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Information should be freely shared with everyone. Media is information. Therefore media should be freely shared, the only cost being the physical storage medium, if there is one.

What's your go-to places for pirating media? Mine are RARBG for movies/shows, nyaa.si for anime/manga, fitgirl for vidya, /edu/ for books.


libgen for books
sci hub for research articles


Pirating from any big coropretion is always morally correct. but we should buy games from our indie comrades, thay actualy recive what their product is generating. and the same with any media, if it is owned by large companies hack it without hesitation.
(I know I'm way off topic, but I wanted to elaborate into the meme)


I agree with supporting our comrades, but it should be done willingly through donations, or (eventually) by the state. Demanding to be paid for every digital copy is merely rent-seeking, and locking digital copies with DRM goes against the foundation of freedom of information.


I like itch.io because a bunch of games from there are "pay what you want". I support that model.

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Post buildings that were never built/finished
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What the actual hell is first pic?


That's a badass line, What anime?




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The Hotel Atracción was a supposedly unrealized project of the Spanish architect Antoni Gaudí to build a hotel-skyscraper in New York, in the Manhattan area.

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I want that deep red Zizek pill on why Disney is remaking their old animated feature films but devoid of soul and charm as live action monstrosities and why Hollywood in general cannot make a new story and is endlessly digging its head into its own anus amid a shit slurry of “sequels” and remakes of IPs from the 80s.
Like, I get the base actual reason is $$$ because they figure they’ll always get an audience doing so, but I still want the more basic economic facts as to why god awful remakes and sequels decades later are the only film products that can turn a profit and I wanna know the ideology present in the making of these products
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Is me kissing you on the fucking lips progress?


Films are products and investments, remakes are safe investments because they are re-releasing a successful product which is already familiar to people.


Money. They are doing it for money.


Live action is usually much cheaper than animation


> the thing is, also… every discussion about Whether The MCU Is Garbage or Is Disney Irredeemably Evil or Has Star Wars Gone On Too Long or Why Does It Feel Like There’s Been Just Three Shows On American TV For The Past 3 Decades inevitably ends up at “hey but don’t shame people for wanting to have fun and escape the continuous nightmare of late capitalism for 2 hours a night” and like. fair. being effortlessly entertained is a valid desire that deserves to be fulfilled. but the thing is. and I really don’t wanna be That Guy but. if you’re coming back home from your soul-crushing corporate job into your alienated nuclear household, tired from a busy day of doing some bullshit to make a living, and you feel dead inside, and your idea of escape is to tune into the next installment of something that’s not really cinema as much as like, a long serialized commercial for the fast fashion items with the popular character of the month, then I’m sorry bro but you’re not really going anywhere. you’re not escaping, you’re sinking deeper in. and look. it’s your god given right to watch schlocky TV and then go read fanfic about it. but if you’re wondering why all this dazzling entertainment still leaves you feeling so empty you just wanna scream and scream and scream, then you might actually have an acute case of going too long without consuming any media that has an intent beyond draining your money and time and a formula beyond regurgitating what sold best last year

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is there anyway to retrieve this webpage?
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Ask mods? Maybe they have a cached version?


Nice job


Bruh, did you even check the catalog? >>752


bruh thx guys the address that i had saved must have been an old one and yes I did check the catalog thx anyway

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Button "Poetry" kept getting aggressively recommended to me in ads on Facebook, so I decided to check it out, and I have come to the conclusion that it is the most vapid psuedo-intellectual bourgeois spectacle I have ever seen (pic related)

Libs eat that shit up when the poems aren't even well-written because it tells them what they want to hear. Sure, you can like what a "poem" is talking about, but that doesn't make it a good "poem", and the stuff they talk about is basic bitch lib shit anyway like "a cashier looked at me funny once at the grocery store, it was probably because I'm LGBT". Or stuff about muh depression. Newsflash; we're all depressed, honey. It's hard not to be in a society this alienating.

If this is what's considered good modern poetry, can poetry be saved, or is it dead and buried? All of the examples of modern "poetry" that I can think of are similarly vapid, but I am very okay with being proven wrong.
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because it takes effort?


This is true, Rap is also sorta dead too, because most mainstream rap - (LOL at rap being mainstream BTW) - is just cheap mumbling and screaming, as opposed to the aggressive but well-spoken messaging of older rap.


No. I have three published poems and I want to republish them in a collection when I have a hundred or so, after writing for 10 years or so.


Rap is going through the same exact evolution that rock did in previous generations: it's gone from a grassroots, anti-establishment genre of largely proletarian origin to one that has been co-opted and thoroughly assimilated by the mainstream music industry, and as such is becoming stagnant and losing its potential for further creative development.

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Not sure if you fags play tabletop games that much, but what is up with the resurgence of OSR games on not only /tg/ but also reddit too? Race as class, no real ability modifiers, all that shit. I feel like OSR is boring as shit, and I have no ability to empathize with people who do like it, so I genuinely wonder, why are people into OSR stuff?


>Race as class, no real ability modifiers
This sounds awful.


I love OSR dnd because race-as-class eliminates half-angel, half-tiefling wild magic sorcerer player characters


Pretty simple phenomenon, tgfags think DnD today is too varied and fun and normie-friendly so they go back to miserable rules-as-written old style dungeoncrawling wank.


I played the entry tabletop games. Castles of burgundy, dominion, pandemic.

Had the most fun with Dominion, the game is dope, fairly easy to learn and has a fair bit of strategy. I like cob too, but its kind of long and drags on. They should keep making expansions for it and sell them like yugioh cards or something

I tried getting into D&D once, but then came across a 300pg instruction booklet. I passed got no time for that

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Let's have a thread about chemistry. I can't be the only amateur chemist on here. To please the mods, everything in here is purely academic. Check local laws before you embark on your projects. And before you do anything, make sure you have appropriate safety equipment. Think about the worst thing that could happen to your reaction, because chances are it will. Don't be stupid.

https://www.sciencemadness.org/ The go-to site for amateur chemists
Wiki: http://www.sciencemadness.org/smwiki/index.php/Main_Page
Forums, require email registration: https://www.sciencemadness.org/whisper/

Archive.org has plenty of old chemistry textbooks. The most useful ones for me are those meant to teach youngsters from the early 1900's.

NurdRage, the OG channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/NurdRage
NileRed, the internet's premier piss chemist: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRedNile
NileBlue, secondary channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1D3yD4wlPMico0dss264XA
Explosions&Fire, energetic materials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVovvq34gd0ps5cVYNZrc7A
Extractions&Ire, secondary channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvFApMFo_AafXbHRyEJefjA
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Back from other stuff.
Good idea. Perhaps a mod would be willing to move the thread.

Where to get chemicals
Useful chemicals can be found in many places. Read the material safety datasheets (MSDS) that goes with certain products. Useful places include:
Grocery stores
Hardware stores
Garden suppliers
Pool supply stores

Online suppliers in the EU:
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What's the coolest thing you've made? better not be homemade crystals from /b/

I've made simple explosives but only legally for film props. if there's a revolution you can count on me to have smoke.


high temperature electrochemistry, but that's not very exciting for regular peeps. so, the usual: R-candy, smoke bombs and thermite

I have plans to "upgrade" some NaNO3 to KNO3 via metathesis with KCl. after that I might get into HNO3 synthesis by electrolysing bog water


>mfw caught my chemistry-hobbiest friend collecting rust in a bucket
He insisted it wasn't for thermite, but come on.


Moved to >>>/edu/5724.

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what comedian do you like /leftypol/ ?
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are genuinely*


hes okay


Yeah, "okay" is about the best I can grant him. Better than Lee Camp at least, but that's not an accomplishment.


> now he's a jaded reactionary
what the fuck are you talking about? is this about the stupid “transphobe” drama?



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You are not alone, share what's on your mind! :') ShitLib work accepted with sufficient contextualization


Yay~ I've been reading about the Russian Constructivists and have been trying to get a hold of more resources on the emergence of Socialist Realism >>>/tech/8300


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I also recently got this book on VKhUTEMAS, which is often described as the "Soviet Bauhaus"—the author summarized the differences between the two in a lecture given at GARAGEMCA last year, which I thought was interesting:
>..if the Bauhaus was ultimately dedicated to developing an individual, VKhUTEMAS was really about developing the masses"


Reminder this thread came out of /log/ talking about early CPUSA-adjacent artists in /log/. If anyone wants to learn more about that then by all means check out Andrew Hemingway's work. He seems like one of the few people carrying the torch of "Social Art History" as far as American and British art are concerned: https://archive.org/details/andrew-hemingway-artists-on-the-left-american-artists-and-the-communist-movement-1926-1956/


What's /log/?


lefty org general >>>/leftypol/175072

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>Peer to Peer sharing of music
>Absofuckinglutely massive database that has millions of artists, and often has their entire discographies

Stop supporting YouTube and Spotify, and join a FREE music sharing platform today!
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The people who have the music I want are rarely ever online; it always feels like gamble when using it.


I miss what.cd so much


This. That's the reason I don't always prefer to torrent things in general. It sucks getting into niche stuff years after it came out.


Well at least with torrenting a peer might be running a seedbox; with Soulseek you have to catch someone at the right time of day just to start downloading.


I was destitute about it for a month, then I found soulseek. Still have my WCD coasters that I ordered to sent my friend an invite.

What I will forever mourn is the usermade lists though. It was an awesome way to find new music.

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