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Women never worried about men's body count because they know the average guy can't pull hoes.
But a homo or bi man can get dick even easier than a woman. Will women change their tune on how the number of partners shouldn't matter to your lover?


Can mods unspoiler the image, I didn't mean to do that.


Women like studs, not faggots


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ghey is a spectrum


You are on the spectrum

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post pic that i could use in a r9k type board/community.


incels are worse than troons


We have an entire incel humor thread.


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And femoids are worse than both.



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I'm not denying that there aren't people with genuine gender dysmorphia. Or even denying that identifying as a woman makes you a woman.
But has the growth in publicly visible transgender MtF women been a sort of cope for low status men?
I say this because lesbians are complaining about their spaces being over run with these trans women. It seems like these men are actually just straight men and only transition to gain a sense of acceptance by western society
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gender dysphoria is caused by vaccine injuries


Holy shit take your meds skitzo.


meds + BBC therapy + chastity cage NOW!!!


>vaccines cause autism
>vastly disproportionate amount of trans people are autistic
it's not complicated


Very good post anon

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Since this is r9k, what is your opinion on egirl posting, egirl orbiting, as seen on (but not limited to) r9k, agatha, and certain fbi.govs?
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Well it shouldn't be in my opinion, but the law says differently. She was a an egirl whore, so I'm sure her nudes are out there if you look hard enough.


Yes you retard. Anything under 18 is CP, kek.


the age of consent is fucking 14 but anything under 18 is CP? get the fuck out of here with this dumb shit


I want a sex tape, not nudes

I want to see if its hot or just meh


oh yeah, i had the same thing with terry davis but a never anything obsessive just found him entertaining and inspiring despite being 'crazy'. I dont know what tips people over the edge to the point of being consumed by another person.


Grimes is now /ourgirl/
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Being exception or extraordinary never occurs to you


"Being exception" means being a Chad.

Yes, it never occurs to me to change my genetics, you dubfuck lol


If you are this easily impressed by a f*male you are probably retarded.


What do you want me to say? If it wasn't for modern civilization - in a state of nature - you would have died already.

Good luck to you. But it's not your genetics. It's your mind


>If it wasn't for modern civilization - in a state of nature - you would have died already.
billions would've died, you idiot

humans don't live in a state of nature, they live in a soyciety

>But it's not your genetics. It's your mind

"my mind" is what around me

sexual drive is a lower level brain function

it's pure instinct

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the sharty is down yesterday (soyjak.party).
any opinion lads?
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all i know is some paragraph of ib drama shit & splinter board being more poppulated and (i think) newer ones created. hey maybe you all can raid the smaller ones.


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go and spread the word and find new ones. also raid if can, NOW!!!!!




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the sharty is back up. it's NOT over. https://soyjaks.party/




Don't equate the shittyness of capitalist society with life in general, life doesn't have to be this way.

It's pure ideology masquerading as general wisdom. Don't be that guy.


my bad i am an emo

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I hate to say it, but without a strong charismatic figure to unify and give confidence to the movement, we are unlikely to see our situation improve. History has shown that all it takes is a powerful orator to radicalize the oppressed and downtrodden, making them re-evaluate their position in society and question the status quo.

The great Malcolm X did this with the African American community, General Nasser with the Arabs, Che in Latin America and of course Lenin inspired the Russian urban workers to revolt with his vision of a new society.

The closest we have to this is Tate, who is undeniably a moronic grifter. However, look at how much influence he has among young men despite his obvious intellectual shortcomings. Look at how much disruption he caused to the feminist narrative just by stating the obvious.
Can you imagine the kind of energy someone competent relaying a similar, but more coherent, message could create?


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Some times I feel the incel sisters on this board post things simply to be as edgy as possible.


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I got chills from that vid.

Yes, lead me, Daddy!


there was an incel MLK, Alex Podnebesny specifically. However he got too wrapped up in his own ego and became cringe.

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I just realized I haven't had sex since 2020. Does that make me an incel if the reason I don't have sex is because I'm interested in other shit? Or am I some sort of asexual weirdo? I know at least one person interested in getting married with me, but I'm not interested, even though I think I should get married, since I want to have a family. I just like other things more, and I had all the sex I wanted during my previous marriage. In fact, in the end, that was all there was to it. I want to be in love, but I don't know how to do that. I'm not young anymore, and I don't think I've ever actually experience that, even during the time I was married. I do love my friends, but I'm obviously not in love with any of them, since I'm straight, so I really don't feel alone. I just feel like there's something I should be doing, but I'm failing to grasp the details. Does anyone get like this?
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>Does that make me an incel
no you stupid ass normalfag


Not since 2020 huh? wow that must be so hard. Kill yourself


Kill yourself retard


Well, I'm trying to do that. This is one reason why I haven't gotten into a relationship or even considered it. I'm quite happy as I am, but I feel like I'm missing something that's obvious to everyone else.

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Anon, would you have sex with the Wagner Group e-girl?
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I always wanted to hate rape a Nazi


> imminent wagner purge
lol the only thing purged will be your sorry poutinist ass


>muh nazi
glowing much?


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t. clueless about russians asiatic dna

t. asian



Brain rot

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