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Can we get an /x/ thread going for any and all weird shit, serious or not? Since this is probably a majority materialist board, skepticism is welcome as well.

As a kid I was really fascinated by stuff like the paranormal and ufology. Not much of a believer anymore but every now and then I'll read about someone's experience or see a photo or something which causes me to pause and think there might be more to the universe than we think.

Anyways, I just started playing Deus Ex and it got me back into that sort of mindset. Figured I'd make a thread and see if any anons were interested.


Well to begin how about this Esoteric Stalinist speculation

Trotsky received the order for his execution with an icepick willingly in order to preserve the teachings of Marxist Leninism within the imperial centre where they would otherwise have been suppressed and censored


Even if we are talking in a materialistic sense. I always believe in the zoo hypothesis where our solar system is actually heavily monitored by other civilizations on our economic development. With all of them being post-scarity cybernetic communists.
That’s why even though posadism is a big meme I still think that any species that can explore space would be communist. Maybe capitalism is our greatest filter yet.


Fidel Castro was clairvoyant.


Please don't.
We have enough schizo-posting as it is.


Use this as a containment thread then, if you think someone's being a little too schizo direct them here


Redirect every schizo to this thread lad.

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