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Now that the dust has settled, what's your verdict?


Well it turned into complete shit for the later seasons.
I didn't think that was even up for debate.
Now as for whether the early seasons are good, I'd say yes.
Whether you put the cutoff for good at season 3 or 4 (or 2 or 1 even; though I think that was just /tv/ contrarianism), is up for debate.
But there is no argument for the shear and utter catastrophe of writing the show became.


It heralded annoying fantasy trends that most people like to have nowadays.


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Pic related is my opinion on the show.


Used to have good sex scenes tho


You know that feel when you shit and it's all nice and hard and doesn't even leave a shit smear on the ass crack type poop at the start but then it gets softer… and softer… and then the gates of hell open and it just sounds like you are spilling out old soup into the toilet bowl but it's actually just you? That's GoT.


Good first 4 seasons and based second last episode of the last season. Rest of it is not worth watching except for 2-3 episodes here and there.


So brave


Battle of the Bastards was pretty cool, all things considered


Well, I only saw the second to fourth season. And later the last one. Oh god, it was garbage, Disney broke the show they were promised right?


Disney can’t make a good story for shit


It went to shit by Season 5 and became even more shit when they ran out of book material to adapt. A lot of characters were turned into parodies of themselves.


last 4 seasons were shit, 7 and 8 were exceptionally shit. But at the end of the day it's just swordshit, and the people who got super worked up about it are massive faggots.


Well, I was reading ASOIAF since I was old enough to read that kind of stuff. Seeing it being slaughtered by two dumb reddit tier TV writers was a bit of a stick to the heart. And I'm saying this as someone who thought the first four seasons was probably the best fantasy type of television ever put on screen.


Unfortunately the author of ASOIAF is such a slow writer that he will probably die before publishing the next two books.


Really enjoyed S1 and 2, enjoyed 3-5. The rest was mediocre, and the last season was simply disastrous. The show died with Stannis.


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I think it's funny that fans always praised the show for being "realistic" and not doing tropes, and then got extremely angery when the show didn't give the Night King a predictably epic Hollywood-style final showdown.

Most of the things I liked about it were thought up by GRRM for ASOIAF. Without his work to go off of, the show fell apart.


They ruined Stannis after season four though. They made him burn his own daughter and had him dying like a useless pussy. In the end his entire storyline ended up being absolutely useless other than to move Melisandre north so she could revive Jon.


>absolutely useless other than to move Melisandre north so she could revive Jon.
How was Jon useful again? there was a prophecy right? Something important


I'm going to say it.
I wish the dragon lady won in the end. Fuck the bitchass moralfags.


Frankly the best end would be loss of control of the dragons after Daeneris died, the cities get destroyed and become the den of the dragons and every faction either retreats or in the case of king cold, gets dragonfired.


Stannis' downfall was straight up character assassination and bad writing. Dude is a legendary commander and gets his army camp raided by "20 good men", kills his daughter, loses again to Ramsay, survives and gets killed for something that happened 3 seasons behind. I think the writers just hated him.


I think the people who said "this why D&D are liberals, because apparently you can't have a revolution if you break a few eggs" are sort of presupposing that a revolution has to be led by a literal madmen who kills millions of the toiling masses out of spite. This isn't what revolutionaries do. Robespierre, Lenin, Mao, Castro weren't crazy, they didn't hold contempt for the common men who used to live under their enemies. Only Pol Pot started mass-killing his own people like Daenerys, and he can not be called a comrade or genuine revolutionary.

D&D are libs, of course, but I feel there is a bit more to it. Daenerys isn't some marginalized people's hero, she comes from the most powerful feudal dynasty that just happened to lose a civil war before, one that is known for inbreeding in madness. Her compassion to the common folk, like to slaves, is completely patronising, if they don't reciprocate it, they have to die. The masses of King's Landing didn't want her "love" so they had to do die. Even if you look at progressive historical figures like Julius Caesar or Napoleon Bonaparte, they didn't do shit like that. Jon, on the other hand, is a marginalized bastard son, and even though he ends up turning out to be Aegon's son, he's more genuinely people's oriented than Daeneryses cult.


I think they've grown to hate him, don't know why. Probably because they had no idea what to do with him. Basically all of his scenes of season 3 and 4 were filler until the last episode of season 4, in season 2 he was portrayed decently. In the Battle of Blackwater, it was a bit out of character for him to go into the vanguard, but it was also kind of cool to see him kick ass, it kinda fitted "show Stannis"


Exactly. The whole character was a critique of Hillary Clinton-esque "leaders". People who feel such absurd unbridled entitlement to power and get mass support only because they have a shallow appearance of being something different, when they're not.


The last season was nowhere near as bad people say, it just seemed worse because the early-mid seasons were so good. The show will go down as a classic. People hated the Sopranos ending at the time too.

The "what" of the ending - what actually happens, where all the characters end up, etc. - is perfect, and undoubtedly is lifted straight from GRRM. The burning of King's Landing as the culmination of Dany's arc was genius. The problem was with how it was done in the show. In a word: it was rushed.

But it's annoying how everything just gets swept up into the wave of neckbeard outrage. All the legitimate criticisms get mixed in with the retarded criticism so the consensus becomes a braindead, unnuanced "it's shit!" People even retroactively re-label the earlier season as shit because of it. Bitch, you obviously loved the show, stop lying to yourself. THE REASON you were so angry at the last season is because you loved it so much.


Did you watch the show? He goes borderline insane with his entitlement to power and superstition over Melisandre. Don't complain about "bad writing" if you don't even understand the basics of character motivation. You're talking like these events just happened for no reason.


>Defending D&D's writing
Not even the actor playing him understood what his motivation was.


Truly a song of ice and fire!


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This level of bait is simply masterful


>This bait is masterful.
>Nobody has taken it.
GoT season 8 is so bad that to describe it we must revive the phrase "epic fail."


worst meme
literal reddit tier
fucking fred flintstone


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People have rated last two episodes way lower than the rest of episodes.
She cute


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I don't need an army. I just need 20 good men.


It's from /tv/s /GoT/ actually


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GoT is like a gory lemon-filled rip-off of LOTR


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Potentially relevant copypast about the whole series.
I agree with it, but I didn't write it.


Eh. The story has plenty of romances, it's just that they often turn out badly, but in their description they are just as kitsch as traditional fantasy. There are also plenty of heros and villains. I also disagree that the deaths are pointless, at least for the most part, they always seem to reshuffle the balance of power necessary for the plot to go forward.

Idk, that poster seems really triggered.


>first sentences praises Goodkind
Dismissed. Not only is he a plagiarist with tired rehashes of fantasy cliches, but he's an asshole to his own illustrators, and is a Ayn Rand objectivist who wholly lives up to her hypocritical sociopathic ideology in both books and real life. Pic 2 is just an example of his 'writing'.


Ah I misinterpreted the screencap, they actually talk of Goodkind as being predictable. Nevermind.


>where are the descriptions of variously sized dongs swinging within the confines of absurdly detailed clothing
Also worth noting is that dicks are generally less visible than tits, and GRRM writes excessive detail about everybody's clothing and armor. I don't think this person even read any of the books.

Obviously this is one of those people who think femininity is sacred and a fat neckbeard describing a woman's appearance is profaning the temple of womanhood.


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More swine your grace?


>is a Lannister
>is also celibate
>name is Lancel
BRAVO MARTIN, truly the American Tolkien


I hated this guy so much in the show. Is he as bad in the books?


In the books he is less of a whimp and actually looks decent. In the show he's just the ultimate fuckboi.


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But what about the dragons? I think they were poorly utilized.


That's a pretty retarded and deliberately contrarian take on GoT. It's not super avante-garde high art or anything, but it's a lot more nuanced than just mindless violence and domination. In the books at least, one of the main themes of the story is all of the pointless suffering, violence and death that results from all these petty power-struggles between the noble houses. It's not meant as a glorification of all the violence, it's a condemnation if anything. And then you have the whole white walker thing, (which is pretty obviously an allegory for climate change) basically saying that if these rich assholes vying for power don't get their shit together, then everyone is gonna die and none of it will have mattered anyway.

Also Peter Joseph is a complete fucking sperglord lmao.


>I think it's funny that fans always praised the show for being "realistic" and not doing tropes, and then got extremely angery when the show didn't give the Night King a predictably epic Hollywood-style final showdown.

That's not what people were complaining about though, people were mad because instead of the fucking ice-zombie apocalypse was ended overnight in a single battle and everything went back to normal as if it never happened. People wanted the white walkers to have an actual tangible affect on the world.


Also the epic Hollywood showdown is exactly what they did


>In the Battle of Blackwater, it was a bit out of character for him to go into the vanguard

That's because that episode was written by GRRM himself, so he was portrayed more accurately.


>People wanted the white walkers to have an actual tangible affect on the world.
The irony of this is that their threat, despite being known since Season 1 only came back in the final Seasons and is just mentioned in other Seasons without actually holding up in the plot.


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>a pretty retarded and deliberately contrarian take
It really isn't. Like a lot of shows that are its contemporaries its edgy, gory "realism" is what appealed to fans.
>a lot more nuanced than just mindless violence and domination
Its not. It just hides behind complex political and military back n' forth.
>It's not meant as a glorification of all the violence
No-one said it was. They agree, it demonstrates all the most beastly characteristics of humans in a gory low-fantasy story with fairly predictable shit about political wayfinding, betrayal and other shit.
The first 2 Seasons were good and I enjoyed it, and then the rest went to shit because they couldn't get past "hurr I betrayed you, hurr incest, hurr power!"


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Thinking GoT is high art is pretty embarrassing but not as embarrassing as acting smug over knowing it's not.

>I think it's funny that fans always praised the show for being "realistic" and not doing tropes, and then got extremely angery when the show didn't give the Night King a predictably epic Hollywood-style final showdown.
People were mad that they did an epic showdown that had no basis in any of the foreshadowing, character development, or themes that the show had built up to that point. Pic related would be an example of an ending that makes sense given the context. Instead of something that made sense or even something actually subversive, they picked a random character to beat him and executed it in a way that made no sense. She teleported past like 100 white walkers and stabbed a convenient gap in his armor using a sleight of hand trick. lolsorandumb is not the same thing as subverting the tropes.

>I think the people who said "this why D&D are liberals, because apparently you can't have a revolution if you break a few eggs" are sort of presupposing that a revolution has to be led by a literal madmen who kills millions of the toiling masses out of spite.
But the only reason she did that (in the show) is because "revolutionaries are psycho mass murderers." Her actions make no sense otherwise. Up to that point she went out of her way to avoid hurting random civilians. She would be brutal but only toward the ruling classes. There are plenty of faults but bloodlust directed at the commoners comes completely out of nowhere.
>D&D are libs, of course, but I feel there is a bit more to it. Daenerys isn't some marginalized people's hero, she comes from the most powerful feudal dynasty that just happened to lose a civil war before, one that is known for inbreeding in madness. Her compassion to the common folk, like to slaves, is completely patronising, if they don't reciprocate it, they have to die.
This is a product of D&D not grasping the source material. She's written this way by GRRM, as a kind of mighty whitey who thinks she's a savior but is arguably making things worse. D&D interpret this as a revolutionary who wants to improve things but that doesn't work and revolution is just worse than the status quo because reasons. GRRM is a liberal too of course, but he has a much better grasp on politics than Dumb & Dumber. The books make it a lot clearer that she's unhinged and detached from the commoners. The show plays her heroism straight until suddenly it doesn't.


>acting smug over knowing it's not
How is that smug tho?


If calling it "low art" isn't obvious enough, that's followed by "There I said it." This is a really common opinion I've seen people have where they actively act smug for not liking a popular show, including but not limited to GoT.


>There I said it
That's not being smug and neither is calling something low art… jesus how fucked are we if casual phrases are now "smug"
>seen people have where they actively act smug for not liking a popular show
Derisive and smug are not the same thing.


How is that not smug though? If someone said that in a real life conversation, it would come across as smug.


I wouldn't say that's really smug, just disdainful and perhaps annoyed. I would be to considering how much GoT is harped about in the media and online like its the second coming of christ (or satan), when most of it past the first 2-3 seasons was just mediocre.


It's smug because saying it's beneath your taste in contrast to its popularity is directly implying that your taste is better than most people's.


Yeah that was my impression too. None of the main characters except Theon died if I remember correctly, and the entire concept of the Night King was poorly written: while a creature like that is not (yet) introduced in the books as nothing but a myth (with some indication that it might have something to do with the main story), in the show they revealed the origin of the Night King early on as something the Children of the Forest have created, to which the audience doesn't really have a connection to. He was established as some type of dark lord that you just need to kill to make his entire army dead, without any explanation, including the motive of the White Walkers to move south in the first place. I think ideally, we should have gotten much more mystical and hidden White Walkers and some form of a Long Night covering parts of Westeros where people live in some form of apocalyptic hell with giant spiders hunting in the dark and zombified villages for a good season, instead of giving it a single battle climax right after they break through the wall and then everybody pretending nothing ever happened. You don't have to cover all of Westeros in the Long Night, but at least let this have some sort of impact.

I think it is clear what parts Martin envisioned and what he told D&D: the ending of Jon stabbing a mad Dany in the throne room in front of a burning city, with Drogon then burning the Iron Throne is actually an ending I believe that Martin did envision, it's the "bittersweet ending" he always talks about, but he hasn't really found out a way to get there, and he doesn't really know how to get to the conclusion of the threat of the Others (White Walkers in the books) either I believe.


The point is, it's like some NuAtheist telling the family on the dinner table on Christmas Eve "you know what, GOD NOT REAL" just for the sake of edginess (and Peter Joseph kinda is that type).


> implying that your taste is better than most people
Maybe I'm weird but I think that's wrong, and more of something people who do like it interpret when someone doesn't think GoT is all that great.

I can get that and Peter probably is like that, I just meant that the specific tweet was pretty neautral IMO.



Epitome of ShitLibism


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>Not liking an over-rated show that is a low-fantasy despite denial is ShitLib
&ltIf you're a liberal even a basic post is related to your politics even if the content has nothing political
Pure Ideology

Not so much poorly utilized so much as underused and inconsistent. They were supposed to be nigh unbeatable as adults, yet one is killed by ship-borne ballista from afar with Daeneris not even bothering to maneuver in her attack.


>that spacing
Epitome of redditardism


What video game is this screenshot from?


What a waste of lucky trips… its a scene from the Game of Throne's series imbecile.


Unironically state-funded neoliberal political education for zoomies, complete with might-is-right, will-to-power, do-what-thou-wilt wagnerian aesthetics. So obvious in its intent, that after a right wing electoral victory the gutter press in my country attributed it to young people learning "western values" or somesuch from GoT.


>after a right wing electoral victory the gutter press in my country attributed it to young people learning "western values" or somesuch from GoT.
Fucking what? Source?!


>might-is-right, will-to-power, do-what-thou-wilt wagnerian aesthetics
That shit always had entertainment appeal, beyond capitalism I would claim, you can find this in Shakespeare already. I see no value in moralizing about this, it's clearly depicting feudal relations and dynastic conflict for the viewer to see as such, it only got politicized in the later seasons where braindead neoliberal cultural analysts compared some of the characters to American politicians and shit like that. GRRM himself, despite the liberal he is, has explicitly distanced himself from any allgeoric interpretation of his work. It's more of an example of a good story being hijacked over time through the virtue of being successful, so you see massive commercialization, pop culture references, self-references, etc. evermore increasing the popular it gets - and D&D seem to have zero values of their own.


> you can find this in Shakespeare already
Except shakespeare seemed to condemn this in most of his plays.


True. At least A Feast for Crows focuses on the plight of the common folk somewhat, the show cut that out almost completely.


>fucking ice-zombie apocalypse was ended overnight in a single battle
Sorry to tell yall but the prophecy was always about destroying the iron throne and not about the whitewalkers. They were only the "water" part of the prophecy. And dany is gonna go mad in the books too. Doesn't change the fact that D&D wrote it horribly but the general ending is how Dreams is gonna end


this 100%. The ending is straight GRRM roughly skethced up by D&D.


GRRM confirmed that Stannis burning his daughter is straight from Winds


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>Have you ever sowed the field, Lady Olenna? Have you ever reaped the grain? Has anyone in House Tyrell? A lifetime of wealth and power has left you blind in one eye. You are the few, we are the many. And when the many stop fearing the few…
Was he our guy?






The sparrows were based on Protestantism, and Protestantism was probably the closest you'll get to a "progressive" movement for the masses in the middle ages so yes


Funny how its already forgotten for the most part as soon as it ended.


Elvis the Alien did a decent review of why the final season is so bad.


Was I the only one reminded of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when Jown hid from the ice-dragon's flames behind rocks? That shit looks exactly like that.


So are there any updates for a spinoff?

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