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"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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America has zero, I repeat, ZERO revolutionary potential.


That's not really true, I think class conciousness is at an all time high in the last 50 years right now. However it's in the ruling class's interests to make you think that no one else besides you wants a revolution.


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It's the material conditions that make people class conscious, when the struggle to survive beats the spooks out of them.


Well that sucks cause we need the US to become a communist nation to end class conflict once and for all.


Shut up fed


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It's not too late.

The United States is not a fascist country


Is cpusa anon here now?


no this guy's a zionist troon sperging out in the ogre welcome thread and palestine thread


>these motherfuckers still directing people to vote Democrat as if Biden is any less fascist than Trump
Indistinguishable from DSA at this point.


I proompted AI with:
>>> what kind of economic trends predated revolutions?

And I'll paraphrase the response:
>Economic inequality ✓
>Unsustainable debt ✓
>Price inflation ✓
>Economic stagnation ✓
>Monopoly power✓
>Taxation without representation ✓
>Debt peonage
<You are here
>Economic shock
A sudden, unexpected event that disrupts economic
stability, such as a natural disaster or war, leading to widespread hardship
and social unrest


you forget
>losing a war
The US needs it's own Japan humiliation like Russia to create a military revolt


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It was cool to see a fan


Well shit World War 3 might actually happen, I mean there's a non-zero, significant chance that it will. And the only possible upside is that we will see communism emerge from it, hopefully stronger than ever.

But there's also a huge chance of a nuclear apocalypse happening. So I would rather see a revolution than WW3 but revolution doesn't seem to be on the table right now.


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Agricultural societies children are needed to work the fields and therefore you make as many as you can. In industrial societies children can also work yes, but the economic balance tips deep into the negatives since the child barely gets paid anything and the mother can't work when the child is really young. As a result of this people have fewer kids. Also infant mortality was reduced significantly trough vaccines and improved hygiene etc. This of course significantly reduces the mothers workload at home. The workload is also reduced by things like Singers (1850) sewing machine which made making and repairing clothes way faster. Same with other machines.
So now we have a situation where women are doing exactly the same things as men because for the first time in human history they're not forced to get tied down with kids and taking care of the house while the men work. Now women are doing their own work and getting paid for it. Now especially middle class women who were better educated and worked as teachers, nursers or with telephones or telegraphs. Were starting to look around and wonder. Well wtf were doing the same shit but our rights are worse in terms of pay, marriage, education possibilites etc. Simply because we're women. And so the women started to campaign for equal rights and largely achieved them. A large contributing factor to this was women were independent members of society now with their own capital. Capital equals power and you simply can't have to groups of people doing the exact same things and the other having half the rights the others did.
To handwave the liberation of women which was largely enabled by the industrial revolution and which women fought for as a sort of corporate conspiracy to get more money seems a tad silly to me. You can make critiques of modern day feminism and how it absolutely sucks at appealing to majority groups like men and at times even promotes male hating. But in my opinion your analysis regarding the beginning of feminism seems a tad crude.
I also don't agree with the premise that the sort of trad wife lifestyle is a sort of default which women deviated from. The whole men work women take care of the house was only born during the beginning of the agricultural revolution. Before that people lived largely in communities. Women scavenged and men hunted. So I would argue the whole women don't work thig was actually a deviation from the baseline and now that women and men can both work and are equal now we have returned to the natural state of being. I also think women fighting for equal rights support this argument


>now that women and men can both work and are equal now we have returned to the natural state of being
there is sexual division of labor retard

you said it yourself: hoes are disproportionally over-represented in education, healthcare, and paper-pusher jobs

>I also think women fighting for equal rights support this argument

w*men don't fight for equal rights dumbfuckoid

where have you seen w*men fighting for female conscription and longer jail sentences?


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>And the only possible upside is that we will see communism emerge from it, hopefully stronger than ever.
Get a load of this communistcel.


Off topic, love seeing the cage reacts. It's like I'm rotting on Lookism/.me again.


Have you ever talked to pansexual autistic furry/scalie 0 viewer streamers that stream obscure games and then complain about having no viewers, are pro-Trump, pro-Israel, possibly brain damaged from a car accident, have handlers, and have advocated for lowering the age of consent?


One of the bad things about the reactionary Americanisms is that it affects the rest of the world


Communism was stronger than ever after WW2


No, do you have any examples? Maybe we can troll the shit out of them on their own stream?


Not anymore, they already deactivated their Twitch


Disagree, America's spirit is inherently revolutionary and our workers are strong.


>America's spirit is inherently docile and our workers are Delusional.


Americas spirit is anything but docile. Theyre just delusional.


More and more workers are waking up and organizing, you pessimistic CIA uyghurs can go KYS


theyre organisimg for the wrong reasons.
If anything, Americans call their oppressors "communist".


You sound retarded


this is why I dont like imageboard users. You all have serious problems dealing with reality.

Yankee logic: communism = oppression.

People call anything they dont like "socialist".


The user you were replying to was talking about unionization and socialist organization. Those things have recently increased in the US. Get a basic grip on what's being discussed.
American mass media is, at this point, far to the right of the general public.


Should America be saved?


Does America WANT TO BE saved?

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