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 No.8338[Last 50 Posts]

post artwork for a nice socialist futureavoid, dread-mongering, collapse-porn and techno-phobia.


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God I wish I could have live in the timeline where the palace of the soviets built


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>>8341Oh god fuck my english


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>>8343If anyone else is interested in his art. He has some other nice Soviet space stuff too.https://www.deviantart.com/macrebisz


Honestly, I like the post apocalyptic socialist art. I don't know how we could fight in any modern capitalist country that has nuclear bombs without tactical ones being deployed at least. I am not saying we would be the ones to use it but if you think some blood thirsty general or militia wouldn't use them when they start losing ground you are wrong.


>>8346Even if nukes are deployed, it would probably be very contained rather than globally MAD like people in the cold war thought since pretty much everybody realizes just how bad MAD would be and most would be against it to the point where they'd stop buttons being pressed and codes being input.Most nuclear destruction would probably be on urban centers and tactical advantage points in rebellions and war territory. Cities and strategically important areas would be nuked, but the likelihood of them being deployed en masse globally is very slim. We'd have to deal with the fallout though which would be devastating.


>>8347This just shows your poor grasp of the process of nuclear escalation. I can't blame you for this; since the fall of the Berlin wall governments seem to have gone very quiet about this and you're probably too young to have proper memories of the nuclear paranoia that proceeded the event. Essentially: any nuclear power that is hit with any scale of nuclear attack will strike back at least equally as hard in order to shift the balance of battle further in their favour. Furthermore, the longer that the smaller stuff is being lobbed back and forth produces a steady increase in the probability of an all out attack by one side or the other with the big weapons. Basically no-one wants their retaliatory capability wiped out or crippled by a successful first strike by the enemy, so if you must fire your ICBMs you want to fire them as early in the battle as you can. Hence things can rapidly spiral out of control.Also and unrelated: the fact that a place as unstable as Pakistan has the bomb is fucking terrifying.


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>>8348I want to go the bunkers with 90% females.


>>8348>the fact that a place as unstable as Pakistan has the bomb is fucking terrifying.India and Israel aren't any more stable, and they have nukes too.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsAMI9nXn5g


>>8347Nuclear war is fucking terrifying in general tbh, no matter how limited. Take the Threadspill:https://archive.org/details/threads_201712Alternatively, The War Game manages to be even more horrifying in some ways despite being 20 years older:https://archive.org/details/TheWarGame_201405


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>>45345>>45345fuck me, I wanted to get into star trek and tried watching discovery, the overarching plot was hilariously bad despite being full of potential, ending up with feelgud liberal "if you kill your enemies they win" with some seriously stupid technomagic ass pullery, "being good guys miraculously works for no reason" and shitty dialogues all over, and bad guys so caricaturals it's not even funny anymoredunno how I even managed to get to the end of first seasonis there any star trek worth watching that isn't so loaded with stupid mary sue & hollywood bullshit ?started a russian serie after, Better than Us, cautiously optimistic the start is pretty good


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>>8356If you liked Star Trek The next Generation (The one with Picard)try The Orville


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>>8350>I want to go the bunkers with 90% females.Sign me up too.


>>8350>>8344>>8341>>8339>>8338>>8349>>8353>>8354>>8355>>8358I find these colors to be super gay and unnecessarily bourgeois. We already had a socialist future and we fuccced it up.


>>8360bright colors arent bourgeois and the reason those buildings are gray and concrete is economical also there are many colorful buildings in many of soviet states also shut the fuck up


>>8361Let the man mourn, comrade>>8360There there


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Into green cities.






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>>8356>is there any star trek worth watching that isn't so loaded with stupid mary sue & hollywood bullshit ?Any one that isn't discovery


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what is this we wuz bullshit, do you guys realize how ridiculous you look right now?


>>8369you look worse posting pepe


>>8369What the fuck is 'we wuz' about this?


>>8356The Original Series is good if you like pulp sci fi with an optimist flavor. When it's good, it's really good, but most episodes are meh at best for various reasons.TNG takes TOS's formula and refines it in many ways. Less pulpy, slightly harder sci fi, generally better stories and writing. The first couple seasons and the later ones ought to be graded on different scales because early TNG is reusing unused material from TOS. Where TOS is good, TNG is great.If you like the techno commietopia aspects of TNG but think its optimistic tone is too unrealistic, try DS9. It takes the premise of a federation founded on "naive" ideals and then flexes them in an existential war for survival. Imo, it starts out a little weak but gets really good once it finds its footing.Voyager, eh, has some good ideas that never really get properly developed. Not terrible, but never really becomes too good either. Where DS9 toyed with federation values, Voyager intends to do the same by putting a federation ship tens of thousands of light-years from the federation, but the writers never really firmly decide what that means, so it gets unevenly applied from episode to episode, which can undercut the enjoyment for some because it makes Janeway come off like a hypocrite.Enterprise isn't terrible but it stays pretty mediocre through its run. Imo it fails to capitalize on a lot of its theories too, but it's still definitely star trek. It succeeds in some areas and fails in others. Personally, I don't like Count Bakula as captain. A lot of the time he acts like an idiot and makes stupid decisions instead of principled ones. I don't recommended any of the movies past Undiscovered Country, though Generations and First Contact are watchable, at least. The Motion Picture and Wrath of z Khan are probably the epitome of Trek, with Undiscovered Country following up close behind.STD, Abramsdreck, and pre-emptively Picard don't exist.


>>8357The Orville is good. Not great, but good. The first season can be a little rough. It's sort of a 60:40 mix of Star Trek to Family Guy. Expect the gravitas of most scenes to be undercut with attempts at "humor." The second season improves though, but it's still like 80:20 ST to FG.If you've seen ST before, especially TNG, you've already seen it. "It's fine." If you're really hankering for ST though it can get you through.


>muh artwork utopiastop, even a fascist's conception of their perfect society would look good


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>>8377good post


>>8356>tried Star Trek with Discoverynoooowatch The Next Generation, a lot of it is bad but also a lot is great. use this: https://i.imgur.com/fC5U95F.jpg


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>>8356So was the series you stated after good, would you recommend / let us know how it's called


>>8377>>8379>Post future >Call a post on past and present a good postStop being retarded Dengoids.


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I've always liked the idea of fusing modern architecture with environment. There's a building near my university that captures this pretty well imo. Cover the whole thing in green and white, it looks much more aesthetically pleasing and its environmentally friendly. >>8341we can build it once we restore the USSR


>>8388can you provide sources on attaching vegetation to buildings


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>>8389I've always been a fan of letting vines grown down the sides of buildings, building troughs for more vines on each story, and using the roof as a place for gardens (which is already done), but for literally every building with no exceptions and regardless of whether people want it or not.


>>8385>believing in past, present and futurelol dummy


>>8390is there a specific advantage to vines, other than the nice aesthetics aspects where they can create a consistent converge of a surface.Can you graft food onto vines, or do you need future tech fo that. ?


>>8392They turn carbon dioxide into oxygen and can cover large vertical surfaces. Also they look cool.


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>>8360>Colors are bourgeoisWhy even try with tankies


>>8395well the tankies never hated coloursthat was some critical theorists that said that monochrome pictures would demand the viewer to imagine the missing colour information, recreating the dialectical process where interpretation of art was a sublimation of the author and the viewer. Like when you read a novel and your imagination has to process the text to create the head-cinema. So the story your experience comes from you and the author.You know that's why people often feel like the book was better than the movie.




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>>8388>faggy logoNope.


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>>8393>>8392In addition to CO2 cycling, plants regulate temperature and moisture. Photosynthesis is an endothermic reaction (sunlight + CO2 + H2O -> C6H12O6 + O2). It helps absorb the energy of the sun, preventing that from heating the building. The foliage also helps break wind, and at a large scale on many buildings this can reduce the windiness in a city. You can also build a water filtration system using rocks, soil, and sand and hold things in place with plants' root systems. There's also positive psychological effects associated with having plants around, and plants help provide habitat for animals like songbirds which also have a positive effect on people.


>>8405>pic oneThis is actually what the future will look like for everyone and we will never get to experience it




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Art from the Socialist People's Republic of Britain.


>>8409this looks like a photo put through a filteralso this is a sfw board


>>8409Quads fucken wasted!!!!!Also: How is this futurist?


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>>8410>Quads fucken wasted!!!!!what does this mean ?>Also: How is this futurist?Well if >>8410 is correct then this is your augmented reality lenses applying a filter over reality


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>>8412It's not a photo, but a painting by Hong Son-il, a North Korean artist who visited London a few years ago on a cultural exchange thing and painted street scenes. Two more. Feels very impressionist


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>>8413damn that really detailed and realistic, haven seen that level of replication-skill in some time


>>8412> >Quads fucken wasted!!!!!> what does this mean ?That means that the "magical" post number wasn't as good as it should have been. (look at the ending of the number. "dubs" or "doubles" means it's like "33", "trips" means for example "777" etc)


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>>8415Oh i didn't know that people were paying attention to the post and thread numbers


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Not socialist in the slightest but I like futurism


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>>8418>Not socialistmeh


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>>8360You must really hate the DPRK, huh?


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>>8420don't mind the monochrome anon, it's just an expression of frustration.maybe the calligraphy-brush in the drpk symbol helped with the colourful buildings.


>>8420NTA holy shit those empty roads! What a waste of materials! unless it was built in case of a nuclear emergency


>>8360One of the most bourgeois things of them all, colour!>>8361>concrete is economicalNot really, concrete and architectures based on it [like brutalism for example] tend to cost more and be worst for the environment, not to mention it breaks down faster.>>8420Hot


>>8422>empty roadsOfficial DPRK photos show basically nobody while amateur photos show a lot of people


>>8424Okay, this makes it 3 fold creepy imo.So the real question is, in this case: how many people are on the streets based on the spy-satelite photos? ;)


>>8425Do you have spy-satelite photos?Also, the photos are most-likely when the district was completed construction and was then open, so it wouldn't have people by then.Here's a actually really interesting youtube channel about filming in the DPRK: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCON7z9vFDzMJJovZr_vDEeQ


>>8426Thanks for the link Comrade, bingewatching it right now.All the spy-satelite photos that I have are from publicly available sources that focus on "bases" and "weapon factories". That's why I wondered if somebody has pics about cities.Also: your point of the pictures being taken before the district has been opened up to the public is logical. Although the size of the districts makes this a bit… hard to believe. Hard but not impossible.Back to topic: here is an article with lots of pics of how the soviets imagined the future.https://io9.gizmodo.com/the-groovy-socialist-world-of-1970s-soviet-futurism-5987783


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>>8427>pasting a link , not posting pictures


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>>8427The publicly available satellite images of the cities are really blurry however they do show plenty of vehicles driving around. People using bicycles cannot be seen due to low resolution.>the size of the districts makes this a bit… hard to believeThere has been a construction boom since Kim Jong Un became the leader. Streets and districts are being quickly constructed by KPA soldiers.


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>>8428> pasting the link to avoid flooding the thread> link providing FULL source so people can look more up if they want to> anons still butthurt for no pics providedThe horror we live in.>>8432Now that is something I did not know of. The last impressions I had was from Kim Jong Il's stagnant construction industry. Good to see his son changed direction in that regard.Also: some other pics of socialist brutalist architecture.


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>>8338Something like theseThey already exist


>>8390Seems nice but prepare for a ton of insects particularly ants. Also upkeep of those plants would be a nightmare.


>>8411Socialist realism > fascist futurism


>>8436>oh no, I don't wanna share my living space with animal lifeok boomer


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How can I as a Civil Engineer help the cause?






>>8439Off-topic: Rumor has it that due to popular demand, Rogal's VA is gonna record himself playing Cities: Skylines in character.




>>8442Lmao that's great


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great thread


>>8445Terrible thread, it's making me sad knowing I will never see this future and will probably die in some shithole burger town.


>>8446We will probably not see the victory of socialism in our lifetime, but that should not discourage us from fighting for a better future.


>>8445Those flags are yikesy af.


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>>8448there you go, i fixed the flag with a minimalist hammer and sickle


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Star Trek TNG (the infamous "money doesnt exist in the 24th century line" in First Contact always comes to mind) is the only actual socialist version of Star Trek. Most of the writers hated this aspect so they just avoided or or even tried to water it down, like in DS9. So if you're looking for something socialistic, then TNG really is the only one. Even then writers tried to just avoid it and find ways around it in the later seasons. DS9, Voyager and Enterprise are good as television sci fi but they don't really have that essence of TNG that made it so special. Even Orville's dick and fart joke rip off has more of the spirit of TNG, especially since they keep saying humans aren't capitalist anymore every five seconds in that show.But I'd recommend all the Star Trek shows from TOS to Enterprise if you want to watch a utopian sci fi universe. Avoid all the stupid JJTrek and Discovery bullshit, because it's not only terrible but it doesn't even seem like they're in the same universe, they use the Star Trek name for marketing reasons.


>>8372>DS9DS9 is good as a serial character arc and war story, and some good morality exploration but it does kinda ruin the whole point of Star Trek sometimes. Like for example, Starfleet is okay with poisoning a whole planet of refugees because terrorists use it as a hideout, that was always really cringey. It doesn't really mash with TNG's portrayal of Starfleet and the future of humanity a lot of the times, and it does so just to create drama. And when Sisko goes on a moral tirade I can never take him seriously unlike Picard, because he does all kind of dirty shit "for the greater good".


>>8451>it's not only terrible but it doesn't even seem like they're in the same universeBecause it's not. Deliberately, due to IP bullshit.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojtX_Oz4WsU


>>8453Nah thats a conspiracy theory channel run by paranoid nerds who think Disney is a "Marxist communist" company. The reality is CBS just wanted to "update" Star Trek and "make it cool" ie make it into total dogshit.


>>8452DS9 is good, but you are right that it sometimes went too far in that "lets be dark just for the sake of it territory", so did Enterprise. But DS9 overall is probably the best written Star Trek show.But let's be glad the showrunners and writers left Star Trek after that, because if you want to see a truly terrible story, watch their pitch for what a season 8 would have been.


>>8451ST:TAS gang represent!


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>>8452Odo died few days ago


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I like most of this thread.


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>don't feel like getting colony dropped.
Those things always make me think of gundam and how fucked their universe is.



I guess Bashir didn't cure the founders after all.



The Animated Series is unwatchable even as a 70s kids show.


It’s literally just ww2 IN SPESS but then devolved into retarded contrivance just for Bandai to sell more toys.


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Because you have no taste.


Even in TNG Admiral Nicheyev was getting on Picard's case for not genociding the BORG, and who knows how many trillions of deaths that would have caused.

If you like TOS the fan series "Star Trek Continues" provides a fine little extension that is just as good as the source material.

As an aside, I'm watching Voyager right now, and does anyone else find Chakotay's spiritual crap annoying? Like, TNG is pretty hard atheist, but it seems like with DS9 onward the drift towards spirituality keeps getting more egregious, especially with Worf.

Also, man, Janeway sucks. The crew should have fucking mutinied and instituted pirate democracy.


File: 1608526302403.jpeg ( 44.94 KB , 453x444 , rftgzhu.jpeg )

voyager has stupid plots, but it's got one of the best characters studies in scifi


>Star Trek TNG (the infamous "money doesnt exist in the 24th century line" in First Contact always comes to mind) is the only actual socialist version of Star Trek. Most of the writers hated this aspect so they just avoided or or even tried to water it down, like in DS9.
I think this comes from the basic problem that utopian societies are hard to tell interesting stories about. It's the reason why most of Iain Banks' Culture novels take place on the periphery of the civilization, or about characters outside of it, or when people from it interact with people not in it. Stories require conflict, and it's why TNG is about the Enterprise exploring the unexplored rather than cruising around (for the most part) inside the Federation apart from the sporadic episodes where they're on a sweet vacay to the pleasure planet.
>Also, man, Janeway sucks. The crew should have fucking mutinied and instituted pirate democracy.
I think the problem with Voyager is that the writers weren't risk-averse enough. There were all these opportunities to throw the ship into such an unusual environment, that they'd have to abandon a lot of the utopian pretenses of TNG. Over time the ship would gradually get worn, they'd give up the uniforms, etc. And this was part of the setup: half the crew are Maquis raiders who have been kinda forced into a survival situation. But the risk-averse writers kept going back to the TNG formula. Maybe there were fan pressures here for "more of the same" but I dunno.

In conclusion:


>>8471 (me)
typo. I mean to say Voyager writers were too risk-averse. They should've taken MORE risks to break out of the standard Star Trek formula.


What's the official name of the second pic in the OP? I want to make it a tapestry somehow.


RIP Mr. House.


File: 1608526303018.jpg ( 214.73 KB , 1600x1066 , Robert McCall painting.jpg )

"Looking back at tomorrow" by Robert McCall
pic shows the painter painting
found this here: https://disneyandmore.blogspot.com/2009/10/grand-tribute-to-epcots-horizons.html
by using a reverse image search tineye


Fuck no one has a tapestry of it and the copy image into tapestry sites, seem to have mostly bad editing options. anon needs a tapestry of this


File: 1608526303316.jpg ( 5.51 MB , 6505x2111 , Looking back at tomorrow H….jpg )

You want this on a peace of cloth ?, have you tried ordering from an online photo tapestry services ?

here is a good quality version of the picture if you intent to get it printed


Yeah I tried but the long nature to it, didn't fit the more square like sizes it needed to fit. Either I had to inlarge a single section or leave alot blank inside. Basically it wouldn't fit the space right. Anyways your saying print. Paper seems flimsy what would be the right material. my house is white walls renting and not trying to be a cooonsuuuumer but want to add to aesthetic a little


>Yeah I tried but the long nature to it, didn't fit the more square like sizes it needed to fit. Either I had to inlarge a single section or leave alot blank inside. Basically it wouldn't fit the space right
You have look for [b]Panorama[/b], that will get you an aspect ratio that fits this picture
>Anyways your saying print. Paper seems flimsy what would be the right material.
well you get printed silk-like canvas-material, that should be more durable than paper.
>not trying to be a cooonsuuuumer
well have you considered learning how to paint ?


Mmmmh pay rent or lose a check on art supplies
>have you considered painting


Sisko also literally manufactures a false flag attempt to drag the Romulans into the war.

However, I don't see out it is "less" socialistic than TNG. The Ferengis are portrayed as clowns and go SocDem in the end. That the Federation doesn't use money is hammered home in a lot of episodes. In one of the episodes on earth, they talk about "transporter credits" so they have something like labour vouchers for basic services I guess.


Season 7 was already quite a bit of a mess. The whole thing with the Founders becoming ill, Dukat going insane and turning into a Bajoran, etc. was all over the place and it felt like they made it up on the spot.






NTA but
DUDE! wtf?
> I want a huge ass print
> Paint is expensive

> I wanna print on non-paper to hang it on the wall

> Painting on a frame? What is that?

Anyway… my 2 cents:
print on paper, get a lot of pics, cut out the good parts that you like, do a collage, get a linen or cotton textile for cheap, use the collage as reference OR decoupage dat shit… although from then on it will be near impossible to wash the textile , get a cheap frame or build one from 4 fucking planks , hang it on the wall.


>The Ferengis


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Yeah never got the print but you owned me there lol! I'll paint and its thanks to you comrade thanks for giving me that criticism


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Bump cause I hardly found this badly titled thread


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Those mustard greens look yummy.


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That's the only problem with them imo.
Way too yummy looking to ever be true.


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oh fuck off


To be that guy that isn't socialist realism, that's Stalinist Gothic.




Slightly off topic but on the topic of architecture:
In the USSR it was mandated that any building over 5 floors required an elevator. Do you think this was a clever way to force planners to keep the skyline low? If so, what is the ideological reasoning behind keeping the skyline low?
Sorry if it's a dumb question but I know little about this and I've seen socialists promote lower skylines before and was wondering if it's a long standing trend that was around before this elevator rule or is entertained because of inspiration by the Soviet's resulting low skylines.


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how about ergonomic considerations
climbing ten floors of stairs everyday gets really frustrating really quick.


tfw Stalin was a Goth


What role would socialism play as a political system in a civilization with a post-scarcity level economy where the cost of providing people with all of the essentials of life is trivial?

And would concepts like capitalism cease to be relevant in such an economy?

If you can go to a 'star trek' style replicator and get any item you can think of for near zero cost then the only items that will be scarce are one of a kind handmade works of art. And making a profit, which is a core part of capitalism would be meaningless, since it would be impossible to sell someone something, if they have the ability to make anything they need. Some trade of art and mastercrafted hand made items might still happen, but these would be luxuries that people could happily do without (or make a non unique version of it if they wanted it but were not able to get the original)


post-scarcity is based on rationing, basically you have to limit consumption of a minority of megalomaniacs, so they don't use up the basis for post-scarcity of the rest of society.








>The only acceptable fashion will be a suit or spandex
Choose one.


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lol that's just body paint

pic nsfw


>you'll never live to see the first pic
why live


I don't know why people have this sci-fi view of socialism.


Why can't you nerds post normal art of what a socialist country would look like?


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based. just started watching next gen. currently on season 2. it's basically space communism and it's awesome. never got into star trek before. got plenty of time now with the quarantine


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Skyscrapers are also a very capitalist building.

They go vertical because of the need to cram the population as densely as possible to make the more distributed economy work better. In socialism we'd keep production more local, since most things can be produced pretty locally, and we wouldn't need massive dense cities to function as distribution hubs like we do now.

The veritcal nature of the buildings is also a natural restriction on access. Ideologically and practically speaking there are major benefits to having the big shots live all the way at the top. They can bypass traffic with helicopters, literally look down on everyone else, and it's much harder for the peasants to reach them with torches and pitchforks.

Although if they do, there's no need for a guillotine, since a fall from that height will kill anybody, and porkies falling from buildings is loaded with meaning - pride goeth before the fall, the bigger you are the harder you fall, porkies doing mass suicide during market crashes, the mirror-like glass windows being shattered when the body is thrown through them just as the illusions of capitalism are being shattered…


File: 1608526311070.jpeg ( 31.24 KB , 800x548 , porky-succide-ledge.jpeg )

So what you are saying is that capitalists build sky-scrapers as suicide ledge ?


damn the first is sick
got a new wallpaper


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&ltCtrl-F "Constructivism"
>Phrase not found
&ltCtrl-F "Metabolism"
>Phrase not found
Unimaginative as fuck thread.


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don't understand your cryptic message, please post more imaginative stuff


what are some comfy socialist sci-fi novels bros, want to live in this world


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if you want to see a certain style represented, just post images of that style instead of being a snobbish cunt. here's Tatlin's Constructivist "Monument to the Third International".


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But I like being a snobbish cunt! Anyway, I'm gonna do an image dump of Yakov Chernikhov's work.


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ultra-brainlet here, i dont understand this art style, what should i look for?


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delightful shapes


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A key text of the art form
There was a camp in the constructivist movement called the productionists, you see those in more soviet propaganda


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I wish their works were more easily accessible to English speakers.


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It's as if many leftists' idea of soviet art in particular starts and stops at socialist realism.


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socialist realism is fucking trash this shit actually slaps


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File: 1608526329616-2.jpg ( 2.93 MB , 2917x1953 , 0167.jpg )

sorry about the low quality; these are all crops from a scanned pdf but it's the best you're gonna get for now


File: 1608526330268-0.jpg ( 2.27 MB , 2008x2670 , 0168.jpg )

File: 1608526330268-1.jpg ( 2.4 MB , 2003x2489 , 0169.jpg )

File: 1608526330268-2.jpg ( 2.32 MB , 3145x2100 , 0170.jpg )



File: 1608526330809-0.jpg ( 2.76 MB , 2250x1623 , 0171.jpg )

File: 1608526330809-1.jpg ( 1.74 MB , 2294x1827 , 0172.jpg )

File: 1608526330809-2.jpg ( 3.45 MB , 1946x2428 , 0173.jpg )



File: 1608526331388-0.jpg ( 2.61 MB , 1941x2423 , 0174.jpg )

File: 1608526331388-1.jpg ( 2.26 MB , 1738x2213 , 0175.jpg )

File: 1608526331388-2.jpg ( 2.79 MB , 1745x2175 , 0176.jpg )



File: 1608526331925-0.jpg ( 2.98 MB , 1756x2206 , 0177.jpg )

File: 1608526331925-1.jpg ( 2.5 MB , 1754x2211 , 0178.jpg )

File: 1608526331925-2.jpg ( 591.02 KB , 779x1200 , Iakov_Chernikhov.jpg )

that's it; source on the pdf can be found here:



File: 1608526332353-0.jpg ( 174.07 KB , 999x789 , 861b7fb3e4fa9e791e2a30310d….jpg )

File: 1608526332353-2.jpg ( 76.71 KB , 700x396 , hgwfqd.jpg )



Constructivism is the best! Really sad some of them are in low/grainy quality though. Where would high quality galleries be found? Anyone know?
It might be my favorite visual art movement. I want some of these as real-life wallpapers.


File: 1608526332722.png ( 1.27 MB , 1000x1450 , state_plan.png )



The first and last ones give me hope for greener cities. The middle one sort of does if it had more green. It looks like cyberpunk but with solar and wind energy.


I fucking hate scy scrapers when they are densely packed together. But i also hate when there is alot of people scattered across a rural area mucking up the ecosystem. Imagine dispersing new york across rural pennsylvania if sky scrapers and massive apartments were broken down.


File: 1608526333219-0.jpeg ( 94.74 KB , 1327x829 , eswse4rtgzhu.jpeg )

File: 1608526333219-1.jpeg ( 99.57 KB , 1057x634 , ww5e6zwt.jpeg )



File: 1608526333499.jpg ( 690.01 KB , 2261x3200 , longlivetheussr.jpg )



File: 1608526333729-0.jpg ( 75.63 KB , 480x300 , trees3.jpg )

File: 1608526333729-1.jpeg ( 154.01 KB , 748x592 , q3rqdaw.jpeg )

File: 1608526333729-2.jpeg ( 204.76 KB , 1700x935 , gwrfeqwfeeth2.jpeg )



File: 1608526334019-0.jpeg ( 181.11 KB , 1200x653 , 3e4r5tg.jpeg )

File: 1608526334019-1.jpeg ( 155.55 KB , 960x500 , 3e4r56.jpeg )

File: 1608526334019-2.jpg ( 124.28 KB , 1400x788 , 4657gz.jpg )



None of these artworks tell me "This is a stateless, classess, moneyless post-scarcity society". This is just futurism.


File: 1608526334374.jpg ( 29.1 KB , 375x499 , Esperanza en el futuro.jpg )

This book cover is pretty relaxing to look at.


File: 1608526334543.jpg ( 23.22 KB , 425x313 , Al infinito y mas alla.jpg )

As much as I enjoy solarpunk-esque suff, I miss the memories of the 20th century when people thought we'd all be living in space by now.


File: 1608526334707-0.jpg ( 53.5 KB , 600x337 , orvil2.jpg )

File: 1608526334707-1.jpg ( 55.25 KB , 600x337 , orville1.jpg )

File: 1608526334707-2.jpeg ( 101.83 KB , 1553x874 , stellaris.jpeg )

>None of these artworks tell me "This is a stateless, classess, moneyless post-scarcity society". This is just futurism.
Well what would that look like ?
i just look for scifi pictures that looks like it's a nice future
i assume that's automatically a communist future because all the capitalist futures i can imagine are post-apocalyptic hell-scapes



File: 1608526334986-0.jpg ( 115.96 KB , 1280x720 , 9f6509763b6b9681017c9b812b….jpg )

File: 1608526334986-1.jpg ( 107.77 KB , 1000x1426 , 2b7062b8bd736971837bae2568….jpg )

File: 1608526334986-2.jpg ( 99.68 KB , 888x1250 , daoh1ce-b7244694-4673-428e….jpg )



File: 1608526335240-0.jpg ( 139.9 KB , 1595x797 , 60256-1152359707-large.jpg )

File: 1608526335240-1.jpeg ( 106.92 KB , 1151x640 , rdese4r5tgzh.jpeg )

File: 1608526335240-2.jpeg ( 63.41 KB , 720x540 , 7f6453s4edftgzh.jpeg )



File: 1608526335492-0.jpeg ( 63.06 KB , 474x359 , moondome.jpeg )

File: 1608526335492-1.jpeg ( 226.16 KB , 1000x547 , rtefqefsbgf.jpeg )



shut the fuck up frogposter


File: 1608526335808-0.jpeg ( 65.88 KB , 563x500 , 4wt5gwfaergs.jpeg )

File: 1608526335808-1.jpg ( 82.93 KB , 846x449 , wr4t5wsfet4s5ztg.jpg )

File: 1608526335808-2.jpg ( 66.39 KB , 1023x462 , wgffegrfe.jpg )



File: 1608526336069-0.jpeg ( 60.96 KB , 728x520 , dr5r6tzhuji.jpeg )

File: 1608526336069-1.jpg ( 41.54 KB , 537x370 , 3we4r5t6z7.jpg )

File: 1608526336069-2.jpg ( 52.07 KB , 537x357 , 4e5r6tzhuji.jpg )



File: 1608526336339.jpg ( 180.87 KB , 1024x585 , beach.jpg )

How do you get into making art this?


File: 1608526336476.jpg ( 65.42 KB , 1277x718 , blendertutoral.jpg )



File: 1608526336658-0.jpg ( 193.08 KB , 700x466 , 67b900d5851bd9b2907ad9a71d….jpg )

File: 1608526336658-1.jpg ( 327.69 KB , 2048x1152 , JCkjMWb.jpg )

Communism is inevitable by declining rate of profit, automation etc etc
Therefore Futurism = the Future = Communism


File: 1608526336893.jpg ( 211.09 KB , 999x999 , EZHlymlWoAAWqUV.jpg )

re: "eco-brutalism" and "solarpunk"


File: 1608526337068-0.png ( 354.48 KB , 626x387 , 80m california.png )

File: 1608526337068-1.jpg ( 114.4 KB , 770x543 , flaming gorge overlook.jpg )

File: 1608526337068-2.jpg ( 301.75 KB , 2455x986 , above la dam.jpg )



File: 1608526337364-0.jpg ( 330.41 KB , 960x540 , Wipeout-hd-zone.jpg )

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File: 1608526337364-2.jpg ( 315.42 KB , 1920x1080 , Wohd_20131129_092916.jpg )

These give me major wiepeout vibes


File: 1608526337667.jpg ( 540.88 KB , 2048x1365 , ILT2STMS45BTDBAHGCXUK3C63I.jpg )

Why do people think the future is nature preserves with a bunch of St.Lewis Archs?


File: 1608526337864-0.jpg ( 115.52 KB , 1202x772 , Isozaki__model_of_City_in_….jpg )

File: 1608526337864-1.jpg ( 354.23 KB , 850x877 , kurokawa-agricultural-city.jpg )

File: 1608526337864-2.jpg ( 708.34 KB , 1280x886 , newbabylon-space-eater-sec….jpg )

Many socialist architects in the 20th century sought to reduce humanity's spatial footprint on nature. This is where we got Le Corbusier proclaiming the importance of having "Towers in the Park" in the 1920s, but with the popularization of the automobile in the 1950s that had been translated to "Towers in the Parking Lot" (See: Pruitt-Igoe, also in St Louis) and then by the 1990s that evolved into "Towers on Top of the Park on Top of a Parking Garage" which at that point was completely antithetical to the egalitarian (albeit authoritarian) principles of the long defunct CIAM. In all this time however, other architects sought to make a radical break from this tradition while still keeping the underlying principles intact. The Metabolists in Japan sought to create "organic" tree-like megastructures that contained suspended, prefabricated units as well as entire farming communities built on top of stilts, and the Situationists in France theorized a post-revolutionary, "New Babylon" whose decentralized sectors were elevated above the treeline. I think concept artists (and by extension, so-called "socialists" who keep posting their work) look at all of this and are more fascinated by the megastructures than the promise of building a better world.


If you were to build the building in the third picture, the giant shells made of out of transparent material will focus sunlight into a death ray that might incinerate people beneath it, you know like what children do to ants when playing around with a magnifying glass.


File: 1608526338233.jpg ( 20.16 KB , 602x449 , ant-death-ray2.jpg )

pic related


File: 1608526338426-0.png ( 1.42 MB , 1350x615 , nb.PNG )

File: 1608526338426-1.png ( 606.06 KB , 1500x302 , nb2.PNG )

File: 1608526338426-2.png ( 1.08 MB , 1820x412 , nb3.PNG )

Well, Constant Nieuwenhuys was rather idealist and left the Situationist International not long after drafting it. Here are other images of what he thought "New Babylon" might have looked like.


that looks more like a dreadnought then a building


I was gonna mention it kind of looks like Outer Heaven/Mother Base but on land.


File: 1608526338993-0.png ( 246.75 KB , 512x512 , tng-ent.png )

File: 1608526338993-1.png ( 227.68 KB , 1000x563 , tng-orvil.png )





this threat makes me both sad and happy
i'm sad because if only the soviets didn't fall,if only they didnt have the cold war forcing them into spending billions into useless weaponry we would be living in orbit around earth,or even moon now


>>8603 (me)
like soviet thinkers scientists etc imagined so much they dreamt of a world where socialism was achieved globally a world where poverty and shit was of no concern and humanity was finally getting its shit together and conquering space

instead we have borderline fascist worldwide capitalism


i actually had tears in my eyes reading this
it's about school kids imagining the future of the soviet union and in 2017 they unearthed these time capsules meant for the centennial of the soviet union
feels bad man


this really brings a tear to eyes but also reminds us (or atleast me) of importance of work we are doing
we are struggling,fighting,organizing,reading,writing studying,striking so that all this becomes a reality.

keep up the good work comrades.


File: 1608526339940-0.jpeg ( 84.05 KB , 593x767 , w4t5wfeqdefwt.jpeg )

File: 1608526339940-1.jpeg ( 61.28 KB , 800x450 , w4wqdwdefwr.jpeg )

File: 1608526339940-2.jpeg ( 10.97 KB , 318x159 , ewg5g4qfrg.jpeg )

thanks for posting this link


File: 1608526340214-0.jpeg ( 123.24 KB , 1280x656 , 4t3qrwQE2W12QE3R45TERQ3E2….jpeg )

File: 1608526340214-1.jpeg ( 186.28 KB , 1920x976 , infinispace.concept.jpeg )

File: 1608526340214-2.jpeg ( 120.86 KB , 1390x789 , 1234321-adsfg.jpeg )



File: 1608526340563-0.jpg ( 91.55 KB , 475x594 , e3w2qaqq232123454321234.jpg )

File: 1608526340563-1.jpg ( 138.17 KB , 1600x832 , Space station in Mars orbi….jpg )

File: 1608526340563-2.jpg ( 112.43 KB , 1000x1313 , paul-jouard-ringworld.jpg )



File: 1608526340868.jpg ( 118.56 KB , 765x1045 , souvenir_photo_by_ian_art-….jpg )

Palace of Soviets in 2061 after socialist reconstruction in the 2050s


I'm crossposting my request from >>>/tech/3501; would love to see more constructivist literature disseminated online.




Architecture should be moved to >>>/tech/ or >>>/hobby/, is it possible to move the entire thread there and attempt to colonize those boards with active threads such as these combined with a permanent link in a stickied thread here?


File: 1608526341366-0.jpg ( 94.61 KB , 1045x902 , 08f1b218ead8167bdccdf46f1c….jpg )

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File: 1608526341366-2.jpg ( 88.63 KB , 1091x682 , tomorrowland-1440x900-geor….jpg )



File: 1608526341614-0.jpeg ( 126.37 KB , 1000x664 , q2w3e4.jpeg )

File: 1608526341614-1.jpeg ( 31.33 KB , 1024x576 , 4e4r5.jpeg )

File: 1608526341614-2.jpg ( 100.02 KB , 1200x600 , 5rt6z7.jpg )



good thread, good pictures, great work everybody


>muh spinny space tube
>muh shitty ugly brutality concrete coffin apartments
>muh shitty materialist utopianism
Fuck off, technophiles. There's more to life than VR porn.


You're being a nîgger out of this


File: 1608526342276.jpg ( 291.04 KB , 1280x720 , maxresdefault (1).jpg )

Here's your fucking future


>Y-you're being a heckin níggerino1!1!!1!1
Yes faggot I am. Problem you fucking party kraut?


File: 1612130127555-0.png ( 13.49 MB , 3840x1824 , ClipboardImage.png )

File: 1612130127555-1.png ( 10.41 MB , 3840x1546 , ClipboardImage.png )

File: 1612130127555-2.png ( 12 MB , 3840x1824 , ClipboardImage.png )

has anyone here heard of Fan Wennan? infrared was talking about him today on this channel.
didn't know if it deserves its own thread or whether there already is one. I just learned about him today


File: 1612130296112-0.png ( 5.64 MB , 2756x1306 , ClipboardImage.png )

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File: 1612130296112-2.png ( 3.81 MB , 3212x1867 , ClipboardImage.png )



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File: 1612130648834-1.png ( 12.44 MB , 3840x1854 , ClipboardImage.png )



Yeah they interviewed him not too long ago; I quite like his work.


File: 1612321140216-0.jpg ( 6.23 MB , 4288x2848 , amazon spheres seattle.jpg )

File: 1612321140216-1.jpg ( 4.12 MB , 1920x1778 , amazon helix arlington.jpg )

File: 1612321140216-2.jpg ( 1.22 MB , 2048x1365 , amazon concept chicago.jpg )

Here is your solarpunk future, "comrades"—courtesy of Amazon.


His art is Kino


File: 1612322836476-0.jpg ( 447.05 KB , 1280x734 , 201308_2312art.jpg )

File: 1612322836476-1.jpg ( 132.78 KB , 958x768 , 2312-Asteriod.jpg )

File: 1612322836476-2.jpg ( 349.11 KB , 2048x1173 , travissmith_John.jpg )

File: 1612322836476-3.jpg ( 237.9 KB , 748x971 , cover4205.jpg )

File: 1612322836476-4.jpg ( 81.94 KB , 1400x598 , ee1ce5e32804ea8c52737808d3….jpg )



bro that third pic is blue origin concept art. why would you post that; is this a joke?


File: 1612348525653-1.jpg ( 2.26 MB , 2500x1875 , 02 - hut in socialism.jpg )

File: 1612348525653-3.jpg ( 2.16 MB , 2190x2000 , 04 - socially distanced ou….jpg )

posting renders from Kevin Rogan's "in socialism" series










File: 1612349425299-0.jpg ( 3.38 MB , 3000x2400 , 27 - a river in socialism.jpg )

File: 1612349425299-1.jpg ( 1.04 MB , 3000x3000 , 28 - would you work here f….jpg )

File: 1612349425299-2.jpg ( 1.04 MB , 3000x2400 , 29 - hovering above a cana….jpg )

File: 1612349425299-3.jpg ( 1.01 MB , 2926x4096 , 30 - the outside of a buil….jpg )

File: 1612349425299-4.jpg ( 3.42 MB , 2800x2800 , 31 - the side of the highw….jpg )



File: 1612349600809-1.jpg ( 2.68 MB , 3500x2800 , 33 - mondays at the social….jpg )

File: 1612349600809-3.jpg ( 1.36 MB , 4000x3928 , 36 - precisionism 2.jpg )

File: 1612349600809-4.jpg ( 1.24 MB , 2000x2000 , 38 - two in one day - wow.jpg )





File: 1612350176650-0.jpg ( 327.38 KB , 1360x1360 , XX - under socialism all s….jpg )

File: 1612350176650-1.jpg ( 2.17 MB , 3000x2250 , XX - the ocean in socialis….jpg )

File: 1612350176650-2.jpg ( 969.73 KB , 2500x3125 , 39 - office park or someth….jpg )

File: 1612350176650-3.jpg ( 412.56 KB , 1663x1332 , XX - electrical substation….jpg )

File: 1612350176650-4.jpg ( 222.36 KB , 1667x1334 , XX - idk what this is. baf….jpg )



amazing thread, revitalized my optimism. good work everyone


Jesus fuck in the name of everything that is good start with Deep Space 9, it's unironically based and basically written by commies. Second best is probably The Next Generation but nothing comes even close DS9.


Deep Space 9. Awesome writing in addition to being actually based as fuck.


looks neat as hell very much appreciated

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