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 No.7009[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What's your personality type? INFP gang represent. Also daily reminder that MBTI and even Jungian cognitive functions are not a concrete analysis of how people behave, it's only a general prediction of how people behave over a period of time when faced with various situations.
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Lmao, I never considered mr Trump as an asexual icon before. We love him yes we do.
I noticed you had a somewhat above average extroversion compared to most here, and it's interesting that Trump is very bombastic and energetic

Kek have you ever busted a nut to her? You have a pretty high emotional stability compared to most coomers I know but I guess "the least ugly american war criminal" is a refined taste

Interesting, what the hell is the background behind this photo?


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>>18595 (You)
>>18596 (You)
I just love him. He is hysterically endearing for me. I love his "Patient yet incredibly enthused housecat" mannerisms. I can't get him out of my head. I let him live there at his expense as big blin. We love it, don't we cooters?


>He is hysterically funny to me. I love how he speaks
Kek, this but unironically


Which are the most dogshit MBTI yt channels? For me it's CS Joseph and Love Who.


not so much shit but I really enjoy frank james, especially his older stuff


Am I the only one who doesn't like "travel" ?? I see literally no point in even going to a different region in my own country, let alone another one.

I feel like saying you hate travel in this instagram era is like saying you hate puppies or chocolate or apple pie something. I really don't like the whole experience. It's exhausting. My idea of a vacation is sleeping for a week.
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I like to travel but I don't like to reach the destination.
I enjoy sitting in a car and seeing different places and houses and people.

My main qualm against travelling is safety and having money to travel. Need me a travelling obsessed rich instagram gf who'll drag me to places. I'm too much of a hikkimori


It's a bit hard to travel when you have no money. :(


I’d only like travel if there are good food places to visit


I like travling but I hate instagram and all this shit, for me traveling is exploring places I haven't been to and enjoying new things. If you're not into it, that's just fine IMO, and I don't know why some people would be pissy about it. Of course travelling is hard without money.


I travel for the food.
If Japan is regionally accessible, just go there. You literally have to try and find food that isn't excellent. Plus, it's super cheap.
>but i cant speak japane-
still worth it

If money/work was not a concern, I would leave within 1 hour to go there.

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There one film or TV show, or vidya that you can't help but enjoy, even though you know it's not that great or anti-communist af, or any other reason, feel free to post them in this thread

For me, pic related is definitely a guilty pleasure lmao
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At least he did this bit.


I have nostalgia for pokemon, but the gameplay was objectively shit grinding, and the message and content hyper consumerist low effort shit
Gave up on it long time ago, but that opening still gives me goosebumps


>is this a guilty pleasure
not really, the origins of 40k are rooted in punk and counter culture, even if current day evolutions couldn't be farther from it


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I honestly had a really fun time with Game of Thrones even after the writing went to shit a few seasons in. The actors really were giving it all with terrible material and I respect that, plus the visual design at least kept things interesting to look at even if it was mindless fluff at best.

Also a big fan of tokusatsu even when they're bad, since the colorful action lets me turn off my brain and enjoy some cool fights.


A large portion of Adam Sandler films, although some are straight up unwatchable.

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 No.551[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Yep, we back at it again.Thread for n8, furries, furry related stuff, whatup.I was thinking of reading Beastars, I heard it was pretty good.
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>8kun is a broken rotting site with a neglectful admin
no u

>dysfunctional global moderation

only 60% of the time


>good option

>Tthe loli/cub/shota shit is bleh and glows. The site is full of /pol/tards from julay.world and 9chan.tw

>Tthe loli/cub/shota shit is bleh and glows. The site is full of /pol/tards from julay.world and 9chan.tw


>>broken rotting site with a neglectful admin
>no u
what is this, 2020?


no u
ur momo is 2020


>the word normie has lost all meaning at this point
it really has, edgy alt-girls now use that word to refer to other women, I wanted to scream at her, but for better or worse I was quite


for the better, but depending how you went about it could be really based or depressing and disturbing

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Is Naruto liberal or is it reactionary? Its obviously not leftist because they constantly defend a feudal government.
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it's mostly Moopy Path stuff which is hyper based




bump for best show :^)


Are you retarded or did you not see /anime/ ? Yes it's a good fun show, but FFS.
>inb4 link is 404'd
That's because the transfer from Bunkerchan to here was retarded, the old thread for Naruto is still up. Please delete your post and unbump the thread.


Naruto is anime
Go there


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 No.2062[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post about drawing and painting and related
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Another commission done. Slowly I will save enough money to replace my 10yo laptop, buy a safe box where I could store valuables and start collecting rare coins and medals that I always wanted. My life never looked so bright before. I have had 3 commissions in the queue but unfortunately one of the 3 guys dropped out today, if I were faster I could get his money. It's extremely hard and tiresome to work with +30C temperature at home and with no air conditioner to cool you, though I am proud that I have more commissions than free time.


The thread hit bumplimit. Shall I create new one?


doit baby


>in this case who cares.
me or anyone that doesn't wants to see the cp you made
you could've at least aged her up, but you were dumbass to do so

>per global booru.org rules.

yet back in 2016 that wasn't the case

this, and will do nothing about it like the /get/lover they are

>og VN

as a side note: it not surprise since the MC is 17 years old in a ero-vn.
>most of girls are 18 but they still fucked up


>me or anyone that doesn't wants to see the cp you made
>you could've at least aged her up, but you were dumbass to do so
Could you go back and read the whole reply chain to see that I wasn't the one who drew Ulyana? Also way to miss the point of my post. It's not like this single dude practicing his drawing skills by taking a request, which happens to be of an underage character, is going to result in the booru being flooded with loli crap because like I already said, you can't post that shit on there due to a loli/shota rule from global booru.org staff. It's different now from back then, and everyone knows this because leftybooru was about to be deleted last year until the admin deleted all the loli shit which some people complained about. Look, I also hate that crap but this is nothing to be mad about, I also doubt that guy is from /GET/.

I'm happy that things are going well for you now anon.

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 No.10732[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ITT we discuss business strategy and help other anons escape wage slavery, build a business that subverts capitalism from within, and become ethical petty booj with a lefty perspective in mind.

This is for serious discussion only, keep focused on the topic and don't derail the thread.
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Who here has experience with dropshipping? I want to hear what you've learned


probably works well since they are both stupid and tend to be high earners


It's a hard hustle. There are many ways to do it. The US market is highly saturated. Other markets aren't as much. You can also do shit like arbitrage, where you sell shit on ebay and just buy it on amazon to your buyer's home.

Beware of people selling you shit related to dropshipping. It is mostly all scam.

It takes a while to understand what the fuck you are doing and not fuck it up. You should expect to lose some money right out the door.


If I just made $100k doing business, does that mean I'm porky now?

really trying to square away that's it's okay to make money for revolutionary groups…


>If I just made $100k doing business, does that mean I'm porky now?
Yes. We're not liberals here, we are critical of the capitalist system, not necessarily individual capitalists. Most capitalists are trash, but we like some, such as Engels.

If you have a successful business, could you turn it into a cooperative?

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Kie estas mia genigruloj? Ĉu iuj parolas la sennacian lingvon ĉi tie?
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Mi multe pensis pri tio. Mi ofte masturbadas min sed al mi neniam okazis iu ajn simila. Eble ĝi plej ofte okazas al kacoj kiuj estis cirkumciditaj.


mi estas cirkumcidita kaj tio neniam okazis al mi. Tio nur povus okazi se vi iel tirus vian penison kiel ĝi estas ŝnuro de gazonfalĉilo (mi devis serĉi tiun vorton rete)


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iom komikoj


La fantomo hantas en Eûropo — la fantomo de komunismo.
Çiuj potencoj de la malnova Eûropo alianci¸is por sankta çaskampanjo kontraû tiu fantomo: la Papo kaj la Caro, Metternich kaj Guizot, francaj radikaluloj kaj germanaj
Kie estas tiu opozicia partio, kiu de siaj regantaj kontraûu-loj ne estas misfamigita kiel komunista? Kie estas la opozicia partio, kiu ne estis reîetinta la stigmatizan riproçon de komunismo kaj al la pli progresintaj opoziciuloj kaj al siaj reakciaj
Du aferoj sekvas el tiu fakto.
La komunismo jam estas agnoskita mem kiel potenco de çiuj eûropaj potencoj.

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Sorry if repost but this a discussion of the Star Wars Franchise which started in 1977
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scorch from republic commando showed up in the latest episode


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also this was a pretty good gag


they really channeling that slave hunter energy for the Empire


I like that we’re seeing a transition not only in armor but I’m the training of stormtroopers. I also like the reasoning: they are cheaper easier to train and there’s a lot more of them.

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Maybe we don't have enough power to have a great influence over politics but we have the power to have a great influence over people if we mobilize and take action by creating a new subculture to atract people's interest and take them out from that ignorance that leaves our enemies and traitors to win, a subculture with good aesthetic and it's own type of mentality will work the best to have a great change into society or just make things more fun a plan for this is SovCore.
>What is SovCore?
SovCore is a Soviet nostalgic subgenre of punk which incorporates several during or post Warsaw Pact aesthetics into one mixed with some alternative ones, it is a way to revolt against this Capitalist system and also promote a strong patriotic sentient.

>Mentality of a SovCorist

Basic Soviet mentality like Brotherhood/Sisterhood like minded, promotes gun, fitness or car cultures, helpful to community, feminist, aggressive, fanatical patriotic, AntiGlobalist, AntiFascist, AntiCapitalist, Antinationalist, racial separatist, continental unionism ex Asian Union, equalitarian, opposed to Capitalist rooten fruits such as sexual revolution stuff or mainstream pop culture


Basic alternative fashion combined with East European aesthetics such as military surplus or thug styles, the goal is your style to give an East bloc vibe, piercings are welcome in a small number and tattoos the best are the minimalist ones or based of Soviet prison tattoos ones


WitchHouse, Harbass, Post Punk, New/Dark wave, Chanson, Alternative rap the goal is to sound as gloomy, angry or Sovietic as possible

pic related a potential example for a SovCore style for women and excuse мой anglish
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I like the general idea but this sounds shit

I both agree and disagree. There has been attempts to create subcultures and it got people to hate them because it was too obvious example being Romo. However if it's not too blatantly obvious and if you get enough people involved people can mistake a manifactured subculture for a spontaneously occuring subculture and start following it if it actually appeals to them enough.


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might i recommend some fits?


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if there is sovcore there should be sovwave too and other subgeneres


OK no offense but why whould any leftists subculture focus on car ownership, see how bikers became in America and Japan post 80s


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>Brotherhood/Sisterhood, helpful to community, feminist,

>AntiFascist, AntiCapitalist, Antinationalist

>racial separatist,

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