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ITT post examples of porky portrayed negatively.
[b]Hard mode:[/b] materialist portrayals (they are products of the system and not just greedy for the lulz)
[b]Nightmare mode:[/b] actual Marxism
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f is for family (at least seasons 1 and 2)


I still can't see how Parasite was anti-capitalist. At best it can raise the question of "why are these peoples lives so stratified in comparison?", and at worst it portrays the lumpen lower class as, well, parasites, who fuck over and murder each other over the leeching spot and also ruin the lives of a happy porky family as well as the life of a random car driver in the process.


According to WSWS that movie sucked


Filtered hard.

>"Because the story is about the poor family infiltrating and creeping into the rich house, it seems very obvious that Parasite refers to the poor family, and I think that's why the marketing team was a little hesitant," he explained. "But if you look at it the other way, you can say that rich family, they're also parasites in terms of labor. They can't even wash dishes, they can't drive themselves, so they leech off the poor family's labor. So both are parasites."


Ziemia Obiecana by Wajda has lots of evil porkies in the time of industrial revolution

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Hi! What's a weird Nd easy hobby J could learn?


Juggling or card tricks

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 No.13032[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How did these clearly left wing books become a symbol for ancaps?
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It's low quality. The answer is obvious. Ancaps will use anything that is vaguely "anti-communist" even if it was intended as only anti-Stalinism.


How is it low quality, what kind of bogus standards do you have?
I would say a good 1/4 of the thread is made up of decent posts and content , with other ccommnets being mostly on topic and up to usual chan standard

>Ancaps will use anything that is vaguely "anti-communist"

If that was true they'd use Quiet Flows the Don and Bulgakov's literature as anticommunist too.




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Some people see 1984 as an anti-communist screed and to a certain extent, it is. It was one of the first salvos of what would become the "totalitarianism" meme, a Cold War attempt to try and draw comparisons between the fascists and communists who, before that point, where seen as two inherently opposed and contrasting forces, basically night and day. And some of the communist influences on the book are undeniable. "Big Brother" is described as a mustache man with piercing blue eyes and handsome features that's clearly a reference to Stalin (and perhaps Hitler), Emmanuel Goldstein is clearly Trotsky, people call each other "comrades" and so on. But these things are mostly surface level.

Some boomers still believe 1984 is set in Russia and is a more or less accurate depiction of the Soviet Union, but it's actually set in London, within a larger superstate called "Oceania". "Oceania" is basically the British Empire merged with the United States which then conquered Latin America. And, importantly, it was ultimately supposed to be less a screed against fascism or communism, and more a prediction of where Britain was heading, at least in Orwell's eyes.

And that's why it's worth looking at. 1984 is a very Anglo dystopia and ultimately an exploration of Anglo culture and politics.

Maybe the most telling aspect of Oceanic society in that regard is the "Anti-Sex League". If nothing else does, this should tell you that this is about Anglos, it's not the Germans, Italians, Russians or Chinese who are notoriously weird and prudish about sex.

But there's other things. Even though the name for the "Ministry of Truth" was likely inspired by Pravda ("Pravda" means "Truth" in Russian), everything else about it was inspired by Orwell's time working for the BBC. The Party pushes "newspeak", a heavily abbreviated, terse form of language more or less engineered to be thought-terminating. "Stalinist" propaganda was nothing like this, it was notoriously verbose, often belaboring the point well past redundancy. On the flip side, "newspeak" had already been more or less an Anglo tradition by the time Orwell had written the book. The United States loves its acronyms so much, it's become a thing to just refer to federal agencies as "Alphabet Soup", and British tabloids are often have headlines like "BOJO'S BREXIT BOOM".

But the thing central to liberal society more generally, but Anglo states in particular is "doublethink" and the idea Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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why are libs so obsessed with rewriting everything to fulfill their own, liberal, morality?
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>not found


Why is this surprising? The dominate superstructure always sublimates art and culture to reflects its own class interests, and liberalism is no exception. It's just basic Marxism, m8.


>criticizing souless corporate liberal garbage makes you a fascist
A libtard typed this post, kill yourself.


How was it revised? Seriously asking. Wasn't the film just a Hollywoodified adaptation of the slave revolt?


This is an asinine thread.

Culture isn't static and should not be.

If anything, the bourgeois ideologues have only not gone far enough, if even possible for said bourgeoise, in forging the new culture.
In addition to creating new proletarian culture, the Soviets rewrote fairy tales to remove feudal and patriarchal elements, sometimes without even being subtle about it. For example the princes and princesses are replaced with Soviet administrators and humble peasants. And That doesn't even go to Soviet films, for example, 20,000 Leagues, which has even stronger, the original having a little already, antiimperialism themes. Link rel, the famed Chinese writer, took old tales and told them in service of revolution. There are many films, to give more examples, that have been appropriated, too, by LGBTQ people to be used for the struggles. And obviously, there's the retelling of Exodus by the enslaved Africans to serve their journey towards their liberation.

If there is ever a revolution, this only will be developed even more, because all culture must change in tandem with their society's base.

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:Broadsword Edition:

>What is HEMA or WMA?

Historical European Martial Arts or sometimes Western Martial Arts are attempts at decoding, studying, and practicing the history, art, and fighting of everything from the Medieval Period to Early Modern Combatives.

What traditions are you lot studying at the moment?

Me? Going through George Silver's "Paradoxes of Defence" to expand my regimental broadsword/sabre repertoire.
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>this thread came alive again for a bit
We have spurts of interest, people find something interesting/new, post it and start a brief discussion before it dies down for a month again.


>How did Shad manage to make a living off doing this shit?
>Fuck me.
Not the anon you're replying to, but Shad's not really any worse than Skallagrim (for example.)
The key to YouTube success seems to be putting out opinionated rants on subjects that enough people are interested in. And having a regular uploading schedule.




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Okay, not to jerk the guy off any further, but this is unironically the best guide to footwork I've read so far. They're the most basic (hence, important) steps that practically everyone uses, but the most miraculous thing is the fact that he made a footwork section this concise and universal. The only confusing thing is that the figure has his left foot in front when the lines are meant for a right foot forward stance.

To put it more simply than it already is, you have full and half steps. Either can be forwards or backwards, straight or slanted though he says forward steps tend to be sloped while backwards tend to be straight. The two steps of the back foot that are given special attention are the oblique pass forwards and the circular compass, where the back foot circles behind the front. That's it. For earlier fencing that uses left-forwards as much, simply mirror the diagram and actions.

It's basically HEMA footwork 101 from a historical source. Only thing left to add I'd say is foot/hip turning and the role it plays in power generation.

Thanks for the new book!


Di Grassi is pretty based
I've used some of his stuff before and it's damn fun.
Shame he doesn't get the attention he deserves imo

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What party would you join /anon/?

I have seven options.

Sinn Féin
Pro: They're fucking huge
Cons: Pro EU succdems
People Before Profit
Pros: big tent socialist
Cons: full of student anarchists
pro: trotskysist
cons: trotskyist
Worker’s Party
pro: based ml party
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This is a /leftypol/ or /b/ topic TBH, see:
>>5783 Communist OPSEC
>>6323 Basic fucking plan to improve
>>3599 Actual basic self-awareness


Worker's party man. Mao is really bad.


wait why would the irsp take your kneecaps


The old IRA used to kneecap pedophiles and child molesters during The Troubles as a method of vigilante justice. OP is just memeing by saying that.


>Workers part cons
> have retarded positions on supporting free speech for the right
No, this is absolutely 100% based for a few reasons:
1) you're a lot more likely to get rightoid converts if you openly proclaim support for free speech, and this will help shatter the common stereotype of muh authoritarian anti-freedom commies.
2) ALL leftists should openly agitate against censorship in the media/online. Why? Because if media corporations start censoring the far right, they're inevitably gonna start censoring us as well, as they have alreadty done in some instances on places like twitter and reddit.

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Going off this >>4480 anon's point about post-apocalyptic films; how does such fiction reproduce capitalist ideology generally?
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You mean American and Chinese while everyone in the southern hemisphere must deal with its effects.


The Crazies remake is a pretty good film


Where did you get the idea that we are going to buy air and or be ruled by machines, were else but movies.
The idea of a feedback loop was popularized by malthus. Population and development would keep growing forever despite any imminent reason to stop.
The stuff you said is ridiculous and pushed by psychopaths idk.

The Chinese don't pollute to ridiculously disproportionate levels.


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>The Chinese don't pollute to ridiculously disproportionate levels.
They do, but it's being cleaned up and unlike the USA, they are developing and growing, so the amount of waste is expected. Still they're far worse than the USSR in many environmental regards.

>The idea of a feedback loop was popularized by malthus
That does not intrinsically make it untrue or Malthusian. The bible holds lines that are similar to Communist theory, that doesn't mean Communism is Catholic or Catholicism is Communist. Positive and Negative Feedback loops are observed in biology and are undeniable.
>Where did you get the idea that we are going to buy air
1) If you were a bit more aware, there is plenty of cynical humor common discussions that, after water and everything else is turned into a sold commodity, the next will be clean air/filters. FFS, even the shitty Lorax movie portrays this (also the Celestial Dragons from One Piece). It also has precedent in real life, given the toxicity of the current air. In India there are Oxygen 'bars' (pic related).
>From movies
No actually. My work is environmental science, and a common discussion for policies is the allocation of resources, with serious ideas about making water only a sold commodity to "reduce wastefulness" with discussions involving. Films and books reflect reality, not the other way around, The writings of Huxley and Orwell did not dictate the current progression of capitalism, they reflected the then future prospects.
>Population and development would keep growing forever despite any imminent reason to stop
Exponential Growth metrics come to a hard stop because of carrying capacity. If a species does not adhere to the capacity (or in humanity's option, raise said capacity), they will rocket up exponentially past it, and then crash just as hard, and given that Porky always benefits from crises, what do you think will happen?
>The stuff you said is ridiculous and pushed by psychopaths
No, it's reality, while everyone else struggle, Porky will sit high and dry, and use the strife and miseryPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>with discussions involving
*involving Air/oxygen commodification as a future concept. The easiest way to control someone is to not only control a vital resource, but also convince them that you control it rightfully, a la the head of Nestle, who stated that water ought not be free, but controlled (by corporations) all while Nestle is abusing water supplies far more than any city population.

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yo so i guess i havent really listened to too much music from bands from this era or at least not there most recent releases part of it is to preseve the mythologizied part of them from my youth and to just say "that bands old" or what ever but this is not the point really as I'm sure many know brand new's lead dude said he did some stuff to chicks on tour way back when and like that's really just the tip of the ice burg in regards to this as there were so many allegations flying around at one point i just stopped i stopped listening it wasnt worth it any more i hate to sound sort of like a chud here but it was like when i was getting into leftism… i made a passing line about my admiration for a band in the genre (that genre being emo and pop-punk) specifically over me liking a non problematic band and this woman had the audacity to call me a "stan" of the sexual predators which i wasnt defending at all but it has made me not want to discuss music any more i used to play guitar every day and just like knowing that

1. I'm Older now and being a muscian dosent feel the same as it used to i used to feel cool i used to feel like it was empowering now i dont know

2. should we just be like "oh there cancelled never speak of them again" or should we be like a bit more aware of that trying to look into cases though the sheer amount of them all was so overwhelming im tempted to just NOT do that

3. is Music bourgeoisie ?? is it impossible to ""enjoy"" music in a "captalist society that exploits the common man's labour ?"

i miss being able to enjoy music how much of that is from growing older and how much of it is becoming more informed of "problematic elements within your music taste"

it's weird cause like despite my awareness of other things being "inherently reactionary" i have still let myself enjoy them un affected by my turn to leftist politics in some cases turning them into a new way to direct my political energy

I'm usuaully willing to duke it out with these sorts of people who are also apart of my leftist circles with everything but music or specifically this sort of music i even have gone so far as to start embracing international music so i cant be accused of "clearly this artist is a misognist" cause if i dont know what the words are saying then i cant be "doing harm to women and girls" like that one women said me liking this genre did

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Has anyone heard of them? I'm a big fan of Lovecraft and I usually dislike J-pop or J-rock but they actually sound good


We got a lovecraft thread m80.


Sir this is a thread about a band.

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Do you have any physical collections of whatever you like?
Be it stamps, magazines, decks of cards, weaponry, naked figurines of underaged anime girls, etc.


There already is a collection thread my nigga use catalog


Oh shit I;m sorry.


No problem fam

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