Stop consuming bourgeois food. Junk food, sodas (COKEacola), etc. are a bourgeois invention of the capitalist epoch made for addiction and profit that your body doesn't need. You must eat organic food, drink water and more natural alternatives. You can produce whole foods at industrial scale. It's just cheaper to separate the parts and recombine them synthetically because porky likes profits and doesn't care about proles (if anything sick proles feed Big Pharma so it would be in their mutual interests).
The "MEME" of organic food was not a common thing, but the actual concept existed.
Organic producers rely on natural substances and physical, mechanical, or biologically based farming methods to the fullest extent possible. The USSR did just that. They didn't have cow pens where they would be raised in a 3x6 cage with shit running down their legs, or chickens that were kept in rigid boxes with their beaks set to a constant supply of food. Cage-free, free-range eggs are "organic", compare their contents to that of a GMO chicken. The latter gets pumped with so many hormones and live in such squalor that the egg products are in and of themselves tainted by this. Meat wasn't *'Pink Slime' but the real deal, which is why, after Gorbacehve fucked it up, there were jokes about Sausage meat replaced by toilet paper.
Communist countries didn't call their food industries "organic" - in non-profit driven states, there is no incentive to have cheap harmful food and expensively modified, slightly better versions of the same. all food was "organic" and affordable to everyone. just to give one example, dairy products weren't stuffed with preservatives to the point where a yogurt bottle can stay on shelves half a year or so, but were refreshed each 24-48h. Pesticides used were often tobacco based or otherwise natural and therefore far less harmful than the frog-mutating crap used in California or other places.
For more detail see the food section of
>muh GMO is just conspiracyMonsanto is a massive monopoly that exerts massive pressure on the scientific community and economy to push its products through. This is capitalist self-interest for it to push that shit onto us. Organic food is more expensive so only the middle class and bourgeois can only eat like this everyday. If you think they wouldn't do that, then read Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, about how they canned rat corpses, rat shit and rat poison along with the meat being sold to ordinary people.