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I need to rewire my brain.
i suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, i am 99% sure that these are the result of "bad" thinking and not a genetic imbalence.

this toxic negative way of thinking has been printed in me since childhood by my nutjob father.

this is probably the most knowledgable chan out there, if i posted this anywhere else Anons would make fun of me


It's not your thinking anon it's capitalism.


Perhaps we can talk with you about it anon but I think it might be only in the realm of professional help, are you able to see anybody?

Of course our environment is not helpful to our mental state, but there's not much we can do about that in the short term.


jimmy dore's comedian friend eddie pepitone on anxiety


It's just that you eat trash


i don't suppose you've had a professional examination, have you?


read the Ego book
read Novatore
become post-left


Seek professional help, don't trust strangers on the internet.


I'm a doctor thank you.


If you're feeling a negative emotion that's your brain telling you some shit needs your attention. So figure out what's making you anxious. Not what's triggering anxiety, but what's making you prone to getting anxiety triggered. Figure out what's stressing you out or making you afraid or whatever it is. Figure out the deeper problem and try to move past it, changing things or solving external problems if you have to (you probably do).


i'd suggest lucid dreaming and "going into" your subconscious to figure out what's wrong

if the problem doesn't get better or even worsens then see a doctor yada yada you get it


I hear magic mushrooms are like psychological laxatives. Just guzzle down some hallucinogens & shit out a year's worth of emotional trauma overnight.


>trusting bourgeois 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧psychiatry🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


test ((()))


Don't you have some personal friend to talk to about issues like this? Venting to someone close always helps I guess.


I don't have any. I feel like ego and narcissism is the best help to fight anxiety.


Do people actually do this? I thought was just a meme.


I do this. But it's with my cousin sis and I think I'm able to do it cause we've been really close friends since childhood. I don't think I could vent in front of my male or female friends desu. I don't feel comfortable enough to tell them everything that's wrecking me internally.


My cousins are wound up because of their helicopter parents and also sort of my faults for letting the relationship strain. But it doesn't matter much since I've found a new way where I just ramble on to anons on bunkerchan who vaguely say anything that is related to my personal life. Hope somebody mentions God so I can pour out all my god complex questions.




This is wrong anon. We can't force it. We musn't
This is against the laws of nature. Butt Tank U


Anyone ever try Psilocybin Shrooms? I've had Visual Snow and DPDR for 6 months and it makes me wanna die. Shrooms could be risky but I honestly think it could help me break out of my mental prison. I just feel like I have all these thoughts and feelings trapped in the back of my head. I need to have them out in front of me where I can see them.


i feel like visual snow serves as a reminder that we are interpreting the world through the limitations of the flesh and thus are unable to fully grasp the state of the world outside us. i find comfort in being able to distance mental existence from the chaos of external reality. I am however trying to recover from the argument that if we really were simply the experience of physical reality with no control over it we would be unable to posit the question as such but i refuse to accept a direct form of control as it runs so contrary to my own experience.

Rambling aside a shitton of psychedelics certainly hasnt grounded me in reality and has given me visual snow so i wouldnt recommend it for that. But theyve led me to find comfort in the absurdity of existence (after fucking me up for quite a while), so thats a huge plus and could be very useful in your case if you have similar experiences. All psys are pretty similar in what they can do for you and its really just a matter of preference which one

dissociatives made me decide to never kill myself so id also recommend them as a good last resort for that but they do, well, cause dissociation. they also can be pretty addictive unlike psys


Don't mean to necro but I just wanna say to OP that I'm having similar struggles, and I offer my sympathy and solidarity. Also I dont think youll get much advice on this anywhere on the internet, all the advice anyone can give you is always the same basics (endevour to improve diet, sleep, get exercise, try practising mindulness, expand and improve your friends, try to get some if you hane atm). Plus the exercise will help you to become involved more directly in the world revolution that is definitely and undoubtedly coming soon, I'm sure :')


*if you dont have any atm


When I was a kid I had panic attacks every day. But then I started lifting, reading the bible, doing nofap and eating as much healthy food as I can. But I am no commie, so take it with a grain of salt.


disgusting and repulsive. you should be sent back to 4cuckchan.

I had panic attacks when I was a teen. And I got over it in months by analyzing them after the attack became over. I talked with my parent, even though it annoyed them but I got to the root of it quickly and haven't felt it again. Even when the same situation arrives my hands go cold no more. I don't feel like fainting again.


As someone who also struggels with anxiety issues I think it's really important to surround yourself with people who are supportive and who are on your side. My heart goes out to you man its really difficul and our system doesn't help things.


I bet coming out helped a lot, too.


> I think it's really important to surround yourself with people who are supportive and who are on your side
It must be good to have such people at your disposal.


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>disgusting and repulsive
Absolutely true, anon. Hedonism is sometimes one of the most desirable things on Earth. That's why I read the Bible: hedonism seems too much low-effort after reading a couple chapters of the Bible.
>go back to 4cuckchan
First of all, I'm helping YOU commies to revitalize /hobby/, i.e. a DEAD board. Second of all, I'm no echochamber fan.
Actually, I never jerked off to heterosexual porn. Exclusively lesbian porn. The thing that helped me for real was sleeping without socks tho.
&ltpic related


shut the fuck up disgusting christcuck
you can't even sass good.

nobody asked you to do anything and no one is going to thank you for not touching your peepee or ""revitalize"" a board on a small chan.

Here are some titties (.)(.) that will break your nofap
SIKE those were the mods manboobs


no u


this is unironically not bad advice. instead of lifting you can do cardio, and instead of the bible one can also read theory, pages of revolutionary history, or 19th century novels.

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