the ones who row, who row so the sweat runs
And the whip that cracks doesn’t even tickle their fat necks

The building of the day care system is regulated by the business cycle
Then women are given their place in the economic structure
A cheap labour force reserve, on hand when the factories whistle
Pushed back again by lack of resources, if the wheel of profitability suddenly slows
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There was also a very famous punk cover of this song by the band Ebba Grön named Staten & Kapitalet (State & Capital):
It reached high on the Swedish charts and the album is kind of a cult classic in Sweden to this day.
Here's another song from the same album called Beväpna Er (Arm Yourselves) written by their anarchist bassist:

Lyrics translated:
Yes I, I hate the whole bourgeoisie
yes I, I hate the whole royalty
yes we, we will arm ourselves
yes we, we will arm ourselves

Yes I, I swear from my heart
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name your favourite metal band for me its fear factory
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I love how he's cancelled for being exactly the kind of person that he always presented himself as from the beginning. I actually have more respect for him now. Bet he would be fun to take shitloads of coke with.


Do you also like Ufomammut, Warhorse, Nortt, Ahab, Funeral Tears etc?


Never heard of them tbh, will check them out. But I do like Orange Goblin and Acid King.


something something relationship drama


ITT post your best non-english hip-hop.
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This detournement was really cool. You really from Nigeria? How it's going? Can you tell more about your life?
Anyway you'll find some more good french rap here




aaa i remember listening to them when i was learning spanish ,good times


Not nigerian, just a fan of migerian kino



ITT: Post the best FiTB.
Wretch 32 & Avelino. your move.
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>Calling Chester P middle class
because he is not cringe paint-by-numbers rhymes.
I'm glad he got rekt. 'muh backpackers petit booj' meme is cancer. That fact that he phoned Wordsmith, put it on him, had him apologizing and backtracking and recorded it to put in the dis track is just next level.
I don't think i heard mans so rekt in a track before. embarrassing.
Clipped this recently, he is /myguy/ 100%.


Reminder that old school grime is quintessential working class music


British hip-hop has always been real class conscious.


That time English Frank went on FitB and gave him presents. What a leg.


Unironically this

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Just wanna listen to some communism while doing exercise.
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Skramz/screamo sucks
Just wanna listen to some [rock] communism while doing exercise.
Look up the subgenre of crust punk called crustgrind for that real strong stuff for reps / working the bag.
Otherwise hardcore punk in general (the actual genre, not shitty emo or metalcore spinoffs) is great, energetic and upbeat and is perfect for physical exercise.

Crustgrind (best bands I've found):
General, great HC:


here's something more recent and relevant


> cia operatives


soviet rock

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Music you grew up with.
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I hate all the music I grew up with.


>tfw you were a weird kid




Boston, Asia, Warrant, Winger, Poison, Def Leppard, Gloria Estefan, David Bowie, KISS, Shawn Mullins, Whitesnake, Aerosmith, The Doors, INXS, vidya music and whatever came out of car radio (rock, pop, folk, schlager and other assorted barf).


9 year old me watching mtv

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I want to understand how you're supposed to play songs on piano. From what I've seen so far, you play the melody with one hand and with the other hand you play the chords, either as full chords or arpeggios. But how do you know which chords you have to play to fit a certain melody?

I already know a bit of music theory so I tried figuring it out on my own. I looked up Katyusha on piano to see which chords are played.


The song is in D minor, and they play the chords in this order:
Dmin x3
Amaj 2nd inversion x4 (Db E A)
Dmin x 2
Fmaj 1st inv. (C F A)
Gmin 1st inv. (D G Bb)
Dmin, Gmin 1st inv. , Dmin, Amaj inv. , Dmin.

I assume that some chords are inverted so that the transition between them is smoother.
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Anyone practice Hanon? If not, I highly recommend it for piano players


unironically this, just experiment with different chords/progressions until you find something that sounds good. Applying theory is a decent starting point, but it's not going make music for you.


>From what I've seen so far, you play the melody with one hand and with the other hand you play the chords, either as full chords or arpeggios.
thats called homophony, there is also polyphony when there are multiple melodies present at the same time and its a spectrum
>how do you know which chord progression fits over a melody?
the musical form determines that
you can play any chord under any melodynote and it will sound good in the right context
google: functional harmony, harmonization, jazz reharmonization, chord substitutions, common tone modulation, pedal point
https://www.musictheory.net/lessons decent interactive lessons


>and I think it sounds better with the Amaj. I guess because when a G is played in the melody over the Amaj it forms an Amaj7 which creates more tension.
A7 not maj7
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Can this approach lead anywhere good? I havent studied music theory at all and have been just trying to play what keys go good together lol. So far it has improved my coordination and I can make some decent sounds. I just play different chords with the left and different notes with my right at the same time.

However what Im doing is just playing either all white keys, all black, or a mix of black and white keys ive found go good together. Oh and I hold the sustain the whole time because it sounds better.

I dont know how to transition between the three, I feel like theyre each a distinct "level" (donno the term, key, maybe?) and when I try to transition they sound off. How can I merge the three?



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