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I would like to hear some song like this:


But talking about a communist sociaty.

Ignora cringy image I just found on google.
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"Imagine" by John Lennon


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One Way to Go - Julia Ecklar


Hilly Fields - Nick Nicely
(Proto Post-scarcity)


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I'm sick of seeing stereotypical "california lifestyle" shit in concept cars. Here's a few examples:



Yes, the examples are a bit dated but the dated nature of them just shows how stupid this all is.

And, as it directly pertains to Leftism: in the 1930s the government created a specific architecture for rural areas, known as National Park Service Rustic. NPSR-national is just a styled blend of everything, but it was adapted by California's government for various uses around the state: in the north CA Park Rustic tends to lean towards clapboard-looking shacks while south of Fremont (a notable place, it's where the first railroads went through to Oakland) they went for plaster-based spanish designs. Both prominently feature the state's colors: white, red and brown. Spanish buildings trended red while Norcal ones trended brown.

Why does this matter to leftists at all? Well in transportation specifically these colors were used to create what is now Caltrain's logo, back when the state government decided to just take over service completely from it's disinterested private operator, Southern Pacific. Notably SP's first class passenger colors were silver and red, and this transition marked an important step in American cultural development as (wait for it) Americans, including stereotypically rural ones that voted for Reagan all six times, voted for the government to provide a service that private industry was unwilling to continue. This was a hard fought victory, while Amtrak had already existed at that point this was a step in forcing the President to not stop Congress from buying Amtrak their own equipment (at the time, Amtrak was still using 30s-era legacy cars given over per the terms of it's creation).

On a similar point, same goes for SF's Muni whose choice of grey/red reflects the growth of Norcal's economy relative to LA's; Muni's old yellow/white paint existed in response to LA's rise and LA is associated with warmer colors. None of this is referenced in automobile concept cars, because car concepts are what companies want people to be and not whPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Anon I might be stupid but I don’t get it. Interesting post though.


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Here are some more examples of what I'm talking about, from railroad stations around CA. Most were torn down since it's owner, like all companies, has little respect for what they create as it's all in service of profit.

Car companies are the same but their concept designs are more alien and have essentially no relevance to Californians. It doesn't need to be for them to make money, and it's infuriating because they probably could design a "California" automobile in the same way Sacramento built a "California" railroad, so to speak.


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Anyway, compare it to anything found in one of these magazines. Generally speaking, the magazine's commissioned art will be way off base as to the reality most Californians experience. I use railroads as an example since class struggle is more obvious there.

As it pertains to Socal architecture: modern capitalist architecture tends to be far, far less practical than actual Spanish architecture. This is because actual Spanish structures (and high-quality copies, like train stations) were built with plaster, masonry and concrete not timber covered with plaster. As a result actual Spanish designs have to be more conservative, and they have a much hardier look. Conduit has to go on top of walls, not neatly packed within them.

This is extremely evident along SF's Embarcadero where old industrial warehouses remain next to brand new hipster cafes and "tech" spaces.


Hey OP it’s dumb anon here. Thank you for explaining something so interesting. Architecture is way more indicative of things then people’d thing. Cheers g

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The official thread for coin tossing, a really popular hobby in the USA at the moment. You can share your tips and tricks to win every-time.
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Math problem: Suppose your coin may be biased, but you don't know the actual probabilities. How do you make coin-tossing fair? Variant: Let's add to this problem the start-orientation bias.


Toss the coin twice with the calls reversed (same start orientation). Repeat if tied.


Look at it, then depending on if it is heads or tails turn it on your arm or not, to make it more fair for the candidate who really tried so hard and made our billionaire friends so happy.


Another math problem: Suppose the coins are unbiased and that there is no start-orientation bias either. What are the odds that you win six tosses in a row?


With each toss, the number of possible sequences doubles. 2*2*2*2*2*2 = 64. So, there are 64 possible sequences for six coin tosses and in only one of them you win six times. In other words, that you DON'T win six times in a row has a probability between 98 and 99 percent.

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Come Bash the fash in Politics and war with us at Advanced Syndicalist Mechanics



whats is this like jannifer government 2?


Yes but there is mechanics for military, economy, and nation building



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What youtubers does leftypol watch?
I personally like codys lab and penguinz0.
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Oneyplays, YMS, SuperMega


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>without eceleb cringe humour
>literally called 'cuck philosophy'


>Strange brain parts
For a small channel he has really high quality. He covers obscure comics, old indie comics, and the history of some mainstream characters too. If you hate 'capeshit' you still might like his channel because he goes into a lot of hidden 'not traditional super heroes' gems
>Comic tropes
The same as the previous, but more mainstream. It's still into the obscure, forgeten heroes and bad comics.
>Renegade cut
The only out right political one. He his media analysis always come out with interesting leftists takes.


I think they made the tits of Hotaru too big.


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post cute girls holding or reading leftie books


>>>/GET/ out moe-fag

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Here's the remanents of one
Anybody got a copy?
What other fiction out there is too subversive for us proles to dare read?
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The communist manifesto.


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>communist manifesto


While not openly banned the Iron Heel and The Abyss are Jack London books purposely omitted from public mention outside of serious biographical works.




Venned Denmates >>1634

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let's talk about web development.
i have skills in HTML CSS and Javascript as a hobbyst.
i want to change career.
what does /hobby/ think of this course?
what are the skills necessary to land a developer job?
what do you guys think of this:
https://techcrunch.com/2016/05/10/please-dont-learn-to-code/ is psychological terrorism?
the market it's full or there are possibilities to be employed even if you don't have a college degree?
what is going on actually in the industry?
everything related to web development.


If you're an OK web developer, you've read stuff about writing clean code, and are constantly thinking about how you could've made your work cleaner, there is more than enough work.

I know a lot of developers, most of them are mediocre and I wouldn't hire them at my own company. 20% are really bad, 80% are mediocre at best, 20% are good and I would hire them. Of around 50-80 developers that I know, only 1 has a shitty paying job. The rest have jobs that pay pretty good. None have trouble finding jobs.

I've tried scouting for frontend developers, there are none that actually know how to code, 90% of them bullshit their way through jobs and are very very unkowledgable about the craft. I suck at frontend development, and I still know more than they do. There's a shit ton of jobs out there and not enough developers, let alone competent ones.

Finally, to become a good developer, you have to practice a lot. The best practice comes from work. Don't be scared of asking for jobs that don't pay well at first.


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Instead of buying a course you could try pirating it. if you can't get a VPN try direct downloading. You can find a bunch of sites hosting rapidgator, nitroflare, etc. Just use duck duck go to search 'Rapidgator/nitroflare java tutorial' The best thing to do is install Jdownloader2 and let the downloads play in the background. If you have to buy a premium account use link snappy
If you don't want to pirate you can try edx free courses or 'free CS degree' list made online
Also pic related is a file sharing group I'm in. You can't get invited, but I can post some courses here as mega links


Are any of these courses good?
I feel a lot of them are shit.

Related: does anyone know good resources to learn web development for people who already know how to code?


You own a company? And you're a leftist?
Based classcuck

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For all things related to the Chapo.https://soundcloud.com/chapo-trap-house/tracks
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This but unironically


I like Virgil, idk if it’s just me


Does amber have nudes?


Someone made a cum tribute for her I believe lmao


I wish I had nudes of Felix.

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¿Por qué Ucrania todavía no puede con los pro-rusos 6 años han pasado desde la guerra en Dunbass?


Why Ukraine still can not with the pro-Russians 6 years have passed since the war in Dunbass?

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