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Since Star Wars got a thread why can’t this? Discuss anything you like of the universe. lore, art, diy modeling or even Marxist critique of the setting and gw parasitic relationship with it.

To start of the part 5 of Astartes fan film and the promise for more.
95 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Are they /ourguys/?


Ehh, I guess they are the closest to it that exist, but if we are viewing the 40k from a more utilitarian view, its dumb to support them. Only real hope for 40k is to support the Imperium and / or the Eldar with the hope that at some point these two manage to destroy Chaos / Necrons / Tyranids. Tau are just too weak, and the setting will remain a shitfest until the aforementioned 3 forces are exterminated. Also from what I gather the Primarchs, or at least Roboute Guilliman is pretty based, where his ultimate goal would be to create something akin to FALGSC for humanity if it was at all possible, while also being rather sane when it comes to non-genocidal xenos, so Imperium might still be the best choice even if the grimdark factions are destroyed.


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>Tau are just too weak
Didn't they go from being nomadic grug tier tribes to galactic empire in just a couple centuries? That's Stalin (he/him)ization on steroids, with Comrade Aun' Va's Five Millennia Plan intergalactic social democracy is guaranteed!


From a meta point of view, it's pretty clear GW meant the tau to be the ticking time bomb of the setting. Most of the factions are poised to "win" in one way or another to make them more appealing to collect, save for the eldar because their shtick is that they already won and now they're on a downward spiral. The tau are set up to automatically win if nobody else wins in the next few hundred years or so due to their incredible rate of progress.

The problem is that GW then made practically every other faction mere seconds away from their form of victory. Chaos is ripping the galaxy a new asshole, necrons are reawakening everywhere, massive fleets of tyranids are bound to arrive any day now, the orks are gathering into massive waaaughs like always, the imperium just got a primarch and a new wave of super space marines. The tau's ticking timebomb gimmick is now completely toothless in the face of that clusterfuck.


It’s just the average symptom of GW wanking their two most popular factions up. It’s an inescapable feedback loop of advertising-selling-advertising. The same reason why DC only have Batman now.
Tyranids hardly got anything. The orks have won since their birth, 40K is basically Valhalla to them, but no new lore. So it’s only the Imperium and Chaos now. The Dark Eldar recently got an update but nothing from the lore moving forward except Commorragh is bigger now.
Nah, that would be the tyranids. The most efficient faction.


>The most efficient faction.
They digest planet biospheres to build bioships, that is ultra inefficient.


damn i want to fuck their face slits


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>"critical support? nah i don't like D&D podcasts"


>DoW ending
Yeah, the Tau expansion was pretty fucking retarded with the retcon about how they sterilized the gue’vessa for no reason. And somehow people consider this canon while rejecting the other ridiculous shit in that series like Bolters that shoot like stubbers and Khornite sorcerers.
Speaking of which that’s also probably the first emergence of the whole movement to grimdark up the Tau so that they’re just as bad as everyone else.
Correction. They don’t exclusively eat the biosphere, it’s just that they prefer it because they’re more easy to digest and repurpose than normal inorganic material. They usually strip mine the planet, drain everything from the water to the heat of the core itself before packing up and leaving.


I like Orkz.
They're funny.


>They don’t exclusively eat the biosphere, it’s just that they prefer it because they’re more easy to digest and repurpose than normal inorganic material.
Life on planets is protected from cosmic radiation by atmosphere, its organic matter will break apart without it and become like inorganic material. They only get a small amount of chemical energy by devouring the biosphere. It makes no sense to fight epic space battles for that. They could do their trick of stealing evolved biology just by sending a probe that discreetly samples dna.
>They usually strip mine the planet, drain everything from the water to the heat of the core itself before packing up and leaving.
There is more matter and energy in stars, planets are not interesting for giant space empires. Even just mining asteroid belts is better than raiding planets.
They are less efficient than humans are now. If we didn't invent any fundamentally new technology and just expanded into the solar system with the tricks we already know. We could build a raggedy dysonsphere in a few hundred years with defenses a tyranid invasion couldn't scratch.


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>They only get a small amount of chemical energy by devouring the biosphere. It makes no sense to fight epic space battles for that.
I would argue that the amount of energy consumed in synthesizing organic compounds from minerals like carbon, oxygen and other elements is what driven them to do this. Why do that when you could just repurpose the biosphere of a planet to do the heavy lifting for you? They’re a purely biological-based civilization so they may not want to transition into mechanical life (due to the whole shenanigans of chaos scrap codes).
>fight epic space battles
In reality they don’t often engage the imperials that much. Their targets are often outposts or agri-worlds with light defenses or just anywhere with a biosphere. The admech in Tyran discovered thousands of worlds near them got eaten to the core before the point of first contact.
>They are less efficient than humans are now. If we didn't invent any fundamentally new technology and just expanded into the solar system with the tricks we already know. We could build a raggedy dysonsphere in a few hundred years with defenses a tyranid invasion couldn't scratch.
I doubt we could do it in a few hundred years. With current technology I would give at least a few hundred years for fully colonizing a planet, a few thousands for building the necessary infrastructure for a dyson swarm, and tens of thousands for the thing to be completed.
On the point of defenses, it’s pretty hard to do that when most of 40K naval battles are fought in the light-minute-range with hundreds of gigatons of firepower. Our material technology isn’t really there yet.


Devouring a biosphere isn't worth jumping to other stars, imagine scraping a thin layer of green pain from a billiard ball, they could grow more biology in a cosmic greenhouse. You also lack a sense for scale. Our scientific level is enough for a "lowtech" dyson sphere or swarm that has a 25 light year range on it's defenses. Every empire from the 40k universe could attack at once and it wouldn't make a dent. A guy named Edward Teller designed a 10 gigaton nuke in the 1950s, just to put those energy levels into perspective. You should broaden your horizon and read megastructure stories from Ian Banks or Larry Niven.


Pretty good series but I’m not personally a fan of it. I’ve always love the Xeelee sequence and Hyperion cantos though. While the Culture mostly have no opposition, the other books really put into perspective how an intergalactic war with FTL civilizations should be fought.
>dyson spheres
Not really a new concept to the nids since they’ve invaded Necron ones. Most current dyson swarm structures can be disrupted with enough station failures to create a blockade.
>25 light year defense
Yeah, I’ve read about that one. The Nike designer’s history is filled with idiocy and failure with his first prototype being a shitty dud with a blast yield of 110kt. And that’s only a proposal with no design drafts at all. The biggest nuke we’ve ever built by the Soviet was so huge that sticking a normal chemical propulsion system on it will have it be easy prey for point defense. The biggest thing with nukes is that to manufacture them in the trillions to be ammunition for this system is the limit in radioactive elements in the solar system to make them. You either have to turn the sun into an elemental forge or have advanced enough in material tech to build heat resistant ships for star mining of such scale.
The imperium on the other hand have rogue traders use 650 gt missiles as mining equipment and thousands of gt laser beams as actual combat weapons. That’s not even mentioning the entire proposed defense system would only works with ships with the same level of technology of us that have to slowly travel in deep space that have huge easily recognized heat signature. Something a bunch of space monsters that can warp in and out of real space at once with a few tens of light year wide sensory disruption field would laught at. Most ships in 40k have accelerations that would most likely break modern physics that somehow give them the ability to just dodge munitions traveling at near light speed.


Just for you, anon. 1 full hour of da Orks bein' propa morky.

[spoiler]Featuring an appearance by the Gretchen Revolutionary Committee in part 2.[/spoiler]

Also, two more short books with them. All together it's probably the best thing GW has ever done with W40k.


GW has also very recently released another book about the orks, bringing the grand total of full length books about the orks up to 1, to rival the six hundred thousand books released for each and every single variant chapter of space marine.

I haven't actually read it and it's by a different author then the others, so I have no idea if it's any good or not.


Holy shit, thanks!


I just noticed these were uploaded in reverse. The third is first, then the second, then the first. They are numbered in the filenames, although it's hard to see that.


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If you love Orks I have just the thing for you. Still one of the best comics GW has ever put out, plus it’s entirely free.


What’s it called?


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I really like everything about the Tau but I feel they’re limited by being part of the larger WH40K universe.
Any other sci-fi stories that deal with a similar species/civilization?


The Culture?


The Noon series is arguably the first one to did the trope of a big good civilization. The political entity in that series is basically a conglomeration of socialist planets that frequently sends agents into capitalist and feudalist worlds to destroy their system from the inside.


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Looks like GW has basically murdered all the free content creators to mash them into another shitty streaming app. I hate how today streaming just basically became by demand cable TV but worse than every way possible.


They even have their own ultra/trot splitters


>Are the Tau /ourguys/?
1. Focus on long range weapons: yes actually existing socialist military has favored that because, when you try to be a classless society you don't have disposable people for a melee meat grinder.
2. A philosophy of the greater good, good social security, focus on scientific and technological achievement: yeah close enough
3. A hereditary cast system with a ruling priest cast and arranged marriages: No, actually existing socialist societies have been organized by merit and ideology, people with humble origin's got into positions of power more than in any other system, despite a little bit of revolutionary aristocracy. No arranged marriages.

I would say that the Tau are the faction in Warhammer that comes closest to socialism. But they are kinda imperialist too, like they conquer other solar systems and integrate other species into their empire. They are nice to species they conquer so nothing like enslaving, but still.


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What makes you like 40k/fantasy? For me it’s the mashup of every nerdy aesthetic possible into one setting and the 3rd-4th editions art. The moment they stopped hiring Adrian Smith for their codexes (fucking cheapskates) it immediately went down hill. There’s still some good art here and there, but it’s just nowhere near the absolute prevalence of before.


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For me it's just the art, I couldn't give less of a shit about gay wikia scholar nerds.


I have a weird relationship to Warhammer40k, I absolutely love the backstory of the universe and the lore that's established, and especially the concept of a mysterious age of technology thousands of years ago which constantly implies that some of the more magical woo-woo shit might actually just be a remnant of that time and not inherently spiritual or of supernatural nature. And that the complete religion the Imperium is founded upon might be made-up bullshit. I mean, from what we know, during the "Dark" Age of Technology humanity reached absolutely fantastical levels of technological achievement, who knows what they created. But besides that, the individual stories that are told in this universe are often more of a miss than a hit, they often have foreseeable writing and you are never really hit by a twist other than the trope of "behind this superficial evil that we are fighting is actually an even more horrifying evil".

I mean, you gotta cut the Tau some slack considering how every other faction is chronically twisted and fucked up. They are as closest as we got to the good guys, the problem is I fear that they're not gonna focus on them a lot more or even discard them, because their stupid fucking fanbase is made up of reactionaries.


There’s nothing wrong with incorporating other people’s into a greater socialist (or the closer thing there is to socialism) state. I bet you think the USSR was imperialist


The only problem with the USSR was that they weren’t “imperialist” enough. The greater good is based discounting the stupid caste system.
Does anyone have the link for the visions of heresy artbook? Can’t find it even on libgen.


The way the Tau Empire expands isn't technically through "imperialism" but is more like the way China handles its foreign policy. The Tau will establish diplomatic relations, followed by trade relations introducing tech to imperial worlds that would be considered "heretic" which starts to cause cracks within humans believing in the "Imperial Faith" and all that. Technological boons would eventually cause planetary governeurs to defect to the Tau Empire or at least confederate with them, because let's get real, the Imperium of Man is always far away taking decades to respond to a threat, so they don't feel particularly incentivized to keep being loyal to it. The Tau do not actively start aggressive wars of conquest, it's usually that they sway planets into following them, may it be ideologically or economically, which then causes a backlash, to which they react defensively.


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Hi LeftyAnons,

To me, the reason I find WH40k hilarious is because it reminds me of the history of my own country (Spain). The image accompanying this post should give a general idea of the red-wine induced dankness that came from wanking Fachas from the 30's and 40's.

For example, a Carlist soldier would charge into battle believing a stamp of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, placed over the man's heart, could stop bullets. On top of that, Carlists were fighting for a cause that had been lost nearly a 100 years before. Sounds like the shit Imperial Guards/Space Marines/Sisters of Battle believe.

he Fash said the Reds had horns and a tail, just like Satan (because Hell = red = communism). That's some dope Chaos shit to me. The Catholic Church, degenerating back into the myths of the Reconquista, declared the National Crusade to save the Spanish Empire from the evil Red hordes.

Franco’s regime lasted for 40 years (but not 40,000) and, like in WH40k, the Caudillo became a mummified relic which is the beacon of nostalgic hope and pride (read: psychic powers of the Immaterium) for modern fashbois.

On the other side of the equation (Republicans), there was André Marty, who basically was your typical WH40k commissar going full psycho and summarily executing everyone because of suspected heresy.

So this is my take. Original WH40k writers took much inspiration from actual European history (mainly Catholic Nazis) and fired it into space. Part of the shit could have come from the Spanish Civil War, maybe through the literary echoes of Ernest Hemingway and George Orwell.
In fact, WH40k has fucked up my sense of humour.

In Spain, every fucking corner is named after a Jesus, a Virgin Mary, a religious order, sometimes a fashy General, etc., what I now mockingly see as valorous heroes of the Space Marines/Ecclesiarchy/Inquisition fighting For The Emprah!

TL;DR: Warhammer’s Empire will end as the butt of jokes Franco’s Spain is.


Welp GW is officially banning all fan made shit. I knew this day is gonna come but fucking wow!
With 9th edition being absolute power creep bullshit, I wouldn’t expect this gay company is going to survive for long. Literally who needs them when the 3D printer and plastic are cheaper than their own line of products (there’s also rumors going around that GW themselves, or just forged world, also use 3D printing instead of traditional molds).


What bullshit. I'm just going to 3d print their own models anyway so fuck em.


I just love that they attempted to prevent 3rd party recasters and DIY 3D printers by making the minis as detailed as possible. Which in turn only ended up making a cluttered mono-pose mess.


Dont know Anons opinions on the series, but If the Emperor had a Text To Speech Device has gone on an indefinite hiatus due to GM's fuckery


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The complete hypocrisy of GW.


Welp. The lore channels are next I guess. Better start archiving all of them before it’s too late.


Seems like this will be forever relevant:
>codes creep being worst than ever before with the new Orks and SoBs completely breaking the game
>monopose trash
>shit new lore
>banning everything not from them
Still play 6th edition fantasy.


funny perspective

I mean, afaik they havent really gone after anyone as much as made their new official policy "everyone has absolutely no right to our shit" and using it as a looming threat against anything they might not like
but yeah, I hope they go under. 40K would be a better setting handled by the community like star wars used to be, without the official bs


>they haven’t gone after anyone
It’s a matter of time really. Remember when they sued the Heinlein estates for using “space marines”? Or the fact that they made the primaris instead of true scale models just to copyright them.
The new guidelines are basically hanging the sword of Damocles above every content creators head. Because according to it, anything that use official artwork can be sued. And even if the content creator win under fair use, they would have bankrupt themselves wasting years and a fortune for the court procedure. GW is going full Lee Kuen Yew on this one.


Do you have any links to detailed stls for 3d printing?>>18557




The "over-the-top Imperium" thing is not really a good form of satire when they are facing robots who want to destroy the galaxy, big bugs that want to eat the galaxy, sentient mushrooms who live to fight and literal forces of hell. Anything the Imperium does is easiily justifiable.


> Orcs kicking Archaon’s ass in SoC was unacceptable and they had to sneakily retcon the whole thing so that chaos can win
My friend was the one that did this at Gamesday, apparently it was a complete fluke as well, his Grimgor just walked up and merked Archaon in the back and got a hilariously bullshit instakill roll.

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