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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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do you watch sports?
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They don't call him "ゴキロー" for nothing.


Goodbye… Homerun…


accidental sage


No, even watching live looks stupid, like play it yourself uygha


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>Sport is either private, like the prayer which one performs alone inside a closed room, or public, performed collectively in open places, like the prayer which is practised corporately in places of worship. The first type of sport concerns the individuals themselves, while the second type is of concern to all people. It must be practised by all and should not be left to anyone else to practise on their behalf. It is unreasonable for crowds to enter places of worship just to view a person or a group of people praying without taking part. It is equally unreasonable for crowds to enter playgrounds and arenas to watch a player of a team without participating themselves.
>Sport is like praying, eating, and the feelings of coolness and warmth. It is unlikely that crowds will enter a restaurant just to look at a person or a group of people eat. It is also unlikely that they will let a person or a group or people enjoy warmth or ventilation on their behalf. It is equally illogical for the society to allow an individual or a team to monopolize sports while the society as a whole pays the costs of such a monopoly for the exclusive benefit of one person or team. In the same way, people should not allow an individual or a group, whether it is a party, class, sect, tribe or parliament, to replace them in deciding their destiny and in defining their needs.
>Private sport is of concern only to those who practise it on their own and at their own expense. Public sport is a public need and the people cannot be either democratically or physically represented by others in its practice. Physically, the representative cannot transmit to others how his body and morale benefit from sport. Democratically, no individual or team has the right to monopolize sport, power, wealth or arms for themselves. Sporting clubs represent the basic organization of traditional sport in the world today. They retain all expenditure and public facilities allocated to sport in every state. These institutions are social monopolistic agencies like all dictatorial political instruments which monopolize authority, economic instruments which monopolize wealth, and traditional military instruments which monopolize arms. As the era of the masses does away with the instruments monopolizing power, wealth and arms, it will,Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Just fixed my recurve bow. Anyone else interested in archery here?
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i once made a bow out of broom stick and broken rubber band
so yeah you can say im an archery expert


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PVC is a good material for bows, it's a very common diy project.




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Is she an archer? Because I think she she just pierced my heart.

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Trying to get the /hobby/ ball rolling
I want to grow mushrooms. Does anybody have any tips? Or ways to start without buying a mass-manufactured kit?
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Honestly it's much more interesting to go collect them in nature


pftek has worked for me growing psilocybin. mostly don't now because you need an aseptic environment which is different with a kitty or two mulling about the house

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 No.1660[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Alright filmfags, show me what you've got.

&ltS Tier - Timeless
>Tarkovsky: Stalker, Andrei Rublev, Solaris
>Klimov: Come and See
>Bela Tarr: Turin Horse, Werckmeister Harmonies, Satantango (all very demanding)
>Bergman: Persona, Seventh Seal
>Herzog: Aguirre (I love them all but this one stands apart)
>Kubrick: 2001

&ltA Tier - Food for the soul
>Visconti: The Leopard, Rocco and his Brothers
>Fellini: La Dolce Vita, Amarcord
>De Sica: Bicycle Thieves, Umberto D.
>Pontecorvo: Battle of Algiers
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irl he was a gay communist gigachad


Have you watched salo? does the message of fascism bad really set it apart from the other disturbing borderline snuff films that salo is usually categorized with?

about that
why was he assassinated
was it differences in the Italian Communist Party, The religious fundamentalists who hated him for being gay and communist or some other mafia related reason


It's not really a snuff film and does pound for pound have real artistic merit

I don't know about his assassination or much about the italian communist party


This line of questioning is so pointless too, just watch Salo its on fucking rarbg you could finish it and have an opinion on it in two hours.


Why is it pointless?
I don't want to watch it but I want to understand it

Accidentally hearing some scenes from the movie in a youtube video as a child still disturbs me
I hate the word "manja" whenever I hear it because of the movie.

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 No.15233[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Old /co/ thread is dead and buried.
Let's have a new thread to talk about comics and animation.
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Because serial capeshit generally isn't attached to any single author. Dozens of different authors over the years have done their own takes on characters resulting in an incoherent mess of continuity and "universes".


Think of it as different directors for the same franchise. They end up covering the same ground with origins and big bads, but the tone and plot of each series is different.
Which is why the dark knight is the only Batman comic you should read.


Alright I got it.
Do japanese authors have more control over their comics they make that stops giants like marvel and dc owning their creations and allowing differnet spins on it ?


Manga artists generally control their own stories and characters, although I have observed some instances (which seem to be increasing lately?) of authors whoring out their creations to other authors for side stories and sequels, like with Dr. Stone, Naruto, and My Hero Academy.


Depends on the publisher. Weekly Shounen Jump requires a chapter a week, forever. Those artists require help and direction from lesser artists as well as publisher big wigs. As long as the chapter gets done, and people like reading it, the series gets to stay another week.
This is why Araki (JoJo) moved to Ultra Shounen Jump monthly. This is also why Togashi (HxH) goes on so many hiatuses.

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Any anons practice this? How's it going? I was really into LDing when I was younger but drifted away due to the usual suspects of work, school, and alcoholism.

Been thinking about buying a dream journal and getting back into it. I still remember most of the basic ideas like reality checks and DILD/WILD, but it's gonna take some work to start putting them back into daily practice.
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Wrong spelling. It is:


Depends on the person, they used to come up naturally to me but it's been a while since the last one


I think dreams are a side effect of your brain organizing information while you sleep.
Would explain why when I wake up I sometimes suddenly have a song in my mind that I may not have thought about in years or a previous memory that I didn't really think about that often normally.


About lucid dreaming, I have never tried to induce it yet, but I had a lucid dream just once in my life before. I managed to stay asleep for maybe a minute after realizing, and it felt really peaceful and for the first time I could remember the dream was actually pleasant, but sadly I woke up.
I want my dreams to be pleasant and relaxing instead of bizarre horrorshows that feel like they've drained me after I wake up, so I will try to give this a go.


I mastered whatever the opposite of lucid dreaming is

I was about to coom in my dream but I caught myself on guard and woke up like a sleeper agent milliseconds before it happened

Then I went to the shower and beat my dick like it was a landlord


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First thread I've ever made here. I'm really interested in graphic design and I make shitty flags all the time. Therefore: Post your flags, your logos, your posters, your whatever. Or you can post cool shit you found - point is, post some based shit.

>Lefty shit is best, but if you think it's cool, post.
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Feel free to clean it up.
I sadly don't have the skills or software.




the middle one looks a bit villainous tbh. like the mirror universe USSR

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WHAT's the most important piece of furniture?
The thing you spend A THIRD of your LIFE on.
THE THING that will MURDER YOUR BACK if it's not GOOD.

We MUST establish a GENERAL THREAD in order to CONGLOMERATE INFORMATION pertaining to MATTRESSES in order to sift through the LIES and TRUTHS of BOURGEOIS MATTRESS COMPANIES.


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Are they really that much better than beds? I couldn't find any info on it.


Why the fuck are the damn things so expensive?


same reason a macbook is so expensive. the memory foam wears out, you get bedbugs, gotta buy a whole new one 4 years later.
Thats why I sleep in a hammock


bros how do dry my matteress in rain

i keep splling water on it so much
on both the sides


You can put salt in a kitchen towel and use it as a big desiccant pack and put in on the mattress.
Depending where you live you might get a cheaper non food quality salt that is used for deicing sidewalks in hardware stores.
You can help the desiccation process if you got a clothing Iron and use it to heat up the mattress before you put the salt bag on it.
You can also try to use a vacuum cleaner to suck out the moist air from the mattress.

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Discuss any tips, tricks, and tactics to get ahead. Moralfags leave your ovaries at the door.
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Guys they’re extending the eviction ban again potentially. I’m already living rent free, but I have a more devious plot to fuck over the landlord.

I’m going to throw a room up on airbnb and make some extra cash off it, while the landlord gets to eat shit every month lmao.


Genius shit lol, just don't get arrested


But there's already other threads for that on other boards.


1) Buy some orange juice. Spit in it, coom in it, leave it in the sun. Collect the result after a week or when funky stuff starts appearing. Spread small amounts of the mix all over the hard to reach corners in the apartment.
2) Go to the pet store and buy some dead mice for snek pet. Put them in water for a bit. Open a vent and toss one or two of the fucks inside.
3) ALWAYS coom in the biggest, hardest tissue you can find, flush it down the toilet. Also start using wetwipes for your ass and also flush them.
4) Buy a regional pest (termite, cockroach… whatever) and present them a nice place they could infest in the apartment.
5) Spill some sticky shit on the carpet, tell landlord about it, cowtow and suck their dick, offer to pay for the damage. Maybe find some other invwntive way to please them (this shows you are a good tenant and not the maospawn I'm teaching you to be).
6) Move out before the nastyness really kicks in. Repeat in new apartment.


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i think you could take this further by going with one of these huge suitcases, the tube could go through one of the handles

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Royal Rumble Edition, I guess. Even though we won't get enough activity to have multiple editions.

I haven't watched any wrestling in at least half a year, but the Rumble is tonight and that's always my favorite PPV. I normally at least watch the last RAW and Smackdown before a PPV, but I'm so out of it that I didn't even bother to do that, so I have no clue what the current angles are. I watched NWA for a while but haven't liked what I've seen from AEW.

Any other white trash comrades who like fake fights?
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I agree with those. It's way too soon for Sasha to lose the Smackdown's Women's title. Then with Roman Reigns, I have a feeling he's going to have that title for a good long while. I'd like to see him and Drew continue where they left off from Survivor Series. I'm honestly surprised they don't have anything set up for Asuka as far as the Raw Women's Championship goes. I guess the storyline for the Women's Tag Team is taking more of a ride, maybe Asuka "Two-Belts"?


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Yeah, probably. I'm hoping for 2-belts Asuka tomorrow. She's too based. Everything about her style: her speed, energy/intensity, kicks, spinning backfists, suplexes, hip-attacks, the Asuka lock submission. She's joshi puroresu incarnate. also hnggh and teds of peace


Mommy Asuka! I love her as well. I really miss Kairi though. Kabuki Warriors didn't last long enough.





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