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 No.7009[Last 50 Posts]

What's your personality type? INFP gang represent. Also daily reminder that MBTI and even Jungian cognitive functions are not a concrete analysis of how people behave, it's only a general prediction of how people behave over a period of time when faced with various situations.


I fell for this shit for way too long just because I was a brainlet when in came to psychology in general.
Look into Jung's biography and how spooked he was. Jungian "psychology" is quite literally astrology (I thought it was a hyperbolic joke for the longest time):
>In the twentieth century, the western esoteric tradition inspired the Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology, Carl Jung to formulate his archetypal hypothesis, influenced by Plato's theory of ideas or forms.[2] In his research into the symbolic meaning of his patient's dreams, conversations and paintings, Jung observed recurring mythical themes or archetypes. He proposed that these universal and timeless archetypes channel experiences and emotions, resulting in recognizable and typical patterns of behavior with certain probable outcomes.[3] Jung claimed to observe a correlation between these archetypal images and the astrological themes or traditional 'gods' associated with the planets and signs of the zodiac. He concluded that the symbolic heavenly figures described by the constellations were originally inspired by projections of images created by the collective unconscious.[4][5] Jung wrote "Astrology represents the sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity".[6]

It primarily functions as a typological tool for use and exploit by employers in the service sector.


INFP here.


isn't it fun


INTP chad reporting in


You sure? You barely seem literate.


Alfred Adler > Carl Jung


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Am an INTJ.


>hobby engaging in pseudo-psychology
When did /dead/ come here?


I am an Animawlkin®™ Penguin, MBTI®™ INFP, Enneagram®™ UwU, star-sign Pope Paul V, anal-sign Prolapse

Take the Animawlkin™ test at Animawlkin Society of Totally Legit Psychologists®™, I saw all my favorite influencers take it on Facebook®™ and they told me to share, comment and hit that bell button (of course I was already subscribed to BuzzFeed®™ haha) and so I shared it, branded it, never stopped talking about it and my psychological issues to my Friends™, my colleagues, my managers, my boss, cashiers, police when they wake me up hung over in a ditch, my psychic, my (((therapist))) :DDDDDDDDD



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we get it no fun allowed


No obnoxious [b]stupidity[/b] allowed.
What's that gif, are you pretending to be a nihilist spooked by feudal star signs?

>The revolutionary is a doomed man. He has no private interests, no affairs, sentiments, ties, property nor even a name of his own. His entire being is devoured by one purpose, one thought, one passion - the revolution. Heart and soul, not merely by word but by deed, he has severed every link with the social order and with the entire civilized world; with the laws, good manners, conventions, and morality of that world. He is its merciless enemy and continues to inhabit it with only one purpose - to destroy it. –

— Catechism of a Revolutionary, Sergey Nechayev

Both Bakunin and Nechayev would slap the shit out of you for your pretentiousness.




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Why does this thread make you so mad?


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At least horoscopes have cool symbols and goofy magic shit associated with them. MBTI is just lame.


no fun allowed


At least horoscopes are fun. There's a bunch of wacky nonsene associated with them like dating compatibility. At least "which Hogwarts house are you" is about wizards and shit. MBTI is totally dry corporate phrenology.


im a gemini sun + moon and enfp
i think mbti is a dumb gimmick that only works somewhat well when paired with enneagram and if one uses the functions + its stacks but at that point it is no longer within the normie realm
(hate using the word normie just dont know how else to word it)


whatever you say faggot


I don't care about Jung or his convoluted crap. Astrology is not a science but one can say that it can be disturbingly accurate for what is essentially mysticism. (I.e. zodiac traits). It's also useful for navigation because you learn the constellations.


>disturbingly accurate for what is essentially mysticism


It's 'disturbingly accurate' because everything related to astrology is a Barnum statement

>"your sign gains energy from being around friends, but you also often need time to recharge alone"

>OMG that's literally me!!!


>A barnum statement
Stop reading the shitty stuff and do research m8. It gets more specific than that with real astrologers and not online scammers.


If astrology is real then why couldn't any of them win the 'million dollar prize'?




the James Randi one?


The 16personalities test is not MBTI/Jungian at all, it's just OCEAN/Big Five that uses Jungian terminology and MBTI categories. They explicitly state this in describing their personality model ("NERIS Type Explorer"). Actual MBTI is pure pseudoscience.
That being said, INTP gang represent.


>It's also useful for navigation because you learn the constellations.
Astrology is not astronomy, retard.




And now you fell for the pop culture skepticism. Nice.


No argument? Nice.
Advocate for Jungianism from a materialist perspective.


I know idiot, I studied astronomy. What the fuck do you think the zodiacs are based on, idiot.


Then you should know they are just planets and stars like our Sun, there's nothing mystic with them, dumbfuck.


Nobody said there was something necessarily mystic about the planets retard. Did you even read what I said or are you just bringing about your knee-jerk reaction about "muh astrology" Just shut up, moron.


>Nobody said there was something necessarily mystic about the planets retard
>>one can say that it can be disturbingly accurate for what is essentially mysticism. (I.e. zodiac traits)
That's your words, you senile.


Learn the difference between accuracy and precision you imbecile. TO call it accurate is not wrong. For example Gemini zodiac traits tend to be fairly accurate, as do others. is there some scientific evidence proving causation? No, I never claimed this. There IS however strange correlation, which was my entire point, you fucking assmad contrarian.


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now explain why my irl personality overlaps perfectly with my Sims zodiac, which applies numbers to explicit traits rather than relying on barnum statements.
(i played the sims before i knew what zodiac signs were, so it's not the case of making the evidence fit the hypothesis. although i may be being facetious when i act like the sims traits are a serious attempt at quantitative astrology)


If there's no scientific evidence then it's bullshit, Bunkerchan is a materialist chan so get your crystal shitball out of here.


Suck a dick pretentious moron.


Are you an obsessive, a hysteric, a pervert or psychotic?


No, they're based while you're high on esotericism.
It's clear to me that this leaves you the 'pretentious' one.


Horoscopes are more fun for sure- plus more astrologists? astrology writers? Idk what they call themselves - that leverage aspects of astrology and horoscopes to give legitimately useful advice and methods for self-reflection and growth. MBTI can function the same way as a medium for self-reflection but more proponents of it are corporate clowns who write productivity blogs about how the productively write productivity blogs.


It's clear to me you're butthurt.


Would you say you often get disorganized? Or are you usually on top of the ball?
I'm trying to figure out if I'm INFP or INFJ. I figure I'm definitely intuition dominant and I use Tx almost as much as Fx


What is it like being the best person?



I'm far too humble to see myself that way but thanks for the compliment.


your welcome, thank you for the sincere answer

I love that a lot of entps are like a bubbling geyser of crazy and preposterous ideas and will talk for hours about them if you get the chance to do a back and forth


yes mbti is pseudoscience but can you not with the fucking Christchurch footage, I don't need this negative shit right now


It's a spambot. The exact smae video with a different filename is in cyberpunk and on threads in /anime/ and /tech/


I have no idea, every time I do the test I get something different, but the only trait I always get is Introverted. No matter the result, I never take it seriously because I also identify with the other types I tend to get.


>It primarily functions as a typological tool for use and exploit by employers in the service sector.
that implies it has truth value tho


>yes mbti is pseudoscience




More like a lot of decisions are arbitrary and sorting people by type makes it easier to get away with doing that.


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Virgin TeFi axis user vs Chad TiFe axis user


plato's the TiFe and Aristotle's the TeFi


Pseudoscience is unironically cool. Go back to /r/heckyeahscience.


different intj here. I was dumb enough to pay for a certified exam and lean pretty heavily towards one side in all four metrics. I'm pretty disorganized physically, in the sense that I don't bother to make sure my room, office, etc. are prim and proper. my note taking and general organizational ability is pretty sloppy as well. however, I place more emphasis on my mind being organized and having things I immediately need at hand. probably why I hate mundane work where there's a lot of chances to make small mistakes.


So ENFP Plato vs INTJ Aristotle then?
Also ngl 'becoming one with the universe' sounds more rad to me than 'achieving excellence and becoming a master'
The self is limiting, no man is an island yadda yadda


I think there's more to said about a seasonal typology than actually astrology. It would make sense that infants who spend the first few months indoors vs outdoors would have lasting effects.


Whenever I take this stupid test I end up being on a different quadrant.
I can legit claim that I was on every personality at least twice.




James randi was a scum artists
Google about that german bretherian
also proving the paranormal exist will lead to you getting epsteined




I've always gotten the same result. Don't reply based on your mood of the last 5 minutes.


This ,why whould any paranormal being agree to publially out himself
Not only that but randi literally clamed that mediums and shit should win at odds 1000000 to 1
Like sorry but if someone can guess what i am holding behind my back 9/10 times i whould tottally be spooked even if its in theory possible statistically based on luck


can someone (preferably critical of jung) explain to me how the fuck jungian cognitive fucnctions are supposed to work? specifically with Ni


>that quote
this is unironically me. how do I stop thinking about revolution and get other hobbies


Fuck, that's >literally me! as well.
Maybe that's why I feel so much more alienated than usual.


I'm a leo.





Genocide all **TJ


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Based and Lion-pilled
But what's your Chinese Zodiac sign?

Pro-Tip: Tiger and Dragon are the only cool answers


INTJs bottle it up until they go on a shooting spree.


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>would never stab anyone


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*teleports behind you*
Nothing personnel, kid.
I deleted and reposted 15934 as 15937 just as they were replying, so I reported it to a mod to fix the broken link.


I didn't know you could do that. After years of not visiting 4chan I still haven't fully understood the potential of the report button on a small imageboard.


Yep. Works about half the time, more often on slower imageboards where the report queue is empty and mods aren't too busy hammering raiders.
I've seen a couple of people do it in old generals to ask them to add useful links to the OP or fix broken links.


All ESTJ are psychopaths


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INTP Man+ISTJ Woman=Best couple
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you can't


Love it


going off of big five data we have for psychopaths it's probably more like ESTP because of the association with lower conscientousness that the condition carries


intuitive perceiver+sensor judger
nah lol. Maybe INTP plus INTJ tho


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Aka the the peak midwitt reddit guy "I could be an epic genius like Haisenberg if I tried but I don't want to" personality.
Sounds like autism tbh


That's why it's a good pairing.


INFP, here.


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>tfw ESFPs and ESTPs are Gods gift to INTJs
I love you bastards


oh hey it's socionics time.


>MBTI is when stereotypes


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Fuck you for necrobumping this thread.


Has any thread on /hobby/ actually died since bunkerchan? Outside of the old /fit/ thread hitting bump limit. It barely counts as 'necrobumping'.

Also you are probably a low-functioning INTJ.


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This is now a Big Five thread. Post your results and discuss psychometrics.
16personalities.com is fine too, just convert your results to Big Five/OCEAN and be skeptical about their personality profiles.
Keep in mind that even the best peer-reviewed psychometric models have been criticised by scientists, and always be careful to avoid pseudoscience like MBTI and astrology!


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The only personalities are Gamer and Non-Gamer


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Here's mine


Mine. No surprise, I'm a fucking emotional wreck.

Based transcendant neet monk stats
Pure reddit Muskbro logic guy stats. Looks like we have a midwitt infestation.


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>on leftypol.org of all places


Mentality is what counts


You have nearly the same stats as we do faglord.


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forgot to attach file last time


oh hey your average /tttt/ user


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Based. Here's mine although personally I prefer the hexaco (6 factor) model because of the distinction between agreeableness and honesty/humility
keep in mind this one is 100 questions long so twice as long, however it didn't take me too long to complete after doing the big five first


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Actually you know what would be really interesting? What if we did a thread were a user will post their test results accompanied by a picture they enjoy or feel represents something about themselves?


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Since I already posted mine:
>>18554 (me)
I just love him. He is hysterically funny to me. I love how he speaks. I love his "asexual sassy theater manager" menrisms. I can't get him out of my head. I let hin live there at his expense as big clown. We love it, don't we folks?


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Since I already posted mine:
>>18537 (me)
I just love her. She is hysterically erotic for me. I love her "robotic opportunist war criminal" mannerisms. I can't get her out of my head. I let her live there at her expense as big bitch. We love it, don't we coomers?


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Lmao, I never considered mr Trump as an asexual icon before. We love him yes we do.
I noticed you had a somewhat above average extroversion compared to most here, and it's interesting that Trump is very bombastic and energetic

Kek have you ever busted a nut to her? You have a pretty high emotional stability compared to most coomers I know but I guess "the least ugly american war criminal" is a refined taste

Interesting, what the hell is the background behind this photo?


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>>18595 (You)
>>18596 (You)
I just love him. He is hysterically endearing for me. I love his "Patient yet incredibly enthused housecat" mannerisms. I can't get him out of my head. I let him live there at his expense as big blin. We love it, don't we cooters?


>He is hysterically funny to me. I love how he speaks
Kek, this but unironically


Which are the most dogshit MBTI yt channels? For me it's CS Joseph and Love Who.


not so much shit but I really enjoy frank james, especially his older stuff

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