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What do you think leftychan, is it based or cringe?

The way I see it both sides seem to be benefitting, but at what point is one partner taking advantage of the other? Some would argue that this the next stage of economic imperialism from racially european men, as poor asian women are pressured into relationships for a chance to get a visa and a new life in the richer west. But if that's the case why does the trend continue for the richer asian diaspora living in the west? Or is the whole thing is based upon outdated racial stereotypes, which can be very damaging to the psyche of asian men (looking at you /r/aznidentity).
Or maybe white men and asian women just made for each other, and it's all harmless.



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I always thought it was passive racism. People won't like this but there's acceptable forms of bigotry such as fetishizing people sexually based on their race though you do pose an interesting point in referring to it as the continuation of imperialism, though, I always thought that imperialism was an economic forum of expansion though mainly driven by the forces of capitalism? Even colonialism and ancient forms.of imperialism we're Ultimately driven by the profit motive. I don't think benign acts such as intercourse (unless forced ofc) really are all that important. Humanity will eventually encompass the grey race anyway.



It's an unspoken rule. Mostly a mixture of culture and social standing genetics just happen to be thrown in the mix


Also I'm more concerned about their children really, they're gonna be confused as fuck.
It's not even a pol argument but like literally any other mix turns out fine, like black+white is mulatto who can identify as afro-descent and no one bats an eye, then black+anything else will always be black, hispanic/muslim+white, hispanic/muslim+black, hispanic/muslim+asian can keep identifying as that because they're the ultimate mutts. But the hapa is doomed wherever he goes


Kiero Kiero Boneto is a good example of white asian mixing. She is super fucking hot and I would spirt cum on her face for sure.


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>People won't like this but there's acceptable forms of bigotry such as fetishizing people sexually based on their race though you do pose an interesting point
Yeah, if it was only in one partner fetishizing the others race that would be a problem. But when both are, that seems okay to me. All parties are satisfied and fulfilling their desires.


>But the hapa is doomed wherever he goes
You might have a point. Look at Elliot Rodgers. The women turn out fine as the other anon said, but the men do seem to have issues.


That dude was happy kek?


No, Elliot Rodgers was a hapa. His dad was American and his mom was Thai or something like that. In his videos and diaries he was always ranting about how being half asian destroyed his life.


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I'm not sure why they haven't, especially in Japan where their population is crashing. I suspect it's because the booj can move capital so easily internationally now that they really aren't concerned with nationality anymore. Or that to enforce a brutal child support system like the US you need a sprawling police apparatus which isn't possible with states with smaller governments.


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Asian women are better partners because their native country governments have banned single mothers, so they date with intention.

In Asian countries women cannot turn men into their personal debt slaves via child support so they are forced to date men that will actually stick around and raise any child they give birth to, so their standards are way way lower because no one is stupid enough to think Chad will raise any of his bastards.

If Asian countries ever adopted the similar child support laws, Asian women would go right back to being as scornful of low status men as Western women are now.

The spectacle of attractive Asian women jumping into relationships with loser Western men lays this misandrist scam bare. Which is why feminists try to make it out to be about racism or Orientalism which it's not.

Slim, young women with clear skin and symmetrical features will always be desired by men.

What's funny is that Asian women are not even particularly feminine. It's just that Western women have gotten drunk off the tremendous power they have over men and long ago stopped trying to take care of their appearance and instead started demanding men find them attractive no matter how sloven they let themselves be. See the "fat acceptance movement" for an example, acceptance that is never extended to men.

The brutal child support and anti-male family court system keeps western women pumping out babies, but at the expense of ugly poor men who lose the chance to have their own children without at least raising one of Chad's children.

Asian countries could boost their population numbers by copying the US and EU misandrist system. I'm not sure why they haven't, especially in Japan where their population is crashing. I suspect it's because the booj can move capital so easily internationally now that they really aren't concerned with their own nations issues anymore. Or that to enforce a brutal child support system like the US you need a sprawling police apparatus which isn't possible with states with smaller governments.


No one going to comment on my bomb ass thesis.


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Anon there's no need to respond when you have those numbers… but yeah you're correct.
Foids demand abortion rights to "give women a choice" but then support turning men into their serfs with child support payments. The state should cover all costs of raising a child, but in absence of this women should take more things than just looks into account when looking for a partner to have a family with.



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