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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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collectivise the means of reproduction. The traditional solution where you could marry at most one person at a time solved everything at once. it paired people off to similar smv rank. this meant while unattractive males would get unattractive females which is a slight loss, but they would get to reproduce which is 99% of the value anyway. i rather have an incel takeover where the rankings are shifted. Ultimately normies are inherently immoral and instead of pretending to have some moral value to shift power from them, might as well just be a villain from the get go and focus on ripping away all their power.
This is the only type of marxism that I support. Redistributing (virgin) women to men so that all men who desire have an equal access to a partner is a moral imperative. Until cloning is cheap, we should have state assigned girlfriends.



What about morality?


This post was written while in a heightened state of arousal.


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How would you feel if you were forced to do eat out pic related? Think about that, then think about your post.


She is in the bottom 1% of women so would be matched with a bottom 1% man, who would likely be happy to finally get to touch a woman.


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expropriate the expropriators


Violence begets violence. Our struggle should be peaceful.


this is heaven for me.
just lather her hindquarters in baby oil and marinate my sausage


I'm going to jail


back to org faggot


go back to reddit


séx gets boring quickly. The real créme de la créme is a women wanting to have séx with you and be around you. For me I am simply astounded when a woman isn't repulsed by me and spends her free time with me. I get a greater feeling of love than an orgasm.


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>séx gets boring quickly.


I mean it's true.
Only a kissless virgin could put something so pasè up in this big pedestal.


its funny that people say this but then will whine about lack of sex after a decade.


hate addict thread


Sex is great but it's not like, a personality. If all you talk about is how much you do or don't have sex you're an annoying narcissist.


I remember having an fuck buddy, I wasn't super into it. Fucked them like 2-3 times before I got bored. Would trade that experience just to touch my oneitis again.


chinks, gooks and japs are so fucking ugly. even negroes are more attractive.


> For me I am simply astounded when a woman isn't repulsed by me and spends her free time with me

Women in America are not jumping at the chance to date leftists


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>even negroes are more attractive.


you're just mad Shay can post all the garbage they want and you cant


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Not sure if I agree with the comparison but, they look alien to me.


no denigrating


I feel weird because I find every other ethnicity attractive, but East/SEA Asian women look weird to me.


As a black, at least our skin doesnt crack from the sun.
And SEAs make exceptionally good food and televisual arts.


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>at least our skin doesnt crack from the sun.


Just Thai and Vietnamese
Literal burn victim.


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They are dysgenic


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