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Well do you?
What team do you support?



I don’t but my friend does and the only names I remember from him are Beckham/ Ronaldino.

How much of their success is due to their looks vs actual skill? I’m pretty sure there are other soccer players that are more skilled but get half the attention because they don’t have faces like them



Woops i meant christiano ronaldo. I think he mentioned ronaldino so I’m guess that dude has actual skills


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Ronaldino was ugly as fuck (and he was refused by many teams because of it) but probably was the most purley technically skilled player there is. Beckham was good too, paradoxically his success because of his looks made him mediocre.
Cristiano ronaldo was good as fuck too and looked like shit. Probably it's true that many players (more nowdays tho) got ignored because they weren't marketable enough. Sadly there's a lot of money involved in this sport that ruins everything.




I enjoy watching it if I am at a stadium or a busy pub. I cannot stand it when sat at home nor do I follow it.


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But I have to admire the fact that you really really are everywhere


You guys are everywhere too, except in Turin :^)


Proletarian sport, co-opted by the bourgeoisie in alliance with fascists. I watch the world cup for the fun and camaraderie, but other than that I don't follow the sport at all.


I watch it from time to time. International leagues are fun. Domestic football is fucking boring though, completely dominated by big monopolist donors that control multiple regional teams at once. The recent event is a fucking joke where 10 teams are under the same backer.


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What makes football the best sport in the world its his unpredictability.


Tf? Bro, football fans couldn't give less of a shit whether or not the people they stan are goodlooking or not. Ronaldinho was and is ugly af, but people loved him for how amazing he was and obviously they still do cause he has become an idol by now.


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>What team do you support?
Al mas grande obviamente


>What team do you support?
Juventus which is literally a old money old school porky run club and if you think about it too hard it is hard to justify, but old school school italian communist party bosses were also fans of juventus, even when they ordered strike against the agnelli family´s factories and if they could live with that contradiction so can i,


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Based and redpilled fratello gobbo.


I wish more people replied to this post tbh, I get why Americans would ignore it but I'd love to know which clubs European and Latin American anons support


I half support my local big team: newcastle united but I'm not really an avid supporter so I don't feel like I truly fit in when discussing football.


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I'm a Mourinho fan and that is it


He's based af


I was never into football but I like to pretend to support Barça when it plays against Madrid to piss people off.


Do you niggas think anyone else will win the Champions League, Copa Libertadores, and World Cup again, or will Ronaldinho go down as the only footballer in history to achieve this?


Seeing the current state of sudata football?


Sudata? wut, I actually looked to see if you meant to say sudaca but the t and c aren't even close


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I meant sudaca but i was drunk posting




It has too much of a psychological effect on me ,i was basing most of my personality around if that fucking team would win or lose when i was younger that i prefer to keep my distance now ,it's just another opium for the masses


Not really. A slow game and all the primadonnas faking it makes me want to watch it only when extremely drunk. I prefer icehockey.


Ice hockey players fake their beef and tough/manic guy persona too. Two sides of the same coin


You can be a fan and a lover of the sport without being addicted crazy fuck like you fam.


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I don't give a shit about it unless my country is on the World Cup's semi-finals or something.
It's a big part of the modern bread and circus apparatus, and during stupid twitter debates, I've noticed a lot of football fans tend to defend the status quo for some reason, they lazily regurgitate basic porky propaganda.

That said, I recognize Zidane and Pelé were incredibly skilled players, and there is a pretty interesting strategic component to football too.
I also love the band The Fall, and the singer Mark E. Smith was a huge footy fan (supported Manchester City), and he made me realize there wasn't so much money poured into football 50 years ago. I think it was much more genuinely working-class back then.


I don't love the sport ,i don't care who wins ch.l. i just want my team to win even if it is 1-0 ,if it doesn't it just ruins my mood for the week


anyone who doesnt like the father of all sports should be permabanned
Go manchester united, go watford go go




based hooligan pilled






It's a game too cruel for me.


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I always wanted to play as a kid, but I was really shit at it and all the kids on the teams I was playing with/against had all been playing since they were fucking 3 years old. I had no chance of catching up, so I just quit and did cross country instead, which I was actually good at.

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