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How do I subtly inject anti-capitalist ideals into my Starfinder game? Players know I'm a commie so it has to be very subtle. Any ideas?


I approve of this idea however this belongs on >>>/games/ comrade. They actually have some good threads about games with communist ideas that you can find ideas for.

The basic rule however is that you have to avoid using the words communism or direct socialist symbolism (hammer and sickle on a red flag) because most people shy away from that like a horse from fire. Something clver I've seen is using small uncited quotes of various socialist leaders and theorists and having characters state them in appropriate situations as a subtle commie-pill as well.


Add Stalin as a playable character, and give him the mission of purging all of the Space Kulaks.


the two genders

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is picrel based despite being a lumpie? is everyone on the show a lumpie?


M8, can you not use catalog and see the /TV/ thread that has discussion on the Sopranos? I think there is even a thread for it seperately


He's a piece of shit.


>is picrel based despite being a lumpie?
No he's not. He's a lumpenbourg piece of shit whose very existence coarsens the lives of everyone around him & in the community at large.
>is everyone on the show a lumpie?
Pretty much. The characters who aren't explicitly lumpen (ex. Carmella, the other mobsters' wives, AJ & Meadow, Janice, Livia) could be considered lumpen-by-proxy. Melfi is pretty much the only morally upstanding character on the show and even that's debatable.


Are there any grad student anons? If so, are you currently working on research? Do you enjoy grad school?
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>>971become a youtuber that debunks alt right bio theories, and ask the breadtube crowd for patreon bux


>>978Shaun already does that I think. I'm also paranoid about my privacy and the last thing I want is the scrutiny of a thousand incel chuds with too much time on their hands trying to dox me/smear me. No, I'm perfectly content being depressed and terrified about the future while doing nothing.


>>971What did you study?


>>993Isn't it obvious? He studied genetics.


Health administration, a US masters pre-professional program explaining in great detail how fucked up the American Healthcare system is. We don’t have any socialized medicine in the US, but hopefully I can work for an organization that isn’t completely evil.

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can someone please shop inosuke's head in the shaman/warrior on the anti colonial patch?
im from latin america and getting started on anti colonial struggle,but I also love anime and dont know how to shop.


Try the OC thread

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hypothetically we will get rid of rappers and all types of musicians who espouse bourgeois culture
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Can someone edit video related to be about the internet and how american companies ruined the internet?


let's not pretend mainstream rap isn't about "rags to riches" opioid brains telling their life story about how they're so "happy" because they went from living in the favela to buying shit like gucci flip flops


All Hail Old BO!


Imagine complaining about braggadocio rap in 2020; how embarrassing.


Cry more sagefag

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I know this is likely a common thread and shitty question, but where would a newfag baby socialist who wants to work on improving his general privacy start? And are there any good resources online for learning more about specific tech subjects (Obviously preferably free)?
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https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/Read up on these programs. Though many browsers are open source few actually collect zero data about their users. This is mitigated easily and should not be overlooked. If you're dealing with a nation state level threat you may well be fucked either way but it never hurts to take extra precautions, especially ones as simple as switching your browser. Otherwise do as >>667 says


>>667uBlock collects user data. You can turn it off but it’s on by default. I think something like NoScript is better.


>>671>uBlock collects user dataProof? https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Privacy-policy


>>211> Use keepass to generate passwords for all websites> Invest in an iron key USB drive usually costs between 40 to 80 bucks these are password protected flash drives that you can program to only open on certain computers, and can be bricked remotely. You can also set it up to brick itself if someone enters the wrong password.> You want to have keepass on your iron key not on the desktop itself and certainly not on some cloud system.> For security you want to have bit defender and Comodo firewall.> Comodo is anoying as fuck but does the job of the fire wall pretty well for a free program.> Use a combination of TOR and other vpns never pay for a VPN plenty of free VPN services that do just fine.> Use a second iron key for your most secret of secret info> Their are tons of programs that let you send encrypted emails for free but good luck setting this up with anyone from first hand experience most people will just call you crazy and refuse to download the decryption key.> Find your routers IP address look it up on any browser a screen should come up asking for a username and password username is almost always admin password is almost always password from their change the password using keepass.> Duct tape your face if all else fails


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So netflix has added a bunch of korean shows, and I ended up watching this, apparently (very) loosely based on an historical figure.
Basically a korean robin hood, but the serie is made with great patience, large build up, ample character developement (there are like 30 1h long episodes). You actually start with the father of robin hood (who is a very based prole character, and I dont wanna spoil it, but god is the climax satisfying with him).
And HOLY FUCK did this gave me a fiery HATE for confucianism, what a pile of awful reactionary garbage. To think most of asia had fell prey to such bullshit is depressing. Fuck feudal societies man.

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What do you think about learning the North Korean dialect of Korean?
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You proof is a bunch of drawings in a pro-NATO anti-communist museum which just repeat standard anti-communist propaganda?


There were drawings but I’m talking about the photographs.

You chagrin my sources yet you spout your regimes rhetoric. Do you think I don’t know that NATO is a failure? I’m not there to masturbate, I’m there to pay respect.


Anti-communists routinely use photos of famines in British India to depict Soviet famines. They have even less credibility when it comes to the DPRK.


I like her thighs.


how can someone be retarded enough to believe that ?

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Who else is still raging that Google decided to remove support for the Panoramio layer from Google Earth a few years ago? I used to love browsing Google Earth to find pictures from places without having to travel to them. But then Google decided to delete millions of photos and remove support for them, focusing on only allowing commercial enterprises to curate a limited number of pictures under a new initiative for tourism mostly. I wouldn't need to buy Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 if we still had the old features.

You used to be able to find a lot more pictures like this from random photographers. They also removed support for Picasa recently.
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Just nationalize Google tbh.


There was Mapillary, but then it got bought by Facebook


That was such a great feature. I remember fawning at beautiful places like beaches in Jamaica and Cuba.


heh Mapillary is much better for this

also better than google street view which has shit-tier representation of real places (photos are heavily processed and normalized, so they all look identical, a photo from spain and from russia looks similar due to this)


I'm still raging that google images forces you to actually visit websites before you can download high quality images, and it doesn't even jump straight to the image on the website, so if you're trying to get a picture from pinterest you have to log into pinterest to get an image.

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Thread for traditional boardgames and leftist analyses of lore and other bullshit


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