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What is your favorite Soviet tank?

mine is the t80


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I like most of them.
In terms of WW-2 tanks the IS-2 is my favorite, with the IS-3 missing out because of its lack of combat. In terms of overall…

>Heavy tank favorite:

- WW2 is the IS-2 with the IS-3 and KV-1S a close follow-up
- non-experimental has to be the T-10M. This behemoth was the peak of heavy tanks.
- Exerimental: Object 279, its gun was massive, its 4 tracks gave it superior terrain traverse and its elliptical shape made it more resistant to horizontal attack as well as nuclear blasts

>Medium tanks:

- WW-2 The T-34, followed by the T-28
- Non-experimental; The T-55
- experimental; NA

>Light Tanks:

- WW-2 is the T-60 and T-70
- Non-experimental is the PT-76
- Experimental is the Sprut SD


- WW-2; NA
- Non-experimental is the T-90, combines the best of the T-80 and T-72 tanks
- Experimental; NA ( I don't particularly like the Armata design and the rest are serviceable but nothing special).


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Since there already is a Soviet military thread, lets make this a sort of warthunder/casual military tech discussion/meme thread, like pic related.


/Hobby/ is a tiny board. If this need more activity, we need to discuss the same theme on a single thread only. Not hundreds of similar threads that would die off in under 10 posts.
Also what do you guys think about the performance of the T-55?


why are you posting photos of an imperialist invasion?


Fuck off.

>a single thread only
Well I mean this thread is already made so…
>T-55 performance
It was a good medium tank with focus on adequately covering all the points necessary; CBRN defense, armor resistant to equivalent cannon fire, optimal turret shape, wide tracks for low ground-pressure, diesel multi-fuel engine, 100mm rifled cannon, decent optics etc. The modernized versions are as powerful as the T-62 or early T-72


>Fuck off.
No I won't. But you should social-imperialist cocksucker.


>Muh red imperialists
Get back to your armchair you waste of space. What are you even doing in a military thread?


>Also what do you guys think about the performance of the T-55
This goes in the communist military tech thread TBH


when will this meme die
foreign policy I don’t like =/= imperialism


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Shush!!! We have to continue Mao’s nationalist butthurt over USSR influences forever!
>Imperialist invasion is when you retaliate against genocide, the more you retaliate the more imperialist you are
>true communism is when you exploit your entire country to sell rice to Hongkong in exchange for weapons for a genocidal war to make your own Lebensraum of Angkor Krom
I guess the USSR should let themselves be genocided by the Nazis as well right?

From horse’s mouth itself:
&ltPhnom Penh radio broadcast an appeal to "purify our armed forces, our Party and the masses of people… in defence of Cambodian territory and the Cambodian race…. One of us must kill 30 Vietnamese… two million troops would be more than enough to fight the Vietnamese, because Vietnam has only 50 million inhabitants…. We need only two million troops to crush the 50 million Vietnamese, and we would still have six million people left. We must formulate our combat line in this manner, in order to win victory."


Since a /pol/potist’s already here, it’s as good as any time to ask. What do you think about the incorporation of mines into the KR’s tactics of protracted People’s war? In a serious strategy perspective I think it’s actually really effective at fighting an organized army and was able to push back some Vietnamese attacks. But on the down side it also killed more of your own already brutalized civilian population (who went through the dumbass purged and failed economic policies) than actual targets prompting them the support the Vietnamese and the salvation front.


mines need to be mapped out thoroughly and in jungle conditions, in wars such as the one you describe it is impossible, resulting in thousands of mines being forgotten and hurting generations to come. Since it's not an open battle either, mines are just as likely to hit civvies as they are military forces making them a terrible choice for that. When it was a war like with the USA, where the opponent is coming from 1 side and you can collaborate with locals to keep them safe that's different situation.


lmao speaking about nationalist butthurt!


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what tank is this is a t55 or a chinese copy






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I really like the t72 versions of other countries like this one, the m-84



Can this be a Soviet Milltary general thread?


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Already exists, thsi one is frankly better for memes and opinions and other light-hearted stuff while the other thread >>1505
can be the dry informational discussion thread.


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riends that I have seen this news is the Israeli press and says that the t64 of ukrania is better than the t72b3 is in Spanish the news here I give you the link



whoever wrote the article is fucking mental


the Jews


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The BTR-D is an armored Soviet multi-purpose air transport vehicle that was activated in 1974 and was first seen by the West in 1979 during the Soviet-Afghan War.


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since you are talking about the topic that they think the modern ukrania tank can deal with the t90


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this vehicle is very rare



Of course they would. The Israeli government and intelligence agency have deep connection with Ukrainian far right nationalists. Most of the articles on that website is heavily biased as all hell.


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I do not understand the Jews who give weapons to the nationalists and fascists of Ukraine. just to annoy the Russians


While usually that's /pol/ bullshit, in this case that is correct. Though Zionists may be more correct.


>very rare
Not really. Ukraine and Russia have plenty of them stockpiled away.

Geopolitics man. Besides Israel is untouchable by these neo-nazis, just like capitalists were by the original Nazis.


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There is not much information about this armored vehicle, but it is a btr with a self-propelled song




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The Vietnam t-54m3 was developed for quite some time, along with Israel, which placed the 105mm m-68 gun sample to replace the 100mm d-10t2s gun, climate sensors, a modern telescopic sight with channel assemblies for an additional compound and dynamic reserves, "he said in the material. But later, according to the resource, due to its cost, an M-68 tank cannon had to be abandoned, however, the machines were equipped with an additional fence Minimizes cumulative, electronic effects Components and tanks were protected by special modules.


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Modified BTR-60 belonging to YPG, Syrian Kurdistan. Solidarity with the Kurdish working people!


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The VT3 is another nice T-54 upgrade. Completely new turret but same hull and modern subsystems.


With the recent focus of the Vietnamese arm forces into naval assets and Air Force, the project of upgrading the t-54 is now put in the back burner with only a few dozen done this year.
At least the army can boast about having the chemical warfare division incorporated into the tank already with all that smoke kek.



throw a lot of smoke that tank


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This fire support vehicle is a Cuban conversion of the transport of Soviet armored personnel BTR-60PB, equipped with a modified turret of the medium tank T-54. It can also be considered as an armored vehicle or tank destroyer. His Cuban designation is unknown. It is also unknown how many of these vehicles are in service.


That's the smoke-screen all soviet tanks since the T-54 can do, they drip diesel in the exhaust which turns into heavy smoke that acts as a screen


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the army of cuba modifies many tanks and armored cars this photo is from the t34 modified with self-propelled artillery


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here another photo of bmp with self-propelled gun


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the Chinese copy of type 59 and type 79 has units everywhere

Pakistan: 400 units

China: 200. Mainly used for reserve units, or for the instruction of new units.

Bangladesh: 185 units of the Type 69IIMA variant 'and 65 units of the Type 69IIMA variant

Iran: 200 units

Burma: 260 units, of the Type 59D and Type 69 II variants

Thailand: 5 units

Sri Lanka: 20 units

Zimbabwe: 10 units

Sudan: Manufactured under license (without being officially established by the Chinese government) in Sudan by the MIC as follows:
Type 69 - 100 units,
Type 79 - 100 units.


>photo I posted a month ago on the Kacynski thread

But why are you replying to my post about smoke anyway how is that relevant?


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I am a fan of the more unusual soviet tanks.

The T42 which never made it off the drawing board and was designed as an answer to the Ratte was a fascinating design, and quite possibly a better tank overall.

And although it is not a tank as such. The ZIL-2906 is also a favorite of mine because of its screw propulsion system.

And the A-40 airborne tank was also a interesting idea, although it was impractical since no aircraft could tow it at the time it was designed. and the BMD-1 which was air droppable ended this experiment for good.


I had some posts on unique Soviet armor from leftyb, I'll transfer some soon.


>T42 which never made it off the drawing board and was designed as an answer to the Ratte
No it wasn't. Its design is clearly early interwar since it resembles the T-35. It and the T-35 were useless by the late 1930s (unlike the T-28 which held out as a decent platform into 1942).
The Ratte was a concept that never even reached full design stage and like the Maus was uselessly heavy, the Soviets were not aware of the lump of metal during the war and didn't even bother trying to counter such a tank post-war when captured Maus tanks showed its obvious uselessness.
THe T-42 was like the T-35, too long, too heavy and narrow tracked and too lightly armored. Its massive size made it impossible to upgrade or up-armor and improve armament without the need for even larger engines, and larger suspension, all increasing the weight of the tank and resulting in increased wear of components

TL;DR Shitty tank that thankfully was never committed into metal.


What happened to the Tsar tank during the Russian civil war? Did any of them get used by the Whites?


It got stuck in a trench during its first trial and remained there til the end of the war until it was dismantled for scrap.


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pretty goood


Why were the tsar era military so retarded? They had succeeded in making an actual plane capable of flight decades earlier but then leave it to gather dust when its inventor died, the circular fucking battleship, and the shit show of the Russo-Japanese war.


Imperial decadence and disregard for science and the general population.


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Post infographs!


>Warthunder thread made again
Why is it people can't do catalog searches?


Was Khruzchev’s obsession with missile tanks as real as his autism for corn and ekranoplans? It kinda sounds like some bullshit drummed up by Cold Warrior historians.


No its fucking true, Any Russian general from that time can confirm. He halted all artillery research and had a ton of guns melted down. He only stopped this when his rocket fetish didn't pan out fully. It wasn't a complete failure and it got a lot of innovative designs made, but it also forced the Soviet military to quickly re-establish and re-learn artillery production after this craze.

However, Khurschev was inspired in this fanaticism by the USA's raze for "space age" stuff, which also negatively reflected on the US military who made far fewer advancements in most regards.


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i prefer chinese mbt 2000 or type 90


My favourite is the one that could go underwater and had a game boy accessory








Fuck I didn't mean to sage this


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Not really a tank but its a heavy IFV, so I counts enough. I like the BMP 3, its absolutely insane firepower from the Bakcha-U turret and other capabilities





>so I
*so it


It’s like a Bradley but not made of aluminium and trash.


And about a meter lower in height


they making tanks allready?
God I'd love to see them increase their military


>Sir it’s a troop carrier, it should have a low profile.
&ltFuck you! Give it anti-tank missiles and a cannon on top! Also what is air conditioning?
Basically the design phase of that monstrosity.


>making tanks
1) That's an Armored Personell Carrier
2) They're just adding on armor to captured and fixed vehicles they could get their hands on, not actually creating their own armored vehicles of any concrete type

Ah I too remember Pentagon Wars and BlackTailDefense


Holy shit I haven't watched his videos in years.


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"The ASU-57 was originally designed to be air-dropped alongside troops from the cargo bay of the standard Antonov-12, by means of a rocket-assisted parachute (PP-128-500 or P-7). It is armed with a Ch-51 57 mm gun which could fire the standard ZIS-2 57x480R AP rounds, but also the BR-271 and O-271U rounds. 30 were in storage in the hull. To keep the cost as low as possible, the engine was derived from the GAZ-M-20 “Pobeda” civilian car, and most of the parts came from wartime light tanks like the SU-76 and T-40, including the wheeltrain and suspensions. The design was so compact and made of welded and bolted aluminum plates, that the hull ended with 6 mm armor at the front, sufficient for small arms fire (in theory). Outside the crew of three, and despite its small dimensions, it was large enough to accommodate six more men and an improvized APC. An estimated total of 500 vehicles were built until 1962 (exact production figures remains unknown)."
- summarized from: http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/USSR/soviet_ASU-57.php


Very cute. Man do I love tank models.
Painting them is a bitch though.


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Still my favorite tank overall just for the sheer absurdity of it and yet it actually works.


Just a really practical way to quickly put a giant gun on treads. Beauty, ergonomics or aesthetic be damned.

And somehow it started the trend of Soviet weapons being so practical that it becomes beautiful on its own. Sad that most Object projects got abandoned though. The laser tank is awesome as hell.


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They clearly learned from KV-2, since later assault guns were all casemate designs. The turret over complicates things.


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my husband


Epic monster TBH


t-80 was a disaater in chechnya


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Not really. It wasn't the T-80, it was the generals who sent it out without ERA armor or troops to defend the roof.


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1k17 Szhatsie

A self propelled laser tank


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>Soviet was IG irl
everything makes sense now


from wikipedia:
>[The laser beam] was created by focusing light through 30 kg of artificial rubies



>The modernized versions are as powerful as the T-62 or early T-72
This is false, modernized T-55s don't have composite armor.


Wait really? I though both Belarusian and Ukrainian T-55 modernized variants have both reactive and composite armor?

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