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 No.4434[View All]

&ltStar Trek Picard S01E01 is out
(check torrents)


Favourite episodes, best characters, memorable moments, etc.
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Ah man, so rewatching Year of Hell pt1 from VOY, and there is this scene where Tuvok is shaving, and the thing is they have just survived an explosion. And they way they show that they've gone blind is fucking great, really good directing and acting.


>What did they mean by this?
The Benkarans live in an oppressive society and are likely something of an “internal colony” in Nygean Space


bump for best thread


Roast me for it, I kind of liked Lower Decks. It wasn't super great or anything, just sort of lovely with lots of references without being too crass like Rick and Morty. It honestly easily tops STD and Picard. There was absolutely no character development for Rutherford and the Orion girl, but if they are on a somewhat promising track. It's also a good way to bring the old actors back without having them embarrassing themselves in a badly written live action show.


Oh, and Jack Quaid is totally typecast now. He basically plays the Star Trek version of Hughie from the The Boys.


Old school star trek was too brainy to appeal to modern viewers who have been raised on transformers and marvel capeshit. You could never have a viable old school ST series today


I stopped watching season 7 of TNG because the writing got so bad, that it was painful to keep watching.
Instead I started watching STD. First few moments I was impressed at the extremely high production value. I'm 13 episodes in.

WHAT THE FUCK. Are the writers just improvising the story? Are the people writing the scripts being forced to do so at gun point? Also, the asian Phillippa whatever-her-name-is is such a terrible actor. It's so jarring to see her shoot like that suburban lady from last year. Like is she really that high rank but somehow doesn't know how to shoot? Was there NOBODY on the set who noticed this?

Also the fucking liberalism, fucking hell. Putting aside the fact that I realized a few episodes in that I was watching a series with the "strong female POC lead" marketing, the fucking liberalism. Their retarded understanding of fascism is that of a middle schooler (at best). "Nazis wanted to do evil things because they were mean and evil". Like seriously? Oh god, such a fucking fiasco. At least I'm having fun laughing at the retardation.

Thanks for bumping. I was too lazy to find this thread but I needed to complain about STD.


Big mistake, season 7 still had some great episodes.


The first half was good, the second half descended really quickly into trash.
I'll watch them at your behest. Thanks for the pointer :)
I'll come back to ask when I finish Sexually Transmitted Disease what to watch next.


>Roast me for it, I kind of liked Lower Decks
No roasting here, LD is the patrician's nu-trek. STD and Picard are awful.


>I stopped watching season 7 of TNG because the writing got so bad
lol what?


season 7 took a nose dive in writing quality. I'd have to see it again to cite specific examples. characters were way out of character and shit like that.


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The Long Night has come. The United States, the great country in history, has fallen. But now, one actor, one poster, has vowed to drive back the night and rekindle the light of constitutionalism. With Kevin Sorbo, hope lives again.


What does this have to do with Star Trek?




Oh right, Andromeda, I completely forgot about that show and that Kevin Sorbo was in it.

When I saw the post I was thinking, "Why is someone posting a tweet from that guy who played Hercules in a Star Trek Thread"?


Honestly been watching it concurrently with Farscape, and man the difference in quality is astounding.


in what way?


Sorbos acting is mediocre and the plot is poorly written, its like the low rent version of farscape


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Lexx is better than both. (pretend that last season didn't happen)


Characters on Farscape actually have depth, whereas Dylan is good idealistic captain Hayward is cocky wrench monkey Trance is the cooky one Tyr is the gruff warrior man (also mane the Nietzscheans are such a cool concept for a sci fi species and they just waste them).
Yeah fair, it has some interesting concepts but god its so dull.


Is it worth watching? They added it to Amazon prime in the UK too. w


STD spoilers ahead:

Oh what is this person with the technology to make large EMPs and fly? There is literally only one explanation, it's from the future.

Seriously the worst fucking writing I've seen in a while, and I like to watch shit anime and shit Sci-fi from time to time. This takes the cake.


God, the Nietzscheans are such a good concept and they are just wasted in Andromeda. AN entire sub-species of human built on geenmodding, but they don't just gene mod for the sake of it, they are a society based on the philosophical teachings of Nietzsche and believe themselves, through gene modding, to be the Ubermensch he taught of. There is such a great basis there, and they are just wasted as "backstabbing barbarian types".


>Is it worth watching?
yes for season 1, 2 and 3.


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The state of this franchise is what happens when you replace socialist writers with democrats


Outside of Roddenberry's socialistic/left-liberal leanings (there is no way he didn't knew of Posada considering the story of the first contact), the writers on Trek were never socialist. During the TNG/DS9 era the showrunners were even conservatives. It's really a surprise that it turned out the way it did, largely I think because the fan community pressuring them. ST was the first show that actually a dedicated nerdy fanbase that would get really angry if they deviated from specific formulas.

While there is something endearing about late 80s need culture, the current generation in my view rather acts as a fetter for the creative renewal of Star Trek. There are no "trekkies" anymore than stand out from the cool kids, today everybody goes to fucking comic con, LARPs and soyfaces over franchises. Even chads and stacys now go to comic cons. So they don't have this unique relationship anymore between fanbase and writers that works reciprocally, but instead ST became another "franchise" where shows are produced inside the machine that is modern television mostly directed at consoomers.

Just look how many trekkies eat up all this STD shit. They don't care. The Kurtzman detractors are a small disgruntled minority.
>but the first seasons of the old shows sucked too!
Yes, but even in those bad season you could see a kernel of potential, and the characters clicked. They also didn't write themselves into a corner like STD (31st century? Wtf) or Picard (Picard is a robot now????), they weaved some threads here and there but they remained flexible until they knew what worked. For example, TNG originally was supposed to have the Ferengi as the main villains but they looked too ridiculous to be taken seriously so they decided for a more menacing, mysterious enemy, which is where the Borg come from.


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I know the whole franchise has been dumbed down but I really HATE the Star Wars cgi circus battles replacing the slow and methodical space sea-battles


Excellent post.

I watched TNG, I watched STD. I started watching the original series, it's a bit slow right now. Is there anything that gets to the level of TNG? Unironically one of the best sci-fi series I've seen.


>Is there anything that gets to the level of TNG?
NTA. DS9 is on par with TNG.


It's why BSG was great.


But that was shit.


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Star trek was never, and never will be a utopian society.


It is if you exclude the canon-breaking garbage in DS9.


DS9 & Voy had to introduce some capitalism stuff to counteract all that gommie sharing crap in TNG


Clearly the Federation was in sharp contrast to the AnCap Ferengis, and this contrast was played out in DS9 rather endearing, but you never got the feel that in terms of the "big issues" the Ferengi ideology was ever a challenge to the Federation.

In DS9 it is implied that the Federation uses labor credits, that allows you to use the transporter and replicator on Earth.


First teaser for the second season of Picard.

You know, it's not even that bad if they were to go back to the roots and do a season centering arround Q's "trial", although they'd have to invent some bullshit explanation for John de Lancie's aging.

The problem is they have already sunk the ship with the first season. Jay-L is a fucking robot now with no soul. His entire crew is a bunch of snappy assholes, although they could be dumped but I don't think so. It's gonna ba another season with captain windbag, that backstabbing anxious bitch, terminator model Seven of Nine and the alcoholic mom in her midlife crisis. But even if all that ballast wasn't there, and they would play it save, I have full confidence in Alex Cuntman to royally fuck it up.


God I hope lyrans are real


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I'm betting all the anti-Enterprise sentiments in this thread come from faggots who only watched the few fanservice episodes and canon-breaking episode (Ferengi, Borg etc.) from the early seasons and didn't like the 9/11 shit.
I guarantee you nobody who disliked Enterprise followed the Shran arc all the way through or watched season 4, particularly the Kir'Shara arc and the Babel arc. They really tie the show together and put it on par with DS9 as one of my favorite series.


How exactly is the Borg episode canon-breaking? It ties in well. VOY is far more canon-breaking when it comes to the Borg. It's a good stand-alone episode, it did not feel like fan service.
>I guarantee you nobody who disliked Enterprise followed the Shran arc all the way through or watched season 4, particularly the Kir'Shara arc and the Babel arc. They really tie the show together and put it on par with DS9 as one of my favorite series.
I watched the entire series and while Shran is a good character, it's not enough. I'm not a big fan of Vulcan episodes, and ENT was filled to the brim with them, but that may have just been my personal taste (and I guess it makes sense for the 22nd century where the relationship between Vulcans and humans is still evolving). The Xindi arc was a fucking joke, it did absolutely nothing for me. At no point did I feel any emotional investment to care aboutit what's happening to them, it honestly felt more like the first two seasons of VOY where we basically follow a ship behind enemy lines exploring an unknown area of space by itself.

I guess season four works as a season except the finale, but the problem remains that it was still a setup season. DS9 did set up the Dominion War for a long time, but then it erupted in season 6, whereas ENT gets awkwardly wrapped up before the war with the Romulans starts. There is also no main villian like Dukat in DS9 except that one Romulan general nobody cared for. I know that ENT allegedly found their pace and style with the fourth season, but sorry, this was made in the modern era of television, you can not allow yourself to fail around for three fucking seasons like Star Trek tradition and then expect not to be dropped. This isn't the 80s anymore.


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How much would CBS sell the Star Trek license for?

I need my caitian catgirls dammit


Clearly you just need to read the Chakat universe books. Granted those are catgirl-centaurs, but still hot.



what do you guys think about this guys thread saying that DS9 was right wing


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>A Kulak was a term used in the Russian language to describe the class of affluent 20th century Russian and Soviet peasant farmers.
>In 2267, Pavel Chekov referred to Harry Mudd, the then ruler of the planet Mudd and man responsible for hijacking the USS Enterprise, as an "unprincipled evil-minded lecherous Kulak." (TOS: "I, Mudd")


Unsurprisingly, a tweet shaves off all nuance.

DS9 is critical of imperialism in the Dominion, Klingon, and Cardassian plot lines. The expansionist xenophobes ultimately get saved by their enemies.


It always bothered me how In The Pale Moonlight was resolved. I know it's considered one of the best DS9 episodes, but it's literally Sisko doing an American-style false flag and justifying it to himself in the end. This is especially concerning because this in the context of it being revealed that the first Iraq War was based on a staged false-flag.


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Has anybody watched Star Trek Lower decks ?
Can anybody explain who the Paklets are supposed to be, they seem to become the main foe of the show ?

They used to be a weak species that only had tiny ships without warp, but now they have scavenged or looted warp-drive, good weapons and a bunch of other stuff. Their ships are large and powerful now. They also are extremely dumb while somehow being very cunning, and able to jeryrig starships from cross species hardware. ( i guess that's all plug & play ) And their social hierarchies are based on who wears the largest hat or helmet. They have casual revolutions but that only changes who wears the biggest hat. They have melted faces but they can survive hard vacuum.

Here's a few videos about them.

Is this species intended for symbolism or not ?


their story sounds like a budget Klingon.
the Klingons recieved their ships and weaponry through war with an imperialist "outsider". Is was through this brief conflict that the Klingons were able to reverse engineer their warpdrive, making them an intergallactic powerhouse by the 14th century earth time
How Pakleds were able to become spacefarers with such limited capacity towards science, is beyond me.


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>How Pakleds were able to become spacefarers with such limited capacity towards science, is beyond me.
Well apparently they don't build anything of their own and they don't reverse engineer stuff either, they just stick parts of other ships onto theirs, maybe they found super intelligent nanobots glue that makes technology go if you just stick it together without them understanding anything, or they are idiot savants that are really good at creating technology inter-compatibility matrices and nothing else.



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