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So Parasite did great at the Oscars and looking at the rest of the director's films Snow Piercer and Okja are pretty REDpilled as well
So is Bong Joon Ho /ourguy/ despite being a southron?


I loved Okja and Snow Piercer but I didn't care for Parasite. I don't know why.


I actually haven't seen this movie. Is it as based as everyone says it is?


Parasite has been out for a while now, here the fuck have you people been?


if you can put aside the gimmicky south korean movie screenwriting formula of excessive violence, frequent contrived coincidences and plot twists, it's okay


It's excellent
>excessive violence
Not really, American R-rated movies are a lot bloodier. The deaths are relatively realistic even if its sometimes over-dramatic
>contrived coincidences
Not really
>plot twists
Make sense given the point of the story.

All in all I rate it an 8/10


It's my favorite movie of the past couple years.


Parasite was good, maybe not amazing. I certainly found myself pondering it for several days trying to come to what I thought about it. I viewed it as quite against Marxist ideas at first. It seemed to be trying to say that people who use rhetoric about "the people/working class united" will always inevitably betray you. By a few days later it occurred to me that it might be trying to show how the anti working class rhetoric is corrupt and turns people against each other for no good reasons, never ended up deciding but I think the latter is more likely. Snowpiercer is still easily the best of the 3 films OP mentioned.

Yes. At least it wasn't done as a formula American trash horror/thriller movie, which is a type of film the story could have easily been placed in instead.

Reluctantly I second this. I don't want to like this movie as much as I do for some reason.

It'll be interesting to see how the HBO spinoff series turns out.


Is not hard to see the topics of the film: ALienation and class strugle. Both are very anti capitalist, even there are a parody of worker rigth winer enajenation with a North Korea mention.


The Host is based too


>"anti-capitalist" movie wins the fucking oscars
&ltthe elites are totally against us
How do commies cope?


>Dude it's shit but you can't do anything about it
It's radlib at best. Not to mention the "message" is basically ignored by burgers.


>anti-capitalist sentiment seeping through mass media means commies are in power
read Adorno bro


garbage "film"


Seconding this


It is a shitty version of Snowpiercer. Literally class essentialism with everyone acting more or less the same with rich= dumb and nice poor= smart and vicious.


both Parasite and Memories of Murder are amazing in my opinion, different movies dealing with different themes so i cant say one is better than another, both 9/10 - important movies


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Gonna watch Snowpiercer too now. Sounds like relevant kino.

r8 my quarantine movie night list fellow hobbygoblins. Tell me if I any of these are harmful
>Big Short
>Boss Baby
>Ze Martial Panda Trilogy
>Little Women
>Despicable Me Dos
>Despicable Me Tres
>Jojo Rabbit
>Despicable Me
>The Irishman
>The Good Dinosaur
>Le Minions
>Marriage Story
>Hotel for Dogs
>Knives Out
>Last Christmas
&ltBaby Mama (2008)
Stocking up on all the movies before they run out of torrents in the Digi-World
Any recommendations? Please keep it PG


And yes before anybody points out the missing kino in the list like:
Grown Ups
Big Daddy
Mr. Deeds
Uncut Gems
And You Don't Mess with Zohan

Don't worry I've already seen them.


>Boss Baby
trash cashgrab that's vomit worthy
>Despicable Me 2 and 3
are trash, the original was alright tho
>Ze Martial Panda Trilogy
Do you mean Kung Fu panda? In that case the first 2 is what I'd recommend

I'd also suggest watching Up, and any other Pixar movie


They know that they've won and they're just flaunting it here.


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I am conflicted about it. If I was being perfectly honest, I'd probably even say it's bad, however it being leftypilled saves it somewhat at least. My big issue is that it sacrifices good plot for political / ideological analysis that is supposed to relate to the current day. I don't mind a film doing that, however I'd say it fucks up with the ideology as well. So I will go in to these separate problems in 2 paragraphs.
First is the movie if we take it at face value as a sci-fi story detached from our own cultural reality. Well, it's pretty shit and basically Divergent / Maze-Runner (or whatever the fuck it was called where they run away from a robo-maze into a post apocalypse scenario) sci-fi dystopia plot. Villains are comically evil, there is a random betrayal moment at the end that leads to nothing and the ending feels like shit, since right before it was established that the snow will pass, so it feels like the main character totally fucked up and killed everyone instead of waiting a year more. Oh and add in the stupid shit too like how the train structure is dysfunctional or the fucking glass shooting scene.
However, most of that can be forgiven, especially when you consider most of it is symbolism to reflect to the real world. However, and this can be just me, the ideology falls flat for me, especially since at first I thought it was actually going the right way. Basically it all comes together with the final confrontation with Elon Musk stand-in. Up to that point all we saw were a) scenes of total contrast in the train and b) a few lines about "keeping the balance". Musk explains his view for why things should be as they are. It is 1 to 1 Holism. (I think there are different definitions of what Holism is, but I am specifically referring to the one pioneered by Jan Smuts, an anglo imperialist governor of South Africa. He, abusing the theory of ecosystems, came up to the conclusion that viewing humanity as an eco-system there are ways of insuring that it maintains total stability, with the "stability" of course being the insured imperialist hegemony of Britain. Almost the same ideas where started being promoted in second half of 20th century for ecology, saying that austerity and degrowth need to be ensured to maintain the current system, aka capitalism, completely ignoring the possibility of the system itself restructuring). This is clearly the same situation in Snowpiercer. The underclasses need to suffer in order to maintain the eco-system of the train, while the upper-class lives in luxury as a "necessity" for provocation. Now all of this is pretty good and draws attention to a great evil in modern ecologist ideology, however after this exposition the main character drops the ball, or more importantly, the story does. It falls pray to the very ideology it tried to attack, as the main character concedes to Musk stand-in, that indeed this is the only way. The largest flaw of Holism, that there is another way if you dare to restructure and change society it self instead of maintaining status quo, is never revealed. Instead the film subscribes to idealist bullshit like pic related, doomerism that no longer has any faith in the future as it is, choosing instead to let everything burn, including yourself, only leaving behind tiny hope for the future instead of fighting for it yourself as hard as you can with what is offered, no longer do you try to change the world.
Also is it pure coincidence that the main character is called Curtis when the only other time I have ever saw Holism being called out was in an Adam Curtis doc?


Is the Big Short good? Or is it porky propaganda? It is made by the same guy who made Vice


It's pretty alright. Shows the corruption of the corporate capital pretty well. Also it's enjoyable as a comedy.


Thanks. I am going to watch it again now.


what is your opinion on the matrix trilogy


What a garbage take.
This was an objective improvement over Snowpiercer, I bet you still watch capeshit in theaters you moron. Parasite is pure kino by comparison (and it just is, in general).


To be honest I really don't know. Most of my thoughts on it come from general popculture and such. Last time I watched it was a few years back when I still was a young teen and didn't actually try to look deeper into movies to find their meaning. Tell you what, I am quite interested myself now. I'll try to watch the trilogy over the next week and post my thoughts on it in the recently watched movies thread.


why do you have this gif saved.


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i think that the director is a marxist


Holy hell. Please tell me this a real quote.


Because I have a taste for great filmmaking.
Of course he is. This thread makes me wonder if half of you even saw the movie or are just contrarian after you got word that the movie won an award.
It won an award for being a masterpiece in cinematography.
We like it for the writing, touching on the topic of class struggle in late capitalism.


Answer honestly
why do you have the flooding toiler scene saved


If you saw the movie you wouldn't ask such a stupid question.


Anon be honest
why do you have the gif saved. What are you hiding


It's a pivotal scene of the fucking movie you poop obsessed child. I'm not going to explain half the movie that leads up to that point just to indulge your petulant bullshit. Or go fap if it's a sexual thing. I don't give a fuck what turns you on or not.

Watch the movie, come back and then let's discuss the this scene of a worker facing the crushing weight of capitalist exploitation in the middle of the film Parasite.


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pee pee poo poo


Reposting this from a leftypol thread:

>It touches on meritocracy, even though the Kim family are all skilled and hard working, they don't have social mobility because they don't have the capital to send their kids to college. In order to gain capital, they have to con richer families. Even though we know what they did was "wrong", they're clearly depicted as victims of their class and environment.

>It touches on privilege of the rich, the Kims have their home destroyed by a natural disaster, but to the Parks their capital allows them to use "rain" as an opportunity for a party. Because of their wealth, the upperclass can live in a bubble, shielded from the real world.
And it does all that without resorting to making the rich family some cartoony, evil business tycoons. They aren't antagonists in the film at all, yet the ignorance, privilege, and cruelty of the "nice and civil" Parks are still plain as day to see.

>Capitalism forces the poor into immoral situations, while making the rich ignorant of their struggle at best. And at worst, the rich will punish the poor for "acting out of line", constantly reminding them of the class boundaries that separate them.


People really seemed to miss the metaphors used with the cockroaches. The poor family views insects as pests and unwanted parts of the world… the rich family sees the poor as insects; smelly and dirty and disgusting… not human really… and all unintentionally out of sheer ignorance.


Isle of Dogs


This is a great post, You should repost it onto the Snowpiercer thread


The working class family are literally named after the North Korean Kim family (Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jong-Il, Kim Jong-Un) while the Parks are named after the South Korean ex president Park Geun-hye (or maybe another South Korean president, there's been multiple Parks).


>porky propaganda
It is pretty anti-porky and does a good job in explaining the insanity of the world situation.


I loved the scene after the flooding where the Kims have to stay in the shelter overnight, with all their lives basically destroyed, while the rich assholes call them to have them help organize some stupid party for the kid.
Also, has anyone here seen Burning? Thoughts?


South Korea, Taiwan and Japan are probably the only countries where the "Leftist Academics hiding in the film industry and trying to shape public opinion" is probably actually true. Mainly because until like the 90s being a Leftist was basically a disqualification on par with paedophile with most career choices so they all just became Mangaka's and movie directors and shit


remember comrade, they'll sell you the rope that you'll hang them with if its convenient


I can't tell if thats cool or not


I think that in the finale it was showed that it is impossible to make any change until the train, i.e. the current form of government, is destroyed.
Still, i do agree that the scene and the film overall was pretty crude.


Park Geun-hye is the child of Park Chung-hee, the former dictator of South Korea.


Wow. Fucking shameless.


It's funny that even after getting his award for Parasite, people still don't know who this dude is.


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…yeah, if you didn't catch it from his movies already. the host, his first big breakthrough, even had a vaguely anti-capitalist tone, albeit from a mostly environmentalist lens. problem is, coming out as a straight up marxist is a one way ticket to career suicide. he's just gotta give the nods and winks subtly enough that the popcorn munchers don't start asking questions and hurting sales.
anyone interested in the history of the korean working class following the korean war should read "they are not machines".


I friggin' love host. Such an under-rated monster movie. I remember back when it wasn't yet released to the USA and youtubers took trailer clips and modded them as real monster videos for gullible burgers


Watch memories of murder and the Host. the Host is saturated with early 2000’s Korea vibes and is one of my favorite films

they’re last names based on family origin anon. They just happened to have those names




Appreciate people wanting to talk about this dude more, but please post actual content to bump it, even a 'recent news' post about the man.


what are the essentials for modern Korean film? so I’ve seen this and Train to Busan and they were both great so I’m interested


*so far


it literally turned me into leftist and snapped me out of my centrist trance.


I thought Train to Busan was total schlock, what did you like about it?


mainly the focused theme of reaction vs aid and cooperation.


I can forgive Bong for not being as overtly radical as I'd like because the powers that be would absolutely make sure that he never gets funding for another film if he reveals his power level too much. I would guess that film producers in Seoul and Hollywood generally dislike the ideological message in his films but they're willing to tolerate it because his work is popular and it makes money.


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Bong Joon Ho has an earlier film called "Memories of Murder" that I think is generally agreed to be a classic of Korean crime movies. It also provides some interesting insights into police brutality in South Korean and South Korean history, as it's set in the late 1980's during the political unrest that occurred during the end of the Fifth Republic


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I think I posted this exact file on leftytrash to convince someone to help me turn it into a banner for >>>/leftypol/.

to this day, I could not find any film that depicts life of schizophrenic person better than this film. really well written comedic psychological horror.


what’s it called


check the filename

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