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File: 1608525549645.jpg ( 54.64 KB , 720x538 , anne.jpg )


Thoughts on Hypernormalisation


File: 1608525589335.jpg ( 137.04 KB , 540x500 , skeleton_3.jpg )

It's full of pretty bad takes about all my favorite subjects. Definitely worth watching just for the Gaddafi footage.


>It's full of pretty bad takes about all my favorite subjects.
Can you expand on this?








Bad takes like what it? Interested in watching it. But stuck in the living room so tell if there are any adult situations please


It's appropriately Lynchian for our horrific post-modern fascist world. The book that coined the term is worth looking into:


an interesting talk of his (in English): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg6Vq0cXvSc

the book: https://libgen.is/search.php?req=Everything+was+Forever%2C+Until+it+was+No+More


Anne frank is really cute why did the nazis have to kill off so many qt jews omg


Why was she so cute bros? She didn't deserve to die so early.


Nazis were really autistic. Fuck them.

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