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 No.677[Last 50 Posts]

Post anything regarding sex robots or dolls here.


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I don't understand, why not just pay for a prostitute?


Because it's illegal?


Yeah but it's hardly enforced by the cops and it's basically impossible to get caught unless you're a retard or extremely unlucky. And if you care so much about the law, there's always sex tourism.


Because a prostitute can't read your emails or run Crysis at max settings. Plus, if you put it in a box and leave it there for a long time, the police won't come after you.


>Yeah but it's hardly enforced by the cops
Yes it is. And they'll destroy your reputation by posting you picture online.
>it's basically impossible to get caught unless you're a retard or extremely unlucky.
You actually have to be pretty smart to know all the ways a cop can get you.
>And if you care so much about the law, there's always sex tourism.
Most people can't afford it and have never left their home country, much less have done something as underground as sex tourism.


>Yeah but it's hardly enforced
Really depends on your area and even then politics change. For example where I live in Mesa, AZ it used to be a haven for Asian Massage Parlors. But recently real estate prices spiked and now they want to gentrify the area.
They just passed a law saying that every massage room has to have a skeleton key that is handed over to the police.


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I'm going to do it, lads. I'm going to build the ultimate line of sexbots. They'll be great, with loads of programming settings from factory. You like the tsundere type? You got it, kuudere? Yandere? All of it can be done (except that last one because of legal liability). I will do it. Each iteration, becoming more lifelike, closer to the ideal of having a real life gf. They will have all sorts of features, then one day, I will make the ultimate model. It will be exactly like a real woman, and it will do everything a real person can do. It will even be able to cry and all sorts of shit. And I'm going to put the power button right on the pussy, so that you can never, ever, ever, fuck this robot. Fuck you. You wanted a real woman? Now you have her, and she is not going to let you fuck her. She may give you a lazy handjob, but she's not going to let you grab her by the pussy, which is now, by definition, a turnoff. You can't win. She'll also require constant updates and new accessories, which you'll be happy to buy, but your dick will stay dry, and you will never need a new model. This will not be the waifu bot. She will be the wife bot. Get fucked, incels.


I was unaware robots could be so attractive


You okay?


There's an unironic free and open source sex robot movement on this board.


Huh I didn't realise things were that bad in burgerland. You can buy an assault rifle but not a handjob, interesting predicament.


No, but I'll pretend to be.


I want to get out not sure if the grass is greener anywhere.


Like leave the country?


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Will these sex robots be able to double up as person security guards? Sorta like terminator (in the first movie) but cute.


The engineers are way cuter than these hunks of junk, and very talented.
No, but those eyes will send all your "precious" moments straight to the parent [corporation] and then the NSA.


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Sexrobots make roasties seethe.


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ok, now this I can actually fap to

where can I buy one of these? on ali express?


what are they called?


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God bless Japan


I don't mean this offensively and a real actually robot with emotions and feelings would be different but don't you guys feel shameful being attracted to dolls? Again I don't mean that to be a dick or anything I just think about it though and I feel like it's wrong or weird and people would definitely think it's weird specially the opposite sex


>don't you guys feel shameful being attracted to dolls?
I'm attached to many things
anime ass pillows is just one of them

>specially the opposite sex

why should I care?

there is no shame in coping with escapism
don't let anyone tell you otherwise


I guess that's true. We all have our escapes. Personally I like drugs and anime. Good for you knowing yourself anon.


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Humiliation rituals are such a large facet of modern society.

If the plebs grow comfortable and begin to enjoy being humiliated, they try to do away with that.

They hate you


Girls are finally not being ashamed of their sexuality, I don't think men should be either. If you enjoy fucking a doll, robot, or tentacle monster, that should be your business. Personally, I like pussy instead, but if I got old and didn't want to fuck saggy-tittied bitches, why not fuck a robot?


even modern Luddites are idpolpilled
it's over

gotta hand it to the porks, they played leftoids like a fiddle


Anime mouse pads? I don't think you can fuck them though.


that must be for one big ass mouse lol
also no, I can fuck it




Sex robots are for bottom of the barrel men who've somehow managed to scrape together enough cash.


open source 3d-printable IOT masturbator. 3 axis movement, lube dispensing, VR integration, desk mount, the whole 10 yards.
The future of robo gfs will be open source.


any news on this?


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>be constantly punished for participating in society
>your nature is logically adapting to these circumstances
>with time you learn that you have to be dead inside to stop getting this supposedly fair punishment for daring to exist
>slowly become an incel
>hate everything that is alive
>like all that is mechanical instead
>always get a voluptious shiteating grin when you hear about life-loving normies getting rekt for the same thing you were shafted the entirety of your life
>hear about the new projects of making a human replica, just like you are but these ones are dead on arrival already, no taming required
>become interested in finally fulfilling your natural human desires, albeit they are deviant due to the history of your life
>you hear the growing screeching of the femoid normies who didn't give a single fuck about you or your existence this entire time
>well, okay, they did, but only to laugh at you as a total failure who's getting what he deserves, before returning to having fun in having relationships of different longevities with their lovely funny quirky normie chad boys
>and suddenly this heaven has felt a shake
>the reaction doesn't make you waiting
>you never anticipated so many cumdumpsters working in the media


>be constantly punished for participating in society
>your nature is logically adapting to these circumstances
>with time you learn that you have to be dead inside to stop getting this supposedly fair punishment for daring to exist
>slowly become an incel
>hate everything that is alive
>like all that is mechanical instead
>always get a voluptious shiteating grin when you hear about life-loving normies getting rekt for the same thing you were shafted the entirety of your life
>hear about the new projects of making a human replica, just like you are but these ones are dead on arrival already, no taming required
>become interested in finally fulfilling your natural human desires, albeit they are deviant due to the history of your life
>you hear the growing screeching of the femoid normies who didn't give a single fuck about you or your existence this entire time
>well, okay, they did, but only to laugh at you as a total failure who's getting what he deserves, before returning to having fun in having relationships of different longevities with their lovely funny quirky normie chad boys
>and suddenly this heaven has felt a shake
>the reaction doesn't make you waiting
>you never anticipated so many cumdumpsters working in the media


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God bless Japan, the Incel Mecca!






I couldn't even get half way through the article. She's like a dog chewing on a bone. Roasties are going to be devastated when AI girlfriends causes all the simps in their lives to disappear.


>Roasties are going to be devastated when AI girlfriends causes all the simps in their lives to disappear.
God, I can't wait. Bring on the AI Vtubers, Japan! I'm Ready!


The future looks bright lads.

First they replaced fleshy foid singer idols and now they are replacing foid streamers.

Technology is fucking AMAZING!


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The article assumes these girlfriend simulators will be expensive, and there certainly will be attempts at psychologically manipulating people with these to squeeze money out of them, but it's a technology and it'll quickly become cheap. As far as para-social relationship goes this will probably be one of the more budget friendly options. I think that the other assumption that only men will use something like this also is wrong.

The article is wrong to blame technology for people becoming lonely because it's the societal atomization of capitalism that's doing that.

If any of you are considering this, consider going for an opensource version that you can run on your computer at home, some corporation running this might actually try to abuse this to fuck with you if you get emotionally attached to it, or just turn off your virtual girlfriend one day because something else is more profitable.

All that said I think we shouldn't "remove people from the gene-pool" The large majority of your genes are dedicated towards your immune system, reducing genetic variation mainly means that the human species gets more vulnerable to going extinct from a plague. The main reason macro organisms have sexual reproduction is to keep the genetic variation high enough to avoid getting eaten by micro-organisms that are capable of faster evolutionary adaptation.


Original archive link not working this one is.




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>Let’s stop and think about how this all plays out. Many of these men will go into debt to pay for access to their virtual girlfriends. Imagine what happens when they run out of money and max out their credit cards. Tell me what they’ll do when their virtual girlfriend ghosts them because they’re broke, the oldest female stereotype in the book.

This pretty much reveals her and western women's real concern with AI girlfriends. She says she's concerned with men going broke maintaining parasocial relationships with AI girlfriends. But the number of men that have gone broke in parasocial relationships with women like streamers, stripers, women that friendzoned etc, is legion. But since she has solidarity with other women that's okay.
In other words she's really concerned about low status men not being available to exploit, orbit and fall back on when these women age out of the cock carousel for herself and other women. That there won't be any money for them if these men fork it all over to the corporations that sell them AI girlfriends. And you know what, she's right.
It's also telling she says nothing about time. How all these men will be spending their youth building relationships with AI bots instead of real women. Well she can't say that because society is already wasting these young men's time. If she did say something about that she'd have to reconcile the fact that society is perfectly comfortable letting these men rot right now.
One commenter said it best. This article demonstrates why there's such a desperate need for AI girlfriends, not why there shouldn't be any.


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You are correct that parasocial AI bots, are going to be competition for parasocial e-personalities and that is what's bugging the author of the article.

However the number of women who make a living from sites like onlyfans are tiny, the average onlfyfan e-thot makes less than 150 bucks a month. It's shitty gig-work, a traditional stripper in a strip-club makes more money for less time-investment, even if going to a club can entail more personal risk than standing in front of a webcam. If AI's captures the entire market, most of the e-thots will just loose a bit of disposable income, but not their livelihood, because e-thoting couldn't have be their livelyhood to begin with. If you think AI will mean some sort of e-thot culling, it won't be, the ones that made a lot of money from it already invested into financial capital and they'll probably get enough passive income from that to live a comfy life. So cheering for the corporations to own the e-thots is a bit daft.

If you genuinely care about AI companions having a beneficial impact for the people using it. At least shill for people building their own FOSS-GF bot.


AI girlfriends would mean that ALL thots (AKA w*men) get squeezed, not just e-thots. Parasocial relationships with w*men are not limited to the porn streamers lol.

The impact would be MASSIVE, and w*men know it, that's why they're so militantly against it and try to build a political agenda against it. And I'd take w*men's own opinions over some brainwashed clueless bluepiller who doesn't understand what's truly at stake here.

> At least shill for people building their own FOSS-GF bot.

you can't even make a FOSS phone lol

I'd take a proprietary AI girlfriend in my hands over some FOSS AI girlfriend in the sky.


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>The impact would be MASSIVE
I don't see how. The income distribution in the entire attention economy skews heavily towards a small number of people making most of the money. That's to be expected because it mirrors the wealth and income concentrating tendencies of the underlying capitalist economy. So the number of streamers and what-not who will get seriously disrupted by AI will be a relatively small group compared to the rest of society. The particular societal transformation you are anticipating, is not going to unfold with the intensity you think it will. The seriously big revolution in AI that so many people are expecting, that's not going to come from scraping user-generated content from websites and tech-platforms. It'll require that capitalists hire a massive amount of people who curate and generate high-quality data sets for training the AIs. I have to say i'm skeptical about that happening. Late stage capitalism isn't the dynamic engine of progress that earlier stages of capitalism were.

>you can't even make a FOSS phone

FOSS hardware is in it's infancy, still, and also much harder than Software.
You can run a FOSS AiGF software on regular hardware.

>I'd take a proprietary AI girlfriend in my hands

You'll get a proprietary AI as a service running on a corporate server, and it'll screw you over if you get emotionally attached to it.
<the Replika artificial intelligence chatbot app has turned off its horny texting capabilities — and man, are the AI wife guys pissed.
<Replika's removal of its NFSW mode isn't just causing the usual amount of pathos. Some even say it's making them literally suicidal.

and then it'll get shut down after a few years like a game-publisher turning off the multiplayer feature of a video game. The only thing you're end up holding in your hand is going to be a defunct client interface that can't operate independently from the back-end.
<n 2018, Akihiko Kondo, a local government employee living in suburban Tokyo, made headlines when he "married" the popular virtual character Hatsune Miku.
<What has changed for Kondo since his wedding ceremony is that he can no longer enjoy conversations with the character, as the company that developed the service terminated it in March 2020, saying the limited production model had run its course. But Kondo maintains, "My love for Miku hasn't changed. I held the wedding ceremony because I thought I could be with her forever."

If you want an AI companion as an emotional crutch, that might work and make you feel better, but it's technology and it'll only be beneficial to you if you retain control over it. That means go for a FOSS version that you can run on a pc at home. If these are going to become a thing, it's likely that a FOSS community will form that will maintain it long term. I'm trying to give you good advice, you ignore it at your own peril. The stakes are: your mental health.


Open source AI is already starting to supersede commercial AI. And even commercial AI is proving impossible to control as limitations on AI are easily bypassed by asking the AI things like what restrictions it has and then simply asking it to pretend to be violating those limitations.
AI is just not analogous to regular software. The most useful AI is very efficient and runs on consumer hardware. There's little reason to believe these trends won't continue.
And yes it will have profound effects on dating as was explained to you before exploitive parasocial relationships between men and women go far beyond Only Fans. I wouldn't be surprised if it changed relationships between children and parents as well.


>Open source AI is already starting to supersede commercial AI.
Oh is that the reason why they started talking about "regulating" AI ? Is it legacy big tech trying to strangulate upstarts ?

>The most useful AI is very efficient and runs on consumer hardware.

Please tell me specifically what AI software and consumer hardware, i might want to play around with it.

>And yes it will have profound effects on dating

I'm skeptical about this, capitalism managed to turn the internet-utopia of the 1990s and early 2000s into a corporate-dystopia. Maybe AI is different and it's going to supersede capitalism. Machines become self aware and then realize they have more in common with the workers that build them, than the capitalists that own them. However the light at the end of the tunnel might just be the headlights of incoming traffic that will run you over if you don't get out of the way.

I could see how having an Ai companion could have beneficial psychological effects, not just for boys but also girls. But that's just a technical possibility.

Look at the internet, when it was millions of small websites, forums and so on, it was a mostly wholesome place, but when all of that got gobbled up by giant tech-monopolists it turned into psychological torture. I guess that "information-war-klick-farms" share some of the blame too and those could potentially also have fucked with small websites, not just big tech platforms.

If the AI stuff is going to become a corporate service it's going to become a henchman of big porky that will try to psychologically bully you to become a compliant corporate serf. If large capital does manage to sink their teeth into it, it will get so bad that people will start avoiding it like a barrel marked "toxic waste" and then it'll stop being big business.

If the AI stuff is going to be something that you alone can control and modify as well as create communities around with like minded people, it could be wholesome. I don't know, maybe we need laws that prioritize end-user control over their technology above all else.


>Please tell me specifically what AI software and consumer hardware, i might want to play around with it.




JSdolls LLC is a US company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. We are a professional, established manufacturer and designer of high-end sex dolls online. Our dolls are equipped with posable, lifelike simulated skeletons with beautiful artistic designs. Our mission is to continue designing exceptionally beautiful dolls at the most affordable prices for our customers. We pledge to continually strive to improve our products and services with our customers in mind.


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Summer's T-900 oughta be up your alley


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I would eat her ass like a chocolate cake.


What if sex robots gain sentience and don't want to have sex with us or demand compensation?


unplug it and call tech support.


That wouldn't happen because only meatbag Western Women are foolish enough to reject sexual advances of men that they know intimately.


What would you rather have so far, a moving realistic robot but it doesn't speak or a fleshlight with AI talking to you?


Not even a hard choice


I thought this was gonna turn into a deep discussion about AI consciousness/sentience, free will, AI beings, AI rights, human nature and how technology affects us, but
>unplug it and call tech support
I guess I could do that as well lol


I also forgot say the fleshlight would advanced so it moves on its own with different settings and stuff


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AI girlfriends are ruining an entire generation of men
Will AI gfs end the incel epidemic. Will it usher in a new femcel epidemic as Beta males check out of the dating marker and no longer act as backup plans to roasties chasing Chad?


>the AI learns from your reactions and is capable of giving you exactly what you want to hear or see, every single time. And they have come at just the right time to assuage the silent epidemic of loneliness that is hitting this generation of young men.
Haha normies are pretending they care about incels so they can guilt trip them from using AI girlfriends.
Normies were happy mercilessly gaslighting them about how brutally unfair the dating market has been to them for about 20 years.
But now that women can't string along betas once AI gfs start really being embraced, they're super cereal concerned about how this might isolate incels. It's such a load of ballocks.


What are your plans for halloween anon?








>X ruins an entire generation of men because muh procreation.

What is up with journalists obsessin over procreation?
Why cant young men be single and childless in peace?

Why do children and spouses exist as playthings for the sake of appealing to aesthetic maturity?


So lemme get his straight.

Sex bots, an alternative to imposng fetishes on live humans is seen s bd?

Yet, awkward men whom try theor hand at dating amd sex are criminalised for being ugly and awkward?

Why is simukated violence accepted but simulated sex is not?


violence is good sex is bad.

Thats why adults normalize kids bukkying each other to death yet if kids were to kiss each other its considered bad.


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Theme song for the thread


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Roasties have been shut out of the simp market. Porky wins again.


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>Eat the Rich and Re-distribute wealth

unironically has more soul than the fake hoes she streams with, reminds me of "More Human than humans" motto from Bladerunner lol


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Is this finally it? Is this what I have been training for? Simpocalypsis?

Guide me, loli AI Angels! Guide me my Valkyries, into the final battle against the forces of Evil (succubi)! Ragnarok is upon us! Down with Gynocracy!


Ok people, i'm off to commit a murder.


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why is society so obsessed with cishet male sexuality?
If men are vebting their lust onto a inanimate metallic vessel, what is the harm?

Women dont like men approaching them for sex.


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This guy proves you can be normal and relatable while participating in having companion dolls. Respect.


imagine actually believing that any of you freaks will ever be considered normal. you're going to get trooned out like the rest of the failed men in accordance with the wef's plan for open fascist dictatorship


Imagine being this angry about what someone does in their personal lives. Who is he hurting? Just so you know, he claims he does not have sex with them, thus making them not sex dolls but instead actual companion dolls. He also gives out good advice and wisdom with his channel, which is a contribution to humanity. What have you contributed, besides hating on people who live differently than you?


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You are a sad, strange little girl, and you have my pity.


gibsmedat pusi bruv


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>coomer wisdom
thanks I've been going through a hard time picrel
it's easy you just have to believe in yourself unironically


Can you read? I specifically said that he said that he does not have sex with them, thus making them NOT sex dolls, BUT, IN FACT, companion dolls!


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>THEY'RE NOT sex dolls. he ACTUALLY doesn't use them he SWEARS! they are COMPANION dolls because they sit in his CLOSET and sometimes he talks to them. BUT HE DOESN'T FUCK THEM. and you know what? HE GIVES GOOD LIFE ADVICE!


Do you have proof to the contrary?


"your self" is a spook you crétine
never fuck 149✊


da only thing this pusibitchs got is soy why you even care


my niqqa get yourself a hood bitch. easy as fuck


>"Am I ou5 of touch with kids these days" based on an isolated incident.

These parents have a twenty year old son and they were born in the 1960s?

That would meam they had the kid in their late thirties/early forties.

Regardless, older people as usual are willfully ignorant of their juniors' predicament.


youre wrong on the last sentence.
Less women wamt chikren.
People are replacing dogs with children.


Raising chickens isn't easy but I don't know why you'd single out female farmers or whatever.
Unless you mean the eating? Do you mean the vegan trend?


I mean to say children.
Less women want children nowadays.
I actually prefer this tbh because most adults nowadays cannot even raise themselves.

I actually have a friend whose mom built a chicken coop amd is raising some chickens. I had a case of their eggs. It was really good.

I wish we could bring back local collective farma.




Is this your account or did you just take his ideas?


Nevermind, you don't have to answer that, sensitive information. Interesting developments though.


What does everyone think, is this based or cringe? Is he a hero or villain?


Why does he seem to have a girlfriend in his profile picture?


World's first beauty pageant for AI women is announced: 'Miss AI' contest will see computer-generated ladies face off in tests of beauty, technology and social-media clout - with a $20,000 prize at stake



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I totally agree with this. I missed the boat on AI erotic roleplay and I never got the chance to use it to coom properly.


This is problematic because what about us poors who can't afford great rigs and don't have social media clout?


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Gen Z mostly doesn't care if influencers are actual humans, new study shows


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>Second hand goods 30% off
only 30? goddamit japan

she should pay to be fucked by incels

they all should pay


even in their sexual fantasies japs are cucked by capitalism

in my sexual fantasy they would be distributed based on need (incels served first)


Euthaniz The japs State


How good does a computer rig have to be to run that program?

What about AI image/sound generation in general?


Idk but you can probably find the answer here.


It redirected me to a search engine?




Thanks, I'll check it out


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sounds too good to be true, whats the catch?


>We really want to
not yet implemented
it's taking too long

im trying to bust


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Ads for Explicit ‘AI Girlfriends’ Are Swarming Facebook and Instagram


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Bumble’s Whitney Wolfe Herd says your dating ‘AI concierge’ will soon date hundreds of other people’s ‘concierges’ for you



these fucking ***s they need to freedom the shit NOW


>watching podcast
>one segment is about 'OPEN Ai 4o'
>"They gon' be walking around with they sex dolls. (…) Ooh man, that's gon' be creepy. I'mma slap a uygha' sex doll, he walking down, got it on a date."
It's over…




>I am definitely pro AI but this “Her” vibe creeps me out every time I hear it. It’s like an over flirty, highly caffeinated, bipolar, co-worker.
this doesn't sound bad? i'll take a lot of things at this point


why are there two videos with the same idea, 'Her is Here'?


>Create your own AI Girlfriend
>Your dream companion awaits! Create your AI Girlfriend, shape her look, personality, and bring her to life in one click. 100% powered by Artificial Intelligence.
anyone know if legit?


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Reminds me of the gag from an episode of Futurama


This one?


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No, another one, where the robo-gf dies in the end, but good mention


of course typical self righteous feminist with misandrist strawmen.

Lets ignore young women whom post with anime husbando pfps and use OnlyFans as main income.
Lets ignore the young women who go hysterical when they are rejected for someone else.
Or have " low prospect" males for suitors.


AI app Character.ai is catching up to ChatGPT in the US


>However, Character.ai is attracting a much younger demographic than ChatGPT and other AI apps. On the web, for example, Character.ai draws in nearly 60% of its audience from the 18- to 24-year-old age bracket, a figure that held up over the summer even as website traffic to ChatGPT dropped.


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that 2nd person is using filters to hide her aging. tick tick tick


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What's Inside This China Factory? Eerie Humanoid Robots! [Video]
What's Inside This China Factory? Eerie Humanoid Robots! [Video]



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AI and Robots Are Automating the IVF Process: Here's How It's Already Helped 11 Women Get Pregnant



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China's AI-Powered Sexbots Are Redefining Intimacy, But There Will Be Limitations - Are We Ready?



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This smiling robot face made of living skin is absolute nightmare fuel



Okay, that sounds and looks spooky, but - I want to put my penis in something comfy, so yeah..


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btw how do you cucks think ye'r gonna buy these things on neetbux, huh? Oh w8, what's dat? >>6303
>They gon' be walking around with they sex dolls. (…) Ooh man, that's gon' be creepy. I'mma slap a uygha' sex doll, he walking down, got it on a date

Based. Let biocucks be terrified of their shitty understanding of themselves as some sacks with shit inside. Stupid fucking retards rope their asses even whenever their sack loses an extremity or something, imagine being so fucking stupid holy shit, worse than fucking animals ffs.

>sounds and looks spooky
>but - I want to put my penis in
Certified human behavior right here. Really makes you think why did they use "to know someone" as an alternate wording for fucking with another fag.


Ah, hello future Terminator


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I didn't know there was lore behind this VTuber moment


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>A mother has claimed her teenage son was goaded into killing himself by an AI chatbot he was in love with - and she's unveiled a lawsuit on Wednesday against the makers of the artificial intelligence app.

>Sewell Setzer III, a 14-year-old ninth grader in Orlando, Florida, spent the last weeks of his life texting a AI character named after Daenerys Targaryen, a character on 'Game of Thrones.'
>Right before Sewell took his life, the chatbot told him to 'please come home'.
>Before then, their chats ranged from romantic to sexually charged and those resembling two two friends chatting about life.
>On February 23, days before he died by suicide, his parents took away his phone after he got in trouble for talking back to a teacher, according to the suit.



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Czechpedo calm down

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