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How can you not be depressed in this world?
Everyone I’ve seen, known, or interacted with that was “positive” came off as a true fucking psychopath
Like, just utterly disconnected from the rest of mankind and all human empathy
I think non-depressives are sociopaths
Especially communists that are positive
Positive “communists” are the very worst, sociopathic pricks more obsessed with LARPing the past and little else, the world is fucking hellish and sanity is a disease


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maybe sort of, but it's not like an all or nothing or inborn type of thing. People who are very functional tend to have pretty strong armor to the world and are gonna be more goal driven and show less emotion. Or they're going to be very sheltered and genuinely not understand how bad things can be. Often people prefer to just look the other way, in order to save themselves in the face of a traumatizing world.
I think the best we can try to do is be fluid, so we can be strong and keep our sanity in order toexist, and also keep in touch with the world and our deep sadness and ability to feel, and not get locked into one or the other mode of thinking/feeling. At least that's how i see it, but i could also understand wanting to not give up on any feels. It just makes living and socializing hard as fuck.
my 2 cents


Many of them have lost touch with our reality, which was too painful to bear. For the others, yes.


Just don't think about it so much. That's what I do, at least. I know my boss is the enemy, and so is my landlord. I require no greater context for how bad the world's workers collectively have it.


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world's fucked existence is a nigger but what's the point of being depressed? you barely have influence – if any at all – on things outside of you, just accept the world and find happiness / satisfaction within. basically just deal with it and stop giving a shit about things you can't do anything about. if this makes one a sociopath then become one, it's a way better way of living than suffering for no reason whatsoever.


just have sex lmao


>you barely have influence – if any at all – on things outside of you
Read this pamphlet to gain the superpower of commonsense


Preach. If you can function well in this society, you're fucked up.


this but its not entirely this. if you are loveless for a long time then you turn into a depressed loser, so just get a gf


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I legit blame capitalism for making me this way. Being psychopathic is the only way to get by in this world.


Are you an empath OP

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