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File: 1615538131552.png ( 210.32 KB , 600x800 , proleswinradio.png )


I started an internet radio station. You can listen to it if you want.

radio stream: http://proles.win:8000/radio.ogg

You can copy the link into a music player, or if you're on linux just do `mpv http://proles.win:8000/radio.ogg'

If you want to stream your own show (talking, music, whatever you want), it's very easy to do. I give you a an address to connect to, username and password, and then you use some software to stream, I like using Mixxx
but you can use a web client, too.
For a full list of software that should work check: https://icecast.org/apps/

Right now it's playing through some punk, rock, metal, ska, psychedelic rock, but as I make more playlists, the variety will change too. Right now Sundays are gonna be Reggae Sundays, playing reggae, dub and ska. If anyone would like to help manage the station and make playlists, upload music, manage the schedule, that is cool too. I'm easy going as long as good music plays. :)


Forgot to add, the streaming server is set to record all live shows automatically. So whenever you stream, the software will record it. This is useful if you wish to save your radio shows and share them elsewhere. If not, you can always delete the recording off the server after you're done.


File: 1615598165202.jpg ( 76.4 KB , 500x375 , 1428637017_882de8ecd1.jpg )

cool idea anon, great music so far too!


Would you be willing to include talk show segments?


Yes, of course. I mention it in the OP and in the follow up. I'm hoping people use it to interact with one another.


Can u add it here so I can hear it from radiodroid


Since it plays pirated music, I'd rather not publicly advertise it. I checked that list and most of the stations seem to be internet versions of licensed radio stations.

You can put "http://proles.win:8000/radio.ogg" into VLC or any player that can stream from the internet and listen to it that way.


Based music selection


Board for music discussoon: https://board.prolsphere.one/rad/

There has been few updates lately, but new music is being added to the radio. There will be weekly news headlines/excerpts being broadcast every week. I'm talking to a few anons about having shows. Daily schedules are slowly shaping up. There will be radio dramas playing in the evenings, just trying to figure out time slots to satisfy both the EU and NA time zones.

Oh yeah, and if you hear a song you hate, ask to have it removed. Conversely, if you love a song, then you can ask for more like it. And as always, anyone who wishes to play with the playlist and add and remove songs let me know and you can be added as a station admin.


Nice anon. I notice your IRC server, what's it for?


I like IRC. It's for chatting, I'm there when I'm at the PC. I was hoping people would create channels and do what they want. There's no services, but if you create a channel you can register it and there's basic chan ops.

Unique IPs: 6

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