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I first took up the piano when I was 13 played until I was 18. After that I didn't play for 10 years. Now I've been taking it up again and relearning. Most of all I like it. Anyone else play it? Other comments?


I've been practicing piano in a hope of eventually learning how to produce synth music. Learning how harmonics, majors work has been refreshing after spending most of my life as passive consumer of music. My current mechanical piano skills are dogshit and I still struggle to use both of my hand simultaneously but hopefully I get better over time.

What are you playing these days?


That's tight. I'm just doing some beginner stuff, to be honest, so it's really just shortened versions of classical music. I've forgotten so much, but I feel like I'm making some fast progress.


>>14294 (me)
Feel free to comment if you play another instrument, too.


The national anthem of the PRC is pretty easy and fun to play lol.

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Not sure if you nerds watch handegg and this was a boring superb owl but what is a materialistic explanation for Tom Brady's success here? Is he just very good at picking out teams that aren't shit?
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not even football fans like football. watch literally any other sport. basketball, hockey, and soccer are all entertaining on their own merits.


College football is good


I think the sport you're thinking of is baseball, now that is a truly boring sport.
Football just has a lot of pauses but that's because it's a generally rough game.


Baseball is more of a drama than a sport, truth be told
at least American Baseball isn't played over 5 fooken days

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We need to study the Gibbons. Collect all the new youtube video that is related to the Gibbon. Only then can we unlock their secrets.

Here's a recent one: gibbons fighting
Notice how their comical anatomy makes them physically unable to hurt each other. (And please, take note in your scibbon notebook.)

Here's the other Gibbon.
Note: it's called kulak gibbon - a very rare species indeed. It got its name from hoarding humans. A single kulak gibbon can hoard up to 6 humans, but some sources say they've seen a whole human village being owned by a kulak gibbon. (N.B. in your notebook: further study of Gibbon class structure is required.

More on warfare:
Notice the superiority of Gibbon agility vs. the puny jaw strength of the dog who can't even bite once. Other species it seems, are afraid of the Gibbon. The Gibbon uses tactical warfare aimed at influencing its enemy's psychology, the enemy gets irritated, makes mistakes, the Gibbon wins.

Another inferior species: the feline.
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okay i understand why everybody want to return to monke


Primates are no match for the giant otter.
3.45min of vid embedded
<Other otters attack the monkeys


otters are mean :(


lizord no : (


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based thread
>tfw gibbon folder empty

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What even is the point of them since it seems like the best games that get noticed is shit that you wouldn't find at those sorts of hype conventions.


Why is this here and not on >>>/games/?
Anyway if that's true that's fucking crazy, but I guess it makes sense given the current situation and also because you're right in that those events are shit.


Moved to >>>/games/7722.

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ITT we talk about anything related to punk, hardcore, and any subgenres of punk and hardcore.
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>Maybe they will stop squating


Well of course! One of the best hc bands ever.


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<did somebody say СЕМЕЧКИ ТЕМА?


>they took this away from you


This but also Crazy Thunder Road; Sogo Ishii is great.

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A thread for the best scifi on TV atm, aka "21st Century but in Space" simulator.
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Mars is meant to be China/Russia: power ascendant superpower that spends too much o mill tech compared to its own internal development.


Spoilers ahead:

So they decided to kill Alex off due to Cas Anvar being #metoo'ed in a really hamfisted way. They reshot a bunch of scenes where they go like "yeah, he got a stroke. Happens!" after they showed Alex "dying" by showing him not moving in the cockpit while they inserted an acceralting beep soundeffect. Really? The entire tension in this season was built up for Naomi's fate, to dump another main character while she remains unscathed seem cold as fuck, and I think viewers will notice. It's basically an off-screen death. I just don't understand why they didn't just have a recast? His character arc feels completely unfinished.

Shame on an otherwise decent finale.


>in a really hamfisted way.
how redundant. the entire show is ham fisted and emotionally manipulative


>emotionally manipulative
What do you mean by this? I didn't get the impression from the authors that they're trying to manipulate you with their character designs. They even defended Marco Inaros on Twitter.


A mate of mine told me this is actually how Fred Johnson dies in the books.

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For me, it's socialist economics grafted onto a 50's-60's Americana aesthetic architectural superstructure.


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Reject concrete. Embrace brick.


maybe some smaller buildings but I love thicc unpainted concrete walls


Fellas, we all can agree that brick brutalism is the way to go


yes, the attacks on brutalism being souless have always fallen flat for me, there's something about the thick concrete that makes an impression on you in a way that glass and steel don't.

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A three way discussion about capitalist ideology in old school D&D on 4/tg/ just settled down because it was, in all honesty, threatening to become a bit of a bloated chain of replies and draw /pol/ like flies to honey. I think there's about 3 commies in that thread, which was rather unexpected.

I have to imagine at least one of those anons was a /leftypol/ack.

So is there anyone here interested in oldschool D&D?
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Neat campaign settings and a significantly different style of play, with different expectations of the players and the DM.


How so?
Every time I've played itit's also so numbery…


Prior to 3e, player characters had less abilities so you had to come up with novel solutions to problems rather than looking at your character sheet for answers. Characters were also squishier so death was expected to be common. Stats were rolled 3d6 "down the line" so if you got 8 strength and wanted to play a fighter, choose another class or tough luck. Campaigns were less about RP heavy fetch quests and more about exploring / managing resources in the dungeon. Players often did the mapping. It was nice


To use vidya as an analogue, you could compare it to something like Darkest Dungeon than Skyrim. Death is part and parcel of the game, and the story is what the players make of the world rather than determined by the DM.


And there's also a whole (sub)genre of music that is Heavily isnpired by it.

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I'm putting this in hobby because Stalin is not internet trash. Mods pls no bully.
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He was a stalinist let's player in the early 2010s. His old old channel before getting booted from youtube was JVSLetsplays or something like that. He ran a leftist forum called the JVS forums.

My love of 4x strategy games and my formative years as a leftist are thanks to him. He's not a stalinist anymore and has become well nuanced and grown as a person. Towards the end of that video he made some good observations on the state of modern global politics using hegelian dialectics.

I feel like such an oldfag writing this but I'm only 23. Where is everyone? I had assumed at least one other fan would be on leftypol these days.


I think I've heard of him before


Is he joking when he says the Gulag Archipelago turned him off Stalin? If not, lmao.


that got me too I'll admit because solzny is bullshit as nuanced people should be aware. Yet, he comes back around to the dialectic later in the video and his channel was never hard theory anyways. (And he'll probably get better over time with community input too.) He's an aesthetic youtuber from a different era that some internet leftists grew up with 10 years ago.


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the new BOTW is top 5 materialhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7_ZU4dlqXk
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1. Male movie reviewers literally review movies as bad because female actors don't show enough tits. The male gaze objectifying people to consume them is absolutely an injustice, any Marxis should oppose the commodification of women. Of course brosocialists hate "woke identity politics" so they'll never talk about how Hollywood contributes to the ongoing rape of women in porn lol

2. How many white settler colonialist people will point out the obviously CIA funded movies, or the inherent fascism of heroic myths for Iron Man/Black Panther/etc

This is a redpill for morons who don't understand capitalist systems.


How about instead of The Blob, its The Bob. And its about an Indian guy who goes around a small town trying to see titties


>White settler colonist

hello there, falling for that CIA glowie Sakai again are we?


>The male gaze objectifying people to consume them is absolutely an injustice,
No it isn't, even by feminist standards. The male gaze argument is that objectifying women socializes men to mistreat women. It's supposedly a contributing factor to injustice, not an injustice unto itself.


>The male gaze objectifying people to consume them is absolutely an injustice, any Marxist should oppose the commodification of women.

I agree but this is not what Mike is arguing. The reality is that many people, especially women, have to choose between putting food on the table or making a piece of authentic work, speaking out against sexual harassment or being targeted by big names in the entertainment industry. There's no place for women to run to in order to escape the rampant exploitation in the industry without being blacklisted from it.

Celebrities like Brie Larson are more than happy to allow this to happen as long as they can stay in their multi-million dollar homes. That's because they make their paychecks by meeting the male gaze and nodding their heads towards the men who perpetuate it (look no further than how liberals/celebrities destroyed #MeToo for Biden). For every Brie Larson, there is an underbelly of underpaid female editors, writers, and etc. who add to the bulk of the value of the movie, but aren't paid if they did, so that Brie can be paid millions of dollars based on her looks alone.The cherry on top is that she's defending a capeshit movie of all things, a genre that could show a literal turd for 10 hrs and viewers would still ask for a re-release with director cuts.

It's performative feminism at its' finest, the sort required by most celebrities nowadays because their masters are upset that consumers are starting to realize just how disgusting they are. The sort that tricks women into believing that progress is being made when nothing in the superstructure has fundamentally changed.

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