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/dead/ - dead

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File: 1611105322268.gif ( 938.31 KB , 500x374 , 4NH.gif )


Hello /dead/, do you have any plans for staying here or are you making your own site?
If you do plan on staying, do you wish to be displayed on the overboard?


File: 1611106043915.jpg ( 402.12 KB , 600x450 , 86450842157626b3200c203f5c….jpg )

I got to this thread from the overboard O___O


File: 1611106167575.gif ( 3.42 MB , 1080x1080 , HptxLVm.gif )

matrix room here >>1857


doot doot


I'm not going to get Matrix just to find out if there's a new board in the works, but I'm willing to download Matrix to get updates on a new board in the works. Is this worth my time?


dunno bro, seems pretty fickle rn




>do you have any plans for staying here or are you making your own site?
I obviously won't speak for /dead/ but I personally will stay here except if the majority of /dead/ would leave to a new site.
I won't use matrix, I only like imageboards.

>do you wish to be displayed on the overboard?

I think it's a good idea, it will attract new bloods but without giving to much attention on /dead/.

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