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File: 1613839910866.png ( 866.92 KB , 1280x768 , gaze.png )


>the man's gaze
>the placement of the bottle
What did Tarkovsky mean by this?


Isn't this Solaris?
If so the answer should be obvious if you've seen the film to the end

Great movie btw.


It is indeed Tarkovsky's Solaris.

Yes, of course I've seen it end to end but I want to know what you think about this scene.


Haven't seen it yet, but is this going to turn into a Soviet film thread? That'd be pretty cool.


Was Tarkovsky a Marxist?


his kinos sure were dialectic as all fuck


I've only seen it once, more than ten years ago. Where to get kino movies?


Man, that movie was incomprehensible to me.


Was about to start a new thread but may as well give this thread a bump instead


Found this Chinese movie, other cool movies on YouTube? Particularly Chinese since I'm trying to learn the language but eastern Euro and Soviet kino is good too




No, literally every great artist from the USSR had a contentious relationship with the government.


That the movie is completely overrated and only "good" because it was a competant romance film with sci-fi aesthetics before shit like that became main-stream. Nowadays its peak high-end mediocrity. Stalker and Sacrifice are runnig circles around Solaris.


That's different from not being a Marxist, though.

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