>>1051>Braintraining just seems like a scam to meIt absolutely is.>I fail to see how playing little minigames can make you smarter or more effective otherwise gamers would be the 300 IQ polymaths some of them believe themselves to be.Yeah, there's zero evidence that getting good at these "brain games" transfers in any way to anything else. There is potential for using games in this way. In fact, there have been some cognitive improvements noted as a result of playing certain regular video games. However, it's much more profitable to make bullshit "brain train" games than to research what works. Instead, they design a progression scheme that mimics progress and tricks you into thinking you're improving when you're not.>Also, we've been using our brains for millions of years without needing to 'train' them except by actually using them for real purposes.Bad argument. Prior to the last few decades we didn't manage to get our muscles as huge as we get them now by training properly and eating/injecting the right stuff.>Seems like another attempt by capitalism to sell us a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.It's more cynical porkies taking advantage of legitimate science and scientificially illiterate people.>However, if you think it works for you or you enjoy it, have at it man.I use one of these services which I won't plug because they have bad practices and got caught doing false advertising. The games are enjoyable enough, even if they don't do anything to help my brain. What they can do is tell me how highly certain cognitive skills are functioning on a given day, or allow me to do a sort of mental calisthenics to wake my shit up before working on something.