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What is R9K's take on Justin Roiland (creator and voice actor of Rick and Morty) being accused of beating and imprisoning a woman, and also grooming underage girls and showing them violent porn of his ex-girlfriend turned pornstar?

>he ended up bringing two other young women to his airbnb with us, even though that was not our plan. He tried pressuring me to get drunker, but I was sobering up in case I needed to drive home.

>He randomly showed us VERY violent porn of his ex girlfriend getting rammed by a huge pornstar Imfao he pulled it up on the tv and everything. Odd choice but ok.

Is he a cuck turned predator or a predator turned cuck?
Is it worse to be a predator or a cuck?
Does it count as cucking if your ex does it after you break up with them?
Was Stanley Kubrick revealing the truth when he made Eyes Wide Shut?


He looks like a soyjak


Who gives a fuck. If he's committed a crime then prove it in a court of law and put him in jail. Then when he gets out of jail he can make more rick and morty.


>Then when he gets out of jail he can make more rick and morty.
I honestly can't imagine being an adult and watching that crap.


he makes troon media so it makes sense he would troon out and assault real women


He's a shitbag who fired the entire Rick and Morty writing team for trying to unionize and then replaced them with an all-women crew to virtue signal it away, so it wouldn't surprise me at all to find he's some kind of actual womanizer.


>who fired the entire Rick and Morty writing team for trying to unionize and then replaced them with an all-women crew
Huh I heard there was a sharp decline in the quality of that show.


Unions are hilarious. You think refusing to work until they pay you more is a legitimate action but if your boss refused to pay you until you agreed to work more then that would be literally fascism or something.


I'm sure this sounded a lot better in your head.
Labour without pay is slavery, which is illegal in every country on the planet. Strike action is a form of collective bargaining and nobody other than managerial faggots have an issue with it.


What if you get free food and housing and all your basic needs taken care of. Just in exchange for working.


you got it backwards

when your boss refuses to pay you until you agree to work more it is called freedom, but when you refuse to work until your boss pays you more that is called coercion kek


>Labour without pay is slavery
>Strike action is a form of collective bargaining
The only reason strikes work is because the government forces the employer to keep paying you and prevents them hiring someone else. Which if you flip the chessboard around would be the equivalent of you not being paid and not being allowed to find another job until you agreed to work more hours.


"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."

>The only reason strikes work is because the government forces the employer to keep paying you and prevents them hiring someone else.
They sure as shit don't in my country, and they don't in most countries either. All workers get while striking are meagre government subsidies, and historically during prolonged strikes have to resort to food collections from the public as not to go hungry.
Oh and the government always takes the side of the employer too. Who do you think the government represents? The average person? Lmao.
>Which if you flip the chessboard around would be the equivalent of you not being paid and not being allowed to find another job until you agreed to work more hours.
Sounds like the current economy if you replace 'not being allowed to find a job' with 'there are no other jobs'.


>the government always takes the side of the employer too.
If government was on the side of the employer they would be allowed to fire all strikers with no severance and hire replacement workers with no minimum wage. You are not as oppressed as you think you are.

>Who do you think the government represents? The average person? Lmao.

Depends what you mean by "represents" but basically yes, democratic governments need to bribe average voters to stay in power. I accept your underlying point that government don't really care about the people. Government doesn't care about industry either though.


>If government was on the side of the employer they would be allowed to fire all strikers with no severance and hire replacement workers with no minimum wage.
why do you think those laws are there in the first place? Maybe because they were a result of general strikes that fucked up the whole national economy?

>You are not as oppressed as you think you are.

I've never seen the state using an army to suppress capitalists kek.

>basically yes, democratic governments need to bribe average voters to stay in power.

well, they are doing a pretty shit job at it kek

the """bribe""" can't even fucking keep up with inflation


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>If government was on the side of the employer they would be allowed to fire all strikers with no severance and hire replacement workers with no minimum wage
And this was the case for a long time until capital was forced to concede basic rights to workers in the face of massive unrest. Those in power would love a complete dictatorship of the bourgeoisie like there was during much of the 19th century. However due to the collective power of workers channelled through organised labour, it is impossible to strip workers of their basic rights.
>I accept your underlying point that government don't really care about the people. Government doesn't care about industry either though.
Well who do they represent in your mind?

This is a different anon to who you were replying to but I agree with all his points.


>why do you think those laws are there in the first place?
Because government is not 100% on the side of industry as you claim.

>the """bribe""" can't even fucking keep up with inflation

Inflation is how they pay for the brides. Keynesian economics is not a perpetual motion machine it is a snake eating its own tail.

>And this was the case for a long time until capital was forced to concede basic rights to workers in the face of massive unrest.
What specific timeline are you implying exists here?

>However due to the collective power of workers channelled through organised labour, it is impossible to strip workers of their basic rights.

Except it's the government that gave you these "rights" and many things happened to restructure the nature of government in the 20th century including universal suffrage, bretton woods and the cold war.

Or if you want to look at it another way, tell me what happens when workers go on strike in china or russia? Does the economy grind to a halt until the porkies concede "basic rights" or does something else happen?

>Well who do they represent in your mind?

In your model of the world there is the working class who create value through labor and the capitalist class who exploit that labor to turn a profit. But there is also a class of people who use violence to steal resources from workers and capitalists (the political class). And there is a class of people who print the fake money we use and "invest" it with no labor or capital involved (the banking class).

By focusing only on workers vs capitalists or pretending that everyone who is not a worker are all on the same side is causing you to miss large parts of the puzzle.

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