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File: 1700584286950.jpg ( 95.47 KB , 761x1024 , nopussy.jpg )

 No.4391[View All]

311 posts and 188 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


the third pic sounds fake. Tbh though this is why men shouldnt be so quick to chase romance and family planning.


File: 1718729766971.webm ( 810.76 KB , 1024x1024 , 1718710382234850.webm )



File: 1718767314396.png ( 1.63 MB , 1080x1354 , ClipboardImage.png )



File: 1718862514943.png ( 1.12 MB , 1179x1232 , ClipboardImage.png )

Over for oldcels


File: 1718922823813.png ( 77.74 KB , 1644x1370 , 1667777449061038.png )

what can be done bros I'm going to kms soon


I don't know. I would have killed myself already if it didn't take so much effort to do so.


I think I'm going to run my car in a garage. I'm too cowardly to jump off a high place


Please don't do that


if you're going to throw your life away, it'd be justified to do so by attacking the bourgeoisie or the police in minecraft


Get off image boards asap


File: 1719434893686-0.jpg ( 90.47 KB , 987x987 , 20240626_134649.jpg )

File: 1719434893686-1.jpg ( 57.76 KB , 720x900 , 20240626_133937.jpg )



that wasnt funny


File: 1719985255865.jpg ( 50.46 KB , 567x756 , 20240702_224011.jpg )

Life imitates art




File: 1720123522955.png ( 260.59 KB , 995x577 , ClipboardImage.png )



America is a crazy country.


File: 1720293563921.jpg ( 94.42 KB , 864x688 , IMG_20240706_121648.jpg )

I wish the left would say things like this


why is she saying this? does she have an ulterior motive?


Aimee Terese is one of the few female online political personalities who I would describe as genuinely unfuckable. She can be based on occasion, but she is a very ugly woman - both inside and out.


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File: 1720680381450.jpg ( 178.75 KB , 1079x1399 , 20240710_234544.jpg )



File: 1720739351931.png ( 223.45 KB , 680x550 , ClipboardImage.png )



Go back to the café


File: 1720747896943.jpeg ( 24.01 KB , 500x442 , real.jpeg )



troons'n suicide watch


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File: 1721356152925-0.png ( 274.16 KB , 640x853 , ClipboardImage.png )

File: 1721356152925-1.png ( 274.16 KB , 640x853 , ClipboardImage.png )



File: 1721441166410.png ( 1.99 MB , 947x2048 , ClipboardImage.png )

Critical support for those men




File: 1721501569267.jpg ( 165.38 KB , 1179x962 , 20240720_115143.jpg )



File: 1721533911723.mp4 ( 11.4 MB , 848x480 , RDT_20240720_205100.mp4 )



File: 1721565624721.jpg ( 146.17 KB , 968x1207 , canadianroastie.jpg )

this asswiping bitch I hope she is raped in prison for defaming based NoWipe Hindi gods. Death to asswipers and their apologists


I hated tatted foids so much, literal trash.


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>hope she is raped


File: 1723738581074.mp4 ( 3.21 MB , 1080x1920 , l1fNeu0RoTNQdAvu.mp4 )



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File: 1724610735246.webm ( 8.84 MB , 1920x1080 , 15148319.webm )



File: 1726180608258.png ( 1.59 MB , 720x1600 , ClipboardImage.png )

Brvtal I feel bad for this foid.


File: 1728351740976.jpg ( 24.87 KB , 720x457 , Image_20241007_184128.jpg )



File: 1728673178813.jpg ( 227.43 KB , 1290x1879 , 20241011_115820.jpg )



File: 1730405376791.jpg ( 46.82 KB , 622x778 , 20241031_130829.jpg )



File: 1731787261773.png ( 87.63 KB , 864x337 , Screenshot_20241116-130009….png )



File: 1731888935406.jpg ( 1.22 MB , 1125x1505 , RDT_20241117_1713046310661….jpg )



She will never exist in oure form if shes born


File: 1735163422314.png ( 712.07 KB , 864x1178 , Screenshot_20241225-144927….png )



File: 1737749263227.jpg ( 36.79 KB , 573x462 , 1737746886691350.jpg )

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