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They're not even hiding it anymore.


Women have a dual mating strategy
Stud seed/Provisioner

This is old news

Just be the stud. That's the best no-BS advice

Rollo Tomassi is cringe as fuck, but his 1st book is ok. It leads a lot of guys astray though, getting stuck in 'anger' phase and doing retarded shit like defining themselves as mgtow.

The old-school PUA guide 'Mystery Method' is pretty thick on theory on evolutionary psychology as it can be practiced with women.

A better book to read, especially if you're a bit of a nerd, is Evolution of Desire by David Buss. He's one of the world's preeminent evolutionary psychologists, for whatever it's worth

Seriously dating single mothers should be out of the question. It's self induced retroactive cuckoldry. Even banging them is a no go for me. It's the equivalent of eating the leftovers from another table at a restaurant. Just gross.

At the end of the day, reading shit won't help you though. Getting your fashion/hygiene up, going outside, and improving your dating skills will.


>Stepdads are men we wouldn't date if we didn't have kids
And single moms would be dead in a ditch if it wasn't for the welfare state. So tell me again why socialism is a good thing.


Bruh, I don't want to slave my whole life away for Billionaires just so some Western roasties won't get a few gimmedats.
The primary reason why roasties use their children as meal tickets is because the booj discipline workers into working by threatening them with violence like homelessness and starvation. Take that way and most of them will not willingly be single moms.


>Bruh, I don't want to slave my whole life away for Billionaires just so some Western roasties won't get a few gimmedats.
lol you take money from the government and use it to avoid work and play video games all day. Women take money from the government and use it to avoid work and bang chads all day. But somehow it's only the women who are wrong.


NTA but I want communism for the revolution revolution so I can have free reign to kill subhuman ugly incels who will only be a drain on society. Some of you are alright though maybe you'll be able to negotiate for your lives but it's really not up to me.


>lol you take money from the government and use it to avoid work and play video games all day.
Pure Projection, I've been working for a living since I was 14.


Me and my AR will be waiting for you posturing simp.


>incel has a gun
lmao don't ACK yourself before the time comes troon


>incel has a gun
And a Ghillie suit


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>airshit cope

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