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 No.2970[View All]

Perhaps it has become your goal to be more charismatic, uninhibited and sociable.

Let's have a thread where we ask questions and give advice to improve exactly that.
243 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I feel like it should be way easier for both average looking men and women to find someone to have casual sex with without resorting to prostitution. A nigga be horny sometimes


>realize now that I'm well over 30 that I was mildly attractive as a teenager but severe BDD fucked that up
>also ruined by being an autist who didn't care about how he looked so I dressed like shit and had a ridiculous haircut
>still a friendless kissless virgin, except wrinkly and past the point of no return
Welp, I wasted all the good years of my life


Trash like tinder is made exactly for that.


Just leave your routine and LIVE
You are fucking 30 dude. In the grand scheme of things you are still young. Work out, use retin A to get rid of wrinkles, if you are baling get a hair transplant. I'm tired of you NIG9ERS just pitying yourself in MY thread.


the use of slurs lets slip 3 things about those who use them:
1. unironic belief in "chan culture", spends far too much time pretending he was on 4chan in 2003.
2. underage, in body or mind (often goes with 1)
3. poor vocabulary, lack of creativity.


Yeah, but you have to be reasonably attractive. I'm /fit/ but my face is fucked up


>I'm /fit/ but my face is fucked up
If you're in the US or UK, just wear a mask.


>In the grand scheme of things you are still young
Eh, as you get older time passes increasingly faster.


Well if that‘s your attitude I guess you deserve your fate


Don't think this counts as a "social skill" but this seems like the right place to ask: How do I improve my attention span? My attention span has always been shit but I feel like it's gotten way worse since quarantine started because I've just been switching through social media constantly, literally every day. Any tips on how to improve it?


I noticed this for myself a few years back. I had read zillions of short articles commenting on leftist theory and history, but my progress in actually checking off the tomes they were referencing (Capital, etc.) was shameful. I'm not going to pretend I'm perfect, but these three things helped:

1. Stop doing serious reading on anything with a web browser. The temptation to click into tabbed threads, porn, or wiki digressions is too strong. I highly recommend getting an eBook reader and appropriating free books from MIA and libgen (I hate Bezos too but Kindle is the best e-reader). Dead tree books are great too, but I typically reserve those for reference tomes, Capital and the like.
2. Stimulants. Caffeine helps a lot for serious reading. Most grocery stores have squeezable caffeine syrup bottles you can add to water for an instant fix.
3. Scheduling. Plan in advance when you'll do your reading, for example, "from 7:00 to 9:00 tonight I'm going to read Anti-Duhring. Works great until something forces you to break your schedule and you put down the book for months


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>I noticed this for myself a few years back. I had read zillions of short articles commenting on leftist theory and history, but my progress in actually checking off the tomes they were referencing (Capital, etc.) was shameful. I'm not going to pretend I'm perfect, but these three things helped:

>1. Stop doing serious reading on anything with a web browser. The temptation to click into tabbed threads, porn, or wiki digressions is too strong. I highly recommend getting an eBook reader and appropriating free books from MIA and libgen (I hate Bezos too but Kindle is the best e-reader). Dead tree books are great too, but I typically reserve those for reference tomes, Capital and the like.

>2. Stimulants. Caffeine helps a lot for serious reading. Most grocery stores have squeezable caffeine syrup bottles you can add to water for an instant fix.
>3. Scheduling. Plan in advance when you'll do your reading, for example, "from 7:00 to 9:00 tonight I'm going to read Anti-Duhring. Works great until something forces you to break your schedule and you put down the book for months


Thank you for the advice soyjak


I pretty much do everything you said except I always have some cool tunes from the 80's 90's and now
Can't read without it


>Oh you painted them black? Are you some sort of goth girl? Or did your goldfish die and now you're depressed?"
Good one, com. anon. I'd fuck you on the first date, and I'ma guy not into other guys


I am blushing behind the screen, Anon.


Anyone else feel like they never found their home? I think I‘ve made friends in the past years that have been great to me and understand me in ways previous people couldn‘t. I‘ve been unlucky to grow up with people around me that simply weren‘t a match for me, which became much clearer growing up. Even now though I don‘t feel at home. There is no group of friend I ever had that I fully felt understood by. I don‘t feel like one of the main people of a social circle either. Anyone else feel like that?


Oh shit this old thread, didn't think it was still around
Anyway life is still gay for me, I've just given up by this point.


Oh yeah and I'm still working this job and I fucking hate it now, the people I work with are fucking phony assholes.


No, but I'll be your fren if you like?


to add to this, I would suggest reading someplace else then your house, at least for me, the physical act of changing location helps me get focused and not destracted.


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Yeah, I'm sorry for replying to old posts still but, coming back to this after now having finished school and worked a job that requires a lot of interaction, this is largely true. The "dude just go outside and talk to randos" meme is the fundamental advice I always get, and I can guarantee that the people who give it are normalfags who have never actually done that themselves. It IS equivalent to telling a homeless guy to just invest in the stock market. Telling people to "self-improve" is the same as telling a homeless man to get a job; it's the classic condescending, ignorant right-wing way of seeing the world.

No one who ever gives this type of "self-improvement" advice has truly suffered or felt alone or depressed. It does not happen. These are people who had it good, maybe hit a minor slump, and relied on their preexisting social tools and connections to bounce right back up. Without those tools you will never integrate with anyone naturally. It doesn't fucking matter how hard you try. I WAS a NEET four years ago. I DID accomplish things - I got my GED, got a car, started college, got a job. And you know what? I feel completely the same as a I did when I was a NEET. I still have no friends, I'm still a virgin loser, I still feel lonely and depressed constantly, I still have no interests (I've actually lost more interests since then).

Every interaction, however good it might feel in the moment, is ultimately hollow and gets me nowhere. I DID talk to people at school, I DO talk to people at work, and still NOTHING. I don't want to hear "oh you're not doing it right," because the people who say that just assume this shit comes naturally and it's YOUR fault for not trying hard enough. Take the people who say "it's on YOU to invite people places". Really? And where would I, a guy who was shut-in for most of his life, invite them? It presupposes that you're already basically a normie who does normie things, just by yourself, and all you need to do is invite other people along and BAM, friends! I'm supposed to just "join a sports club" after being too poor to have ever been a part of a sports team as a kid? I'm supposed to just "find people who share my interests" after years of depression have crushed any interests I had? No matter what advice I follow, what I say, what I do, it's never fucking enough. And after a while, yeah, you want to give up. Because no FUNCTIONAL person has to go to such lengths just to get a fucking phone number. I didn't just try once and give up. I did it over and over and over and over and over and over. And now, gazing into the abyss of post-college wage slavery, I can see that all my hope from four years ago amounted to basically nothing, and I'm at my wit's fucking end.


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I know how you feel brother, luck truly is a bitch. I even moved interstate for university and put myself into a college, into a situation where you're effectively locked in with people your age 24 hours a day (for three years in my case) and despite genuine attempts I have nothing to show for it. I am now continuing on with my study and living something akin to a monk-like life. There are areas which I can control and progress in, I feel rewarded by the small achievements I get (like getting a good mark, lifting x amount of weight, reading x book) and feel stimulated by the novelty of learning about the world (Marxism is especially stimulating as it adds clarity and conviction to analysis). But naturally you feel incomplete, something is missing there, and you can't do anything about it. To live alone is to essentially be content with this partial happiness, which is not exactly bittersweet, but lacking in some emotional dimension.


tell that my penis :D
he stopped talking to my hand after they had an argument

get roger love's "the perfect voice" via torrent

no genuinely try to learn an instrument or at least music theory + singing if you really love certain music you can understand it to the best extend
everyone sucks ass when they start out, it's just that nobody records them while doing that so we don't see it


it's funny, since posting that I actually took a Music Appreciation class. Obviously didn't learn instruments but it was kind of neat.


Yeah I don't know anymore. Coming back to this again a month later and just realizing how month after month it's the same. Fucking. Shit. I'm so goddamn tired of this life. I'm sick of being surrounded by happy normies who hang out and date outside of work. I'm so fucking stunted and all my Self-Improvement(tm) has barely done shit. I feel like a social Sisyphus.


hmm, you should definitely ignore that advice. It works for some people and it doesn’t work for more alienated and atomized individuals such as ourselves. I was watching a romance movie lately, and liked it. Although thinking about it and the general trope of romance media in general, main characters chasing down their crush is definitely creepy and I would not want to be on the receiving end even if it was some hot hunk.

The reason I bring up the romance movie is that the same creepy social relations present in movies is being repackaged and re-imaged as legitimate advice for making friends and, taken to its logical extreme via fetishization of the movie, sometimes as advice for people looking for significant others which is how you end up being pressed for charges like some (unfortunately) creepy fuck that you can read about on /b/. This social relation of just putting yourself out there and trying to force yourself and others to hang out. I’ve seen this happen to someone as awkward as me but more bold and his quest for friendship just had people talking behind his back and putting on an act. it was pure pity.

However, going back to the romance movie I watched. It did seem to give some advice that was legitimate. The main character was going on a date for the very first time, and his more well adjusted friend told him to survey the entire date area by himself before the date. During this montage the main character got to know the area, but, through self-exploration, also found areas he himself liked naturally and was not simply checking off a checklist for interesting areAs.

How does this relate to friendship and making friends? It’s something I want to try and something that might work with us less- socially skilled. The thing being hanging out with yourself and by yourself and being honest with yourself and finding areas or places or things you do that you enjoy. Of course this is only relevant for friendships irl, but you could take the same approach for more online hobbies, in seeking to enjoy a hobby by yourself and then, when you feel comfortable and knowing that you like the subject, expanding that social circle.

Also, don’t look up “how to make friends posts”. Often, they just repeat the same advice that you hear all the time. What I would suggest is learning social skill cues from websites designed to support neurodivergent people, like those with autism. Especially with autism, they can go more in depth in teaching social skills, although I have yet to find something in teaching comfortability in socializing; comfort may be something that you must recognize on your own.

idk if I may be re-hashing advice you’ve heard, but the above is what I’m gonna try and hopefully not fail(haven’t tried it yet), but your post speaks out to me and others.


Made a dating profile on of the apps. I think I'm a 7.5, never been called ugly irl, have been told I'm cute, blah blah.

Matching no one that I'm really attracted to. Was even worse on Bumble, just 1 really ugly match.

>my god, maybe i'm this fucking ugly too


Superficial shit.


If you used Tinder then you should know that getting Tinder Gold makes a big difference.


I am thinking of going down the online route but that's just put me off


bros how tf do i find out who liked me on tinder without paying?

i tried all tricks changing location or setting
still can't find out who liked me


you can use the browser version and change something in the client side code


Bros I just realized, why should I give a fuck about my awkwardness or social etiquette etc. im going to die one day and all of that will be inconcequential. We spend so much wasted time on how to behave in what situation etc. Next time I see a hot chick, i’m going to let her know my exact thoughts sans my rabid perversions.


>change something in the client side code
change what? and how? idk how to code so explain step-by-step like i'm 5 please


>Next time I see a hot chick, i’m going to let her know my exact thoughts sans my rabid perversions
maybe don't do this. how about you start with just a simple hello? introduce yourself, go from there. play by ear. ask her open-ended questions.


you go on tinder in your browser, go to the list of superlikes and then press F12 to see the code of the site. i don't know what it was, but changing something in the code made your see the unblurred version of the images


You probably are too pussy to do it, but that's a good mindset.


Don't accept society's framing of your behavior as "awkward." It's they who are awkward!


Not sure if this belongs but..

As a giant negro I cross the street when I see a white woman so she doesn't alert the guards and have them execute me.

It is extremely difficult for men (straight) online. Women online see pretty much every guy except for an elite few as attractive. Your best bet is IRL, online only works for guys who are already "rich".


hello me. join the leftypol matrix fren


do psychedelics and take the time to fully immerse yourself in life from time to time and you will be surprised at how slow things can still feel


> at small drinking gathering with friends and friends of friends.
> cute girl i've just met seems to be flirting with me through the night,
>touching my leg, laying her head on my shoulder, looking at me a lot etc,
>too pussy to do anything, don't flirt back(don't even really know how to)
>get angry at myself the next day because she's leaving the country soon
How do i get over this fear of rejection/ looking like creep? I've missed so many potential opportunities. Not a virgin btw


Step one is not caring too much about it, you figured out she was flirting with you and simply being clued in enough to figure that out however belatedly is an advance

Things are looking up for you clearly you have some pull or a woman wouldn't have flirted with you QED


I would consider myself quite sociable and conventionally attractive. I have no problem talking at length with most people including women. All my relationships in the past have either started because somebody set me up or pure luck. I literarily don't know how to flirt or return advances. I feel like i have a mental block thats always telling me to "not make them think I like them" even if i do.


There is no trick, you just do it. I can go down all the arguments
>fuck what everyone else thinks, that will only hold you back
>good guys will give you cudos for trying, even if you fail
>you will gain experience and will be better when the next girl comes around
yada yada, you just do it. You are not a creep for showing interest in a girl. That's the most normal thing. And perhaps one day a girl might interpret your advances as creepy, just accept that. This land mine type of mentality that turns you into an in-active pussy is exactly what differentiates men from boys. Just accept that there are going to be girls who will interpret your advances as creepy, despite the fact you weren't actually being creepy. If she feels that way about you, accept it and move on, but don't let it stifle you. That's not even worth discussing since this girl gave you plenty of signals she felt comfortable with you.

I will give you a piece of advice. Make flirting with others something normal to you. Flirting is just playful jabs and you can do it with anyone. If that becomes second nature for you, it won't feel off or artificial once you are doing it, because you are actually interested in the person.


Whenever I do get into political disagreements with people I know in my real world, I've gotten quite good at the "being compassionate and respectful, knowing they're only like this out of conditioning" part, but when they do ask me questions, my mind tends to freeze up and I only know the answers days after the fact. Is this something I can overcome, and if so, how?


This picture is only true within Burgerland. Go overseas and you'll see that a stable man that can provide is considered a catch, and what's passes a pretty in the states is considered ugly almost everywhere else.


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So this is what they were talking about the NutSoys ripping off their entire culture off the US. What a fucking fascistic degenerate, holy shit. It's like even his pores are soaking wet with hatred to everybody who ain't abiding to the officially approved image of a true real citizen & an Uhmæreekuhn patriot.

>average person
>has a wife, a nice job (oxymoron), a house, & some genetic slaves of his printing in his private property
So >60% of the US population aren't average. & if they don't belong to this category, then it is their fault, of course.

This shitty pornographic pic of a mooscleey retard who's on the school's bueraucracy favlist for his ball-kicking for their prestige kissing with some shallow ass-shaking whore is just an icing on the cake: behold, the socially approved cultural law abiding ubermenschen are about to create a family unit in support & continuation of our bæst of the bæstest social system in the history. & if somehow you don't belong to this system, then it's only you to blame for that. Kill yourself you genetic dead end low status off the mark mentally ill freak, look how casually your mere existence is shattering muh fair world hypothesis when I dedicated my whole pseudo-life to fit into it. Boo-hoo-hoo.

>Thoughts on pic related?

You may already be fucking dead but who the fuck cares. Go back in time, take back this shit & don't you ever bring such fucktardation here again. Where did you even find this wipeoff holy fuck.

>What matters in real life is the value you bring to others
>What matters is whether or not you can make money for others
>and whether or not you can make others feel good
>Even socializing works like a market
>[Human interaction] is pure capitalism

Whoa. Cool. You know what? For this particularly impressive socio-economical analysis of the human culture of interaction since the dawn of time you get not one but TWO shooting stamps on your bitching ass for this blasphemy. Imagine being so braincucked by the tumor of capital's alienation that you start thinking of people like shitty robots with predefined I/Os.
I wonder why, for example, aristocratic women ran away from their husbands' stable capital with fucking monks of all people. I guess dhey just had dem capitalz big n heavy, and not on le kang's check, like the aristocucks!

>There are no real answers that can be given aside from accept your situation & learn 2 cope with being alone your whole life

>Maybe 1 day a miracle will come
>But don't bet on it.
>Muffin persanal kit.

So it's a yet another shitty pheelowsuffer who's interpreting the world rather than trying to change it. I thought you leftoids were better than reading such crap!

Yeah, you've got that totally right, baby: I will give you the whole world, where they will own nothing, and we will be happy.
For your today's interest though, there will be tutoring praxis on overcoming the alienation of a person from a person and a person from their own body at my flat this evening, I'm sure you'll make a great audience in there.


I'm fucking in, now fucking out.


The response is a perfect illustration of why successful people rarely try to help or give advice to unsuccessful people. It's not because successful people are selfish or morally bad people. It's because unsuccessful people are usually fucked in the head, refuse to take solid advice, and will hamster their way into believing that being unsuccessful is somehow a good thing.

But you keep doing you anon. And enjoy the results as well

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