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https://discord.gg/bNnugSJBunker Media is a project to make a blog and a small podcast/radio show with a background playlist of laborwave and fan-made music based on a Wordpress-based website. We need writers, musicians, editors, translators, programmers, and listeners. We're planning on reporting on news, theory, practice, book discussion, and maybe other stuff besides.>inb4 complaining about bunker media using discord
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>disc*rdglow harder, nigger


>>1043Hey, Discord wasn't my idea to use.


>>1044Was it the idea of your handler? Fuck off with your surveillance network.


>>104510 bucks say you use Windows.


>>1046Do you have cash?

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Does anyone have any e-reader recommendations? I don't want my eyes to blow up while reading.


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Kobo Aura H20 hands down. Easy to hack, lasts years, feature complete, supports all common formats.


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>>981Thanks comrade!>>980Lol

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what does everyone think of William Gibson's classic cyberpunk novels / stories, are they any good?
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>>926well which ones are the good ones, neuromancer?


I read Neuromancer years ago and from what I remember it was pretty good but it suffers from what many genre-setting works do in that it now seems pretty cliche and standard in retrospect


>>927neuromancer was pretty ok, but he wasn't a good writer yet and it's hard to keep up with the pacing of the novel. Ideas are interesting but the story sucks. It's literally just a cyberpunk heist story. I liked idoru better. But you could tell it was then when his political stances were starting to soften up to liberalism


>>929>>928What about his earlier work like Burning Chrome


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>>933Haven't read it.when it comes to cyberpoonk I liked " when gravity falls" which is about a world where traps are the norm and the west has declined to the point of being comparable to the current Middle East, and the story is set in the Middle east anyway . The main characters love interest is qute trap and they Fucc a lot. There's also lengthy descriptions of her boipuccy. There's also snowcrash which I really liked. Gibson started the cyberpunk movement but was never the best cyberpunk writer imo

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Well, throne of eldraine dropped and, I have to say, this is probably one of the most impressive sets i've seen come from wizards in a while.Other than the push on all the whales and timmies there's some good things in this; genuinely unique stuff.The alternative art/border cards really do look amazing.But let's get down to business:Right now, with the current format and meta change I would say that blue red and green on really on top right now. Blue has some great control and red/green has just been astoundingly fast. I have been hitting for almost ten by turn 3-4. Red was also blessed with some control in the form of Opportunistic dragon.You throw some pelt collectors in and some Bonecrusher Giants and you are looking at some serious threats being placed on the field.Right now I am running a Red/Green beat down deck. It's not optimized, but, it is running smoothly.Anyone else getting into standard right now? What are some of your thoughts and opinions?/Strategies?
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>>653Well that is really up to you to decide. Unlike yugio magic actually has a mana system for resources. Sometimes things tend to get out of control with the meta, but, nothing that cannot ever really be reigned back in. (We just banned a serious problem in the standard format.) But ultimately that is something only you can answer; probably through game play.


>>653>>636The mana system can be incredibly annoying if you dont draw the optimal amount of land. For that reason alone you should probably avoid magic. Gwent was a pretty good card game a few seasons ago, but they radically changed the game several times and im not up to date anymore. Its free to play, cards are easy to grind, art is amazing and the gameplay is (probably) alright.


>>673Imagine being such a brainlet you can't adequately produce a consistent ammount of Mana.Brains play magic.Brainlets play other shit.


>>673Pretty sure you're just terrible at deck building.


Won $125 on saturday in a modern tournament, makes my earnings from magic a couple hundred this month. Green is wildly op right now, oko is the best walker in the game.They just banned veil of summer in pioneer, and hopefully it follows that they will ban it in other formats soon. Card is way to good.I kind of hate how much time and money I put into something so bougie as playing magic, but I fucking love the gameplay.

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it's now Friday night EST in the US. what are you doing bunkerchan
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Procrastinating on homework while I'm supposed to be asleep.


Going back to work at this bullshit graveyard.


>>825do u mean graveyard shift or do u work at an actual graveyard?


>>825Seen anything spooky?


>>877I work graveyard shifts, lol. I actually almost got the chance to work at a graveyard tho, but, I didn't get the job.>>889Nah, I'm an atheist. &lttips fedoraBut, I was sick that night and drank like a whole bottle of nyquil so I was actually tripping pretty hard, lol.

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Arma 3 threadthe only decent shooter sandbox game,if anyone else is even playing it around hereAnyone experiences with good public servers and missions?Best mods that are used?


I only play with clans so I dunno about servers>modsAnybody know some good Balkans wars mod?


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>>784why don't clans use public servers for promotion and recruitment anymore?that seemed widely common a while ago, nowadays those servers seem hardly moderated and maintained by members and like a donation milking machinealso it's rather time consuming to be with a clan, but i guess arma was never really that good for casual gameplayas for mods i actually found right with that name this herehttp://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16311alsoKosovo Liberation Army (RHS Edition)and1998 - 1999 Yugoslav Unitsdon't know about much more, happened to see those on a server once is all


>>792Thanks mate

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Listening to an obscure radio station on a certain imageboard with a couple other listeners, several tabs open all with different topics, ranging from the NSFW and a blog on the feasibility of living in sewers to a live-stream of three painters critiquing their owm art. Fast food in one hand and my dick in the other, foot on the mouse and the other on the keyboard.


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WT general. This pleases the Snail.


this game is such a piece of shit and yet i get sucked in again and again


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>>733That mostly stems from the fact that at the very core there's an amazing game; a WW2 game that accurately depicts vehicle specs and physics, but it completely ruined by the fact Gaijin is quite possibly the worst dev in the history of ever and I include EA and Bethesda in that. I mean at least EA tries to be passive aggressive when it tells its players to fuck off, whereas Gaijin just straight up tells its players to Fuck off and when other players try and point out that there's a problem Gaijin says everyone is hallucinating and that there is no problem. Plus premiums, broken game, etc etc and the fact Gaijin refuses to do anything about any of these and doesn't have to because lol where else are you gonna play as an IS-3 that isn't WoT?


>>734researching something as basic as repairs and fire prevention is pissing me off so muchwhat is it meant to add to the gameplay to get toasted by a single shot? just make it an instant kill, who even gives a shit at that pointand rolling around with a broken off tank barrel and having to go inside one of the contested areas for repairs is absolutely ridiculousthat is adding nothing but frustration


>>736Welcome to Gaijin. That frustration is supposed to make you throw money at them in order to make the game """fun""", the frustration is just there in order to well frustrate you and you pay for it to not be there, typical whale hunting. Also did you see that stuff about the Maus? They managed to break the game so much that they removed it by their own admission because they were too lazy to balance it to the broken premiums that broke it in the first place, so instead of fixing the core issue they just removed the symptom. My bet is that by 2021 we will actually have less vehicles ingame than we do right now. Holy shit fuck Gaijin.

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