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What's an incel verdict on Sparta?


<Male infanticide was wasteful only of the mother’s nine-month investment. By eliminating unpromising male infants, the community was not obliged to pay the costs of rearing a boy who would not, as Plutarch puts it, be of use to himself or to the state. The decision ostensibly satisfied eugenic considerations. The infant who failed the initial inspection was eliminated before he could produce children who were likely to inherit his undesirable characteristics.

<A question that is often raised is whether at Sparta girls as well as boys,were vulnerable to infanticide. Nowadays few scholars doubt that girls were regularly exposed in Athens.8 The need to furnish a dowry at, or even before, puberty, and the general devaluation of women, were probably among the reasons why a father might choose not to raise a daughter. Was Sparta the antithesis of Athens? Did Sparta expose all boys who did not appear to have the potential for becoming excellent soldiers, but raise all girls — except, one would suspect, those with obvious and debilitating physical abnormalities?9

<We may deduce from Plutarch’s description that at birth girls were simply handed over to the women. This conclusion is ex silentio; on the other hand, it can be argued that Plutarch was unusually scrupulous among Greek authors in remembering to mention women where it was appropriate. It seems that girls were not subjected to official scrutiny as were Spartan boys, nor, apparently, did fathers make a determination about rearing or exposing them, as they did in Athens. The women would test the babies for epilepsy or sickliness by seeing if a bath in undiluted wine would throw them into convulsions. Plutarch does not state whether the immersion ordeal was part of the official evaluation process, nor does he indicate the fate of the infants, presumably both male and female, who failed the wine-immersion test. He does not tell us whether the women took any action in the case of infants who had failed the test, but if they did not, then what was the point? If the decision to expose apparent weaklings was up to the women, they would have exercised a power usually reserved for men in the Greco-Roman world.

<There probably was change over time, with private citizens taking upon themselves the right to judge the male infant’s viability that had previously been a monopoly of the community.10 Such changes were correlated with the right to dower and to alienate and bequeath property. The individual father’s decision may have followed the verdict of the tribal elders, or the former supplanted the latter totally.At any rate, there is no indication of systematic female infanticide or neglect of girls at Sparta, nor is there any indirect evidence, such as skewed sex ratios. It seems likely that because in Sparta there was no money and women could own land, they could more easily be given a dowry.11 At Athens, where women could not own land, a father would have to furnish cash or movables, and this obligation might well be a deterrent to rearing girls.

<Eugenic principles, such as existed in that era, underlie much of Spartan demographic engineering. The Spartans were celebrated for breeding fine hounds and racehorses, so it is not surprising to see them transfer these notions to human beings. By eliminating weak male infants, they tried to give natural evolution a boost, and through the subsequent rigorous training of boys, they assured the survival of the fittest and future reproduction by them. A mistake might be made, and a man might prove to be a coward. Such tremblers were most likely to be younger men facing their first real conflict, rather than hardened veterans. Anecdotes about Spartan mothers show that they are concerned lest their sons prove to be cowards (see chap.). In any case, cowards did not reproduce, for they were socially ostracized, and neither they nor their sisters (presumably young and not married) could find spouses (Xen. Lac. Pol. .). Eugenic motivations may also be detected in the choices made in wife-sharing or husband-doubling arrangements (see below). Plutarch (Lyc. .) agrees with Xenophon that a man could ask a husband if he might plant his seed in a wife who had already produced children, but he also attributes the initiative to the husband. For example an elderly man with a young wife might offer her a handsome, noble young man, and then adopt the children born of this union (Plut. Lyc. .). Daniel Ogden has speculated that Spartans believed that in the process of wife-lending, male sperm could mingle and produce offspring who were thought to have descended from two male parents. 12 Though the male contribution to the embryo was usually thought to dominate, it is also necessary to pay sufficient attention to the female contribution. The rejection of cowards’ sisters and of some wives in favor of married women who were euteknos (“blessed with good children”) and gennaia (“well born”) reveals a belief that the mother was more than merely a fertile field for the father’s seed, and that each woman continued to make her own particular contribution to the offspring. Indeed, in Plutarch’s Sayings of Spartan Women (e.g., e, d), the mothers take all the credit for the way their sons turn out. Of course this is an exaggeration that results from the author’s effort to prove that Sparta was very different in this respect from other Greek cities where mothers had little to do with the rearing of sons after the age of seven. Xenophon (Lac. Pol. .) reports that at Sparta fathers were involved in their children’s upbringing. Nevertheless, Plutarch’s view on the strong influence of mothers is corroborated by other sources (see chap. ).

Eugenics-kun, your opinion?



<There is no reason to assume that the sexuality of Spartan women was repressed or indeed less assertive than that of the men, or, of course, to assume the contrary. If we rely on the judgment of Teiresias, who had been both male and female, women’s capacity to enjoy sex was nine times greater than men’s. Xenophon and Plutarch speak of desire for intercourse on the part of both spouses, though within the limits of modesty.31 Plutarch (Lyc. . ) also refers to flirtatious behavior when the girls parade nude before the bachelors, trying to interest them in marriage. Perhaps this competition for men continued after marriage. Xenophon at first reports the incitement for wife-lending or husband-doubling from the male perspective: “a man could choose a woman who was already mother of a fine family and of high birth.” Since the goal of the liaison was only reproduction, it made sense for the potential genitor to choose a mature woman who had already proven her ability to reproduce, rather than a young virgin. Plutarch (Lyc. .) agrees with Xenophon, and draws attention to the age and impotence of the husband and the attractiveness and nobility of the lover. Though no ancient source mentions that any woman actively chose her surrogate husband, we suggest that a lively young wife would be able to exert influence on a feeble old husband. Why should a modern scholar assume that women were passive in these arrangements? And why did the attractive man in question choose one woman rather than another? It is not improbable that she solicited his attention. One revered example of a Spartan woman who chose a man younger than her husband is of course Helen. Spartans, because of their respect for tradition, took their mythical exempla seriously, and Helen must have been a major figure in a Spartan woman’s thoughts even before marriage (see chap. ). In cases where the husband was old, the young man who was allowed to have intercourse with the wife was physically and morally attractive. Though eugenic goals were primary, we need not assume that the wife’s experience with her surrogate husband was unpleasant.


>If we rely on the judgment of Teiresias, who had been both male and female, women’s capacity to enjoy sex was nine times greater than men’s.
You heard it redpilloids, straight out of the horses mouth…


>We may speculate that if female infanticide were not common, polyandry would have left some women unmarried. There was, however, so much movement out of the Spartiate class downward that the resultant sex ratio becomes unfathomable. We may also speculate about the possibility of intermarriage between full-blooded Spartan women and members of the various subordinate classes in Laconia, though there is little evidence for such arrangements, with one exception. A story about the founding of Tarentum is worth discussing, though its veracity has been questioned for many reasons.44 During the archaic period, when the army was in the field for many years and it was uncertain whether the men would ever return safely, the Ephors (“Overseers,” elected magistrates) directed that the women have intercourse with helots in order to produce a new crop of children who could replace the men in case they never came home. When the army did return to Sparta, the children born of miscegenation were sent off to found the colony that became known as Tarentum. This episode—if it actually occurred—was exceptional, and clearly an emergency measure. Furthermore, that Greek women would be forced to have intercourse with their social inferiors, who were simultaneously at war with their polis, is difficult to believe, though the eugenics program perhaps was not yet in place. 45 If these liaisons ever occurred, it is no suprise that the Spartans sent the offspring off to a colony. It is also reported that after many Spartans died in the war with the Messenians, they made some helots go to bed with the widows of the dead men so that their lack of manpower would not be apparent. They made these helots citizens.46 In general, hypogamy was not an option for elite Greek women, and there is nothing in the education of Spartan women that prepared them for such a possibility. Polybius’ (..) version of the official insemination program is more credible: the Lacedaemonians sent back to their country men in their prime of life for the purpose of begetting children.


<Homosexuality and nonreproductive forms of heterosexual copulation also reduced fertility. Homosexual ties among Spartans were common.14 Although Aristophanes depicts Spartan husbands as just as sex-starved in wartime as the rest of the Greeks and cowed by their wives’ refusal to have intercourse,15 he also makes some jokes about the Spartan males’ homosexual activities and predilection for anal intercourse.16 According to Xenophon (Lac. Pol. .) and Plutarch (Inst. Lac. ), the erotic relationships between men were purely spiritual. Elsewhere, Plutarch (Lyc. ) emphasizes the spritual aspect, but does not specifically rule out the physical relationship.


<The Oikos and the Family Economy

>The script for the secret marriage, in which the bridegroom stealthily visits the bride and the marriage is not made public until she is pregnant, indicates that the bride did not have to endure the trauma of losing her virginity and moving to a new home simultaneously. We do not have conclusive evidence about the couple’s domicile during all stages of the marriage.21 It seems likely that after a while, perhaps after the birth of a child, the bride left her parent’s house to live with her husband. We do not know if the marriage was neolocal. Since the couple married when the bride was in her late teens and the groom slightly older, 22 there was a strong possibility that their parents would still be living. Xenophon does not indicate the domicile of a wife who took a male partner in addition to her husband so that she could control two oikoi (see chap. ). Perhaps she used both residences so as to be better able to manage them. How the kleros system affected the pattern is difficult to envisage. Heiresses (brotherless women), of whom there were many, may have remained in their ancestral homes. Women in a matrilocal situation certainly enjoy more domestic power. 23 In any case, the possibility of a change of domicile is not as important as it was in a polis like Athens in view of the fact that Sparta was a “closed” society without distant cleruchies (land allotments in a foreign country) or numerous colonies. As we have noted above, marriage was highly endogamous and although the territory of Sparta was extensive, a bride did not run the same risk as her Athenian counterpart of being separated from her family by a long sea voyage. Furthermore, Plutarch’s report (Lyc. ) on the pederastic relationships between respectable adult women and unmarried girls refers to a multigenerational female social milieu in which, we may assume, family members would continue to mingle.


>Mothers and Sons: Ideology of Motherhood

<In order to inculcate her offspring with patriotism, the mother had to have the correct attitude herself. Spartan women were renowned for enthusiastically sacrificing their sons for the welfare of the state. Instead of lamenting at the death of their sons, they took pride in the bravery that had led to that fate. Perhaps the delay in bonding with a son, caused by the necessity to await the verdict of the elders as to whether the infant was fit to be reared, created a psychological distance between a mother and her male offspring. In Athens, women mourned the dead, lavished grave goods upon them, and visited funerary monuments; but in Sparta, grave goods and mourning were controlled, restricted in some circumstances and mandated in others. For example, when a king died, one man and one woman from each family were obliged to lament.28 When the Spartans conquered Messenia, they forced the freeborn women to mourn over men who were not related or connected to them (Aelian, VH .). Modern psychology and sociobiology has taught us not to consider any particular version of human maternal behavior as “natural”; motherhood is socially as well as biologically constructed. Spartan women did not travel, and the family lives of perioikoi (free, but noncitizens) and helots were inappropriate for citizens. The only alternative model for the rearing of sons that was available to Spartan mothers was that for the rearing of daughters, and the latter would not have produced fine specimens of Spartan manhood. Thus, doubtless, Spartan mothers did rear their sons according to the customs and expectations of their state and society.

<At least at some time, not only did women sanction the official ideology of motherhood, but several, in fact, were architects of it. The first example is Theano, mother of the traitor Pausanias. When her son had sought asylum in a building that was part of the sanctuary of Athena of the Bronze House, and the Ephors were in a quandary, Theano did not plead for his life. Instead, she placed a brick at the door of the temple and left. Following her example, the Ephors then blocked up the doors, leaving Pausanias inside.29 Aelian reports (VH .) that Spartan mothers lamented in private if a son’s corpse bore the majority of wounds on the back.30 That these anecdotes are not mere exaggeration and correspond to some historical reality is confirmed by the behavior of the Spartans after their defeat at Leuctra. The women were ordered not to mourn, but to suffer in silence. The next day, kinsfolk of those who had been killed in the battle wore happy faces, while the kinsfolk of the soldiers who had survived were sad.


>Quotations in Plutarch’s Sayings of Spartan Women also indicate that women promoted the ideal of Spartan motherhood. These aphorisms were attributed to famous women who lived in the classical and Hellenistic period, including Gorgo, daughter of Cleomenes and wife of Leonidas; Argileonis, mother of Brasidas; Gyrtias, mother of Acrotatus (who died at Megalopolis in  ...); and to undatable or anonymous women as well.31 Spartans were the only Greek women whose statements were deemed worthy of quotation. I doubt that what we have here is propaganda actually written by men but ascribed to women in order to make the statements more dramatic and persuasive. The quotations were probably collected not only because of their wit and pithiness, but because they revealed familial attitudes that non-Spartans deemed amazing and noteworthy. For example:

<Because Damatria heard that her son was a coward and not worthy of her, she killed him when he arrived. This is the epigram about her: His mother killed Damatrius who broke the laws, She a Spartan lady, he a Spartan youth. (Sayings of Spartan Women, .f)

<Another Spartan woman killed her son, who had deserted his post because he was unworthy of Sparta. She declared: “He was not my offspring . . . for I did not bear one unworthy of Sparta.” (Sayings of Spartan Women, .)

<Another, hearing that her son had fallen at his post, said: “Let the cowards be mourned. I, however, bury you without a tear, my son and Sparta's.(Sayings of Spartan Women, .)

<Another, hearing that her son had been saved and had fled from the enemy, wrote to him: A bad rumor about you is circulating. Either absolve yourself at once, or cease to exist. (Sayings of Spartan Women, .)

<Another, when her sons had run away from a battle and come to her, said: "Wretched runaway slaves, where have you come to? Or do you plan to steal back in here whence you emerged?" And she pulled up her clothes and exposed herself to them. (Sayings of Spartan Women, .)

<A woman, when she saw her son approaching, asked: "How does our country fare?" And when he said:"All are dead,"she picked up a tile, threw it at him, and killed him, saying:"Then did they send you to bring us the bad news?"(Sayings of Spartan Women .)


<These exemplary mothers would not tolerate a son’s act of cowardice. Such behavior tainted with dishonor not only the soldier but his female relatives as well. In the case of Damatria and Damatrius, the son’s name echoed his mother’s.32 Perhaps owing in part to the belief that acquired characteristics could be inherited, his sisters (note that his brothers are not mentioned), like the coward himself, could not find anyone willing to marry them, and his mother (note, not his father) might take his life for it. In view of the Spartan equation of womanhood with marriage and motherhood, the sisters received a harsh sentence. There was a strong likelihood that the family would become extinct. That mothers were reputed to enjoy the patriarchal power of Roman fathers and could kill their adult offspring who had disgraced them by their lack of patriotism is unprecedented in the ancient world.33 It is striking that both Greek and Roman traditions assert that the Spartan mother could pass judgment on an adult son unilaterally and behave so violently against her own offspring.

<Some mothers appear to have actively sought their son’s martyrdom, as we see again in Plutarch:

>As a woman was burying her son, a shabby old woman came up to her and said, “You poor woman, what a misfortune!”“No, by the two goddesses, what a good fortune,” she replied, “because I bore him so that he might die for Sparta, and that is what has happened for me.” (Sayings of Spartan Women, .)

>Another woman handed her son his shield and exhorted him:“Son, either with this or on this.” (Sayings of Spartan Women, .)

<Since Spartan women could manage their own property and lived close to their kinsmen and friends in a relatively well-protected territory, widowhood and the loss of a son were probably not such frightening and dreary prospects as the comparable situations were at Athens. Defeat by the helots or by a foreign power and the ensuing rape, slavery, or even death were more terrifying.

<Most of the Sayings of Spartan Women concerning mothers and sons (or in the case of Gyrtias, a grandson) focus on the son’s bravery; in fifteen quotations he shows himself worthy, in nine unworthy, and in one saying (.) one son is brave, another a coward. There are other themes as well. One saying draws attention to the pride of a mother of many sons as a well-known feature of Spartan ethnicity:

>When an Ionian woman was boasting about one of the tapestries she had woven (which was indeed of great value), a Spartan woman showed off her four most dutiful sons and said they were the kind of thing a noble and good woman ought to produce and she should boast of them and take pride in them. (Sayings of Spartan Women, .)

<Another saying emphasizes motherhood as the podium from which Spartan women dominated men:

>When a woman from Attica asked “Why is it that you Spartans are the only women who can rule men?” Gorgo replied,“Because we are the only ones who give birth to men.” (Sayings of Spartan Women, .)34

<As the last two quotations discussed above suggest, motherhood could be a fulfilling experience for women, especially, a modern woman imagines, where nurses are available and the mother has no domestic chores.35 Women’s procreative role can contribute to their feelings of self-esteem as well as to a position of prestige not only in the family, but within the state. Some states in more recent times have sought to include women in this way, thus linking private with public. As an example, I will discuss not Nazi Germany, but the United States of America.


<In the young American Republic, motherhood was designed as a political role for women: their assignment was to produce public-minded children. Republican motherhood functioned in several ways like Spartan motherhood and can serve as a heuristic model for the latter. Here, private and the public spheres intersect. Women were encouraged to display patriotism by sacrificing the men whom they loved. They were proud of their role in shaping a new generation of citizens. Women’s history was marshaled into service to promote this view. According to Julia Sargent Murray, who lived from  to  and wrote essays on a variety of subjects including women’s education:

>The character of the Spartan women is marked with uncommon firmness. At the shrine of patriotism they immolated nature. Undaunted bravery and unimpeached honor was, in their estimation, far beyond affection. The name of Citizen possessed, for them, greater charms than that of Mother; and so highly did they prize the warrior’s meed, that they are said to have shed tears of joy over the bleeding bodies of their wounded sons.36

<Three-quarters of a century later, the Confederate States of America displayed their conservatism by retaining not only slavery but also some features of Republican motherhood. During the American Civil War, inspired by patriotic propaganda, some southern women behaved in ways similar to those Plutarch attributes to Spartans. Women would leave bonnets and hoopskirts at the homes of young men who had not enlisted, with a letter commanding them to volunteer or be stigmatized as unmanly. They exhorted the troops to come home only if they wore laurel crowns of victory or were carried on shields of honor.37 A mother wrote in the Winchester Virginian: “I am ready to offer you up in defense of your country’s rights and honor and I now offer you, a beardless boy of  summers, —not with grief, but thanking God that I have a son to offer.”38

<Upper-class southerners were familiar with Greek and Roman history. It would be ironic if they were influenced by ancient propaganda that had failed to sway the women toward whom it was originally directed. At any rate, these examples from the more recent past persuade me that there is no universal maternal instinct which inspires mothers to save their son’s life without hesitation.39 Some—even many—Spartan women might have harbored sentiments similar to those of women in southern American states and conformed to the ideal of motherhood prevalent at the time, especially since the consequences of defeat were horrendous. Of course, not all American women in the early Republic, or all Confederate women, embraced this particular patriotic ideology enthusiastically. Some women were more reluctant to sacrifice their menfolk on behalf of slavery or “states’ rights.”

Funny, I also heard about the same thing in Bongland, where femoids would give men white flowers in if they were not enlisted.


The role of femoids in nationalist warmongering ideological machine is seriously underappreciated.

War in some aspects truly never changes, just like two and a half centuries ago Spartan bitches were warmongering from a safe distance while not having a hide in the fight, and so is today you see femoids in the firsts rows screaming for war lol.


Extremely based. We should return to this practice.

Letting male children stay alive without having proved their fighting spirit is christian faggotry.


>Muh nationalism
>Muh warmongering

Cry harder, faggot. You are a perfect example of what happens when a society doesn't practice eugenics


>Extremely based. We should return to this practice.
The absolute state. Fucking femoid manslave.

I told you all redpilloids are the biggest cucks.
The spartan males were the original redpilloids. And look where it got them.


>You are a perfect example of what happens when a society doesn't practice eugenics
Nah, Sparta is a perfect example of what happens when society starts eugenics program.

We are already subject to eugenic program by elites, that's why you see the dictatorship of the feminists.



Centuries of glory, and people still speaking about them.

What more could you ask for? Video games and corn syrup?

This is the problem. There are too many seething faggots. Don't pretend like your doing something interesting because, 'muh I'm not a cuck you hurr hurr.'

Your just a stunted loser faggot who can't even perform the most basic requisite task of a man - slay. It's pathetic. Men don't respect you, women don't want to fuck you. You're broke. For all intents and purposes, your a failure at life with an ego too large to realize it.

Your parents are probably massive faggots too. Otherwise, they would boot your NEET ass onto the streets.


You conflate eugenics with technocracy


says pathetic manslave that can't wait to be a woman's lapdog whose only purpose is to be killed for femoid property


there is obviously a eugenics program going on
this whole sex change program is just the latest expression of it
it is actually decades old


>whose only purpose is to be killed for femoid property
also while at the same time being cucked by prettychad helots


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The best survival strategy in that environment is being a coward that is good at simulating bravery. People aren't race-horses it's stupid to attempt breeding people like they are.

The only realistic option is to optimize society and focusing on improving nurture, to get the best out of the human material that you've got. Level up science and technology as much as you can. Maybe you can try to fix human biology when you leveled up far enough that you actually understand exactly how all the parts work. Otherwise you're just randomly banging a piece of metal with a hammer, hoping to get a jet-engine.


Imagine living your life in perpetual fear of becoming a 'cuck,' to the extent that you forever remain a virgin while gloating about it.
>Be wagie eunuch fag
>Probably a barista or dishwasher
>Serve couples for minimum wage
>'muh, what a cuck,' you say under your breathe while scrapping their leftovers into a trashcan

If you were mgtow and actually doing something cool with your life, I could see the argument for forgoing relationships in order to pursue better goals. But, let's be real… You're not that guy either.


>If you were mgtow and actually doing something cool with your life, I could see the argument for forgoing relationships in order to pursue better goals.
kek, what better goals men-sent-their-own-way are pursuing? Goals of bitching and whining on youtube? Goals of crying for the n-th time about just how much of your net worth was taken by your ex-wife and how much you now hate women? Goals of whining and crying and crying and whining again and again incessantly about how many unpaid debts you now have and how you now live in a shared crackden? lmao


>It's not liberal society rejecting you, it's your personal failings. Liberalism is a perfect meritocracy donchaknow.
Lib detected.


>Weird projection
Usually men's goal revolve around building status or power, overcoming a challenge, or alternatively creating something that is useful/valuable to others. It's typically easier to do great things when you're not babysitting/entertaining women. I tend to agree that much of mgtow media is lame, and 'men-sent-there-own-way' is often an accurate summation. But….

You seem to have this idea in your head that every male is either a) financially damaged by women or b) being cucked. The only alternative you seem to be able to imagine is being a spiteful wormy little incel. It's very telling as to the sort of male you are.

As far as I can tell, you're just an incel who believes their somehow better than other men, despite having nothing to show in terms of worldly achievements.

>Inb4 'my lack of achievements is somehow a virtue.'

Really faggy. I would feel bad for you. But the reality is, people tend to get out of life what they deserve. it's a competitive world. You're just losing.




>If you feel victimized than you're mentally ill.
Liberalism everyone


>You will never know what fucking a virgin is like.
That's not true, I fucked a few in high school. We're not all gender fluid homos like you kek


So you're not a virgin, yet you ended up an incel?
How terrible did you have to be at life to end up like that?


Who said I'm an incel? Just because I have solidarity with incels makes me an incel too? Ever heard of something called a prostitute? Or sex tourism? I'm only unable to fuck western women. But there's a whole lot more out there than chewed up man hating US women kek.


pfff.. you call that a score fags? I deflowered 100 virgins when I was still in kindergarten..


Fucking clueless twink boys isn't a conquest. Anyone could do that, homosexual men are promiscuous as hell. It's like bragging about having sex with your mom kek.


I'm deflowering a virgin right now.


Ya, you're an incel. Being a whoremonger and paying for unenthusiastic sex from literal whores doesn't stop you from being an incel. Sorry


Ya, you literally are mentally ill


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>Definition of incel: Short for "involuntary celibate"
>Me: Has sex
>Still incel somehow.
Also when I take trips overseas I get sex on dates. Cope more picrel


>If you don't believe liberal society is a perfect meritocracy you're mental ill
OK lib


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You pay for transactional sex. No sex you have is with a woman that desires you. Technically not an incel, but close enough.


that not what blackpill is you dumb slut

blackpill is about tradeoff
even fucking 5'2 balding indian janitor can get a roastbeef if he betabuxes hard enough
what blackpill asks is "is it worth it?"


isn't your whole redpilloid philosophy is about transactional sex for money and power n shit?


#1.) It's psypost so the study is probably some stupendously obvious self selecting population like collage students
#2)There's an implicit liberal biased assumption that incels are in fact not victims.
Actual scientific studies show that believing in a meritocracy makes you more cruel. Exhibit (A) (you).
There's other studies that show that marginalized people like incels tend to be more caring and empathetic than normies that don't struggle. I'll dig them up.


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You roastie feminists are just moving the goalposts. The original pejorative just meant someone that doesn't have sex because that antithetical to women who pretty much universally can have sex with someone at anytime.
Also if it's pathetic to have sex with someone that doesn't desire you, what about all the women who are heartbroken when Chad pumps and dumps them? Are they as pathetic as incels too?


This has been common blackpill knowledge for years. Many incels argue that a white man can never be a true incel, just someone too lazy to improve themselves.
Not sure why you posted this as some kind of clap back. It completely aligns with my beliefs.


>Many incels argue that a white man can never be a true incel, just someone too lazy to improve themselves.
not everyone can afford to move to asia or india to play his white card tho, there is also a language barrier


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He thinks the low quality droppings whores offer nowadays is "sex". The joke that is commodification, lol.
The whole thing of whoring is a trap to laugh at those who are not in the club where sex is free and easy. If you're paying money for a pure lie and have the shame and trouble of being a whoremonger on top of it, you're an idiot. Don't pay those bitches a dime. The system will keep them up anyway - if there were no men buying whores, it would be necessary to support them like temple prostitutes, because it's part of the trap we live in. Intel ghouls will never give up prostitution and porn, because it's too useful for their purposes, and that's who proliferates porn as much as it has been. Sane countries know to stamp that shit out rather than let it take over everything.

Ugly truth is that most men are incel, but tell themselves their miserable existence is okay and don't want to be one of those people. No one likes a complainer, after all. There are many strategies for coping with this. The "golden age" where marriage was common was always a lie, and now the lie is being destroyed because it is no longer necessary. They're mandating orgies and artificial insemination and they're very aggressive about pushing it. They do not want us, and they never wanted us. If your only argument for yourself is that no one else will have you, that isn't a really good cause for fucking. Better for everyone to be alone.

Also Sparta got their shit kicked in by anyone who could beat a phalanx. which was eventually everyone. The Spartans were smart enough to know they were going to lose in the long term, but dumbasses like to take the name of the Spartans to justify their faggot versions of it, so they can get young men killed for horseshit. So, they're not a good example.
Bitches have always clamored for war though, and then claim to be the victims. It's all a great game to them, and if they suffer for it, it's just the way of the world and they keep going back to it. Few of them have any sustained principles to stop the war drive, and when they do it is almost always about an economic incentive since war is really fucking expensive. How can they have nice things for me me me if the money is all spent on weapons and paying off generals?
Sparta is not unique in exposing the unwanted children. That has always been the case. That's why abortion is proliferated today - it's ritual sacrifice but we say it's totally normal and the child doesn't suffer. If not enough people "choose" abortion, CPS goes after kids to kill them or use them for Mengele experiments. They'll never give that up.
That by itself is not "eugenics". Eugenics is when that ritual sacrifice becomes the central guiding principle and violently destroys all other concepts of law. Eugenics and philosophical anarchism go hand in hand.

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