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I think some people here maybe already know, about this project of mine with some anarchists friends of my region. So who we are and what are our goals for those who don't know us:
> We are anarchists working on translating some basic anarchist and post-left anarchy works into Portuguese for better accessibility and study.
> We are also thinking in creating a website for sharing our translations and where other anarchists can submit theirs so these works can be freely distributed around.
> If the project succeeds and we gain some attention, we are planning in creating after the quarantine anarchist reading clubs so maybe some anarchist action starts to grow here

Some of the works that we are prioritizing to translate before the Corona-virus epidemic ends:
> Anarchy by Errico Malatesta (Draft for almost all chapters are already done, our estimates for completing it are in about 2 weeks or less)
> Anarchy after Leftism
> The abolition of work
> Toward the creative nothing
> Illegalism why pay for a revolution on the installment plan when you can steal on
> Desert
> Against organizationalism anarchism as both theory and critique of organization
> Post-left anarchy, leaving the left behind

So these are our main ideas and projects, any thoughts on our work?
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Well boys, another translation, and this one is of one of my absolutely favorite writings of Feral Faun. A bloody good critique of idpol in general, just a really good read. The piece is "The Ideology of Victimization". As always, you can share this anywhere you want.




Yeah I know, I submitted my translations there but till now they didn't go through yet. Don't know why exactly, maybe their moderation and checkers are just very slow and offline


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We've finished translating A Anarquia by Errico Malatesta, take care


Nice. I'm surprised this board is still used.

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official rule 2 thread>2. Please keep /r9k/-tier >tfw no gf shitposts to one thread. Capitalism is only one of the many, many reasons why you don't have a gf.
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I am a new user from reddit.

What is this space for.

How do I get bf for my gf lol.


My toilets is broken so I dug a hole in my backyard and took a shit in broad daylight my neighbors dog started barking at me but I don't think anyone saw me :)


did you get a gf?!


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Yes, I made her a crypto-egoist


I forgot this place existed, lol.

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Don't know about anyone else, but I prefer sludge metal.


Don't know about anyone else, but I prefer crustgrind.


Don't know about anyone else, but I prefer prog metal.


a.k.a. indiemetal


he was really fucking hot though. I'd let him do whatever he wanted to me

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hello friends
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No it doesn't








isn't this the spooky bitch that /b/ obsessed over and got on america's next top model somehow or whatever

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Hello /dead/, do you have any plans for staying here or are you making your own site?
If you do plan on staying, do you wish to be displayed on the overboard?
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doot doot


I'm not going to get Matrix just to find out if there's a new board in the works, but I'm willing to download Matrix to get updates on a new board in the works. Is this worth my time?


dunno bro, seems pretty fickle rn




>do you have any plans for staying here or are you making your own site?
I obviously won't speak for /dead/ but I personally will stay here except if the majority of /dead/ would leave to a new site.
I won't use matrix, I only like imageboards.

>do you wish to be displayed on the overboard?

I think it's a good idea, it will attract new bloods but without giving to much attention on /dead/.


How can you not be depressed in this world?
Everyone I’ve seen, known, or interacted with that was “positive” came off as a true fucking psychopath
Like, just utterly disconnected from the rest of mankind and all human empathy
I think non-depressives are sociopaths
Especially communists that are positive
Positive “communists” are the very worst, sociopathic pricks more obsessed with LARPing the past and little else, the world is fucking hellish and sanity is a disease
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>you barely have influence – if any at all – on things outside of you
Read this pamphlet to gain the superpower of commonsense


Preach. If you can function well in this society, you're fucked up.


this but its not entirely this. if you are loveless for a long time then you turn into a depressed loser, so just get a gf


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I legit blame capitalism for making me this way. Being psychopathic is the only way to get by in this world.


Are you an empath OP

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Oh God oh Fuck I genuinely thought we were going to get stuck on bunker, glad we are back here
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I have a bad feeling that we're going to hemorrhage users in ways that other boards won't, since it's damn hard to get new users. Better slow than too fast, at least.


Yeah but /dead/ is still a hidden board.
At least, it keeps tankies, socdems and redlibs away but it will be hard to get new posters that way.


You guys appear on the overboard catalog, at least thats how I found this thread.
I assume most people are using the overboard catalog too, so you guys will have new posters coming in


/dead/ posts did appear on overboard back in Flunkerchan too IIRC.


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Personally I don't know if I support the creation of a new website, it is much comfier to lurk here. Any new developments from the matrix room?

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Hello? Ded?




Join the matrix, idk. Nobody's still hanging around here, but we don't have a new site yet.

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fuck this place if the jannies want to delete our board, we're talking about alternatives, making a new site. n1x is there but not talking right now, would be nice if they wanna take head of the project for a new /dead/site of some kind, come talk alternatives with us
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>every board is nuked
>/dead/ takes it personally
Bye bye faggots.


>/dead/ is a person
commie brainrot


/dead/ is people, yes. Retard.


more reductionism, how expected of marxists kek


its a community
it can have multiple rooms in it, and have an html description
sort of just a hub linking together different places and where you can find other shit related to a room

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Why doesnt /dead/ have a masquot/catgirl?
We should have a catgirl!
Any ideas?
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A date with /dead/-tan.


this is so spooky why didn't you spoiler this ;_;


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Shit idea, but sure, here, I dredged up a good starting point, now someone shoop it up to align with the /dead/ aesthetics we all know and hate.


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There's an egoist catgirl



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