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File: 1608528410374.png ( 462.4 KB , 760x475 , cFXG6xD.png )


I'm not going back to work. What are some good illegalist books?


File: 1608528410508.pdf ( 3.61 MB , lockpicking.pdf )

Well there are some books on lock picking, this one is quite old but you can get some good basic knowledge from it. I don't think there are specific books on shoplifting, but on the Raddle wiki there is a good guide on the topic.


If you want here is the tor link for the Raddle, they have an illegalist part where you can ask about stuff



File: 1608528410632.pdf ( 508.86 KB , MITLockGuide.pdf )

That book's a bit expired, with the useful info or today's picking problems all in Ch.6
The MIT guide is a much more useful modern booklet on how to do it.
The toolmaking guide would probably still be useful though, but that's a different book.


steal cars from car parks, rob convenience stores, become a script kiddie and hack your local bank


Talking about hacking, an anon on /tech/ made a good post with good links for resources to learn how to hack. Good potential for illegalism if you want to enter this virtual part



maybe glowieposting but /r/shoplifting was what got me into it and the few times i did it it was one of the greatest highs imaginable. that's when i understood why people are adrenaline junkies


Absolutely based anon
If by any chance you are who I think you are check your email


yeah its such a shame that reddit cracked down on all the cool places :(
and the raddle…. its pathetic ngl it seems like everyone asking questions is shot down, like thats the whole point damn


Is this the guy from the protest thread by any chance?


That's it? Just two lock-picking books? I expected a lot more from you guys given all the talk about illegalism around here.


Are you requesting more evidence officer?


i dont think illegalists are the ones to sit down and formulate theory desu


I'm too much of a coward to do anything other than shittalking on the internet


hey, at least you are self-aware.
i cant even begin to decribe how many wanna-be revolutionaries on the interenet act extremely tough but are in reality just basic bitches.


Sadly this. I've been asked many times to write guides, but really the best way is too immerse yourself in it. And if you didn't grow up into it, you can always look around and figure out how its done. Look into hacking forums and dark net marketplaces and you will find plenty of guides and people to teach you.
It's my biggest pet peeve with the "left" on lefty/pol/ and elsewhere. Armchair revolutionaries acting tough, but refusing to get their hands dirty


once you've looted a target pharmacy and pissed on a police precinct the rest loses its excitement
t. minneapolitan



Do any of you actually live as illegalists or are you just living on mommy's paycheck?


I mean also do wage labor occasionally. I did work for a callcenter for 3 months this year and also get money from the gov for studying at uni (no shit), but other than that, yeah pretty much.


>get money from the gov for studying at uni
Just to be sure, you live on the same planet as me, right?


Not that anon but where I live you automatically get state funded scholarship based on your academic performance (better grades get more money, below a certain mark you don't get anything), although it's not much. You can also get for social/economic status and disabilities, it's a bit more money but still not enough to survive on it.

Of course it's less and less every year.


I live in germany and get 250 a month because I study at uni. its really fucking sweet and takes alot of edge off. my flat is like 280 a month with electricity, heating and all that shit, so I basically live for free.
I do have to pay half back after I finished studying tho.


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Meanwhile I can't afford to attend uni in my turd world shithole, and all unskilled jobs pay scraps so I'll probably end up poor when I have to work a shitty wagie lifestyle. FUCK FUCK FUCK, why do I have to deal with this life?! It was over before it even began.


Really sucks man, but this is why we doin what we doin


there was a pirateanon who shared a lot of links and other stuff a while ago on some other board. dunno if he lurks here though.


File: 1608528453693.png ( 385.4 KB , 1010x676 , BLOCK_THE_TOILET-CIA.png )

join my shitty riot chat and talk about lockpicking with me
its time to be able to let yourself into wherever you want (results may vary)


share more please


How useful is lockpicking really? Also somebody write a decent guide on carding please


File: 1608528459518.jpg ( 13.73 KB , 266x189 , 1ef48b09c7a8b4105d4141c991….jpg )

Been here for a while. I think you mean the Tor links?

http:// darkfailllnkf4vf.onion/ - Verified onion links, recommend setting this as your home page
http:// dreadytofatroptsdj6io7l3xptbet6onoyno2yv7jicoxknyazubrad.onion - Check the carding/fraud subdreads (/d/carding)
http:// torigonsn3d63cldhr76mkfdzo3tndnl2tftiek55i2vilscufer6ryd.onion/index.php - Hacking
http:// cryptbb2gezhohku.onion/ - Hacking
Sadly none of them are as big as Torum was
http:// rutorzzmfflzllk5.onion/ - For Russian speakers

Do what I did anon


cant remember if this guy is kinda retarded or pretty good
i think iirc i read some stupid jolly roger hacker or opsec text file thing that this site linked to and it was like… just bad. But thats a diff author so… i think this guy is cool if i remember right, but take it all with some salt

also to add to links, i love this place

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